예제 #1
    def test_cloud_notifier_job_update_existing_file(self, job):  # pylint:disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
        """Tests the job update for CloudNotifier when the image exists and is valid"""
        posted_payload = {}

        def fake_post(payload):
            nonlocal posted_payload
            posted_payload = payload

        def fake_upload(image_path, download_link):
            assert image_path == __file__, "Expecting given mock `image_path` to match '{}'".format(
            return "no_upload"

        cloud_notifier = CloudNotifier(fake_post, fake_upload)
        cloud_notifier.notify(job, __file__, n_iterations=-1)

        expected_payload = {
            'mutation NotifyJobEvent($in: JobScalarChangesWithImageInput!)'
            ' {notifyJobScalarChangesWithImage(input: $in)}'
        # Verify query structure
        assert 'query' in posted_payload, "Payload is expected to contain the key 'query'"
        assert posted_payload['query'] == expected_payload[
            'query'], "GraphQL queries should be identical"
        assert 'variables' in posted_payload, "Payload is expected to contain the key 'variables'"
        assert 'in' in posted_payload[
            'variables'], "'variables' dictionary is expected to contain a key called 'in'"
        # Verify empty imageUrl
        variables = posted_payload['variables']['in']
        assert 'imageUrl' in variables, "'in' dictionary is expected to contain a key called 'imageUrl'"
        assert variables['imageUrl'] == "no_upload", "`imageUrl` value is expected to " \
                                                     "contain hard-coded value `no_upload`"
예제 #2
    def test_cloud_notifier_job_update_no_image(self):  # pylint:disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
        """Tests the job update for CloudNotifier when no image is available or image does not exist"""
        posted_payload = {}

        def fake_post(payload):
            nonlocal posted_payload
            posted_payload = payload

        cloud_notifier = CloudNotifier(fake_post, _empty_upload)
        for path in ["fake_path", None]:
            cloud_notifier.notify(_get_job(), path, n_iterations=-1)

            expected_payload = {
                'mutation NotifyJobEvent($in: JobScalarChangesWithImageInput!)'
                ' {notifyJobScalarChangesWithImage(input: $in)}'
            # Verify query structure
            assert 'query' in posted_payload, "Payload is expected to contain the key 'query'"
            assert posted_payload['query'] == expected_payload[
                'query'], "GraphQL queries should be identical"
            assert 'variables' in posted_payload, "Payload is expected to contain the key 'variables'"
            assert 'in' in posted_payload['variables'], "'variables' dictionary is expected " \
                                                        "to contain a key called 'in'"
            # Verify empty imageUrl
            variables = posted_payload['variables']['in']
            assert 'imageUrl' in variables, "'in' dictionary is expected to contain a key called 'imageUrl'"
            assert variables[
                'imageUrl'] == '', "`imageUrl` value is expected to be empty"