def test_css_bottom_files_ordered(self): """ Make sure that the This is only important if there are multiple settings.CSS_BOTTOM_FILES and matches found TODO:Finish this test """ top, std, bottom = heavy_lifting.organize_css_files( self.fake_file_list) if len(bottom) > 1 and len(list_css_bottom_files()) > 1: for found_file in bottom: found_file_name = os.path.basename(found_file) for f_file_again in bottom: f_file_again_name = os.path.basename(f_file_again) if not found_file_name == f_file_again_name: if bottom.index(found_file) > bottom.index( f_file_again): self.assertGreater( list_css_bottom_files().index(found_file_name), list_css_bottom_files().index( f_file_again_name)) if bottom.index(found_file) < bottom.index( f_file_again): self.assertLess( list_css_bottom_files().index(found_file_name), list_css_bottom_files().index( f_file_again_name))
def test_css_bottom_files_ordered(self): """ Make sure that the This is only important if there are multiple settings.CSS_BOTTOM_FILES and matches found TODO:Finish this test """ top, std, bottom = heavy_lifting.organize_css_files(self.fake_file_list) if len(bottom) > 1 and len(list_css_bottom_files()) > 1: for found_file in bottom: found_file_name = os.path.basename(found_file) for f_file_again in bottom: f_file_again_name = os.path.basename(f_file_again) if not found_file_name == f_file_again_name: if bottom.index(found_file) > bottom.index(f_file_again): self.assertGreater(list_css_bottom_files().index(found_file_name), list_css_bottom_files().index(f_file_again_name)) if bottom.index(found_file) < bottom.index(f_file_again): self.assertLess(list_css_bottom_files().index(found_file_name), list_css_bottom_files().index(f_file_again_name))
def test_css_bottom_files_list(self): """ Make sure that list_css_bottom_files matches either settings.CSS_BOTTOM_FILES or an empty list """ try: self.assertEquals(settings.CSS_BOTTOM_FILES, list_css_bottom_files()) except AttributeError: self.assertEquals([], list_css_bottom_files())
def test_css_bottom_files_belong(self): """ Make sure that all bottom files returned by the organize_css_files belong there """ top, std, bottom = heavy_lifting.organize_css_files(self.fake_file_list) for fle in bottom: self.assertIn(os.path.basename(fle), list_css_bottom_files())
def organize_css_files(file_list): """ Organize the mass of CSS files into top, middle, bottom app css files will come before main css files in each category """ top_list = [] std_list = [] bot_list = [] top_watch = list_css_top_files() bot_watch = list_css_bottom_files() for watch in top_watch: for file_fullpath in file_list: file_name = os.path.basename(file_fullpath) if file_name == watch: top_list.append(file_fullpath) for watch in bot_watch: for file_fullpath in file_list: file_name = os.path.basename(file_fullpath) if file_name == watch: bot_list.append(file_fullpath) for file_fullpath in file_list: if not file_fullpath in top_list and not file_fullpath in bot_list: file_name = os.path.basename(file_fullpath) std_list.append(file_fullpath) return (top_list, std_list, bot_list)
def test_css_bottom_files_belong(self): """ Make sure that all bottom files returned by the organize_css_files belong there """ top, std, bottom = heavy_lifting.organize_css_files( self.fake_file_list) for fle in bottom: self.assertIn(os.path.basename(fle), list_css_bottom_files())