def group_average_spectrum(experiment, spectrum_name, groups, new_name): """ Computes a group average spectrum item. """ # check data cohesion keys = [] freq_arrays = [] for group_key, group_subjects in groups.items(): for subject_name in group_subjects: try: subject = experiment.subjects.get(subject_name) spectrum = subject.spectrum.get(spectrum_name) keys.append(tuple(sorted(spectrum.content.keys()))) freq_arrays.append(tuple(spectrum.freqs)) except Exception as exc: continue assert_arrays_same(keys, 'Conditions do not match') assert_arrays_same(freq_arrays, 'Freqs do not match') # handle channel differences ch_names = [] for group_key, group_subjects in groups.items(): for subject_name in group_subjects: try: subject = experiment.subjects.get(subject_name) spectrum = subject.spectrum.get(spectrum_name) ch_names.append(tuple(clean_names(spectrum.ch_names))) except Exception as exc: continue if len(set(ch_names)) != 1: logging.getLogger('ui_logger').info( "PSD's contain different sets of channels. Identifying common ones..") common_ch_names = list(set.intersection(*map(set, ch_names))) logging.getLogger('ui_logger').info( str(len(common_ch_names)) + ' common channels found.') else: common_ch_names = ch_names[0] grand_psds = {} for group_key, group_subjects in groups.items(): for subject in experiment.subjects.values(): if not in group_subjects: continue spectrum = subject.spectrum.get(spectrum_name) if not spectrum: continue subject_ch_names = clean_names(spectrum.ch_names) for spectrum_item_key, spectrum_item in spectrum.content.items(): grand_key = (group_key, spectrum_item_key) # get common channels in "subject specific space" idxs = [subject_ch_names.index(ch_name) for ch_name in common_ch_names] spectrum_item = spectrum_item[idxs] if grand_key not in grand_psds: grand_psds[grand_key] = [] grand_psds[grand_key].append(spectrum_item) grand_averages = {} for key, grand_psd in grand_psds.items(): new_key = str(key[1]) + '_group_' + str(key[0]) if len(grand_psd) == 1: grand_averages[new_key] = grand_psd[0].copy() else: grand_averages[new_key] = np.mean(grand_psd, axis=0) subject = experiment.active_subject try: spectrum = subject.spectrum.get(spectrum_name) except Exception as exc: raise Exception('Active subject should be included in the groups') spectrum_directory = subject.spectrum_directory info = common_idxs = [ch_idx for ch_idx, ch_name in enumerate(clean_names(info['ch_names'])) if ch_name in common_ch_names] info = mne.pick_info(info, sel=common_idxs) freqs = spectrum.freqs data = grand_averages params = deepcopy(spectrum.params) # individual intervals not relevant in the group item params.pop('intervals', None) params['groups'] = groups params['conditions'] = [elem for elem in grand_averages.keys()] spectrum = Spectrum(new_name, subject.spectrum_directory, params, data, freqs, info) spectrum.save_content() subject.add(spectrum, 'spectrum')
def group_average_tfr(experiment, tfr_name, groups, new_name): """ Computes a group average item.""" # check data cohesion keys = [] freq_arrays = [] time_arrays = [] for group_key, group_subjects in groups.items(): for subject_name in group_subjects: try: subject = experiment.subjects.get(subject_name) tfr = subject.tfr.get(tfr_name) keys.append(tuple(sorted(tfr.content.keys()))) freq_arrays.append(tuple(tfr.freqs)) time_arrays.append(tuple(tfr.times)) except Exception as exc: continue assert_arrays_same(keys, 'Conditions do no match') assert_arrays_same(freq_arrays, 'Freqs do not match') assert_arrays_same(time_arrays) # handle channel differences ch_names = [] for group_key, group_subjects in groups.items(): for subject_name in group_subjects: try: subject = experiment.subjects.get(subject_name) tfr = subject.tfr.get(tfr_name) ch_names.append(tuple(clean_names(tfr.ch_names))) except Exception as exc: continue if len(set(ch_names)) != 1: logging.getLogger('ui_logger').info( "TFR's contain different sets of channels. Identifying common ones.." ) common_ch_names = list(set.intersection(*map(set, ch_names))) logging.getLogger('ui_logger').info( str(len(common_ch_names)) + ' common channels found.') else: common_ch_names = ch_names[0] grand_tfrs = {} for group_key, group_subjects in groups.items(): for subject in experiment.subjects.values(): if not in group_subjects: continue meggie_tfr = subject.tfr.get(tfr_name) if not meggie_tfr: continue for tfr_item_key, tfr_item in meggie_tfr.content.items(): grand_key = (group_key, tfr_item_key) # get common channels in "subject specific space" subject_ch_names =['ch_names'] for ch_idx, ch_name in enumerate( clean_names(subject_ch_names)): drop_names = [] if ch_name not in common_ch_names: drop_names.append(subject_ch_names[ch_idx]) tfr_item = tfr_item.copy().drop_channels(drop_names) # sanity check if len(['ch_names']) != len(common_ch_names): raise Exception('Something wrong with the channels') if grand_key in grand_tfrs: grand_tfrs[grand_key].append(tfr_item) else: grand_tfrs[grand_key] = [tfr_item] grand_averages = {} for key, grand_tfr in grand_tfrs.items(): new_key = str(key[1]) + '_group_' + str(key[0]) if len(grand_tfr) == 1: grand_averages[new_key] = grand_tfr[0].copy() else: grand_averages[new_key] = mne.grand_average(grand_tfr) active_subject = experiment.active_subject meggie_tfr = active_subject.tfr.get(tfr_name) params = { 'decim': meggie_tfr.decim, 'n_cycles': meggie_tfr.n_cycles, 'evoked_subtracted': meggie_tfr.evoked_subtracted, 'conditions': list(grand_averages.keys()), 'groups': groups } meggie_tfr = TFR(new_name, active_subject.tfr_directory, params, grand_averages) meggie_tfr.save_content() active_subject.add(meggie_tfr, "tfr")
def test_clean_names(): assert (clean_names(['EEG 012']) == clean_names(['EEG012']) == ['EEG012'])