예제 #1
    def replaceImg(self, newImgContent, index):
        :param newImgContent: 新IMG文件流
        :param index: 替换序号
        :return: 替换结果
        header, imgCount, dictA, dictB, imgContentSplits = self.getSplitData()
        # 计算替换后的位置的差值
        if index >= imgCount:
            return False
        replaceTargetSize = len(imgContentSplits[index])
        size = len(newImgContent)
        addressMinus = size - replaceTargetSize
        # 在被替换的img之后的indexContent位置偏移增加 差值
        if index < imgCount - 1:
            for key in list(dictB.keys())[index + 1:]:
                dictB[key][0] = toByte(dictA[key][0] + addressMinus)
            dictB[index][1] = toByte(size)
            imgContentSplits[index] = newImgContent
            self.allContent = self.updateSplitData(header, imgCount, dictB,
            return True

        return False
예제 #2
    def addDictImg(self, imgNameContentDict):
        从IMG字典流内容中添加,可对应 extractImg方法使用
        :param imgNameContentDict: IMG字典流词典,[IMG名称, IMG文件流]
        :return: 新NPK文件流
        header, imgCount, dictA, dictB, imgContentSplits = self.getSplitData()
        lenOfMotoNpk = len(self.allContent)
        addCount = len(imgNameContentDict.keys())
        addCountFlag = 0
        lenOfAddIndexC = 264 * addCount

        for key, value in dictB.items():
            dictB[key][0] = toByte(dictA[key][0] + lenOfAddIndexC)
        for value in imgNameContentDict.values():
            addContentLength = 0
            if addCountFlag > 0:
                for i in range(addCountFlag):
                    addContentLength += len(imgNameContentDict[i][-1])
                # print(addContentLength)
            dictB[imgCount + addCountFlag] = [
                toByte(lenOfMotoNpk + lenOfAddIndexC + addContentLength),
                value[0], value[2]
            if imgCount == 0:
                dictB[imgCount + addCountFlag][0] = toByte(
                    toInt(dictB[imgCount + addCountFlag][0]) + 32)
            addCountFlag += 1
        imgCount += addCount
        self.allContent = self.updateSplitData(header, imgCount, dictB,
        return self.allContent
예제 #3
파일: login.py 프로젝트: zihunyeyu/dosDnf
def password_(paName, codeType):

    code = encode_(paName, codeType)

    passW = []

    for i in range(32):
        a = toInt(code[i * 4:4 + i * 4]) + 2020
        b = toInt(code[::-1][i * 4:4 + i * 4]) + 2020

        passW += [toByte(a), toByte(b)]

    return passW
예제 #4
def reCombination(header, imgCount, dictB, imgContentSplits):
    imgIndexContent = b''
    imgContents = b''
    # print(header)
    for value in dictB.values():
        # print(value)
        for element in value:
            imgIndexContent += element
    sHA = shaDecode(header + toByte(imgCount) + imgIndexContent)
    for single in imgContentSplits:
        imgContents += single

    npkContent = header + toByte(
        imgCount) + imgIndexContent + sHA + imgContents
    return npkContent
예제 #5
파일: getCode.py 프로젝트: zihunyeyu/dosDnf
def password_(paName, codeType):

    code = encode_(paName, codeType)

    passW = []
    # tLine = "2448992054080"
    for i in range(32):
        a = toInt(code[i * 4:4 + i * 4]) + 2020
        b = toInt(code[::-1][i * 4:4 + i * 4]) + 2020
        # if len(a) < len(tLine):
        #     a += " " * (len(tLine) - len(a))
        # if len(b) < len(tLine):
        #     b += " " * (len(tLine) - len(b))
        passW += [toByte(a), toByte(b)]

    return passW
예제 #6
    def addImg(self, newImgContent, imgName):
        :param newImgContent: IMG文件流
        :param imgName: IMG名称
        header, imgCount, dictA, dictB, imgContentSplits = self.getSplitData()
        address = len(self.allContent) + 264  # 多加了一个索引的偏移大小
        size = len(newImgContent)
        if imgCount == 0:
            imgCount += 1
            # 这里地址偏移多加了 32字节的SHA验证
            dictB = {0: [toByte(address + 32), toByte(size), toByte(imgName)]}
            self.allContent = self.updateSplitData(header, imgCount, dictB,
            return self.allContent

        if imgCount >= 1:
            for index in range(imgCount):
                dictB[index][0] = toByte(dictA[index][0] + 264)
            dictB[imgCount] = [toByte(address), toByte(size), toByte(imgName)]
            imgCount += 1
            self.allContent = self.updateSplitData(header, imgCount, dictB,
            return self.allContent
예제 #7
파일: getCode.py 프로젝트: zihunyeyu/dosDnf
def encode_(code, codeType):
    if len(code + passwordData[codeType]) < 256:
        codeL = list(code + passwordData[codeType])
        for i in range(256 - len(code + passwordData[codeType])):
            codeL.insert(int(random() * len(code + passwordData[codeType])),
                         " ")
        code = "".join(codeL)

    return toByte(code)
예제 #8
파일: getCode.py 프로젝트: zihunyeyu/dosDnf
def login(password, codeType):
    disk_ = get_disk_ID()

    enCodeA = b''
    enCodeB = b''
    for i in range(32):
        a = toByte(toInt(password[i * 2]) - 2020)
        b = toByte(toInt(password[i * 2 + 1]) - 2020)[::-1]

        enCodeA += a
        enCodeB = b + enCodeB

    trueCode = toString(enCodeA + enCodeB).replace(' ', '')

    if disk_ + passwordData[codeType] == trueCode:
        return True
        print("硬盘码为:\t" + disk_)
        return False
예제 #9
 def insertImg(self, newImgContent, imgName, index=-1, insertMode=False):
     :param newImgContent: 插入的IMG文件流
     :param imgName: 插入的IMG文件名称
     :param index: 插入序号
     :param insertMode: 正序倒序标识符
     header, imgCount, dictA, dictB, imgContentSplits = self.getSplitData()
     # -------从末尾插入且是顺序时,或者NPK为空时,直接使用add方法
     if (index == -1 and insertMode is False) or imgCount == 0:
         self.addImg(newImgContent, imgName)
         return True
     imgCount += 1
     size = toByte(len(newImgContent))
     name = toByte(imgName)
     # 倒序插入
     if insertMode:
         address = toByte(dictA[index][0] + 264)
         newDictB = {index: [address, size, name]}
         for key, value in dictB.items():
             if key < index:
                 dictB[key][0] = toByte(dictA[key][0] + 264)
                 newDictB[key] = dictB[key]
             if key >= index:
                 dictB[key][0] = toByte(dictA[key][0] + 264 + toInt(size))
                 newDictB[key + 1] = dictB[key]
         dictB = dictSort(newDictB)
         imgContentSplits.insert(index + 1, newImgContent)
         self.allContent = self.updateSplitData(header, imgCount, dictB,
         return True
     # 默认顺序插入
     # -----确定新插入img的indexContent
     # -----位置偏移为插入目标 + 264 + 插入目标imgContent的长度
     address = toByte(dictA[index][0] + 264 + dictA[index][1])
     newDictB = {index + 1: [address, size, name]}
     for key, value in dictB.items():
         if key <= index:
             dictB[key][0] = toByte(dictA[key][0] + 264)
             newDictB[key] = dictB[key]
         elif key > index:
             # ----------插入位置之后的imgIndex偏移后延 264 + 新插入imgContent的size
             dictB[key][0] = toByte(dictA[key][0] + 264 + toInt(size))
             newDictB[key + 1] = dictB[key]
     dictB = dictSort(newDictB)
     imgContentSplits.insert(index + 1, newImgContent)
     self.allContent = self.updateSplitData(header, imgCount, dictB,
     return True
예제 #10
 def renameImg(self, newName, index=-1, reNameMode=False):
     :param newName: 新名称
     :param index: 修改编号
     :param reNameMode: 全修改标识符,reNameMode=True时,修改NPK内所有img名为 输入newName + index(img编号) + .img 形式
     header, imgCount, dictA, dictB, imgContentSplits = self.getSplitData()
     if reNameMode:
         for key in dictB.keys():
             dictB[key][-1] = toByte(newName + str(key) + '.img')
         self.allContent = self.updateSplitData(header, imgCount, dictB,
         return True
     print(dictA[index][-1], "\t更名为\t{}".format(newName))
     newName = toByte(newName)
     dictB[index][-1] = newName
     self.allContent = self.updateSplitData(header, imgCount, dictB,
     return True
예제 #11
    def delImg(self, index=None, delAll=False):
        :param index: 删除编号或列表
        :param delAll: 全删除标识符
        :return: 删除成功/失败
        # 全删除模式,则将NPK更新为空NPK
        if delAll:
            self.allContent = empty_NPK
            return True

        header, imgCount, dictA, dictB, imgContentSplits = self.getSplitData()
        if index is None:
            return False

        if isinstance(index, int):
            index = [index]

        if isinstance(index, list):
            index = list(set(index))

            index = [
                i_ if i_ > 0 else i_ + self.imgCount for i_ in list(set(index))
                if ((0 <= i_ < self.imgCount) or (
                    i_ < 0 and i_ + self.imgCount >= 0))

            if len(index) >= imgCount:
                self.allContent = empty_NPK
                return True

            addressIndex = []

            for key in dictA.keys():
            addressIndexBak = addressIndex[:]

            for element in index:
                if element < 0:
                    element = imgCount + element

                for key, value in dictB.items():
                    if key > element and dictA[element][0] not in addressIndex:
                        dictB[key][0] = toByte(
                            toInt(dictB[key][0]) - dictA[element][1])
                    if key > element and dictA[element][0] in addressIndex:

            newImgContents = []
            newDictB = {}
            newFlag = 0
            for lasTelement in addressIndex:
                lastIndex = addressIndexBak.index(lasTelement)
                newDictB[newFlag] = dictB[lastIndex]
                newFlag += 1

            imgCount -= len(index)
            for key, value in newDictB.items():
                newDictB[key][0] = toByte(
                    toInt(newDictB[key][0]) - 264 * len(index))

            self.allContent = self.updateSplitData(header, imgCount, newDictB,
            return True

        return False