예제 #1
def combine_trj_without_water(trj_names,top_names):
    print "loaded TRJ: ",trj_names
    print "loaded TOP: ",top_names
    trj=md.load_mdcrd(trj_names[0], top_names[0])                          #We load the first traj
    atom_index=[]                                                          #atoms # that will be kept in the new traj
    for el in trj.top.atoms:                                               #We select the atom that are not water
        if str(el.residue)[0:3]!='HOH': atom_index.append(el.index) 
    trj=trj.atom_slice(atom_index)                                         #We keep only the non water atom
    for trj_temp_name, top_temp_name in zip(trj_names[1:],top_names[1:]):  #We concatenate the trj:
        trj_temp=md.load_mdcrd(trj_temp_name, top_temp_name)               #   we load them
        trj_temp=trj_temp.atom_slice(atom_index)                           #   we remove water
        trj.join(trj_temp)                                                 #   we join them to the main trj
예제 #2
    def test_ComparetoMDtraj(self):
        import mdtraj as md
        traj = pt.load(filename="./data/Tc5b.x",
        m_top = md.load_prmtop("./data/Tc5b.top")
        m_traj = md.load_mdcrd("./data/Tc5b.x", m_top)
        m_traj.xyz = m_traj.xyz * 10  # convert `nm` to `Angstrom` unit

        arr0 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=0)
        arr1 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=0)
        arr2 = pt.rmsd(traj, )
        a_md0 = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, 0)
        aa_eq(arr0, arr1)
        aa_eq(arr0, arr2)
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md0)

        arr0 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=-1)
        arr1 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=-1)
        a_md = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, -1)
        aa_eq(arr0, arr1)
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md)

        mask = ":3-18@CA,C"
        atm = traj.top(mask)
        arr0 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=-1, mask=mask)
        arr1 = pt.rmsd(traj, mask=atm.indices, ref=-1)
        arr2 = pt.rmsd(traj, mask=list(atm.indices), ref=-1)
        arr3 = pt.rmsd(traj, mask=tuple(atm.indices), ref=-1)
        a_md = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, -1, atm.indices)
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr1, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr2, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr3, a_md)

        fa = Trajectory(traj)
        arr0 = pt.rmsd(fa, ref=-1, mask=mask)
        arr1 = pt.rmsd(fa, mask=atm.indices, ref=-1)
        arr2 = pt.rmsd(fa, mask=list(atm.indices), ref=-1)
        arr3 = pt.rmsd(fa, mask=tuple(atm.indices), ref=-1)
        a_md = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, -1, atm.indices)
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr1, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr2, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr3, a_md)

        fa = Trajectory(traj)
        mask = "!@H="
        atm = fa.top(mask)
        arr0 = pt.rmsd(fa, ref=4, mask=mask)
        a_md = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, 4, atm.indices)

        # exclude 0-th frame for ref
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md)
예제 #3
    def test_ComparetoMDtraj(self):
        import mdtraj as md
        traj = pt.load(filename=tc5b_trajin, top=tc5b_top)
        m_top = md.load_prmtop(tc5b_top)
        m_traj = md.load_mdcrd(tc5b_trajin, m_top)
        m_traj.xyz = m_traj.xyz * 10  # convert `nm` to `Angstrom` unit

        arr0 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=0)
        arr1 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=0)
        arr2 = pt.rmsd(traj, )
        a_md0 = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, 0)
        aa_eq(arr0, arr1)
        aa_eq(arr0, arr2)
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md0)

        arr0 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=-1)
        arr1 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=-1)
        a_md = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, -1)
        aa_eq(arr0, arr1)
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md)

        mask = ":3-18@CA,C"
        atm = traj.top(mask)
        arr0 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=-1, mask=mask)
        arr1 = pt.rmsd(traj, mask=atm.indices, ref=-1)
        arr2 = pt.rmsd(traj, mask=list(atm.indices), ref=-1)
        arr3 = pt.rmsd(traj, mask=tuple(atm.indices), ref=-1)
        a_md = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, -1, atm.indices)
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr1, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr2, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr3, a_md)

        fa = Trajectory(traj)
        arr0 = pt.rmsd(fa, ref=-1, mask=mask)
        arr1 = pt.rmsd(fa, mask=atm.indices, ref=-1)
        arr2 = pt.rmsd(fa, mask=list(atm.indices), ref=-1)
        arr3 = pt.rmsd(fa, mask=tuple(atm.indices), ref=-1)
        a_md = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, -1, atm.indices)
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr1, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr2, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr3, a_md)

        fa = Trajectory(traj)
        mask = "!@H="
        atm = fa.top(mask)
        arr0 = pt.rmsd(fa, ref=4, mask=mask)
        a_md = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, 4, atm.indices)

        # exclude 0-th frame for ref
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md)
예제 #4
def load_trj(filename, top):
        return md.load(filename, top=top)
    except (IOError, TypeError):
        return md.load_netcdf(filename, top=top)
    except (IOError, TypeError):
        return md.load_mdcrd(filename, top=top)
    except (IOError, TypeError):
        print('Trajectory format not recognized. Exiting.')
def singlepoint(topol, trajs):
    energies = []
    for traj in trajs:
        top_file = topol
        #traj = sys.argv[2] #collection of mdcrd/coordiantes

        #load each frame and use it as a coordinate
        #mdtraj_top = mdtraj.load_prmtop(top_file)
        mdtraj_dcdfile = mdtraj.load_mdcrd(traj, top=top_file)
        nframes = len(mdtraj_dcdfile)
        #create a folder to store the crds
        if not os.path.exists("rst7_sire_files"):

        #print("reading the mdcrd file... %s frames" %(nframes))
        for framenumber in range(0, nframes):
            #create a Sire system
            rst_file = "rst7_sire_files/%i.rst7" % framenumber
                "rst7_sire_files/%i.rst7" % (framenumber))
            amber = Amber()
            molecules, space = amber.readCrdTop(rst_file, top_file)
            system = createSystem(molecules)
            # Define forcefields
            system = setupForcefields(system, space)
            #print(framenumber , system.energy())#.value())

        #print("removing folder...")
        cmd = "rm -r rst7_sire_files"

        minimum = min(energies)
        new_energies = []
        for val in energies:
            new_val = val - minimum
            # if new_val <1000 : new_energies.append(new_val)
        outputenergy = open('energySinglepoint.dat', 'w')
        for energy in new_energies:
            outputenergy.write(str(energy) + '\n')
        return [energy for energy in new_energies]
예제 #6
    return system

if __name__ == "__main__":
 for traj in sys.argv[2:]:    
    top_file = sys.argv[1] #topology file
    #traj = sys.argv[2] #collection of mdcrd/coordiantes
    #load each frame and use it as a coordinate 
    #mdtraj_top = mdtraj.load_prmtop(top_file)
    mdtraj_dcdfile = mdtraj.load_mdcrd(traj,top=top_file)
    nframes= len(mdtraj_dcdfile)
    #create a folder to store the crds 
    if not os.path.exists("rst7_sire_files"):

    print("reading the mdcrd file... %s frames" %(nframes))
    for framenumber in range(0, nframes): 
        #create a Sire system 
        rst_file = "rst7_sire_files/%i.rst7" % framenumber
        mdtraj_dcdfile[framenumber].save_amberrst7("rst7_sire_files/%i.rst7" %(framenumber))
        amber = Amber()
        molecules, space = amber.readCrdTop(rst_file, top_file)
예제 #7
Results are plotted as a graph (interactions_frames.png) and saved as a .csv file (interactions_frames.csv)
If the script is being run on the complex using ejm_49, please use the --ejm_49 option to calculate
cation-pi interactions. This script must be used within a production simulation folder, as it reads the
Usage: python atomic_distances.py [--ejm_49]

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
                    help="add cation-pi interactions for ligand ejm_49",
args = parser.parse_args()

#Load trajectory
print("Loading trajectory...")
traj = md.load_mdcrd('production_short.mdcrd',

print("Calculating atomic distances...")
#Note: See project paper for reasoning of cutoff distance used for various interactions

#Common Van Der Waals' Contacts:
#Cutoff of 4.0 angstroms used for VDW contacts

#Calculate distance between Val92 atom CG2 (sidechain C) and ligand atom C10 (pyridine) in each frame
vdw_pyridine1_val92 = traj.top.select("resid 91 and name CG2")
vdw_pyridine1_mol289 = traj.top.select("resid 288 and name C10")
vdw_pyridine1_indices = np.array(
    [vdw_pyridine1_val92[0], vdw_pyridine1_mol289[0]], ndmin=2)
vdw_pyridine1 = md.compute_distances(traj, vdw_pyridine1_indices)
#Apply cutoff and only save distances within cutoff range