예제 #1
def client_register(request):
    """ Endpoint for client registration """
        data = decode_request(request)
    except ValueError:
        error = "Could not decode data."
        return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)

    if data is "":
        error = "Unknown Content-Type"
        return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)

    if "type" not in data:
        error = "No registration type provided."
        return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)
    if data.get("application_type", None) not in CLIENT_TYPES:
        error = "Unknown application_type."
        return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)

    client_type = data["type"]

    if client_type == "client_update":
        # updating a client
        if "client_id" not in data:
            error = "client_id is requried to update."
            return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)
        elif "client_secret" not in data:
            error = "client_secret is required to update."
            return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)

        client = Client.query.filter_by(id=data["client_id"],

        if client is None:
            error = "Unauthorized."
            return json_response({"error": error}, status=403)

        client.application_name = data.get("application_name",

        client.application_type = data.get("application_type",

        app_name = ("application_type", client.application_name)
        if app_name in CLIENT_TYPES:
            client.application_name = app_name

    elif client_type == "client_associate":
        # registering
        if "client_id" in data:
            error = "Only set client_id for update."
            return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)
        elif "access_token" in data:
            error = "access_token not needed for registration."
            return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)
        elif "client_secret" in data:
            error = "Only set client_secret for update."
            return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)

        # generate the client_id and client_secret
        client_id = random_string(22, UNICODE_ASCII_CHARACTER_SET)
        client_secret = random_string(43, UNICODE_ASCII_CHARACTER_SET)
        expirey = 0  # for now, lets not have it expire
        expirey_db = None if expirey == 0 else expirey
        application_type = data["application_type"]

        # save it
        client = Client(

        error = "Invalid registration type"
        return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)

    logo_uri = data.get("logo_uri", client.logo_url)
    if logo_uri is not None and not validate_url(logo_uri):
        error = "Logo URI {0} is not a valid URI.".format(logo_uri)
        return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)
        client.logo_url = logo_uri

    client.application_name = data.get("application_name", None)

    contacts = data.get("contacts", None)
    if contacts is not None:
        if not isinstance(contacts, six.text_type):
            error = "Contacts must be a string of space-seporated email addresses."
            return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)

        contacts = contacts.split()
        for contact in contacts:
            if not validate_email(contact):
                # not a valid email
                error = "Email {0} is not a valid email.".format(contact)
                return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)

        client.contacts = contacts

    redirect_uris = data.get("redirect_uris", None)
    if redirect_uris is not None:
        if not isinstance(redirect_uris, six.text_type):
            error = "redirect_uris must be space-seporated URLs."
            return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)

        redirect_uris = redirect_uris.split()

        for uri in redirect_uris:
            if not validate_url(uri):
                # not a valid uri
                error = "URI {0} is not a valid URI".format(uri)
                return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)

        client.redirect_uri = redirect_uris


    expirey = 0 if client.expirey is None else client.expirey

    return json_response({
        "client_id": client.id,
        "client_secret": client.secret,
        "expires_at": expirey,
def client_register(request):
    """ Endpoint for client registration """
        data = decode_request(request)
    except ValueError:
        error = "Could not decode data."
        return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)

    if data is "":
        error = "Unknown Content-Type"
        return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)

    if "type" not in data:
        error = "No registration type provided."
        return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)
    if data.get("application_type", None) not in CLIENT_TYPES:
        error = "Unknown application_type."
        return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)

    client_type = data["type"]

    if client_type == "client_update":
        # updating a client
        if "client_id" not in data:
            error = "client_id is requried to update."
            return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)
        elif "client_secret" not in data:
            error = "client_secret is required to update."
            return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)

        client = Client.query.filter_by(

        if client is None:
            error = "Unauthorized."
            return json_response({"error": error}, status=403)

        client.application_name = data.get(

        client.application_type = data.get(

        app_name = ("application_type", client.application_name)
        if app_name in CLIENT_TYPES:
            client.application_name = app_name

    elif client_type == "client_associate":
        # registering
        if "client_id" in data:
            error = "Only set client_id for update."
            return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)
        elif "access_token" in data:
            error = "access_token not needed for registration."
            return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)
        elif "client_secret" in data:
            error = "Only set client_secret for update."
            return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)

        # generate the client_id and client_secret
        client_id = random_string(22, UNICODE_ASCII_CHARACTER_SET)
        client_secret = random_string(43, UNICODE_ASCII_CHARACTER_SET)
        expirey = 0 # for now, lets not have it expire
        expirey_db = None if expirey == 0 else expirey
        application_type = data["application_type"]

        # save it
        client = Client(

        error = "Invalid registration type"
        return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)

    logo_uri = data.get("logo_uri", client.logo_url)
    if logo_uri is not None and not validate_url(logo_uri):
        error = "Logo URI {0} is not a valid URI.".format(logo_uri)
        return json_response(
                {"error": error},
        client.logo_url = logo_uri

    client.application_name = data.get("application_name", None)

    contacts = data.get("contacts", None)
    if contacts is not None:
        if not isinstance(contacts, six.text_type):
            error = "Contacts must be a string of space-seporated email addresses."
            return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)

        contacts = contacts.split()
        for contact in contacts:
            if not validate_email(contact):
                # not a valid email
                error = "Email {0} is not a valid email.".format(contact)
                return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)

        client.contacts = contacts

    redirect_uris = data.get("redirect_uris", None)
    if redirect_uris is not None:
        if not isinstance(redirect_uris, six.text_type):
            error = "redirect_uris must be space-seporated URLs."
            return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)

        redirect_uris = redirect_uris.split()

        for uri in redirect_uris:
            if not validate_url(uri):
                # not a valid uri
                error = "URI {0} is not a valid URI".format(uri)
                return json_response({"error": error}, status=400)

        client.redirect_uri = redirect_uris


    expirey = 0 if client.expirey is None else client.expirey

    return json_response(
            "client_id": client.id,
            "client_secret": client.secret,
            "expires_at": expirey,