def doAlgSteps(algKey, startStep, stopStep, stats, stckIDs, MaxTrade = False): if len(stckIDs) == 1: accumulate = True else: accumulate = False alginfo = meTools.memGet(meSchema.meAlg, algKey) if MaxTrade: alginfo.Cash = alginfo.Cash + stats['PandL'] alginfo.TradeSize = (0.94/len(stckIDs)) desires = liveAlg.getStepRangeAlgDesires(algKey, alginfo, startStep, stopStep) buydelta = meTools.memGet(meSchema.tradeCue, alginfo.BuyCue).TimeDelta selldelta = meTools.memGet(meSchema.tradeCue, alginfo.SellCue).TimeDelta orderDesires = desires.keys() orderDesires.sort() for step in range(startStep, stopStep + 1): stopRange = 80 if (step - startStep - 44)%stopRange == 0: stats = doStops(step, copy.deepcopy(stats), alginfo, stopRange) potentialDesires = [meTools.buildDesireKey(step, algKey, stckID) for stckID in stckIDs] # must feed stckIDs into func? for key in potentialDesires: if key in orderDesires: currentDesire = eval(desires[key]) for des in currentDesire: # Eventually re-do desires[key] to be just dict with 'Symbol' 'Shares' keys. buysell = cmp(currentDesire[des]['Shares'], 0) Symbol = des tradeCash, PandL, position = princeFunc.mergePosition(eval(desires[key]), copy.deepcopy(stats['Positions']), step, accumulate) cash = tradeCash + copy.deepcopy(stats['Cash']) if buysell == -1: timedelta = selldelta lastTradeStep = stats['lastSell'] elif buysell == 1: timedelta = buydelta lastTradeStep = stats['lastBuy'] if cash > 0 and lastTradeStep <= step - timedelta: if buysell == -1: stats['lastSell'] = step elif buysell == 1: stats['lastBuy'] = step stats['CashDelta'].appendleft({'Symbol' : Symbol, 'buysell' : buysell, 'value' : tradeCash, 'PandL' : PandL, 'step' : step}) if len(stats['CashDelta']) > 800: stats['CashDelta'].pop() stats['Cash'] = cash stats['PandL'] += PandL stats['Positions'] = position return stats
def getCurrentReturn(liveAlgInfo, stopStep, Cash=None): originalNameSpace = namespace_manager.get_namespace() namespace_manager.set_namespace("") alginfo = meTools.memGet(meSchema.meAlg, meTools.buildAlgKey(1)) namespace_manager.set_namespace(originalNameSpace) if Cash is not None: startCash = Cash else: startCash = alginfo.Cash stopStepQuotes = princeFunc.getStepQuotes(stopStep) for liveAlgKey in liveAlgInfo: positions = eval(liveAlgInfo[liveAlgKey].Positions) positionsValue = 0.0 for symbol in positions: currentPrice = stopStepQuotes[symbol] posPrice = positions[symbol]["Price"] shares = positions[symbol]["Shares"] positionsValue += (currentPrice - posPrice) * shares liveAlgInfo[liveAlgKey].PosVal = positionsValue liveAlgInfo[liveAlgKey].percentReturn = ( liveAlgInfo[liveAlgKey].PosVal + liveAlgInfo[liveAlgKey].PandL ) / startCash liveAlgInfo[liveAlgKey].numTrades = len(eval(liveAlgInfo[liveAlgKey].CashDelta)) history = eval(liveAlgInfo[liveAlgKey].history) history.appendleft({"step": stopStep, "return": liveAlgInfo[liveAlgKey].percentReturn}) liveAlgInfo[liveAlgKey].history = repr(history) return liveAlgInfo
def doNext(JobID, stepType, model): ''' JobID passed between all steps. Used to get globalStop, initialStop. stepType in ['weeklyDesires', 'weeklyBackTests', 'calculateRvals', 'weeklyLiveAlgs'] model in ['', 'backTestResult', 'liveAlg'] ''' callback = '/simulate/processCallback' unique = JobID.split('-')[1] stops = meTools.memGet(meSchema.WorkQueue, JobID) globalStop = stops.globalStop initialStop = stops.initialStop if None in [globalStop, initialStop]: raise(BaseException('globalStop or initialStop is None!')) if stepType == 'weeklyDesires': import doBackTests # batchSize = 639 takes 4 minutes. doBackTests.addTaskRange(initialStop, globalStop, unique, '', batchSize = 284, callback = callback ) elif stepType == 'weeklyBackTests': import calculateCompoundReturns calculateCompoundReturns.fanoutTaskAdd(initialStop, initialStop - 1600, globalStop, '', unique, 'backTestResult', callback = callback) elif stepType == 'calculateRvals' and model == 'backTestResult': import liveAlg liveAlg.doAllLiveAlgs(initialStop, 1600, globalStop, '', unique, callback = callback) elif stepType == 'weeklyLiveAlgs': import calculateCompoundReturns calculateCompoundReturns.fanoutTaskAdd(initialStop, initialStop - 1600, globalStop, '', unique, 'liveAlg', callback = callback) elif stepType == 'calculateRvals' and model == 'liveAlg': print 'Done? or goto metaAlgs?' else: raise(BaseException('Received unknown stepType, model: %s, %s' % (stepType, model)))
def makeDesire(stckID,keyname,step): symbol = meTools.getStckSymbol(stckID) pricekey = str(stckID) + "_" + str(step) price = meTools.memGet(meSchema.stck,pricekey,priority=0).quote key_name = meTools.buildDesireKey(step,keyname,stckID) meDesire = meSchema.desire(key_name = key_name, CueKey = keyname, Symbol = symbol, Quote = price) return meDesire
def getOppositeAlg(meAlgKey): originalNameSpace = namespace_manager.get_namespace() namespace_manager.set_namespace("") meAlg = meTools.memGet(meSchema.meAlg, meAlgKey) query = meSchema.meAlg.all(keys_only=True).filter("BuyCue =", meAlg.SellCue).filter("SellCue =", meAlg.BuyCue) oppositeAlg = query.get() oppositeAlgKey = namespace_manager.set_namespace(originalNameSpace) return oppositeAlgKey
def updateAlgStat(algKey, startStep, stopStep, namespace, memprefix = "unpacked_"): if namespace == '': stckIDs = [1,2,3,4] accumulate = False else: stckIDs = [meTools.getStckID(namespace)] accumulate = True alginfo = meTools.memGet(meSchema.meAlg, algKey) stats = resetAlgstats(memprefix, alginfo.Cash, int(algKey), int(algKey))[memprefix+algKey] stats = doAlgSteps(algKey, int(startStep), int(stopStep), stats, stckIDs) bTestReturns = getBackTestReturns([memprefix + algKey],stopStep, {memprefix + algKey: stats}, namespace) return bTestReturns
def closeoutPositions(step): algstats = getAlgStats() alglist = {} desires = {} prices = {} for stckID in [1,2,3,4]: symbol = meTools.getStckSymbol(stckID) pricekey = str(stckID)+"_"+str(step) price = meTools.memGet(meSchema.stck,pricekey,priority=0).quote prices[symbol] = price for alg in algstats: desires[alg] = eval(algstats[alg].Positions) for stck in desires[alg]: desires[alg][stck]['Shares'] *= -1 desires[alg][stck]['Price'] = prices[stck] desires[alg][stck]['Value'] = prices[stck]*(desires[alg][stck]['Shares']) cash,positions = mergePosition(desires[alg],eval(algstats[alg].Positions)) cash += algstats[alg].Cash algstats[alg].Cash = cash algstats[alg].Positions = repr(positions) alglist[alg] = algstats[alg] return alglist
def doDesire(step, cuekey): # see if tradeCue for key results in a new desire. desires = [] tradecue = meTools.memGet(meSchema.tradeCue, cuekey) for stckID in [1,2,3,4]: deltakey = str(stckID) + '_' + str(step) cval = cvalDict[deltakey] if cval is None or len(cval) < tradecue.TimeDelta + 1: return desires cue = cval[tradecue.TimeDelta] qDelta = tradecue.QuoteDelta if (qDelta > 0 and cmp(cue,qDelta) == 1) or (qDelta < 0 and cmp(cue,qDelta) == -1): recent = recency(tradecue,step,stckID) if not recent: action = makeDesire(stckID, cuekey, step) recency_key = 'desire_' + tradecue.key().name() + '_' + str(stckID) # Maybe combine this into function? memcache.set(recency_key, step) cachepy.set(recency_key, step, priority=1) desires.append(action) return desires
def calculateWeeklyLiveAlgs(stopStep, stepRange, namespace, JobID, totalBatches, callback): from google.appengine.api.labs import taskqueue namespace_manager.set_namespace("") alginfo = meTools.memGet(meSchema.meAlg, meTools.buildAlgKey(1)) namespace_manager.set_namespace(namespace) Cash = alginfo.Cash initializeLiveAlgs(stopStep, stepRange, Cash) # Get liveAlgs and branch out the different FTL, dnFTL Ntypes. # keys like: 0003955-0001600-FTLe-N1 liveAlgs = ( meSchema.liveAlg.all(keys_only=True) .filter("stopStep =", stopStep) .filter("stepRange =", stepRange) .filter("percentReturn =", 0.0) .fetch(1000) ) algGroup = [ for alg in liveAlgs] taskname = "liveAlg-" + JobID + "-" + str(stopStep) + "-" + str(stopStep - stepRange) try: deferred.defer( processLiveAlgStepRange, stopStep - stepRange, stopStep, stepRange, algGroup, namespace, JobID, callback, totalBatches, taskname, _name=taskname, ) except (taskqueue.TaskAlreadyExistsError, taskqueue.TombstonedTaskError), e: pass