예제 #1
    def fprop(params):
      Forward pass of the NTM.

      W = params # aliasing for brevity

      xs, zhs, hs, ys, ps, ts, zos, os = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}

      def l():
        Silly utility function that should be called in init.
        return [{} for _ in xrange(self.heads)]

      rs = l()
      zk_rs = l()
      k_rs, beta_rs, g_rs, s_rs, gamma_rs = l(),l(),l(),l(),l()
      k_ws, beta_ws, g_ws, s_ws, gamma_ws = l(),l(),l(),l(),l()
      adds, erases = l(),l()
      w_ws, w_rs = l(),l() # read weights and write weights
      for idx in range(self.heads):
        rs[idx][-1] = self.W['rsInit' + str(idx)] # stores values read from memory
        w_ws[idx][-1] = softmax(self.W['w_wsInit' + str(idx)])
        w_rs[idx][-1] = softmax(self.W['w_rsInit' + str(idx)])

      mems = {} # the state of the memory at every timestep
      mems[-1] = self.W['memsInit']
      loss = 0

      for t in xrange(len(inputs)):

        xs[t] = np.reshape(np.array(inputs[t]),inputs[t].shape[::-1])

        rsum = 0
        for idx in range(self.heads):
          rsum = rsum + np.dot(W['rh' + str(idx)], np.reshape(rs[idx][t-1],(self.M,1)))
        zhs[t] = np.dot(W['xh'], xs[t]) + rsum + W['bh']
        hs[t] = np.tanh(zhs[t])

        zos[t] = np.dot(W['ho'], hs[t]) + W['bo']
        os[t] = np.tanh(zos[t])

        for idx in range(self.heads):
          # parameters to the read head
          zk_rs[idx][t] =np.dot(W['ok_r' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bk_r' + str(idx)]
          k_rs[idx][t] = np.tanh(zk_rs[idx][t])
          beta_rs[idx][t] = softplus(np.dot(W['obeta_r' + str(idx)],os[t])
                                     + W['bbeta_r' + str(idx)])
          g_rs[idx][t] = sigmoid(np.dot(W['og_r' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bg_r' + str(idx)])
          s_rs[idx][t] = softmax(np.dot(W['os_r' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bs_r' + str(idx)])
          gamma_rs[idx][t] = 1 + sigmoid(np.dot(W['ogamma_r' + str(idx)], os[t])
                                         + W['bgamma_r' + str(idx)])

          # parameters to the write head
          k_ws[idx][t] = np.tanh(np.dot(W['ok_w' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bk_w' + str(idx)])
          beta_ws[idx][t] = softplus(np.dot(W['obeta_w' + str(idx)], os[t])
                                     + W['bbeta_w' + str(idx)])
          g_ws[idx][t] = sigmoid(np.dot(W['og_w' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bg_w' + str(idx)])
          s_ws[idx][t] = softmax(np.dot(W['os_w' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bs_w' + str(idx)])
          gamma_ws[idx][t] = 1 + sigmoid(np.dot(W['ogamma_w' + str(idx)], os[t])
                                         + W['bgamma_w' + str(idx)])

          # the erase and add vectors
          # these are also parameters to the write head
          # but they describe "what" is to be written rather than "where"
          adds[idx][t] = np.tanh(np.dot(W['oadds' + str(idx)], os[t]) + W['badds' + str(idx)])
          erases[idx][t] = sigmoid(np.dot(W['oerases' + str(idx)], os[t]) + W['erases' + str(idx)])

          w_ws[idx][t] = addressing.create_weights(   k_ws[idx][t]
                                                    , beta_ws[idx][t]
                                                    , g_ws[idx][t]
                                                    , s_ws[idx][t]
                                                    , gamma_ws[idx][t]
                                                    , w_ws[idx][t-1]
                                                    , mems[t-1])

          w_rs[idx][t] = addressing.create_weights(   k_rs[idx][t]
                                                    , beta_rs[idx][t]
                                                    , g_rs[idx][t]
                                                    , s_rs[idx][t]
                                                    , gamma_rs[idx][t]
                                                    , w_rs[idx][t-1]
                                                    , mems[t-1])

        ys[t] = np.dot(W['oy'], os[t]) + W['by']
        ps[t] = sigmoid(ys[t])

        one = np.ones(ps[t].shape)
        ts[t] = np.reshape(np.array(targets[t]),(self.out_size,1))

        epsilon = 2**-23 # to prevent log(0)
        a = np.multiply(ts[t] , np.log2(ps[t] + epsilon))
        b = np.multiply(one - ts[t], np.log2(one-ps[t] + epsilon))
        loss = loss - (a + b)

        for idx in range(self.heads):
          # read from the memory
          rs[idx][t] = memory.read(mems[t-1],w_rs[idx][t])

          # write into the memory
          mems[t] = memory.write(mems[t-1],w_ws[idx][t],erases[idx][t],adds[idx][t])

      self.stats = [loss, mems, ps, ys, os, zos, hs, zhs, xs, rs, w_rs, w_ws, adds, erases]
      return np.sum(loss)
예제 #2
파일: cpu.py 프로젝트: PietPtr/Gameboy
def loadabs():
    ls = m.read(pc + 1)
    ms = m.read(pc + 2)
    addr = ms << 8 | ls
    writeReg(A, m.read(addr))
    update(3, 16)
예제 #3
파일: cpu.py 프로젝트: PietPtr/Gameboy
def decat(regs):
    addr = readRegs(regs)
    value = m.read(addr) - 1
    m.write(addr, value)

    update(1, 12, zerocheck=value, n=1, h=((value >> 4) & 1))
예제 #4
파일: cpu.py 프로젝트: PietPtr/Gameboy
def savetoIO():
    addr = 0xFF00 | readReg(C)
    writeReg(A, m.read(addr))
    update(1, 8)
예제 #5
파일: cpu.py 프로젝트: PietPtr/Gameboy
def putabs():
    ls = m.read(pc + 1)
    ms = m.read(pc + 2)
    addr = ms << 8 | ls
    m.write(addr, readReg(A))
    update(3, 16)
예제 #6
파일: cpu.py 프로젝트: PietPtr/Gameboy
def loadfrom(reg, regs):
    addr = readRegs(regs)
    value = m.read(addr)
    writeReg(reg, value)

    update(1, 8)
예제 #7
파일: cpu.py 프로젝트: PietPtr/Gameboy
def ldh_ai(value):
    addr = 0xFF00 | value
    writeReg(A, m.read(addr))

    update(2, 12)
예제 #8
파일: cpu.py 프로젝트: PietPtr/Gameboy
def loadi16(toRegs):
    value = (m.read(pc + 2) << 8) + (m.read(pc + 1))
    writeRegs(toRegs, value)

    update(3, 12)
예제 #9
파일: cpu.py 프로젝트: PietPtr/Gameboy
def loadiat(regs):
    addr = readRegs(regs)
    value = m.read(pc + 1)
    m.write(addr, value)

    update(2, 12)
예제 #10
파일: cpu.py 프로젝트: PietPtr/Gameboy
def loadi8(toReg):
    value = m.read(pc + 1)
    writeReg(toReg, value)

    update(2, 8)
예제 #11
파일: cpu.py 프로젝트: PietPtr/Gameboy
def printLCD():
    print("LY=" + str(hex(m.read(0xff44))),
          " LCDC=" + str(hex(m.read(0xff41))))
예제 #12
파일: cpu.py 프로젝트: PietPtr/Gameboy
def printState():
    print("{0:#0{1}x}".format(pc, 6), "{0:#0{1}x}".format(m.read(pc), 4))
예제 #13
파일: cpu.py 프로젝트: PietPtr/Gameboy
def getif(interrupt):
    return bool(m.read(0xff0f) >> (interrupts[interrupt]) & 1)
예제 #14
파일: cpu.py 프로젝트: PietPtr/Gameboy
 0x11: lambda pc: loadi16(DE),
 0x12: lambda pc: loadto((DE), A),
 0x13: lambda pc: inc16(DE),
 0x14: lambda pc: inc8(D),
 0x15: lambda pc: dec8(D),
 0x16: lambda pc: loadi8(D),
 0x17: lambda pc: rla(),
 0x18: lambda pc: jumpr(),
 0x19: lambda pc: add16s(HL, DE),
 0x1a: lambda pc: loadfrom(A, (DE)),
 0x1b: lambda pc: dec16(DE),
 0x1c: lambda pc: inc8(E),
 0x1d: lambda pc: dec8(E),
 0x1e: lambda pc: loadi8(E),
 0x1f: lambda pc: rra(),
 0x20: lambda pc: jumprf(m.read(pc)),
 0x21: lambda pc: loadi16(HL),
 0x22: lambda pc: loadtoc('+'),
 0x23: lambda pc: inc16(HL),
 0x24: lambda pc: inc8(H),
 0x25: lambda pc: dec8(H),
 0x26: lambda pc: loadi8(H),
 0x28: lambda pc: jumprf(m.read(pc)),
 0x29: lambda pc: add16s(HL, HL),
 0x2a: lambda pc: loadfromc('+'),
 0x2b: lambda pc: dec16(HL),
 0x2c: lambda pc: inc8(L),
 0x2d: lambda pc: dec8(L),
 0x2e: lambda pc: loadi8(L),
 0x2f: lambda pc: cpl(),
 0x30: lambda pc: jumprf(m.read(pc)),