def restore_node(config, temp_dir, backup_name, in_place, keep_auth, seeds, verify, keyspaces, tables, use_sstableloader=False): if in_place and keep_auth: logging.error( 'Cannot keep system_auth when restoring in-place. It would be overwritten' ) sys.exit(1) storage = Storage( if not use_sstableloader: restore_node_locally(config, temp_dir, backup_name, in_place, keep_auth, seeds, storage, keyspaces, tables) else: restore_node_sstableloader(config, temp_dir, backup_name, in_place, keep_auth, seeds, storage, keyspaces, tables) if verify: hostname_resolver = HostnameResolver( medusa.config.evaluate_boolean( config.cassandra.resolve_ip_addresses)) verify_restore([hostname_resolver.resolve_fqdn()], config)
def orchestrate(config, backup_name, seed_target, temp_dir, host_list, keep_auth, bypass_checks, verify, keyspaces, tables, parallel_restores, use_sstableloader=False): monitoring = Monitoring(config=config.monitoring) try: restore_start_time = if seed_target is None and host_list is None: # if no target node is provided, nor a host list file, default to the local node as seed target hostname_resolver = HostnameResolver(medusa.utils.evaluate_boolean(config.cassandra.resolve_ip_addresses)) seed_target = hostname_resolver.resolve_fqdn(socket.gethostbyname(socket.getfqdn())) logging.warning("Seed target was not provided, using the local hostname: {}".format(seed_target)) if seed_target is not None and host_list is not None: err_msg = 'You must either provide a seed target or a list of host, not both' logging.error(err_msg) raise Exception(err_msg) if not temp_dir.is_dir(): err_msg = '{} is not a directory'.format(temp_dir) logging.error(err_msg) raise Exception(err_msg) storage = Storage( try: cluster_backup = storage.get_cluster_backup(backup_name) except KeyError: err_msg = 'No such backup --> {}'.format(backup_name) logging.error(err_msg) raise Exception(err_msg) restore = RestoreJob(cluster_backup, config, temp_dir, host_list, seed_target, keep_auth, verify, parallel_restores, keyspaces, tables, bypass_checks, use_sstableloader) restore.execute() restore_end_time = restore_duration = restore_end_time - restore_start_time logging.debug('Emitting metrics')'Restore duration: {}'.format(restore_duration.seconds)) tags = ['medusa-cluster-restore', 'restore-duration', backup_name] monitoring.send(tags, restore_duration.seconds) tags = ['medusa-cluster-restore', 'restore-error', backup_name] monitoring.send(tags, 0) logging.debug('Done emitting metrics')'Successfully restored the cluster') except Exception as e: tags = ['medusa-cluster-restore', 'restore-error', backup_name] monitoring.send(tags, 1) logging.error('This error happened during the cluster restore: {}'.format(str(e))) traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1)
def invoke_sstableloader(config, download_dir, keep_auth, fqtns_to_restore, storage_port): hostname_resolver = HostnameResolver( medusa.utils.evaluate_boolean(config.cassandra.resolve_ip_addresses)) cassandra_is_ccm = int(shlex.split(config.cassandra.is_ccm)[0]) keyspaces = os.listdir(str(download_dir)) for keyspace in keyspaces: ks_path = os.path.join(str(download_dir), keyspace) if os.path.isdir(ks_path) and keyspace_is_allowed_to_restore( keyspace, keep_auth, fqtns_to_restore): 'Restoring keyspace {} with sstableloader...'.format(ks_path)) for table in os.listdir(str(ks_path)): table_path = os.path.join(str(ks_path), table) if os.path.isdir(table_path) and table_is_allowed_to_restore( keyspace, table, fqtns_to_restore): logging.debug( 'Restoring table {} with sstableloader...'.format( table)) cql_username = '******' if config.cassandra.cql_username is None else config.cassandra.cql_username cql_password = '******' if config.cassandra.cql_password is None else config.cassandra.cql_password sstableloader_args = [ config.cassandra.sstableloader_bin.replace( "github:apache/", "githubCOLONapacheSLASH"), '-d', hostname_resolver.resolve_fqdn() if cassandra_is_ccm == 0 else '', '--conf-path', config.cassandra.config_file, '--username', cql_username, '--password', cql_password, '--no-progress', os.path.join(ks_path, table) ] if storage_port != "7000": sstableloader_args.append("--storage-port") sstableloader_args.append(storage_port) if config.cassandra.sstableloader_ts is not None and \ config.cassandra.sstableloader_tspw is not None and \ config.cassandra.sstableloader_ks is not None and \ config.cassandra.sstableloader_kspw is not None: sstableloader_args.append("-ts") sstableloader_args.append( config.cassandra.sstableloader_ts) sstableloader_args.append("-tspw") sstableloader_args.append( config.cassandra.sstableloader_tspw) sstableloader_args.append("-ks") sstableloader_args.append( config.cassandra.sstableloader_ks) sstableloader_args.append("-kspw") sstableloader_args.append( config.cassandra.sstableloader_kspw) output = subprocess.check_output(sstableloader_args) for line in output.decode('utf-8').split('\n'): logging.debug(line)
class RestoreJob(object): def __init__(self, cluster_backup, config, temp_dir, host_list, seed_target, keep_auth, verify, pssh_pool_size, keyspaces={}, tables={}, bypass_checks=False, use_sstableloader=False): = uuid.uuid4() self.ringmap = None self.cluster_backup = cluster_backup self.session_provider = None self.config = config self.host_list = host_list self.seed_target = seed_target self.keep_auth = keep_auth self.verify = verify self.in_place = None self.temp_dir = temp_dir # temporary files self.work_dir = self.temp_dir / 'medusa-job-{id}'.format( self.host_map = { } # Map of backup host/target host for the restore process self.keyspaces = keyspaces self.tables = tables self.bypass_checks = bypass_checks self.use_sstableloader = use_sstableloader self.pssh_pool_size = pssh_pool_size self.cassandra = Cassandra(config.cassandra) fqdn_resolver = medusa.config.evaluate_boolean( self.config.cassandra.resolve_ip_addresses) self.fqdn_resolver = HostnameResolver(fqdn_resolver) def execute(self):'Ensuring the backup is found and is complete') if not self.cluster_backup.is_complete(): raise Exception('Backup is not complete') # CASE 1 : We're restoring using a seed target. Source/target mapping will be built based on tokenmap. if self.seed_target is not None: self.session_provider = CqlSessionProvider([self.seed_target], self.config.cassandra) with self.session_provider.new_session() as session: self._populate_ringmap(self.cluster_backup.tokenmap, session.tokenmap()) # CASE 2 : We're restoring a backup on a different cluster if self.host_list is not None:'Restore will happen on new hardware') self.in_place = False self._populate_hostmap() 'Starting Restore on all the nodes in this list: {}'.format( self.host_list)) self._restore_data() def _pssh_run(self, hosts, command, hosts_variables=None): """ Runs a command on hosts list using cstar under the hood There is no return made, to check the result there is a distinct function Return: True (success) or False (error) """ logging.debug("Running pssh command on {}".format(hosts)) pssh_run_success = False username = self.config.ssh.username if self.config.ssh.username != '' else None port = self.config.ssh.port pkey = None if self.config.ssh.key_file is not None and self.config.ssh.key_file != '': pkey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file( self.config.ssh.key_file, None) client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, forward_ssh_agent=True, pool_size=self.pssh_pool_size, user=username, port=port, pkey=pkey)'Executing "{}" on all nodes.'.format(command)) output = client.run_command(command, host_args=hosts_variables, sudo=True) client.join(output) success = list( filter( lambda host_output: host_output.exit_code == 0, list(map(lambda host_output: host_output[1], output.items())))) error = list( filter( lambda host_output: host_output.exit_code != 0, list(map(lambda host_output: host_output[1], output.items())))) # Report on execution status if len(success) == len(hosts): 'Job executing "{}" ran and finished Successfully on all nodes.' .format(command)) pssh_run_success = True elif len(error) > 0: 'Job executing "{}" ran and finished with errors on following nodes: {}' .format( command, sorted( set(map(lambda host_output:, error))))) self.display_output(error) else: err_msg = 'Something unexpected happened while running pssh command' logging.error(err_msg) raise Exception(err_msg) return pssh_run_success def display_output(self, host_outputs): for host_out in host_outputs: for line in host_out.stdout:"{}-stdout: {}".format(, line)) for line in host_out.stderr:"{}-stderr: {}".format(, line)) def _validate_ringmap(self, tokenmap, target_tokenmap): for host, ring_item in target_tokenmap.items(): if not ring_item.get('is_up'): raise Exception('Target {host} is not up!'.format(host=host)) if len(target_tokenmap) != len(tokenmap): return False return True def _populate_ringmap(self, tokenmap, target_tokenmap): def _tokens_from_ringitem(ringitem): return ','.join(map(str, ringitem['tokens'])) def _token_counts_per_host(tokenmap): for host, ringitem in tokenmap.items(): return len(ringitem['tokens']) def _hosts_from_tokenmap(tokenmap): hosts = set() for host, ringitem in tokenmap.items(): hosts.add(host) return hosts def _chunk(my_list, nb_chunks): groups = [] for i in range(nb_chunks): groups.append([]) for i in range(len(my_list)): groups[i % nb_chunks].append(my_list[i]) return groups topology_matches = self._validate_ringmap(tokenmap, target_tokenmap) self.in_place = self._is_restore_in_place(tokenmap, target_tokenmap) if self.in_place: "Restoring on the same cluster that was the backup was taken on (in place fashion)" ) self.keep_auth = False else: "Restoring on a different cluster than the backup one (remote fashion)" ) if self.keep_auth: 'system_auth keyspace will be left untouched on the target nodes' ) else: # ops might not be aware of the underlying behavior towards auth. Let's ask what to do... really_keep_auth = None while (really_keep_auth != 'Y' and really_keep_auth != 'n') and not self.bypass_checks: really_keep_auth = input( 'Do you want to skip restoring the system_auth keyspace and keep the' + ' credentials of the target cluster? (Y/n)') self.keep_auth = True if really_keep_auth == 'Y' else False if topology_matches: target_tokens = { _tokens_from_ringitem(ringitem): host for host, ringitem in target_tokenmap.items() } backup_tokens = { _tokens_from_ringitem(ringitem): host for host, ringitem in tokenmap.items() } target_tokens_per_host = _token_counts_per_host(tokenmap) backup_tokens_per_host = _token_counts_per_host(target_tokenmap) # we must have the same number of tokens per host in both vnode and normal clusters if target_tokens_per_host != backup_tokens_per_host: 'Source/target rings have different number of tokens per node: {}/{}' .format(backup_tokens_per_host, target_tokens_per_host)) topology_matches = False # if not using vnodes, the tokens must match exactly if backup_tokens_per_host == 1 and target_tokens.keys( ) != backup_tokens.keys(): extras = target_tokens.keys() ^ backup_tokens.keys() 'Tokenmap is differently distributed. Extra items: {}'. format(extras)) topology_matches = False if topology_matches: # We can associate each restore node with exactly one backup node backup_ringmap = collections.defaultdict(list) target_ringmap = collections.defaultdict(list) for token, host in backup_tokens.items(): backup_ringmap[token].append(host) for token, host in target_tokens.items(): target_ringmap[token].append(host) self.ringmap = backup_ringmap i = 0 for token, hosts in backup_ringmap.items(): # take the node that has the same token list or pick the one with the same position in the map. restore_host = target_ringmap.get( token, list(target_ringmap.values())[i])[0] isSeed = True if self.fqdn_resolver.resolve_fqdn( restore_host) in self._get_seeds_fqdn() else False self.host_map[restore_host] = { 'source': [hosts[0]], 'seed': isSeed } i += 1 else: # Topologies are different between backup and restore clusters. Using the sstableloader for restore. self.use_sstableloader = True backup_hosts = _hosts_from_tokenmap(tokenmap) restore_hosts = list(_hosts_from_tokenmap(target_tokenmap)) if len(backup_hosts) >= len(restore_hosts): grouped_backups = _chunk(list(backup_hosts), len(restore_hosts)) else: grouped_backups = _chunk(list(backup_hosts), len(backup_hosts)) for i in range(min([len(grouped_backups), len(restore_hosts)])): # associate one restore host with several backups as we don't have the same number of nodes. self.host_map[restore_hosts[i]] = { 'source': grouped_backups[i], 'seed': False } def _is_restore_in_place(self, backup_tokenmap, target_tokenmap): # If at least one node is part of both tokenmaps, then we're restoring in place # Otherwise we're restoring a remote cluster return len(set(backup_tokenmap.keys()) & set(target_tokenmap.keys())) > 0 def _get_seeds_fqdn(self): seeds = list() for seed in self.cassandra.seeds: seeds.append(self.fqdn_resolver.resolve_fqdn(seed)) return seeds def _populate_hostmap(self): with open(self.host_list, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): seed, target, source = line.replace('\n', '').split( # in python, bool('False') evaluates to True. Need to test the membership as below self.host_map[self.fqdn_resolver.resolve_fqdn(target.strip())] \ = {'source': [self.fqdn_resolver.resolve_fqdn(source.strip())], 'seed': seed in ['True']} def _restore_data(self): # create workdir on each target host # Later: distribute a credential # construct command for each target host # invoke `nohup medusa-wrapper #{command}` on each target host # wait for exit on each'Starting cluster restore...')'Working directory for this execution: {}'.format( self.work_dir)) for target, sources in self.host_map.items(): 'About to restore on {} using {} as backup source'.format( target, sources)) 'This will delete all data on the target nodes and replace it with backup {}.' .format( proceed = None while (proceed != 'Y' and proceed != 'n') and not self.bypass_checks: proceed = input('Are you sure you want to proceed? (Y/n)') if proceed == 'n': err_msg = 'Restore manually cancelled' logging.error(err_msg) raise Exception(err_msg) # work out which nodes are seeds in the target cluster target_seeds = [t for t, s in self.host_map.items() if s['seed']]"target seeds : {}".format(target_seeds)) # work out which nodes are seeds in the target cluster target_hosts = self.host_map.keys()"target hosts : {}".format(target_hosts)) if self.use_sstableloader is False: # stop all target nodes'Stopping Cassandra on all nodes currently up') # Generate a Job ID for this run job_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) logging.debug('Job id is: {}'.format(job_id)) # Define command to run command = self.config.cassandra.stop_cmd logging.debug('Command to run is: {}'.format(command)) self._pssh_run(target_hosts, command, hosts_variables={}) else: # we're using the sstableloader, which will require to (re)create the schema and empty the tables"Restoring schema on the target cluster") self._restore_schema() # trigger restores everywhere at once # pass in seed info so that non-seeds can wait for seeds before starting # seeds, naturally, don't wait for anything # Generate a Job ID for this run hosts_variables = [] for target, source in [(t, s['source']) for t, s in self.host_map.items()]:'Restoring data on {}...'.format(target)) seeds = '' if target in target_seeds or len(target_seeds) == 0 \ else '--seeds {}'.format(','.join(target_seeds)) hosts_variables.append((','.join(source), seeds)) command = self._build_restore_cmd(target, source, seeds) pssh_run_success = self._pssh_run(target_hosts, command, hosts_variables=hosts_variables) if not pssh_run_success: # we could implement a retry. err_msg = 'Some nodes failed to restore. Exiting' logging.error(err_msg) raise Exception(err_msg) 'Restore process is complete. The cluster should be up shortly.') if self.verify: verify_restore(target_hosts, self.config) def _build_restore_cmd(self, target, source, seeds): in_place_option = '--in-place' if self.in_place else '--remote' keep_auth_option = '--keep-auth' if self.keep_auth else '' keyspace_options = expand_repeatable_option('keyspace', self.keyspaces) table_options = expand_repeatable_option('table', self.tables) # We explicitly set --no-verify since we are doing verification here in this module # from the control node verify_option = '--no-verify' # %s placeholders in the below command will get replaced by pssh using per host command substitution command = 'nohup sh -c "mkdir {work}; cd {work} && medusa-wrapper sudo medusa --fqdn=%s -vvv restore-node ' \ '{in_place} {keep_auth} %s {verify} --backup-name {backup} --temp-dir {temp_dir} ' \ '{use_sstableloader} {keyspaces} {tables}"' \ .format(work=self.work_dir, in_place=in_place_option, keep_auth=keep_auth_option, verify=verify_option,, temp_dir=self.temp_dir, use_sstableloader='--use-sstableloader' if self.use_sstableloader is True else '', keyspaces=keyspace_options, tables=table_options) logging.debug( 'Restoring on node {} with the following command {}'.format( target, command)) return command def _restore_schema(self): schema = parse_schema(self.cluster_backup.schema) with self.session_provider.new_session() as session: for keyspace in schema.keys(): if keyspace.startswith("system"): continue else: self._create_or_recreate_schema_objects( session, keyspace, schema[keyspace]) def _create_or_recreate_schema_objects(self, session, keyspace, keyspace_schema):"(Re)creating schema for keyspace {}".format(keyspace)) if (keyspace not in session.cluster.metadata.keyspaces): # Keyspace doesn't exist on the target cluster. Got to create it and all the tables as well. session.execute(keyspace_schema['create_statement']) for mv in keyspace_schema['materialized_views']: # MVs need to be dropped before we drop the tables logging.debug("Dropping MV {}.{}".format(keyspace, mv[0])) session.execute("DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS {}.{}".format( keyspace, mv[0])) for table in keyspace_schema['tables'].items(): logging.debug("Dropping table {}.{}".format(keyspace, table[0])) session.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {}.{}".format( keyspace, table[0])) for udt in keyspace_schema['udt'].items(): # then custom types as they can be used in tables session.execute("DROP TYPE IF EXISTS {}.{}".format( keyspace, udt[0])) # Then we create the missing ones session.execute(udt[1]) for table in keyspace_schema['tables'].items(): logging.debug("Creating table {}.{}".format(keyspace, table[0])) # Create the tables session.execute(table[1]) for index in keyspace_schema['indices'].items(): # indices were dropped with their base tables logging.debug("Creating index {}.{}".format(keyspace, index[0])) session.execute(index[1]) for mv in keyspace_schema['materialized_views']: # Base tables are created now, we can create the MVs logging.debug("Creating MV {}.{}".format(keyspace, mv[0])) session.execute(mv[1])
def test_address_resolving(self): hostname_resolver = HostnameResolver(resolve_addresses=True) self.assertNotEqual("", hostname_resolver.resolve_fqdn(""))
class CqlSession(object): EXCLUDED_KEYSPACES = ['system_traces'] def __init__(self, session, resolve_ip_addresses=True): self._session = session self.hostname_resolver = HostnameResolver(resolve_ip_addresses) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.shutdown() def shutdown(self): self.session.shutdown() self.cluster.shutdown() @property def cluster(self): return self._session.cluster @property def session(self): return self._session def token(self): listen_address = self.cluster.contact_points[0] token_map = self.cluster.metadata.token_map for token, host in token_map.token_to_host_owner.items(): if host.address == listen_address: return token.value raise RuntimeError('Unable to get current token') def datacenter(self): logging.debug('Checking datacenter...') listen_address = socket.gethostbyname(self.cluster.contact_points[0]) token_map = self.cluster.metadata.token_map for host in token_map.token_to_host_owner.values(): socket_host = self.hostname_resolver.resolve_fqdn(listen_address) logging.debug('Checking host {} against {}/{}'.format( host.address, listen_address, socket_host)) if host.address == listen_address or self.hostname_resolver.resolve_fqdn( host.address) == socket_host: return host.datacenter raise RuntimeError('Unable to current datacenter') def tokenmap(self): token_map = self.cluster.metadata.token_map datacenter = self.datacenter() def get_host(host_token_pair): return host_token_pair[0] def get_host_address(host_token_pair): return host_token_pair[0].address def get_token(host_token_pair): return host_token_pair[1] host_token_pairs = sorted( [(host, token.value) for token, host in token_map.token_to_host_owner.items()], key=get_host_address) host_tokens_groups = itertools.groupby(host_token_pairs, key=get_host) host_tokens_pairs = [(host, list(map(get_token, tokens))) for host, tokens in host_tokens_groups] return { self.hostname_resolver.resolve_fqdn(host.address): { 'tokens': tokens, 'is_up': host.is_up } for host, tokens in host_tokens_pairs if host.datacenter == datacenter } def dump_schema(self): keyspaces = self.session.cluster.metadata.keyspaces return '\n\n'.join(metadata.export_as_string() for keyspace, metadata in keyspaces.items() if keyspace not in self.EXCLUDED_KEYSPACES) def schema_path_mapping(self): query = 'SELECT keyspace_name, columnfamily_name, cf_id FROM system.schema_columnfamilies' return (row for row in self.session.execute(query) if row.keyspace_name not in self.EXCLUDED_KEYSPACES) def execute(self, query): return self.session.execute(query)
class RestoreJob(object): def __init__(self, cluster_backup, config, temp_dir, host_list, seed_target, keep_auth, verify, parallel_restores, keyspaces=None, tables=None, bypass_checks=False, use_sstableloader=False, version_target=None): = uuid.uuid4() self.ringmap = None self.cluster_backup = cluster_backup self.session_provider = None self.orchestration = Orchestration(config, parallel_restores) self.config = config self.host_list = host_list self.seed_target = seed_target self.keep_auth = keep_auth self.verify = verify self.in_place = None self.temp_dir = temp_dir # temporary files self.work_dir = self.temp_dir / 'medusa-job-{id}'.format( self.host_map = { } # Map of backup host/target host for the restore process self.keyspaces = keyspaces if keyspaces else {} self.tables = tables if tables else {} self.bypass_checks = bypass_checks self.use_sstableloader = use_sstableloader self.pssh_pool_size = parallel_restores self.cassandra = Cassandra(config) fqdn_resolver = medusa.utils.evaluate_boolean( self.config.cassandra.resolve_ip_addresses) self.fqdn_resolver = HostnameResolver(fqdn_resolver) self._version_target = version_target def execute(self):'Ensuring the backup is found and is complete') if not self.cluster_backup.is_complete(): raise RuntimeError('Backup is not complete') # CASE 1 : We're restoring using a seed target. Source/target mapping will be built based on tokenmap. if self.seed_target is not None: self.session_provider = CqlSessionProvider([self.seed_target], self.config.cassandra) with self.session_provider.new_session() as session: self._populate_ringmap(self.cluster_backup.tokenmap, session.tokenmap()) self._capture_release_version(session) # CASE 2 : We're restoring a backup on a different cluster if self.host_list is not None:'Restore will happen on new hardware') self.in_place = False self._populate_hostmap() self._capture_release_version(session=None) 'Starting Restore on all the nodes in this list: {}'.format( self.host_list)) self._restore_data() @staticmethod def _validate_ringmap(tokenmap, target_tokenmap): for host, ring_item in target_tokenmap.items(): if not ring_item.get('is_up'): raise RuntimeError( 'Target {host} is not up!'.format(host=host)) if len(target_tokenmap) != len(tokenmap): return False return True def _populate_ringmap(self, tokenmap, target_tokenmap): def _tokens_from_ringitem(ringitem): return ','.join(map(str, ringitem['tokens'])) def _token_counts_per_host(tokenmap): for host, ringitem in tokenmap.items(): return len(ringitem['tokens']) def _hosts_from_tokenmap(tokenmap): hosts = set() for host, ringitem in tokenmap.items(): hosts.add(host) return hosts def _chunk(my_list, nb_chunks): groups = [] for i in range(nb_chunks): groups.append([]) for i in range(len(my_list)): groups[i % nb_chunks].append(my_list[i]) return groups target_tokens = {} backup_tokens = {} topology_matches = self._validate_ringmap(tokenmap, target_tokenmap) self.in_place = self._is_restore_in_place(tokenmap, target_tokenmap) if self.in_place: "Restoring on the same cluster that was the backup was taken on (in place fashion)" ) self.keep_auth = False else: "Restoring on a different cluster than the backup one (remote fashion)" ) if self.keep_auth: 'system_auth keyspace will be left untouched on the target nodes' ) else: # ops might not be aware of the underlying behavior towards auth. Let's ask what to do... really_keep_auth = None while (really_keep_auth != 'Y' and really_keep_auth != 'n') and not self.bypass_checks: really_keep_auth = input( 'Do you want to skip restoring the system_auth keyspace and keep the' + ' credentials of the target cluster? (Y/n)') self.keep_auth = True if really_keep_auth == 'Y' else False if topology_matches: target_tokens = { _tokens_from_ringitem(ringitem): host for host, ringitem in target_tokenmap.items() } backup_tokens = { _tokens_from_ringitem(ringitem): host for host, ringitem in tokenmap.items() } target_tokens_per_host = _token_counts_per_host(tokenmap) backup_tokens_per_host = _token_counts_per_host(target_tokenmap) # we must have the same number of tokens per host in both vnode and normal clusters if target_tokens_per_host != backup_tokens_per_host: 'Source/target rings have different number of tokens per node: {}/{}' .format(backup_tokens_per_host, target_tokens_per_host)) topology_matches = False # if not using vnodes, the tokens must match exactly if backup_tokens_per_host == 1 and target_tokens.keys( ) != backup_tokens.keys(): extras = target_tokens.keys() ^ backup_tokens.keys() 'Tokenmap is differently distributed. Extra items: {}'. format(extras)) topology_matches = False if topology_matches: # We can associate each restore node with exactly one backup node backup_ringmap = collections.defaultdict(list) target_ringmap = collections.defaultdict(list) for token, host in backup_tokens.items(): backup_ringmap[token].append(host) for token, host in target_tokens.items(): target_ringmap[token].append(host) self.ringmap = backup_ringmap i = 0 for token, hosts in backup_ringmap.items(): # take the node that has the same token list or pick the one with the same position in the map. restore_host = target_ringmap.get( token, list(target_ringmap.values())[i])[0] is_seed = True if self.fqdn_resolver.resolve_fqdn( restore_host) in self._get_seeds_fqdn() else False self.host_map[restore_host] = { 'source': [hosts[0]], 'seed': is_seed } i += 1 logging.debug("self.host_map: {}".format(self.host_map)) else: # Topologies are different between backup and restore clusters. Using the sstableloader for restore. self.use_sstableloader = True backup_hosts = _hosts_from_tokenmap(tokenmap) restore_hosts = list(_hosts_from_tokenmap(target_tokenmap)) if len(backup_hosts) >= len(restore_hosts): grouped_backups = _chunk(list(backup_hosts), len(restore_hosts)) else: grouped_backups = _chunk(list(backup_hosts), len(backup_hosts)) for i in range(min([len(grouped_backups), len(restore_hosts)])): # associate one restore host with several backups as we don't have the same number of nodes. self.host_map[restore_hosts[i]] = { 'source': grouped_backups[i], 'seed': False } @staticmethod def _is_restore_in_place(backup_tokenmap, target_tokenmap): # If at least one node is part of both tokenmaps, then we're restoring in place # Otherwise we're restoring a remote cluster return len(set(backup_tokenmap.keys()) & set(target_tokenmap.keys())) > 0 def _get_seeds_fqdn(self): seeds = list() for seed in self.cassandra.seeds: seeds.append(self.fqdn_resolver.resolve_fqdn(seed)) logging.debug("seeds are: {}".format(seeds)) return seeds def _populate_hostmap(self): """ When there are no seed nodes to pull cluster topology from, the essential information required for a restore can be passed in via a simple file using the --host-list CLI argument. Each line in the file must have three pieces of information in this order: - the string `True` or `False`; This indicates if the source node was a seed node - the host/ip that the restore operation is to take place on / destination node - the host/ip where the data came from / source node Each field is separated by a comma. E.G.: Using medusa to restore a 4 node cluster from a previous backup taken of that same cluster: medusa@cassandra-node01:~$ cat nodes.list True,, True,, False,, False,, :return: """ with open(self.host_list, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): # Remove leading/trailing whitespace _line = line.strip() # Ignore comment lines if _line.startswith('#'): continue seed, target, source = _line.split( # in python, bool('False') evaluates to True. Need to test the membership as below target_resolved = self.fqdn_resolver.resolve_fqdn( target.strip()) source_resolved = self.fqdn_resolver.resolve_fqdn( source.strip()) self.host_map[target_resolved] = { 'source': [source_resolved], 'seed': seed in ['True'] } def _restore_data(self): # create workdir on each target host # Later: distribute a credential # construct command for each target host # invoke `nohup medusa-wrapper #{command}` on each target host # wait for exit on each'Starting cluster restore...')'Working directory for this execution: {}'.format( self.work_dir)) for target, sources in self.host_map.items(): 'About to restore on {} using {} as backup source'.format( target, sources)) "This will delete all data on the target nodes and replace it with backup '{}'." .format( proceed = None while (proceed != 'Y' and proceed != 'n') and not self.bypass_checks: proceed = input('Are you sure you want to proceed? (Y/n)') if proceed == 'n': err_msg = 'Restore manually cancelled' logging.error(err_msg) raise RuntimeError(err_msg) # work out which nodes are seeds in the target cluster target_seeds = [t for t, s in self.host_map.items() if s['seed']]"target seeds : {}".format(target_seeds)) # work out which nodes are seeds in the target cluster target_hosts = [host for host in self.host_map.keys()]"target hosts : {}".format(target_hosts)) if self.use_sstableloader is False: # stop all target nodes'Stopping Cassandra on all nodes currently up') # Generate a Job ID for this run job_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) logging.debug('Job id is: {}'.format(job_id)) # Define command to run command = self.config.cassandra.stop_cmd logging.debug('Command to run is: {}'.format(command)) self.orchestration.pssh_run(target_hosts, command, hosts_variables={}) else: # we're using the sstableloader, which will require to (re)create the schema and empty the tables"Restoring schema on the target cluster") self._restore_schema() # trigger restores everywhere at once # pass in seed info so that non-seeds can wait for seeds before starting # seeds, naturally, don't wait for anything # Generate a Job ID for this run hosts_variables = [] for target, source in [(t, s['source']) for t, s in self.host_map.items()]:'Restoring data on {}...'.format(target)) seeds = '' if target in target_seeds or len(target_seeds) == 0 \ else '--seeds {}'.format(','.join(target_seeds)) hosts_variables.append((','.join(source), seeds)) command = self._build_restore_cmd() pssh_run_success = self.orchestration.pssh_run( target_hosts, command, hosts_variables=hosts_variables) if not pssh_run_success: # we could implement a retry. err_msg = 'Some nodes failed to restore. Exiting' logging.error(err_msg) raise RuntimeError(err_msg) 'Restore process is complete. The cluster should be up shortly.') if self.verify: verify_restore(target_hosts, self.config) def _build_restore_cmd(self): in_place_option = '--in-place' if self.in_place else '--remote' keep_auth_option = '--keep-auth' if self.keep_auth else '' keyspace_options = expand_repeatable_option('keyspace', self.keyspaces) table_options = expand_repeatable_option('table', self.tables) # We explicitly set --no-verify since we are doing verification here in this module # from the control node verify_option = '--no-verify' # %s placeholders in the below command will get replaced by pssh using per host command substitution command = 'mkdir -p {work}; cd {work} && medusa-wrapper {sudo} medusa {config} ' \ '--fqdn=%s -vvv restore-node ' \ '{in_place} {keep_auth} %s {verify} --backup-name {backup} --temp-dir {temp_dir} ' \ '{use_sstableloader} {keyspaces} {tables}' \ .format(work=self.work_dir, sudo='sudo' if medusa.utils.evaluate_boolean(self.config.cassandra.use_sudo) else '', config=f'--config-file {self.config.file_path}' if self.config.file_path else '', in_place=in_place_option, keep_auth=keep_auth_option, verify=verify_option,, temp_dir=self.temp_dir, use_sstableloader='--use-sstableloader' if self.use_sstableloader else '', keyspaces=keyspace_options, tables=table_options) logging.debug( 'Preparing to restore on all nodes with the following command: {}'. format(command)) return command def _restore_schema(self): schema = parse_schema(self.cluster_backup.schema) with self.session_provider.new_session() as session: for keyspace in schema.keys(): if keyspace.startswith("system"): continue else: self._create_or_recreate_schema_objects( session, keyspace, schema[keyspace]) def _create_or_recreate_schema_objects(self, session, keyspace, keyspace_schema):"(Re)creating schema for keyspace {}".format(keyspace)) if keyspace not in session.cluster.metadata.keyspaces: # Keyspace doesn't exist on the target cluster. Got to create it and all the tables as well. session.execute(keyspace_schema['create_statement']) for mv in keyspace_schema['materialized_views']: # MVs need to be dropped before we drop the tables logging.debug("Dropping MV {}.{}".format(keyspace, mv[0])) session.execute("DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS {}.{}".format( keyspace, mv[0])) for table in keyspace_schema['tables'].items(): logging.debug("Dropping table {}.{}".format(keyspace, table[0])) session.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {}.{}".format( keyspace, table[0])) for udt in keyspace_schema['udt'].items(): # then custom types as they can be used in tables session.execute("DROP TYPE IF EXISTS {}.{}".format( keyspace, udt[0])) # Then we create the missing ones session.execute(udt[1]) for table in keyspace_schema['tables'].items(): logging.debug("Creating table {}.{}".format(keyspace, table[0])) # Create the tables session.execute(table[1]) for index in keyspace_schema['indices'].items(): # indices were dropped with their base tables logging.debug("Creating index {}.{}".format(keyspace, index[0])) session.execute(index[1]) for mv in keyspace_schema['materialized_views']: # Base tables are created now, we can create the MVs logging.debug("Creating MV {}.{}".format(keyspace, mv[0])) session.execute(mv[1]) # Capture release version as specified, from driver, or use default. # This is necessary for logic that requires knowledge of differences between 2, 3, and 4. def _capture_release_version(self, session): # If no version specified via CLI, but have a session, get version from driver. if not self._version_target and session: driver_app_version = session.cluster.application_version if driver_app_version: logging.debug('Driver version provided as: {}'.format( driver_app_version)) HostMan.set_release_version(driver_app_version) else: logging.debug( 'Unable to obtain app_version via driver or command line, ' 'using default: {}'.format( HostMan.DEFAULT_RELEASE_VERSION)) # Using default as target wasn't found by driver or provided to RestoreJob HostMan.set_release_version(HostMan.DEFAULT_RELEASE_VERSION) # If no session available or specified version from CLI, use default. elif not self._version_target: # Use default HostMan.set_release_version(HostMan.DEFAULT_RELEASE_VERSION) else: # Use what is specified from CLI as version. logging.debug('Target version provided as: {}'.format( self._version_target)) HostMan.set_release_version(self._version_target)