예제 #1
def run(path=resource_manager.Properties.getDefaultDataFold()+"txt"+resource_manager.getSeparator()+"build.txt",sep=' '):
    return cluster id
    i,j distance
    (dist,xxdist,ND,N) = readfile(path, dimensions = 2, sep=sep)
    XY, eigs = mds(dist)
    (rho,delta,ordrho,dc,nneigh) = rhodelta(dist, xxdist, ND, N, percent = 2.0)
    DCplot(dist, XY, ND, rho, delta,ordrho,dc,nneigh,17,0.1)
예제 #2
def recon(D, method):
    if method == 'SDP':
        return recover_coords(D, method='SDP')
    elif method == 'MDS':
        return mds(D)
    elif method == 'FM':
        return MatrixTo3D(D)[0]
        print("Unsupported method!")
예제 #3
파일: run.py 프로젝트: XMCX-LCY/bs
def run(*args, **kwargs):
    return cluster id
    file = kwargs.get('fi')
    sep = kwargs.get('sep',' ')
    (dist,xxdist,ND,N) = readfile(file, dimensions = 2, sep=sep)
    XY, eigs = mds(dist)
    (rho,delta,ordrho,dc,nneigh) = rhodelta(dist, xxdist, ND, N, percent = 2.0)
    DCplot(dist, XY, ND, rho, delta,ordrho,dc,nneigh,17,0.1,31)
예제 #4
def callback(iters, current, env):
    print 'Callback: ', iters

    # get all traces
    env.updategui = False
    traces = env.evaluate_policy(current)
    env.updategui = True
    pickle.dump(traces, open('traces{0}.pck'.format(iters), 'w'),

    # measure task performance
    avg_reward = 0
    for t in traces:
        avg_reward += sum([i[2] for i in t])
    avg_reward = avg_reward / float(len(traces))
    print 'Avg reward: ', avg_reward

    # find current embedding
    ematrix = np.zeros((512, 512))
    for (i, t) in enumerate(traces):
        for (j, s) in enumerate(traces):
                    j] = edit_distance_vc([e[1] for e in t], [l[1] for l in s],
                                          (1.0, 1.0, 1.2))
    pickle.dump(ematrix, open('ematrix{0}.pck'.format(iters), 'w'),
    y, s, adj = isomap(ematrix)
    if len(y) < 512:
        # fallback to mds if more than 1 connected component
        print "More than 1 CC - Falling back to MDS"
        y, s = mds(ematrix)
        adj = None

    # plot stuff later because of pylab / pygame incompat on mac
    # save embedding image - multiple formats?
    #scatter(y[:,0],y[:,1], filename='scatter{0}.pdf'.format(iters))

    # save scree plot
    #plot(s[:10], filename='scree{0}.pdf'.format(iters))

    # procrustes error
    gt = env.coords_array()
    err = procrustes(gt, y)
    print "Procrustes ", err

    pickle.dump((iters, err, gt, avg_reward, current, y, s, adj),
                open('misc{0}.pck'.format(iters), 'w'),

예제 #5
def isomap(d, fnc='k', size=7, dimensions=2):
    """ Compute isomap instead of mds. Currently neighborhoods of type k are supported. """
    if not len(d.shape) == 2:
        raise ValueError("d must be a square matrix")

    # the put operation is destructive to d
    ld = cluster_graph(d, fnc=fnc, size=size, graph='distance')
    adj = cluster_graph(d, fnc=fnc, size=size, graph='adjacency')

    # shortest paths will find connected components
    tmp = np.less(ld, fpconst.PosInf)  # 0-1
    groups = list_components(tmp)

    # now do classical mds on largest connected component
    groups.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(len(x), len(y)), reverse=True)
    dg = slice_matrix(ld, groups[0], groups[0])

    Y, eigs = mds(dg, dimensions)

    return (Y, eigs, adj)
예제 #6
파일: isomap.py 프로젝트: dds-dong/csmath
def isomap(d, fnc = 'k', size = 7, dimensions = 2):
    """ Compute isomap instead of mds. Currently neighborhoods of type k are supported. """
    if not len(d.shape) == 2:
        raise ValueError, "d must be a square matrix"

    # the put operation is destructive to d
    ld = cluster_graph(d, fnc = fnc, size = size, graph = 'distance')
    adj = cluster_graph(d, fnc = fnc, size = size, graph = 'adjacency')

    # shortest paths will find connected components
    tmp = np.less(ld, fpconst.PosInf) # 0-1
    groups = list_components(tmp)

    # now do classical mds on largest connected component
    groups.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(len(x),len(y)), reverse=True)
    dg = slice_matrix(ld, groups[0], groups[0])

    Y,eigs = mds(dg, dimensions)

    return (Y, eigs, adj)
예제 #7
파일: plot.py 프로젝트: stober/lspi
    for k in range(13):

        # traces = pickle.load(open('traces{0}.pck'.format(k)))
        # # find current embedding
        # ematrix = np.zeros((512,512))        
        # for (i,t) in enumerate(traces):
        #     for (j,s) in enumerate(traces):
        #         #ematrix[i,j] = edit_distance_vc([e[1] for e in t], [l[1] for l in s], (1.0, 1.0, 1.5))
        #         ematrix[i,j] = non_dtw_distance([e[1] for e in t], [l[1] for l in s], default = 8, costf=adist)

        # pickle.dump(ematrix,open('ematrix_revised{0}'.format(k),'w'),pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        ematrix = pickle.load(open('ematrix_revised{0}'.format(k)))
        y,s = mds(ematrix)
        pylab.title("Iteration {0}".format(k))

if False:
    traces = pickle.load(open('traces13.pck'))
    # find current embedding
    ematrix = np.zeros((512,512))        
    for (i,t) in enumerate(traces):
        for (j,s) in enumerate(traces):
            #ematrix[i,j] = edit_distance_vc([e[1] for e in t], [l[1] for l in s], (1.0, 1.0, 1.5))
            ematrix[i,j] = non_dtw_distance([e[1] for e in t], [l[1] for l in s], default = 8, costf=adist)
    y,s = mds(ematrix)#isomap(ematrix)
예제 #8
# svd
tfros, tvars, tstr, mbs = svd(Ro, Go, Bo, index)
Fros[0, :] = transpose(tfros)
var[0, :] = transpose(tvars)
Stress[0, :] = transpose(tstr)
storages[0, :] = transpose(mbs)

# pca
tfros, tvars, tstr, mbs = pca(Ro, Go, Bo, index)
Fros[1, :] = transpose(tfros)
var[1, :] = transpose(tvars)
Stress[1, :] = transpose(tstr)
storages[1, :] = transpose(mbs)

# mds
tfros, tvars, tstr, mbs = mds(Ro, Go, Bo, index)
Fros[2, :] = transpose(tfros)
var[2, :] = transpose(tvars)
Stress[2, :] = transpose(tstr)
storages[2, :] = transpose(mbs)

storages = storages / storage_o

# plot images
fig = plt.figure()
# plot frobenius norm for the three methods
a = fig.add_subplot(221)
plt.plot(log10(index[0]), Fros[0, :], color='r', linewidth=2.0, label='svd')
plt.plot(log10(index[0]), Fros[1, :], color='g', label='pca')
plt.plot(log10(index[0]), Fros[2, :], color='b', label='mds')
plt.xlabel('k log10 scale')
    xlabel='Unemployment rate (%)',
    ylabel='murders per year per 1,000,000 inhabitants',
    title='Murder rates in correlaction with unemployment \n (Centered)',

weed_crop_train = np.loadtxt('IDSWeedCropTrain.csv', delimiter=',')
weed_crop_train = weed_crop_train[:, :-1]

weed_crop_test = np.loadtxt('IDSWeedCropTest.csv', delimiter=',')

eigenvalues_p, eigenvectors_p, mean_p = pca(weed_crop_train)

datamatrix = mds(weed_crop_train, 2, show_pc_plots=True)

plotify.scatter_plot(x_list=[datamatrix[0, :]],
                     y_list=[datamatrix[1, :]],
                     xlabel='PC 1',
                     ylabel='PC 2',
                     title='First 2 PCs of the Pesticide dataset')

datamatrix = mds(weed_crop_train, 3, show_pc_plots=False)

plotify.scatter3d(x=datamatrix[0, :],
                  y=datamatrix[1, :],
                  z=datamatrix[2, :],
                  xlabel='PC 1',
                  ylabel='PC 2',
예제 #10
for row in cfd_mds_data[:-1]:
    cols = row.split('\t')
    f1 = int(cols[0])
    f2 = int(cols[1])
    imageLocations[f1] = cols[2]
    imageLocations[f2] = cols[3]
    similarity = float(cols[4])
    difference_matrix[f1][f2] = (comparison_count[f1][f2] * difference_matrix[f1][f2] + similarity) / (difference_matrix[f1][f2] + 1)

for y, row in enumerate(difference_matrix):
    for x, cell in enumerate(row):
        if cell == 0:
            if x != y:
                difference_matrix[y][x] = average_similarity
                difference_matrix[y][x] = 7
        difference_matrix[y][x] -= 7
        difference_matrix[y][x] *= -1

positions2d, eigs2d = mds.mds(difference_matrix, 2)
positions1d, eigs1d = mds.mds(difference_matrix, 1)

locations2d = file('2dlocations.txt', 'w+')
locations1d = file('1dlocations.txt', 'w+')
for index, position in enumerate(positions2d):
    locations2d.write('"{0}"\t{1}\t{2}\n'.format(imageLocations[index], position[0], position[1]))
for index, position in enumerate(positions1d):
    locations1d.write('"{0}"\t{1}\n'.format(imageLocations[index], position[0]))

예제 #11
    pool = Pool(6)
    results = []
    traces[272] = [(272, 0, 0.0, 272)]  # fix for empty trace
    for (i, t) in enumerate(traces):
        for (j, s) in enumerate(traces):
            r = pool.apply_async(dtw_apply, (i, j, t, s))

    ematrix = np.zeros((512, 512))
    for r in results:
        (i, j, d) = r.get()
        ematrix[i, j] = d

    # ematrix[i,j] = dtw_distance([e[1] for e in t], [l[1] for l in s], costf=cost_func)
    np.save("test_matrix.npy", ematrix)
    y, s = mds(ematrix)
    # pylab.scatter(y[:,0],y[:,1])
    # pylab.show()

if False:
    traces = pickle.load(open("perf_pca_traces.pck"))
    from dtw import edit_distance_vc

    ematrix = np.zeros((512, 512))
    for (i, t) in enumerate(traces):
        for (j, s) in enumerate(traces):
            ematrix[i, j] = edit_distance_vc([e[1] for e in t], [l[1] for l in s], (1.0, 1.0, 1.2))

    np.save("ematrix5.npy", ematrix)
예제 #12
파일: plot.py 프로젝트: QueensGambit/lspi
    for k in range(13):

        # traces = pickle.load(open('traces{0}.pck'.format(k)))

        # # find current embedding
        # ematrix = np.zeros((512,512))
        # for (i,t) in enumerate(traces):
        #     for (j,s) in enumerate(traces):
        #         #ematrix[i,j] = edit_distance_vc([e[1] for e in t], [l[1] for l in s], (1.0, 1.0, 1.5))
        #         ematrix[i,j] = non_dtw_distance([e[1] for e in t], [l[1] for l in s], default = 8, costf=adist)

        # pickle.dump(ematrix,open('ematrix_revised{0}'.format(k),'w'),pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        ematrix = pickle.load(open('ematrix_revised{0}'.format(k)))

        y, s = mds(ematrix)
        pylab.title("Iteration {0}".format(k))
        pylab.scatter(y[:, 0], y[:, 1], c=colors)

if False:
    traces = pickle.load(open('traces13.pck'))
    # find current embedding
    ematrix = np.zeros((512, 512))
    for (i, t) in enumerate(traces):
        for (j, s) in enumerate(traces):
            #ematrix[i,j] = edit_distance_vc([e[1] for e in t], [l[1] for l in s], (1.0, 1.0, 1.5))
            ematrix[i, j] = non_dtw_distance([e[1] for e in t],
                                             [l[1] for l in s],
예제 #13
파일: main.py 프로젝트: omoindrot/INF582
# svd
tfros,tvars,tstr,mbs = svd(Ro,Go,Bo,index)
Fros[0,:] = transpose(tfros)
var[0,:] = transpose(tvars)
Stress[0,:] = transpose(tstr)
storages[0,:] = transpose(mbs)

# pca
tfros,tvars,tstr,mbs = pca(Ro,Go,Bo,index)
Fros[1,:] = transpose(tfros)
var[1,:] = transpose(tvars)
Stress[1,:] = transpose(tstr)
storages[1,:] = transpose(mbs)

# mds
tfros,tvars,tstr,mbs = mds(Ro,Go,Bo,index)
Fros[2,:] = transpose(tfros)
var[2,:] = transpose(tvars)
Stress[2,:] = transpose(tstr)
storages[2,:] = transpose(mbs)

storages = storages/storage_o

# plot images 
fig = plt.figure() 
# plot frobenius norm for the three methods
a = fig.add_subplot(221) 
plt.xlabel('k log10 scale')
예제 #14
파일: vg_exp.py 프로젝트: DaomingLyu/lspi
    action_traces.append([j[1] for j in v.single_episode(policy, start=i)])

print action_traces

def costf(a, b):
    return np.abs(a - b)

n = len(action_traces)
ematrix = np.zeros((n, n))
for (i, t) in enumerate(action_traces):
    for (j, s) in enumerate(action_traces):
        ematrix[i, j] = non_dtw_distance(t, s, default=0, costf=costf)

y, s = mds(ematrix)
pylab.title("Sensorimotor Distances")
colors = ['red', 'orange', 'green', 'blue']
pts = []
for i in range(4):
    lbl = ""
    if i == 0:
        lbl = "Farthest Object"
    elif i == 3:
        lbl = "Closest Object"
        lbl = "None"
    print lbl
    pts.append(pylab.scatter([y[i, 0]], [y[i, 1]], c=colors[i], label=lbl))
# pylab.gca().set_xticklabels([])
예제 #15
파일: comb.py 프로젝트: stober/lspi
    # gw.set_arrows(pi)
    # gw.background()

    # dump weights in case we need them in the future
    pickle.dump(weights0, open("exp_comb/weights.pck", "w"), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    # generate traces for sensorimotor embedding
    traces = gw.evaluate_policy(w0)
    pickle.dump(traces, open("exp_comb/comb_traces.pck", "w"), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    ematrix = np.zeros((49, 49))
    for (i, t) in enumerate(traces):
        for (j, s) in enumerate(traces):
            ematrix[i, j] = edit_distance([e[1] for e in t], [l[1] for l in s])

    y, s = mds(ematrix)

    pylab.scatter(y[:, 0], y[:, 1], c=colors)

    # MVU

    N = gw.neighbors([0, 2, 4, 6])

    # base colors on true points
    pts = np.array(gw.states.values())
    colors = create_norm_colors(pts)
예제 #16
파일: vg_exp.py 프로젝트: stober/lspi
action_traces = []
for i in [91,93,95,97]:
    action_traces.append([j[1] for j in v.single_episode(policy, start=i)])

print action_traces

def costf(a,b):
    return np.abs(a-b)

n = len(action_traces)
ematrix = np.zeros((n, n))
for (i, t) in enumerate(action_traces):
    for (j, s) in enumerate(action_traces):
        ematrix[i, j] = non_dtw_distance(t,s,default=0, costf=costf)
y,s = mds(ematrix)
pylab.title("Sensorimotor Distances")
colors = ['red','orange','green','blue']
pts = []
for i in range(4):
    lbl = ""
    if i == 0:
        lbl = "Farthest Object"
    elif i == 3:
        lbl = "Closest Object"
        lbl = "None"
    print lbl
# pylab.gca().set_xticklabels([])
예제 #17
from proximityMatrix import proximityMatrix

proxMat = proximityMatrix(clf, X_train)

print("proxMat: \n", proxMat)

from sklearn.manifold import TSNE

embeddedModel = TSNE(n_components=2).fit_transform(proxMat)


embeddedModel_ = TSNE(n_components=6).fit_transform(proxMat)


from mds import mds, square_points

Y, eigs = mds(proxMat)


pylab.plot(points[:,0], points[:,1], '.')

예제 #18
import numpy as np
from mds import mds
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm
if __name__ == "__main__":
    Cities = np.array([
        'BeiJing', 'ShangHai', 'HeZe', 'GuangZhou', 'DaTong', 'XiAn', 'HerBin',
    D = np.matrix(
        '0 2.16 4.68 3.33 5.85 2.08 1.91 2.08;0 0 12.95 2.41 9.33 2.58 2.91 1.08;0 0 0 17.91 11.76 9.56 21 8;0 0 0 0 36 2.58 4.16 2.25;0 0 0 0 0 16.26 24 16.88;0 0	0 0 0 0 2.91 2;0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.83 ;0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'
    X = mds((D + np.transpose(D)) / 2)
    ArrayX = np.array(X)
    colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(ArrayX)))
    for x, c, name in zip(ArrayX, colors, Cities):
        plt.scatter(x[0], x[1], label=name, color=c)
    plt.title('City locations under MDS')
예제 #19
    # dump weights in case we need them in the future
    pickle.dump(weights0, open("exp_comb/weights.pck", "w"),

    # generate traces for sensorimotor embedding
    traces = gw.evaluate_policy(w0)
    pickle.dump(traces, open("exp_comb/comb_traces.pck", "w"),

    ematrix = np.zeros((49, 49))
    for (i, t) in enumerate(traces):
        for (j, s) in enumerate(traces):
            ematrix[i, j] = edit_distance([e[1] for e in t], [l[1] for l in s])

    y, s = mds(ematrix)

    pylab.scatter(y[:, 0], y[:, 1], c=colors)

    # MVU

    N = gw.neighbors([0, 2, 4, 6])

    # base colors on true points
    pts = np.array(gw.states.values())
    colors = create_norm_colors(pts)
예제 #20
    pool = Pool(6)
    results = []
    traces[272] = [(272, 0, 0.0, 272)]  # fix for empty trace
    for (i, t) in enumerate(traces):
        for (j, s) in enumerate(traces):
            r = pool.apply_async(dtw_apply, (i, j, t, s))

    ematrix = np.zeros((512, 512))
    for r in results:
        (i, j, d) = r.get()
        ematrix[i, j] = d

    #ematrix[i,j] = dtw_distance([e[1] for e in t], [l[1] for l in s], costf=cost_func)
    np.save('test_matrix.npy', ematrix)
    y, s = mds(ematrix)

if False:
    traces = pickle.load(open("perf_pca_traces.pck"))
    from dtw import edit_distance_vc

    ematrix = np.zeros((512, 512))
    for (i, t) in enumerate(traces):
        for (j, s) in enumerate(traces):
                    j] = edit_distance_vc([e[1] for e in t], [l[1] for l in s],
                                          (1.0, 1.0, 1.2))

    np.save('ematrix5.npy', ematrix)