def inject_config(self, env_config: ConfigEnvironment) -> None: super(DefaultScenario, self).inject_config(env_config) # Initialize TileDB storage needed for the scenario specific data exp_tmp_dir = self._env_config.temp_dir( experiment_id=self.experiment_id) if self._env_config is not None and exp_tmp_dir is not None: abs_path = pathlib.Path(exp_tmp_dir).resolve().joinpath( 'def_tdb_arrays') self.__tiledb_group_name = abs_path.as_uri() self.__tiledb_stats_array = abs_path.joinpath('stats').as_uri() # Create the tileDB group of arrays used by this scenario tdb_gtype = tiledb.object_type(self.__tiledb_group_name) if tdb_gtype is None: # Group does not exist tiledb.group_create(self.__tiledb_group_name) elif tdb_gtype == 'array': # Exist but an array tiledb.remove(self.__tiledb_group_name) # Remove the array tiledb.group_create( self.__tiledb_group_name) # Create a group instead self._clear_arrays() self._mdde_result_folder_root = env_config.result_dir(self, get_root=True)
def run(self): # Workload selected_workload: EDefaultYCSBWorkload = EDefaultYCSBWorkload.READ_10000_100000_LATEST_LARGE if self._config.light: selected_workload: EDefaultYCSBWorkload = EDefaultYCSBWorkload.READ_10000_100000_LATEST # Config registry_config = os.path.realpath(self._config.config) """Path to MDDE Registry configuration file.""" # Temp dir mdde_temp_dir = os.path.realpath(self._config.env_temp_dir) """Path to a folder where MDDE should store its temporary files.""" os.makedirs(os.path.abspath(mdde_temp_dir), exist_ok=True) # Result paths result_dir_path_root = Path(self._config.result_dir).resolve() result_dir_path_mdde_obj = result_dir_path_root.joinpath("mdde") result_dir_path_mdde_obj.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) result_dir_path_mdde = str(result_dir_path_mdde_obj) """Path to the folder where MDDE would output the result.""" mdde_config = ConfigEnvironment(tmp_dir=mdde_temp_dir, result_dir=result_dir_path_mdde) # Registry configuration config_container = ConfigRegistry() # Create agents agents = list() idx = 0 for node in config_container.get_nodes(): agents.append( SingleNodeDefaultAgent(, agent_id=idx,, write_stats=True, allow_do_nothing=self._config.do_nothing)) idx += 1 # Create scenario num_fragments: int = self._config.n_frags write_stats: bool = True if self._config.sim: scenario = DefaultScenarioSimulation( num_fragments=num_fragments, num_steps_before_bench=self._config.bench_psteps, agents=agents, benchmark_clients=self._config.bench_clients, data_gen_workload=selected_workload, bench_workload=selected_workload, write_stats=write_stats) # Number of YCSB threads else: scenario = DefaultScenario( num_fragments=num_fragments, num_steps_before_bench=self._config.bench_psteps, agents=agents, benchmark_clients=self._config.bench_clients, data_gen_workload=selected_workload, bench_workload=selected_workload, write_stats=write_stats) # Number of YCSB threads # Set multiplier to the sore related term of the default reward function scenario.set_storage_importance(self._config.store_m) # Set ho much do-nothing worth scenario.set_do_nothing_worth(self._config.dn_worth) def obs_shaper_2d_box(obs): """Reshapes the environment into a form suitable for 2D box. Example 1. Note: Guaranteed to work only with the Default agent - Default scenario combination.""" # Resulted shape (Example for default scenario and default single-node agent: 2 agents, 5 fragments): # a_1: [0-4(allocation) 5-9(popularity) 10-14(ownership binary flag)] # a_2: [0-4(allocation) 5-9(popularity) 10-14(ownership binary flag)] # Hint: 2D array where rows are agents, and attributes in columns are as shown above. return obs.reshape((obs.shape[0], obs.shape[1] * obs.shape[2]), order='F') def obs_shaper_flat_box(obs): """Reshapes the environment into a form suitable for 2D 'flat' box. Example 2. Note: Guaranteed to work only with the Default agent - Default scenario combination.""" # Resulted shape (Example for default scenario and default single-node agent: 2 agents, 5 fragments): # [0-4(a_1: allocation) 5-9(a_1: popularity) 10-14(a_1: ownership binary flag) # 15-19(a_2: allocation) 20-24(a_2: popularity) 25-29(a_2: ownership binary flag)] return obs.reshape((obs.shape[0], obs.shape[1] * obs.shape[2]), order='F')\ .reshape((obs.shape[0] * obs.shape[1] * obs.shape[2]), order='C') maac_run(config=self._config, mdde_config=mdde_config, scenario=scenario, write_stats=True, observation_shaper=obs_shaper_flat_box)
def run(self, config, workload): # Result paths result_dir_path_root = Path(self.run_result_dir).resolve() result_dir_path_mdde_obj = result_dir_path_root.joinpath("mdde") result_dir_path_mdde_obj.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) result_dir_path_mdde = str(result_dir_path_mdde_obj) # Config config_file_full_path = str(Path(self.mdde_registry_config).resolve()) # MDDE tmp temp_env_dir = self.env_temp_dir mdde_config = ConfigEnvironment(tmp_dir=temp_env_dir, result_dir=result_dir_path_mdde) def make_env(host: str, port: int, reg_config: str, env_config: ConfigEnvironment, write_stats: bool, initial_benchmark: bool = False) -> Environment: """ Configure MDDE environment to run default. :param host: MDDE registry host or IP. :param port: MDDE registry control port. :param reg_config: Path to MDDE registry config. :param env_config: Environment configuration object. :param write_stats: True to write additional analytics info. :param initial_benchmark: Execute benchmark immediately upon execution. :param do_nothing: Enable or disable the agents' "do_nothing" action. :return: MDDE Environment. """ # Ray is peculiar in the way it handles environments, passing a pre-configured environment might cause # unexpected behavior. Customize the code of this extension if more complex environment are needed # Create Registry client tcp_client = RegistryClientTCP(host, port, keep_open=True) read_client: PRegistryReadClient = tcp_client write_client: PRegistryWriteClient = tcp_client ctrl_client: PRegistryControlClient = tcp_client # Registry configuration config_container = ConfigRegistry() # Create agents agents = list() idx = 0 for node in config_container.get_nodes(): agents.append( SingleNodeDefaultAgent(, agent_id=idx,, write_stats=write_stats, allow_do_nothing=True)) idx += 1 # Create scenario scenario = DefaultScenarioSimulation( num_fragments=self.NUM_FRAGMENTS, num_steps_before_bench=config.bench_psteps, agents=agents, data_gen_workload=workload, bench_workload=workload, benchmark_clients=config.bench_clients, write_stats=write_stats) # Number of YCSB threads # Create environment environment = Environment(config=env_config, scenario=scenario, registry_ctrl=ctrl_client, registry_write=write_client, registry_read=read_client, write_stats=write_stats, write_obs_at_bench=False) # Re-generate data environment.initialize_registry(with_benchmark=initial_benchmark) return environment env = make_env(host=self.mdde_registry_host, port=self.mdde_registry_port, reg_config=config_file_full_path, env_config=mdde_config, write_stats=True, initial_benchmark=True) """Initialized instance of the environment.""" episode = 0 while episode < config.num_episodes: episode += 1"Episode: {}".format(episode)) step = 0 obs_s, act_l_s = env.observation_space while step < config.ep_len: act_n = {} for agent_id, agent_legal_act in act_l_s.items(): legal_act_indexes = np.where(agent_legal_act == 1)[0] act_n[agent_id] = np.random.choice(legal_act_indexes, 1, replace=True)[0] obs_s, reward, done, act_l_s = env.step(act_n) for idx_r, agent_reward in reward.items():"Reward at step {} for agent {}: {}".format( step, idx_r, agent_reward))"Sum of rewards: %d", sum(reward.values())) # self.tune_estimations(step_num=step, env=env) step += 1 obs_s, act_l_s = env.reset()
def run_dqn(self, config): # RAY tmp temp_dir_full_path_obj = Path(self.ray_temp_dir).resolve() temp_dir_full_path_obj.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) temp_dir_full_path = str(temp_dir_full_path_obj) # Result paths result_dir_path_root = Path(self.run_result_dir).resolve() # Separate MDDE output and Ray output result_dir_path_ray_obj = result_dir_path_root.joinpath("ray") result_dir_path_ray_obj.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) result_dir_path_ray = str(result_dir_path_ray_obj) result_dir_path_mdde_obj = result_dir_path_root.joinpath("mdde") result_dir_path_mdde_obj.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) result_dir_path_mdde = str(result_dir_path_mdde_obj) # Config config_file_full_path = str(Path(self.mdde_registry_config).resolve()) # MDDE tmp temp_env_dir = self.env_temp_dir os.makedirs(os.path.abspath(temp_env_dir), exist_ok=True) ray.init( num_gpus=0, num_cpus=4, #temp_dir=temp_dir_full_path ) mdde_config = ConfigEnvironment(tmp_dir=temp_env_dir, result_dir=result_dir_path_mdde) def make_env(host: str, port: int, reg_config: str, env_config: ConfigEnvironment, write_stats: bool, initial_benchmark: bool = False, do_nothing: bool = True) -> Environment: """ Configure MDDE environment to run default. :param host: MDDE registry host or IP. :param port: MDDE registry control port. :param reg_config: Path to MDDE registry config. :param env_config: Environment configuration object. :param write_stats: True to write additional analytics info. :param initial_benchmark: Execute benchmark immediately upon execution. :param do_nothing: Enable or disable the agents' "do_nothing" action. :return: MDDE Environment. """ # Ray is peculiar in the way it handles environments, passing a pre-configured environment might cause # unexpected behavior. Customize the code of this extension if more complex environment are needed # Create Registry client tcp_client = RegistryClientTCP(host, port) read_client: PRegistryReadClient = tcp_client write_client: PRegistryWriteClient = tcp_client ctrl_client: PRegistryControlClient = tcp_client # Registry configuration config_container = ConfigRegistry() # Create agents agents = list() idx = 0 for node in config_container.get_nodes(): agents.append( SingleNodeDefaultAgent(, agent_id=idx,, write_stats=write_stats, allow_do_nothing=do_nothing)) idx += 1 # Create scenario scenario = DefaultScenario( num_fragments=20, num_steps_before_bench=config.bench_psteps, agents=agents, benchmark_clients=config.bench_clients, write_stats=write_stats) # Number of YCSB threads # Create environment environment = Environment(config=env_config, scenario=scenario, registry_ctrl=ctrl_client, registry_write=write_client, registry_read=read_client, write_stats=write_stats) # Re-generate data environment.initialize_registry(with_benchmark=initial_benchmark) return environment def obs_shaper_2d_box(obs): """Reshapes the environment into a form suitable for 2D box. Example 1. Note: Guaranteed to work only with the Default agent - Default scenario combination.""" # Resulted shape (Example for default scenario and default single-node agent: 2 agents, 5 fragments): # a_1: [0-4(allocation) 5-9(popularity) 10-14(ownership binary flag)] # a_2: [0-4(allocation) 5-9(popularity) 10-14(ownership binary flag)] # Hint: 2D array where rows are agents, and attributes in columns are as shown above. return obs.reshape((obs.shape[0], obs.shape[1] * obs.shape[2]), order='F') def obs_shaper_flat_box(obs): """Reshapes the environment into a form suitable for 2D 'flat' box. Example 2. Note: Guaranteed to work only with the Default agent - Default scenario combination.""" # Resulted shape (Example for default scenario and default single-node agent: 2 agents, 5 fragments): # [0-4(a_1: allocation) 5-9(a_1: popularity) 10-14(a_1: ownership binary flag) # 15-19(a_2: allocation) 20-24(a_2: popularity) 25-29(a_2: ownership binary flag)] return obs.reshape((obs.shape[0], obs.shape[1] * obs.shape[2]), order='F') \ .reshape((obs.shape[0] * obs.shape[1] * obs.shape[2]), order='C') sample_selected_shaper = obs_shaper_flat_box """Observation shaper selected. Set None if you want to use the default one in the wrapper.""" # Create and initialize environment before passing it to Ray # This makes it impossible to run multiple instances of the environment, however it's intentional due to the # the nature of the environment that's represented as a distributed infrastructure of services, it can't be # easily created and destroyed as a simple local game-like environment env_instance = MddeMultiAgentEnv( env=make_env(host=self.mdde_registry_host, port=self.mdde_registry_port, reg_config=config_file_full_path, env_config=mdde_config, write_stats=False, initial_benchmark=False, do_nothing=config.do_nothing), observation_shaper=sample_selected_shaper) def env_creator(kvargs): env = make_env(**kvargs) return MddeMultiAgentEnv(env=env, observation_shaper=sample_selected_shaper) register_env("mdde", env_creator) # generate policies based on the created environment instance def gen_policy(i): return (None, env_instance.observation_space_dict[i], env_instance.action_space_dict[i], { "agent_id": i, "obs_space_dict": env_instance.observation_space_dict[i], "act_space_dict": env_instance.action_space_dict[i], }) policies = { "policy_%d" % i: gen_policy(i) for i in env_instance.action_space_dict.keys() } policy_ids = list(policies.keys()) def policy_mapping_fn(agent_id): return policy_ids[agent_id] exp_name = "DQN_MDDE_DEBUG" exp_config = { # === Log === "log_level": "ERROR", # === Environment === "env_config": { "host": self.mdde_registry_host, "port": self.mdde_registry_port, "reg_config": config_file_full_path, "env_config": mdde_config, "write_stats": True, "do_nothing": config.do_nothing }, "num_envs_per_worker": 1, "horizon": config.ep_len, # === Policy Config === # --- Model --- "n_step": 1, #"gamma": config.gamma, # --- Replay buffer --- "buffer_size": config.buffer_size, # --- Optimization --- "lr":, "learning_starts": config.learning_starts, "train_batch_size": self.TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE, "batch_mode": "truncate_episodes", # --- Parallelism --- "num_workers": 0, "num_gpus": 0, "num_gpus_per_worker": 0, # === Multi-agent setting === "multiagent": { "policies": policies, "policy_mapping_fn": ray.tune.function(policy_mapping_fn) }, } if config.debug: # Run DQN within the same process (useful for debugging) dqn_trainer = DQNTrainer(env="mdde", config=exp_config) for step in range(0, config.num_episodes * config.ep_len): dqn_trainer.train() else: trainer = DQNTrainer run_experiments( { exp_name: { "run": trainer, "env": "mdde", "stop": { "episodes_total": config.num_episodes, }, "checkpoint_freq": 0, "local_dir": result_dir_path_ray, "restore": False, "config": exp_config }, }, verbose=0, reuse_actors=False ) # reuse_actors=True - messes up the results
def run(self, config, workload): # Result paths result_dir_path_root = Path(self.run_result_dir).resolve() result_dir_path_mdde_obj = result_dir_path_root.joinpath("mdde") result_dir_path_mdde_obj.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) result_dir_path_mdde = str(result_dir_path_mdde_obj) # Config config_file_full_path = str(Path(self.mdde_registry_config).resolve()) # MDDE tmp temp_env_dir = self.env_temp_dir mdde_config = ConfigEnvironment(tmp_dir=temp_env_dir, result_dir=result_dir_path_mdde) def make_env(host: str, port: int, reg_config: str, env_config: ConfigEnvironment, write_stats: bool, initial_benchmark: bool = False) -> Environment: """ Configure MDDE environment to run default. :param host: MDDE registry host or IP. :param port: MDDE registry control port. :param reg_config: Path to MDDE registry config. :param env_config: Environment configuration object. :param write_stats: True to write additional analytics info. :param initial_benchmark: Execute benchmark immediately upon execution. :param do_nothing: Enable or disable the agents' "do_nothing" action. :return: MDDE Environment. """ # Ray is peculiar in the way it handles environments, passing a pre-configured environment might cause # unexpected behavior. Customize the code of this extension if more complex environment are needed # Create Registry client tcp_client = RegistryClientTCP(host, port, keep_open=True) read_client: PRegistryReadClient = tcp_client write_client: PRegistryWriteClient = tcp_client ctrl_client: PRegistryControlClient = tcp_client # Registry configuration config_container = ConfigRegistry() # Create agents agents = list() idx = 0 for node in config_container.get_nodes(): agents.append( SingleNodeDefaultAgent(, agent_id=idx,, write_stats=write_stats, allow_do_nothing=True)) idx += 1 # Create scenario scenario = DefaultScenario( num_fragments=self.NUM_FRAGMENTS, num_steps_before_bench=config.bench_psteps, agents=agents, data_gen_workload=workload, bench_workload=workload, benchmark_clients=config.bench_clients, write_stats=write_stats) # Number of YCSB threads # Create environment environment = Environment(config=env_config, scenario=scenario, registry_ctrl=ctrl_client, registry_write=write_client, registry_read=read_client, write_stats=write_stats) # Re-generate data environment.initialize_registry(with_benchmark=initial_benchmark) return environment env = make_env(host=self.mdde_registry_host, port=self.mdde_registry_port, reg_config=config_file_full_path, env_config=mdde_config, write_stats=False, initial_benchmark=True) """Initialized instance of the environment.""" node_id_actions = { agent.data_node_ids[0]: agent.get_actions_described() for agent in env._scenario.get_agents() } """Data node id as a key. Actions of the agent managing the node as values""" step = 0 throughput_history = [] while True: # Get full initial allocation nodes, sorted_fragments, allocation = env._scenario.get_full_allocation_observation( registry_read=env._registry_read) act_n = self.select_actions(allocation, node_id_actions, nodes, sorted_fragments) if len([a for a in act_n.values() if a != 0]) == 0: logging.debug("All agents are doing nothing, breaking") break obs_s, reward, done, act_l_s = env.step(act_n) #throughput_history.append(env._scenario._throughput) # Addressing protected property of the Default scenario for idx_r, agent_reward in reward.items():"Reward at step {} for agent {}: {}".format( step, idx_r, agent_reward))"Sum of rewards: %d", sum(reward.values())) self.tune_estimations(step_num=step, env=env) step += 1 logging.debug("Done after %d steps", step)"Throughput history: {}".format( ", ".join(throughput_history))) # Get described actions agents = env._scenario.get_agents() node_agents = {agent.data_node_ids[0]: agent for agent in agents} self.out_final_results()
def test_initialization(self): # Scenario config agents_path = '../../debug/agents' mdde_config = ConfigEnvironment(agents_path) os.makedirs(os.path.abspath(agents_path), exist_ok=True) # Create Registry client tcp_client = RegistryClientTCP(self.REGISTRY_HOST, self.REGISTRY_PORT, keep_open=False) read_client: PRegistryReadClient = tcp_client write_client: PRegistryWriteClient = tcp_client ctrl_client: PRegistryControlClient = tcp_client # Create agents config_container = ConfigRegistry() agents = list() idx = 0 for node in config_container.get_nodes(): agents.append(SingleNodeDefaultAgent(, idx, idx += 1 # Create scenario scenario = DefaultScenario( num_fragments=20, num_steps_before_bench=5, agents=agents, benchmark_clients=5, data_gen_workload=EDefaultYCSBWorkload.READ_10000_1000_LATEST, bench_workload=EDefaultYCSBWorkload.READ_10000_1000_LATEST) env_config = ConfigEnvironment(tmp_dir='../../debug/debug/temp', result_dir='../../debug/debug/result') # Create environment environment = Environment(config=env_config, scenario=scenario, registry_ctrl=ctrl_client, registry_write=write_client, registry_read=read_client, write_stats=True) # Re-generate data environment.initialize_registry(with_benchmark=True) # Reset observations = environment.reset() # Retrieve observation and action spaces osb, act_l = environment.observation_space act: Dict[int, int] = environment.action_space # Run benchmark environment.benchmark() # Make few totally legal steps: for i in range(0, 10): osb, act_l = environment.observation_space action_n = {} for k, v in act_l.items(): legal_idx_pool = [] for l_idx, l_act in np.ndenumerate(v): if l_act > 0: legal_idx_pool.append(l_idx[0]) action_n[k] = random.choice(legal_idx_pool) obs_s, reward_s, done, act_l = environment.step(action_n=action_n) # Make steps for i in range(0, 1000): osb, act_l = environment.observation_space action_n = {} for k, v in act.items(): action_n[k] = random.randrange(0, v - 1) obs_s, reward_s, done, act_l = environment.step(action_n=action_n) # Run benchmark environment.benchmark() # Reset reset = environment.reset() # Run benchmark environment.benchmark() # Make steps for i in range(0, 1000): osb = environment.observation_space action_n = {} for k, v in act.items(): action_n[k] = random.randrange(0, v - 1) obs_s, reward_s, done, act_l = environment.step(action_n=action_n) # Run benchmark environment.benchmark()