예제 #1
        #        if not container or container == 'unknown':
        #            raise UnsuitableEngineError

        return {
            "type": guess_media_type(ext),
            "container": container,
            "display_name": u"%s.%s" % (name, container or ext),
            "unique_id": unique_id,

    def get_uris(self, file):
        """Return a list of URIs from which the stored file can be accessed.

        :rtype: list
        :returns: All :class:`StorageURI` tuples for this file.

        uid = file.unique_id
        if uid.startswith("rtmp://"):
            sep_index = uid.find(RTMP_URI_DIVIDER)  # can raise ValueError
            if sep_index < 0:
                log.warn("File %r has an invalidly formatted unique ID for RTMP.", file)
                return []
            server_uri = uid[:sep_index]
            file_uri = uid[sep_index + len(RTMP_URI_DIVIDER)]
            return [StorageURI(file, "rtmp", file_uri, server_uri)]
        return [StorageURI(file, "http", file.unique_id, None)]

예제 #2
            'type': guess_media_type(ext),
            'container': container,
            'display_name': u'%s.%s' % (name, container or ext),
            'unique_id': unique_id,

    def get_uris(self, media_file):
        """Return a list of URIs from which the stored file can be accessed.

        :type media_file: :class:`~mediacore.model.media.MediaFile`
        :param media_file: The associated media file object.
        :rtype: list
        :returns: All :class:`StorageURI` tuples for this file.

        uid = media_file.unique_id
        if uid.startswith('rtmp://'):
            sep_index = uid.find(RTMP_URI_DIVIDER)  # can raise ValueError
            if sep_index < 0:
                    'File %r has an invalidly formatted unique ID for RTMP.',
                return []
            server_uri = uid[:sep_index]
            file_uri = uid[sep_index + len(RTMP_URI_DIVIDER):]
            return [StorageURI(media_file, 'rtmp', file_uri, server_uri)]
        return [StorageURI(media_file, 'http', uid, None)]

예제 #3
from mediacore.lib.storage import StorageEngine

class baidupcs(StorageEngine):
    Implement all abstract properties and abstract methods here ...
