예제 #1
파일: geom.py 프로젝트: jlollis/meep
    def test_non_neg_height_constructor(self):
        gm.Cylinder(radius=1.0, height=0.0)
        gm.Cylinder(radius=1.0, height=1.0)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx:
            gm.Cylinder(radius=1.0, height=-1)
            self.assertIn("Got -1", ctx.exception)
예제 #2
파일: test_ring.py 프로젝트: eroen/meep
def main(args):

    n = 3.4  # index of waveguide
    w = 1.0  # width of waveguide
    r = 1.0  # inner radius of ring

    pad = 4  # padding between waveguide and edge of PML
    dpml = 2  # thickness of PML

    sxy = 2.0 * (r + w + pad + dpml)  # cell size
    resolution = 10.0

    gv = mp.voltwo(sxy, sxy, resolution)

    sym = mp.mirror(mp.Y, gv)

    # exploit the mirror symmetry in structure+source:
    the_structure = mp.structure(gv, dummy_eps, mp.pml(dpml), sym)

    # Create a ring waveguide by two overlapping cylinders - later objects
    # take precedence over earlier objects, so we put the outer cylinder first.
    # and the inner (air) cylinder second.

    objects = []
    n2 = n * n
    dielectric = gm.Medium(epsilon_diag=gm.Vector3(n2, n2, n2))
    objects.append(gm.Cylinder(r + w, material=dielectric))

    mp.set_materials_from_geometry(the_structure, objects)
    f = mp.fields(the_structure)

    # If we don't want to excite a specific mode symmetry, we can just
    # put a single point source at some arbitrary place, pointing in some
    # arbitrary direction.  We will only look for TM modes (E out of the plane).
    fcen = 0.15  # pulse center frequency
    df = 0.1
    src = GaussianSource(fcen, df)
    v = mp.volume(mp.vec(r + 0.1, 0.0), mp.vec(0.0, 0.0))
    f.add_volume_source(mp.Ez, src, v)

    T = 300.0
    stop_time = f.last_source_time() + T
    while f.round_time() < stop_time:

    # TODO: translate call to harminv
    # int bands = do_harminv (... Ez, vec3(r+0.1), fcen, df)

    # Output fields for one period at the end.  (If we output
    # at a single time, we might accidentally catch the Ez field
    # when it is almost zero and get a distorted view.)
    DeltaT = 1.0 / (20 * fcen)
    NextOutputTime = f.round_time() + DeltaT
    while f.round_time() < 1.0 / fcen:
        if f.round_time() >= NextOutputTime:
            f.output_hdf5(mp.Ez, f.total_volume())
            NextOutputTime += DeltaT
예제 #3
파일: geom.py 프로젝트: jlollis/meep
    def test_non_neg_height_setter(self):
        s = gm.Cylinder(radius=1.0, height=0.0)
        s.height = 1.0

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx:
            s.height = -1.0
            self.assertIn("Got -1.0", ctx.exception)
예제 #4
파일: geom.py 프로젝트: jlollis/meep
    def test_contains_point(self):
        c = gm.Cylinder(center=zeros(), radius=2.0, height=4.0)

        self.assertIn(zeros(), c)
        self.assertIn(gm.Vector3(2, 0, 0), c)
        self.assertIn(gm.Vector3(2, 0, 2), c)

        self.assertNotIn(gm.Vector3(2.0001, 0, 0), c)
        self.assertNotIn(gm.Vector3(10, 10, 10), c)
예제 #5
파일: geom.py 프로젝트: jlollis/meep
    def test_missing_required_arg_throws(self):
        c = gm.Cylinder(radius=2.0, height=4.0, center=None)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx:
            self.assertIn(zeros(), c)
            self.assertIn("Vector3 is not initialized", ctx.exception)
예제 #6
파일: geom.py 프로젝트: woodlee123/meep-1
 def test_wrong_type_exception(self):
     """Test for Issue 180"""
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):