def __call__(self, environ, start_response): form = get_post(environ) comment = form.getfirst('comment', '').strip() check = form.getfirst('comment-check') question = form.getfirst('comment-question', '').strip() request_uri = environ.request_uri() submit = True if check: # try and catch any spam bots as they usually fill in hidden fields msg_warn(environ, 'The comment failed the spam filter and was not submitted') submit = False if question.lower() != 'environmental': msg_warn(environ, 'Please answer the question correctly in order to submit your comment') submit = False if environ.get('HTTP_REFERER') != request_uri: msg_error(environ, 'The comment must be submitted from the appropriate page') submit = False if not comment: msg_warn(environ, 'You did not fill in the comment field') submit = False if submit: from ConfigParser import NoOptionError email = form.getfirst('comment-email') title = form.getfirst('comment-title', 'Unknown page') name = form.getfirst('comment-name', 'an anonymous user') ip = environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] subject = 'Comment on ' + title msg = "The following comment was sent by %s (IP address %s) using the page at %s\n" % (name, ip, request_uri) if email: msg += "This user's email address is <%s> (you can contact them by replying to this message).\n\n" % email else: msg += "This user did not provide an email address.\n\n" msg += comment # get required variables from the configuration config = environ['config'] to_addr = config.get('DEFAULT', 'email') try: server = config.get('SMTP', 'server') except NoOptionError: server = 'localhost' try: port = config.get('SMTP', 'port') except NoOptionError: port = 25 if not email: from_addr = '"MEDIN Portal Comment" <%s>' % to_addr else: from_addr = email # email the comment self.sendComment(from_addr, to_addr, subject, msg, server, port) msg_info(environ, 'Thank you for your comment') # delegate to the wrapped app return, start_response)
def prepareSOAP(self, environ): """ The interface for generating a SOAPCaller """ q = get_query(environ) errors = q.verify() if errors: for error in errors: msg_error(environ, error) return self.request.prepareCaller(q, self.result_type, environ['logging.logger'])
def prepareSOAP(self, environ): """ The interface for generating a SOAPCaller """ from medin.dws import RESULT_SIMPLE q = get_query(environ) errors = q.verify() if errors: for error in errors: msg_error(environ, error) q.setCount(0) # we only need one result # Get the results in descending order so the result can be # used in an etag (as it is the latest). sort = q.getSort(cast=False) q.setSort('updated,0') # generate the soap caller return self.request.prepareCaller(q, RESULT_SIMPLE, environ['logging.logger'])
def __call__(self, environ, start_response): form = get_post(environ) comment = form.getfirst('comment', '').strip() check = form.getfirst('comment-check') question = form.getfirst('comment-question', '').strip() request_uri = environ.request_uri() submit = True if check: # try and catch any spam bots as they usually fill in hidden fields msg_warn( environ, 'The comment failed the spam filter and was not submitted') submit = False if question.lower() != 'environmental': msg_warn( environ, 'Please answer the question correctly in order to submit your comment' ) submit = False if environ.get('HTTP_REFERER') != request_uri: msg_error( environ, 'The comment must be submitted from the appropriate page') submit = False if not comment: msg_warn(environ, 'You did not fill in the comment field') submit = False if submit: from ConfigParser import NoOptionError email = form.getfirst('comment-email') title = form.getfirst('comment-title', 'Unknown page') name = form.getfirst('comment-name', 'an anonymous user') ip = environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] subject = 'Comment on ' + title msg = "The following comment was sent by %s (IP address %s) using the page at %s\n" % ( name, ip, request_uri) if email: msg += "This user's email address is <%s> (you can contact them by replying to this message).\n\n" % email else: msg += "This user did not provide an email address.\n\n" msg += comment # get required variables from the configuration config = environ['config'] to_addr = config.get('DEFAULT', 'email') try: server = config.get('SMTP', 'server') except NoOptionError: server = 'localhost' try: port = config.get('SMTP', 'port') except NoOptionError: port = 25 if not email: from_addr = '"MEDIN Portal Comment" <%s>' % to_addr else: from_addr = email # email the comment self.sendComment(from_addr, to_addr, subject, msg, server, port) msg_info(environ, 'Thank you for your comment') # delegate to the wrapped app return, start_response)