def _execute(self, params): generated_sql, query_params = self._generate_sql(params) row = self._db_query(""" SELECT id, created, spec, IFNULL(tasks_total, 0) AS tasks_total, IFNULL(tasks_queued, 0) AS tasks_queued, -- Tasks that are cancelled count as finished also. -- It is always true that if one is null, all are null IFNULL(tasks_total - tasks_queued - tasks_finished, 0) AS tasks_running, IFNULL(tasks_finished, 0) AS tasks_finished, IFNULL(tasks_cancelled, 0) AS tasks_cancelled, IFNULL(tasks_succeeded, 0) AS tasks_succeeded, IFNULL(tasks_errored, 0) AS tasks_errored, %(state_projection)s AS state FROM jobs LEFT JOIN( SELECT tasks.job_id, -- counts COUNT( AS tasks_total, CAST(SUM(%(success_cond)s) AS SIGNED) AS tasks_succeeded, CAST(SUM(%(error_cond)s) AS SIGNED) AS tasks_errored, CAST(SUM(%(cancelled_cond)s) AS SIGNED) AS tasks_cancelled, CAST(SUM(%(finished_cond)s) AS SIGNED) AS tasks_finished, CAST(SUM(%(queued_cond)s) AS SIGNED) AS tasks_queued FROM tasks WHERE %(task_job_id_predicate)s GROUP BY tasks.job_id ) AS job_tasks ON job_tasks.job_id = WHERE %(job_id_predicate)s LIMIT 2 """ % generated_sql, **query_params) if len(row) == 0: raise exceptions.ApiException('No job found with id `%s`' % params['job_id']) elif len(row) > 1: raise exceptions.ApiException('More than one job matches id `%s`, try using a more specific prefix' % params['job_id']) row = row[0] return shared.job_load_row(row)
def _execute(self, params): generated_sql, query_params = self._generate_sql(params) rows = self._db_query(""" SELECT id, created, last_contact, spec, IFNULL(tasks_total, 0) AS tasks_total, IFNULL(tasks_cancelled, 0) AS tasks_cancelled, IFNULL(tasks_errored, 0) AS tasks_errored, IFNULL(tasks_queued, 0) AS tasks_queued, -- Tasks that are cancelled count as finished also -- It is always true that if one is null, all are null IFNULL(tasks_total - tasks_queued - tasks_finished, 0) AS tasks_running, IFNULL(tasks_finished, 0) AS tasks_finished, %(state_projection)s AS state, bytes_total, bytes_downloaded, download_rate, first_task_start FROM jobs LEFT JOIN( SELECT tasks.job_id, MIN(tasks.started) AS first_task_start, MAX(tasks.last_contact) AS last_contact, -- counts -- These casts are necessary because MemSQL makes arbitrary choices COUNT( AS tasks_total, CAST(SUM(%(cancelled_cond)s) AS SIGNED) AS tasks_cancelled, CAST(SUM(%(error_cond)s) AS SIGNED) AS tasks_errored, CAST(SUM(%(finished_cond)s) AS SIGNED) AS tasks_finished, CAST(SUM(%(queued_cond)s) AS SIGNED) AS tasks_queued, -- download information -- CAST because JSON number types are always floats CAST(SUM(tasks.bytes_total) AS SIGNED) AS bytes_total, CAST(SUM(tasks.bytes_downloaded) AS SIGNED) AS bytes_downloaded, CAST(SUM(tasks.download_rate) AS SIGNED) AS download_rate FROM tasks GROUP BY tasks.job_id ) AS job_tasks ON job_tasks.job_id = %(where_expr)s ORDER BY %(order_by)s %(order)s %(paging)s """ % generated_sql, **query_params) # calculate time_left for each job for row in rows: time_left = -1 no_nulls = None not in (row.last_contact, row.first_task_start, row.bytes_downloaded) if row.state == shared.JobState.RUNNING and no_nulls and row.bytes_downloaded != 0: last_contact = dateutil.parser.parse(row.last_contact) first_task_start = dateutil.parser.parse(row.first_task_start) time_since_start = last_contact - first_task_start overall_download_rate = row.bytes_downloaded / max(time_since_start.total_seconds(), 1) bytes_remaining = row.bytes_total - row.bytes_downloaded if overall_download_rate > 0: time_left = bytes_remaining / overall_download_rate row['time_left'] = time_left return [ shared.job_load_row(row) for row in rows ]