예제 #1
    def test_typemap_swig_raises(self):
        src = mp.gaussian_src_time(0.15, 0.1)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as error:
            self.assertEqual(error.exception.message, self.expected_msg)
 def run(self, interactive_mode=False):
     self.engine.initialise_engine(self.landscape)  #mandatory !
     )  #export to file the dielectricum as it was received by Meep
     #create a reference to the meep fields object
     fields = meep.fields(self.engine.structure)
     #If you want to use the mode profile at a certain port in your python-meep scripting,then you can retrieve it as follows (THIS IS NOT ACTUALLY USED FURTHER IN THE SCRIPT, IT'S JUST AN ILLUSTRATION OF WHAT YOU COULD DO...)
     mp = get_mode_profile_at_port(
     print mp
     #create a Gaussian source
     center_wavelength = simul_params["center_wavelength"]
     pulse_width = 30
     center_freq = 1.0 / (float(center_wavelength) / 1000.0)
     pulse_width_freq = ((float(pulse_width) / 1000.0) /
                         (float(center_wavelength) / 1000.0)) * center_freq
     src_gaussian = meep.gaussian_src_time(center_freq, pulse_width_freq)
     #add a point source (linked to the Gaussian source) at the position of the west port
     source_position_vec = self.make_meep_vec(
             Translation(translation=(-9.0, 0))).position)
     fields.add_point_source(meep.Hz, src_gaussian, source_position_vec)
     #add a probing point to the upper output arm
     probing_point_vec = self.make_meep_vec(mmi.east_ports[1].position)
     #run the simulation
     h5_file = meep.prepareHDF5File("./mmi_low_level.h5")
예제 #3
 def __addMeepSource(self, src, meep_fields):	
     '''Convert a source (runtime.basic.__EMSource__) into a Meep source and add it to the Meep fields object'''
     if not isinstance(src, __EMSource__):
         raise InvalidArgumentException("Invalid argument:: not of type runtime.basic.__EMSource__")	   	
     LOG.debug("Meep node %i -Adding source...." %(self.node_nr))
     #create Meep source object
     meepSource = None
     center_freq = 1.0 / (float(src.center_wavelength) / 1000.0)
     if isinstance(src, __GaussianSource__):
         pw = ( (float(src.pulse_width)/1000.0) / (float(src.center_wavelength)/1000.0) ) * center_freq 
         meepSource = Meep.gaussian_src_time(center_freq, pw)
     if isinstance(src, __ContinuousSource__):
         meepSource = Meep.continuous_src_time(center_freq, src.smoothing_width, src.start_time, src.stop_time, src.cutoff)
     #create Meep component
     meepComp = self.__makeMeepComponent(src.field_component)
     #add source to the Meep field
     if isinstance(src, __EMPointSource__):
         vec = self.__make_meep_vec__(src.point)	    
         meep_fields.add_point_source(meepComp, meepSource, vec)
         print "Point source at point (%f , %f)" %(vec.x(), vec.y())	
     elif isinstance(src, __EMVolumeSource__):
         vec1 = self.__make_meep_vec__(src.south)
         vec2 = self.__make_meep_vec__(src.north)	    
         LOG.debug("Meep node %i -Creating volume for source plane..." %(self.node_nr))	    
         meepSrcVol = Meep.volume(vec1, vec2)
         print "Meep node %i - source plane between points (%f , %f) and (%f , %f)." %(self.node_nr, vec1.x(), vec1.y(), vec2.x(), vec2.y())	
         LOG.debug("Meep node %i -Now adding the volume source to Meep..." %(self.node_nr))
         if isinstance(src, __AmplitudeShapedSource__):
             ampl = AmplitudeFactor(source = src)
             meep_fields.add_volume_source(meepComp, meepSource, meepSrcVol, Meep.AMPL)
             meep_fields.add_volume_source(meepComp, meepSource, meepSrcVol, src.amplitude)
         raise NotImplementedException("Unexpected case in MeepSimulationEngine::__addMeepSource")
예제 #4
파일: source.py 프로젝트: zhuqian0618/meep
    def __init__(self, frequency=None, width=0, fwidth=float('inf'), start_time=0, cutoff=5.0, wavelength=None,
        Construct a `GaussianSource`.

        + **`frequency` [`number`]** — The center frequency $f$ in units of $c$/distance
          (or ω in units of 2π$c$/distance). See [Units](Introduction.md#units-in-meep).
          No default value. You can instead specify `wavelength=x` or `period=x`, which
          are both a synonym for `frequency=1/x`; i.e. 1/ω in these units is the vacuum
          wavelength or the temporal period.

        + **`width` [`number`]** — The width $w$ used in the Gaussian. No default value.
          You can instead specify `fwidth=x`, which is a synonym for `width=1/x` (i.e. the
          frequency width is proportional to the inverse of the temporal width).

        + **`start_time` [`number`]** — The starting time for the source; default is 0
          (turn on at $t=0$). This is not the time of the peak. See below.

        + **`cutoff` [`number`]** — How many `width`s the current decays for before it is
          cut off and set to zero — this applies for both turn-on and turn-off of
          the pulse. Default is 5.0. A larger value of `cutoff` will reduce the amount of
          high-frequency components that are introduced by the start/stop of the source,
          but will of course lead to longer simulation times. The peak of the Gaussian is
          reached at the time $t_0$=`start_time + cutoff*width`.

        + **`is_integrated` [`boolean`]** — If `True`, the source is the integral of the
          current (the [dipole moment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_dipole_moment))
          which is guaranteed to be zero after the current turns off. In practice, there
          is little difference between integrated and non-integrated sources *except* for
          [planewaves extending into PML](Perfectly_Matched_Layer.md#planewave-sources-extending-into-pml).
          Default is `False`.

        + **`fourier_transform(f)`** — Returns the Fourier transform of the current
          evaluated at frequency `f` (`ω=2πf`) given by:
          \\widetilde G(\\omega) \\equiv \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi}}
          \\int e^{i\\omega t}G(t)\\,dt \\equiv
          \\frac{1}{\\Delta f}
          e^{i\\omega t_0 -\\frac{(\\omega-\\omega_0)^2}{2\\Delta f^2}}
          where $G(t)$ is the current (not the dipole moment). In this formula, $\\Delta f$
          is the `fwidth` of the source, $\\omega_0$ is $2\\pi$ times its `frequency,` and
          $t_0$ is the peak time discussed above. Note that this does not include any
          `amplitude` or `amp_func` factor that you specified for the source.
        if frequency is None and wavelength is None:
            raise ValueError("Must set either frequency or wavelength in {}.".format(self.__class__.__name__))

        super(GaussianSource, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.frequency = 1 / wavelength if wavelength else float(frequency)
        self.width = max(width, 1 / fwidth)
        self.start_time = start_time
        self.cutoff = cutoff

        self.swigobj = mp.gaussian_src_time(self.frequency, self.width, self.start_time,
                                            self.start_time + 2 * self.width * self.cutoff)
        self.swigobj.is_integrated = self.is_integrated
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, frequency=None, width=0, fwidth=float('inf'), start_time=0, cutoff=5.0, wavelength=None):
        if frequency is None and wavelength is None:
            raise ValueError("Must set either frequency or wavelength in {}.".format(self.__class__.__name__))

        super(GaussianSource, self).__init__()
        self.frequency = 1 / wavelength if wavelength else float(frequency)
        self.width = max(width, 1 / fwidth)
        self.start_time = start_time
        self.cutoff = cutoff
        self.swigobj = mp.gaussian_src_time(self.frequency, self.width, self.start_time,
                                            self.start_time + 2 * self.width * self.cutoff)
        self.swigobj.is_integrated = self.is_integrated
예제 #6
파일: source.py 프로젝트: oskooi/meep
    def __init__(self, frequency=None, width=0, fwidth=float('inf'), start_time=0, cutoff=5.0, wavelength=None,
        if frequency is None and wavelength is None:
            raise ValueError("Must set either frequency or wavelength in {}.".format(self.__class__.__name__))

        super(GaussianSource, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.frequency = 1 / wavelength if wavelength else float(frequency)
        self.width = max(width, 1 / fwidth)
        self.start_time = start_time
        self.cutoff = cutoff

        self.swigobj = mp.gaussian_src_time(self.frequency, self.width, self.start_time,
                                            self.start_time + 2 * self.width * self.cutoff)
        self.swigobj.is_integrated = self.is_integrated
예제 #7
파일: source.py 프로젝트: eroen/meep
 def __init__(self,
     super(GaussianSource, self).__init__()
     self.frequency = frequency
     self.width = max(width, 1 / fwidth)
     self.start_time = start_time
     self.cutoff = cutoff
     self.swigobj = mp.gaussian_src_time(
         frequency, self.width, start_time,
         start_time + 2 * self.width * cutoff)
     self.swigobj.is_integrated = self.is_integrated
예제 #8
 def test_typemap_swig(self):
     src = mp.gaussian_src_time(0.15, 0.1)
     self.f.add_volume_source(mp.Ez, src, self.v)
예제 #9
 def get_time_src(self):
     return gaussian_src_time(self.f,self.df)
예제 #10
파일: source.py 프로젝트: oskooi/meep
 def test_typemap_swig(self):
     src = mp.gaussian_src_time(0.15, 0.1)
     self.f.add_volume_source(mp.Ez, src, self.v)