예제 #1
def task_check_for_new_jobs():
    Looks at the number of currently active threads and compares it against the 
    :py:data:`MAX_ENCODING_JOBS_PER_EC2_INSTANCE <media_nommer.conf.settings.MAX_ENCODING_JOBS_PER_EC2_INSTANCE>` 
    setting. If we are under the max, fire up another thread for encoding 
    additional job(s). 
    The interval at which :doc:`../ec2nommerd` checks for new jobs is 
    determined by the 
    :py:data:`NOMMERD_NEW_JOB_CHECK_INTERVAL <media_nommer.conf.settings.NOMMERD_NEW_JOB_CHECK_INTERVAL>`
    Calls :py:func:`threaded_encode_job` for any jobs to encode.
    num_active_threads = NodeStateManager.get_num_active_threads()
    max_threads = settings.MAX_ENCODING_JOBS_PER_EC2_INSTANCE
    num_jobs_to_pop = max(0, max_threads - num_active_threads)

    if num_jobs_to_pop > 0:
        # We have more room for encoding threads, determine how many.
        logger.debug("task_check_for_new_jobs: " \
                     "Popping up to %d new jobs." % num_jobs_to_pop)
        # This is an iterable of BaseEncodingJob sub-classed instances for
        # each job returned from the queue.
        jobs = JobStateBackend.pop_new_jobs_from_queue(num_jobs_to_pop)
        if jobs:
            logger.debug("* Popped %d jobs from the queue." % len(jobs))

        for job in jobs:
            # For each job returned, render in another thread.
            logger.debug("* Starting encoder thread for job: %s" % job.unique_id)
            reactor.callInThread(threaded_encode_job, job)