예제 #1
def upload_sftp(request):
    song_list = []
    sketchy = False
    sftp_upload_dir = settings.AENCLAVE_SFTP_UPLOAD_DIR

    # Figure out available MP3's in SFTP upload DIR
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sftp_upload_dir):
        for filename in files:
            if processing.valid_song(filename):
                full_path = root + '/' + filename

                content = File(open(full_path, 'r'))

                song, audio = processing.process_song(full_path, content)


                if audio.info.sketchy:
                    sketchy = True

                #remove the file from the sftp-upload directory

    return render_html_template('aenclave/upload_sftp.html',
                                request, {
                                    'song_list': song_list,
                                    'sketchy_upload': sketchy
예제 #2
def upload_sftp(request):
    song_list = []
    sketchy = False
    sftp_upload_dir = settings.AENCLAVE_SFTP_UPLOAD_DIR

    # Figure out available MP3's in SFTP upload DIR
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sftp_upload_dir):
        for filename in files:
            if processing.valid_song(filename):
                full_path = root + '/' + filename

                content = File(open(full_path, 'r'))

                song, audio = processing.process_song(full_path, content)


                if audio.info.sketchy:
                    sketchy = True

                #remove the file from the sftp-upload directory

    return render_html_template('aenclave/upload_sftp.html', request,
                                {'song_list': song_list,
                                 'sketchy_upload': sketchy},
예제 #3
def upload_http_fancy_receiver(request):
    logging.info("Got fancy receiver request.")
    audio = None
    # The key is generally 'Filedata' but this is just easier.
    for k, f in request.FILES.items():
        audio = f

    # SWFUpload does not properly fill out the song's mimetype, so
    # just use the extension.
    if audio is None:
        logging.error("Did not find any file uploaded.")
        return html_error(request, 'No file was uploaded.', 'HTTP Upload')

    logging.info("Received upload of %s" % audio.name)

    if not processing.valid_song(audio.name):
        logging.error("Rejecting upload due to unsupported filetype")
        return html_error(request, 'This filetype is unsupported.',
                          'HTTP Upload')

    # Save the song into the database -- we'll fix the tags in a moment.
    song, audio = processing.process_song(audio.name, audio)

    return render_html_template('aenclave/songlist_song_row.html',
                                request, {'song': song},
예제 #4
def upload_http_fancy_receiver(request):
    logging.info("Got fancy receiver request.")
    audio = None
    # The key is generally 'Filedata' but this is just easier.
    for k,f in request.FILES.items():
        audio = f

    # SWFUpload does not properly fill out the song's mimetype, so
    # just use the extension.
    if audio is None:
        logging.error("Did not find any file uploaded.")
        return html_error(request, 'No file was uploaded.', 'HTTP Upload')

    logging.info("Received upload of %s" % audio.name)

    if not processing.valid_song(audio.name):
        logging.error("Rejecting upload due to unsupported filetype")
        return html_error(request, 'This filetype is unsupported.',
                          'HTTP Upload')

    # Save the song into the database -- we'll fix the tags in a moment.
    song, audio = processing.process_song(audio.name, audio)

    return render_html_template('aenclave/songlist_song_row.html', request,
                                {'song': song},