def score_screen(): pygame.init() ai_settings = Settings() score_scr = pygame.display.set_mode( (ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Space Invaders") music = pygame.mixer.Sound("Sounds/space_music.wav") play_button = Button(ai_settings, score_scr, "Start", (600, 50)) stats = GameStats(ai_settings) sb = Scoreboard(ai_settings, score_scr, stats) a = gm.store_score(stats, score_scr) y = 0 gm.display_scores(a, score_scr, y) while True: gm.check_button_press(play_button, ai_settings, stats, sb) if stats.game_active: run_game() elif not stats.game_active: play_button.draw_button() pygame.display.flip()
def records_loop(self, screen): """ Draw records on the screen :param screen: screen of the game :type screen: pygame.Surface """ clock = pygame.time.Clock() y_step = 35 is_watching = True records = self.__plays__() btn = Button("assets/buttons/BackButton.png", ButtonType.Back, y_step * 16 + 53) while is_watching : for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: exit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: if btn.is_clicked(event.pos): is_watching = False return screen.fill(const.BLACK) btn.draw(screen) y = y_step for record in records: nick = const.font_renderer.render(str(record[0]), 1, const.FONT_COLOR) num = const.font_renderer.render(str(record[1]), 1, const.FONT_COLOR) screen.blit(nick, (100, y)) screen.blit(num, (const.width - 100 - num.get_width(), y)) y += y_step pygame.display.update() clock.tick(const.FPS)
def initUI(self): self.set_initial_init() self.board = Board(self) = Menu(self) self.ok_button = Button('images/ok.png', self._ok, (265, 250), (65, 55), self) self.ok_button.close() self.back_to_menu_button = Button('images/back_to_menu', self._back_to_menu, (560, 0), (300, 55), self) self.back_to_menu_button.close() #self.close() self.setGeometry(200, 75, 860, 560) self.setWindowTitle('PyChess') self.setWindowIcon(QIcon('images/icon.png'))
def __init__(self, config): self.hasQuit = False self.tickNumber = 0 self.display = pg.display.set_mode( (config.screenSize[0], config.screenSize[1])) self.pivotMnger = PivotManager(config) self.clock = pg.time.Clock() self.initalPlrVel = config.initalPlayerVel self.initalPlrPos = config.screenSize[0] / 2 + 1j * config.screenSize[1] #screen height is height of top left corner from start (value will get more negative as player goes up) self.screenPosition = [0, 0] self.plr = Player(config, Teather(config), Booster(config), self.initalPlrPos, self.initalPlrVel) = Background(config, self.screenPosition) self.config = config #used for reading and writing score self.fileName = os.path.basename(__file__) self.dirPath = os.path.realpath(__file__)[0:-len(self.fileName)] self.screenSize = config.screenSize self.screenVelSlope = config.screenVelSlope self.spf = 1 / config.fps self.scoreDivisor = config.scoreDivisor self.scoreDisplay = TextBox( 'PLACEHOLDER', (255, 0, 0), (self.screenSize[0] / 15, self.screenSize[1] / 20), round(config.fontSize / 2)) self.scoreDisplay.initalizeTextBox() self.resetButton = Button( (self.screenSize[0] / 2, 2 * self.screenSize[1] / 3), self.screenSize[0] / 8, self.screenSize[0] / 8, config.resetSymbol, (255, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255), True) self.resetText = TextBox( 'PLACEHOLDER', (255, 0, 0), (self.screenSize[0] / 2, self.screenSize[1] / 3), config.fontSize) self.resetText.initalizeTextBox() self.startButton = Button( (self.screenSize[0] / 2, 2 * self.screenSize[1] / 3), self.screenSize[0] / 8, self.screenSize[0] / 8, config.playSymbol, (255, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255), True) self.startText = TextBox( 'BOUNCY BOI', (255, 0, 0), (self.screenSize[0] / 2, self.screenSize[1] / 3), config.fontSize) self.startText.initalizeTextBox()
def start_screen(): pygame.init() ai_settings = Settings() start_scr = pygame.display.set_mode( (ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Space Invaders") stats = GameStats(ai_settings) sb = Scoreboard(ai_settings, start_scr, stats) music = pygame.mixer.Sound("Sounds/space_music.wav") play_button = Button(ai_settings, start_scr, "Start", (600, 50)) score_button = Button(ai_settings, start_scr, "Highscore", (600, 750)) = 600, 750 a = gm.display_alien_start_screen(ai_settings, start_scr) gm.score1(start_scr) while True: gm.check_button_press(play_button, ai_settings, stats, sb) if stats.game_active: run_game() elif not stats.game_active: play_button.draw_button() score_button.draw_button() a = gm.score_menu(score_button, ai_settings, stats, sb) if a is True: score_screen() pygame.display.flip()
def startScreen(clock): startButton = Button((screenSize[0] / 2, screenSize[1] / 2), 250, 250, [], (255, 255, 255), False) titleTextBox = TextBox('NEON DRAGONS', (255, 0, 0), [screenSize[0] / 2, screenSize[1] / 4], config.textCharacterWidth) titleTextBox.initalizeTextBox() #playerNumber,startingSpeed,turningRadius,segmentLength,dashDistance p1 = Snake(1, config.snakeSpeed, config.menuTurningRadius, config.segmentLength, 100) p1.createSnake(5, config.menuTurningRadius) p2 = Snake(2, config.snakeSpeed, config.menuTurningRadius, config.segmentLength, 100) p2.createSnake(5, config.menuTurningRadius) while not (startButton.wasPressed or config.quit): for event in pg.event.get(): # checks if player has quit if event.type == pg.QUIT: config.quit = True pg.Surface.fill(gameDisplay, (0, 0, 0)) playersHandler(p1, p2, (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), gameDisplay, 0) #displaying title titleTextBox.displayActiveLines(gameDisplay) if not titleTextBox.allLinesActivated: titleTextBox.activateRandomLine() clock.tick_busy_loop(frameRate) mousePos = pg.mouse.get_pos() mousePressed = pg.mouse.get_pressed() mouseIsOnButton = startButton.displayAndGetClicked( mousePos, mousePressed, gameDisplay) if mouseIsOnButton: p1.color = (255, 0, 0) p2.color = (255, 0, 0) else: p1.color = (255, 255, 255) p2.color = (255, 255, 255) pg.display.update() p1.color = (255, 0, 0) p2.color = (255, 0, 0) p1.changeTurningRadius(config.normalTurningRadius) p2.changeTurningRadius(config.normalTurningRadius) return (p1, p2, titleTextBox)
def __transform_pawn__(self): self.pawn_can_transform = True img_start = 'images/w' if self.board.field.coords[self.pawn[0]][self.pawn[1]].color == img_start = 'images/b' self.choose_queen_button = Button(img_start + 'Q.png', self._choose_queen, (110, 220), (80, 80), self) self.choose_rook_button = Button(img_start + 'R.png', self._choose_rook, (210, 220), (80, 80), self) self.choose_bishop_button = Button(img_start + 'B.png', self._choose_bishop, (310, 220), (80, 80), self) self.choose_knight_button = Button(img_start + 'N.png', self._choose_knight, (410, 220), (80, 80), self)
def __init__(self): self.background = self.background.convert() self.player = player.Player() self.title = self.font.render("Select Player", True, constants.RED) self.player_select = Button("Select Player", (350,600)) self.level1 = Button("Fruit in a Barrel",(200,200)) self.level2 = Button("Raining Fruit",(300,300)) self.level3 = Button("Fruit Pop", (400,400)) self.level4 = Button("Fruit Flies", (500,500)) self.level1.status = "New" self.food1 = food.Food() self.food2 = food.Food() self.food1.rect.x = 900 self.food1.rect.y = 150 self.food2.rect.x = 150 self.food2.rect.y = 500
def __init__(self, screen, game, gameover, tilesize): self.TILESIZE = tilesize self.gameover = gameover self.screen = screen = game self.taskbar = Taskbar(self.screen, self.turnButton = Button("Next turn",self.screen.get_width() - 250, self.screen.get_height() - (TASKBARHEIGHT//2) - 25, 200, 50, GREEN, LGREEN, self.screen, action = # Maximum values for drawing tiles as limited by window resolution reslimitx = int( self.screen.get_width() / self.TILESIZE ) reslimity = int( ( self.screen.get_height() - TASKBARHEIGHT ) / self.TILESIZE ) self.viewx = reslimitx if reslimitx < else self.viewy = reslimity if reslimity < else # Map dimensions self.mapx = self.mapy = # Offset from top left corner for drawing current view self.currentx = 0 self.currenty = 0
def run_game(): pygame.init() ai_settings = Settings() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Space Invaders") music = pygame.mixer.Sound("Sounds/space_music.wav") play_button = Button(ai_settings, screen, "Play", (600, 50)) barrier = Barrier(ai_settings, screen) ship = Ship(ai_settings, screen) stats = GameStats(ai_settings) sb = Scoreboard(ai_settings, screen, stats) bullets = Group() aliens = Group() gm.create_fleet(ai_settings, screen, ship, aliens) gm.create_barriers(ai_settings, screen) while True: gm.check_events(ai_settings, screen, stats, sb, play_button, ship, aliens, bullets) bullets.update() ship.update() barrier.update() gm.update_aliens(ai_settings, screen, stats, sb, ship, aliens, bullets) gm.update_bullets(ai_settings, screen, stats, sb, ship, aliens, bullets) gm.update_screen(ai_settings, screen, stats, sb, ship, aliens, bullets) pygame.display.flip()
def high_score_screen(settings, stats, screen): """Display all high scores in a separate screen with a back button""" hs_screen = HighScoreScreen(settings, screen, stats) back_button = Button(settings, screen, 'Back To Menu', y_factor=0.85) while True: back_button.alter_text_color(*pg.mouse.get_pos()) for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: return False elif event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if back_button.check_button(*pg.mouse.get_pos()): return True screen.fill(settings.bg_color) hs_screen.show_scores() back_button.draw_button() pg.display.flip()
def __transform_pawn__(self): self.pawn_can_transform = True img_start = 'images/w' if self.board.field.coords[self.pawn[0]][ self.pawn[1]].color == img_start = 'images/b' self.choose_queen_button = Button(img_start + 'Q.png', self._choose_queen, (110, 220), (80, 80), self) self.choose_rook_button = Button(img_start + 'R.png', self._choose_rook, (210, 220), (80, 80), self) self.choose_bishop_button = Button(img_start + 'B.png', self._choose_bishop, (310, 220), (80, 80), self) self.choose_knight_button = Button(img_start + 'N.png', self._choose_knight, (410, 220), (80, 80), self)
def main(): logger = logging.Logger("MainLogger") logging.basicConfig(filename="./logs/test.log") menu = Menu("Main menu", logger=logger) menu.add_element(Button(500, 500, 200, 400, "Test Button", "A TEST"))
class PyChess(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(QWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.set_initial_init() self.board = Board(self) = Menu(self) self.ok_button = Button('images/ok.png', self._ok, (265, 250), (65, 55), self) self.ok_button.close() self.back_to_menu_button = Button('images/back_to_menu', self._back_to_menu, (560, 0), (300, 55), self) self.back_to_menu_button.close() #self.close() self.setGeometry(200, 75, 860, 560) self.setWindowTitle('PyChess') self.setWindowIcon(QIcon('images/icon.png')) def set_initial_init(self): self.game_over = True self.pawn = None self.is_checkmate = False self.is_pat = False self.is_white_won = False self.is_black_won = False self.pawn_can_transform = False def _back_to_menu(self): self.back_to_menu_button.close() = True def _ok(self): self.ok_button.close() self.is_white_won = False self.is_black_won = False self.is_pat = False self.repaint() def __transform_pawn__(self): self.pawn_can_transform = True img_start = 'images/w' if self.board.field.coords[self.pawn[0]][self.pawn[1]].color == img_start = 'images/b' self.choose_queen_button = Button(img_start + 'Q.png', self._choose_queen, (110, 220), (80, 80), self) self.choose_rook_button = Button(img_start + 'R.png', self._choose_rook, (210, 220), (80, 80), self) self.choose_bishop_button = Button(img_start + 'B.png', self._choose_bishop, (310, 220), (80, 80), self) self.choose_knight_button = Button(img_start + 'N.png', self._choose_knight, (410, 220), (80, 80), self) def _choose_queen(self): self.board.field.coords[self.pawn[0]][self.pawn[1]] = Queen(self.board.field.coords[self.pawn[0]][self.pawn[1]].color, self.board.field) self.close_buttons() def _choose_rook(self): self.board.field.coords[self.pawn[0]][self.pawn[1]] = Rook(self.board.field.coords[self.pawn[0]][self.pawn[1]].color, self.board.field) self.close_buttons() def _choose_bishop(self): self.board.field.coords[self.pawn[0]][self.pawn[1]] = Bishop(self.board.field.coords[self.pawn[0]][self.pawn[1]].color, self.board.field) self.close_buttons() def _choose_knight(self): self.board.field.coords[self.pawn[0]][self.pawn[1]] = Knight(self.board.field.coords[self.pawn[0]][self.pawn[1]].color, self.board.field) self.close_buttons() def close_buttons(self): self.choose_bishop_button.close() self.choose_knight_button.close() self.choose_queen_button.close() self.choose_rook_button.close() self.pawn = None self.pawn_can_transform = False self.repaint() if not self.board.vs_player and == self.repaint() self.check_game_state() def mousePressEvent(self, e): if not and not self.game_over: if e.buttons() == Qt.LeftButton and QCursor.pos().x() - self.geometry().x() < 560: square = int((QCursor.pos().x() - self.geometry().x()) / self.board.side_of_square), \ int((QCursor.pos().y() - self.geometry().y()) / self.board.side_of_square) if not self.board.button_pressed: if self.board.field.coords[square[1]][square[0]] is not None and self.board.field.coords[square[1]][square[0]].color == self.board.button_pressed = True self.board.pressed_piece = square[1], square[0] self.board.painted_squares = right_moves(square[1], square[0], self.board.field) self.board.painted_squares.append((square[1], square[0])) else: doing_move((self.board.pressed_piece[0], self.board.pressed_piece[1]), (square[1], square[0]), self.board.field, self.board.button_pressed = False self.board.painted_squares = [] self.board.pressed_piece = None pawn = pawn_can_transform(self.board.field) if pawn is not None: self.pawn = pawn self.__transform_pawn__() self.repaint() if not self.board.vs_player and == and self.pawn == None: self.repaint() self.check_game_state() def check_game_state(self): if is_pat_now(self.board.field, self.is_pat = True self.game_over = True if not self.game_over and checkmate(, self.board.field): self.is_white_won = True self.game_over = True if not self.game_over and checkmate(Color.white, self.board.field): self.is_black_won = True self.game_over = True self.repaint()
def add_menu_button(self, *args): self.menu_buttons.add(Button(*args))
def endScreen(clock, p1, p2): if p1.dead: if p2.dead: text = "MUTUAL KILL" else: text = "PLAYER 2 WINS" else: if p2.dead: text = "PLAYER 1 WINS" else: text = "MUTUAL KILL" p1.createSnake(5, config.menuTurningRadius) p2.createSnake(5, config.menuTurningRadius) endTextBox = TextBox(text, (255, 0, 0), [screenSize[0] / 2, screenSize[1] / 4], config.textCharacterWidth) endTextBox.initalizeTextBox() #fades in end text while not (endTextBox.allLinesActivated or config.quit): pg.display.update() endTextBox.activateRandomLine() pg.Surface.fill(gameDisplay, (0, 0, 0)) endTextBox.displayActiveLines(gameDisplay) clock.tick_busy_loop(frameRate) for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: config.quit = True #adds in restart button endButton = Button((screenSize[0] / 2, screenSize[1] / 2), 250, 250, [], (255, 255, 255), False) while not (endButton.wasPressed or config.quit): for event in pg.event.get(): # checks if player has quit if event.type == pg.QUIT: config.quit = True pg.Surface.fill(gameDisplay, (0, 0, 0)) playersHandler(p1, p2, (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), gameDisplay, 0) endTextBox.displayActiveLines(gameDisplay) clock.tick_busy_loop(frameRate) #displays end text mousePos = pg.mouse.get_pos() mousePressed = pg.mouse.get_pressed() mouseIsOnButton = endButton.displayAndGetClicked( mousePos, mousePressed, gameDisplay) if mouseIsOnButton: p1.color = (255, 0, 0) p2.color = (255, 0, 0) else: p1.color = (255, 255, 255) p2.color = (255, 255, 255) pg.display.update() p1.color = (255, 0, 0) p2.color = (255, 0, 0) p1.changeTurningRadius(config.normalTurningRadius) p2.changeTurningRadius(config.normalTurningRadius) return (endTextBox)
def del_level(): global chosen, container if chosen and chosen.image: os.remove('levels/{}.png'.format(chosen.number + 1)) for p in container: for lvl in p: # Shift others if lvl.number > chosen.number and lvl.image: os.rename(f'levels/{lvl.number+1}.png', f'levels/{lvl.number}.png') chosen = None update() # Global variables level_buttons = [ Button("Edit level", 300, 700, (25, 65, 65), edit_level), Button("Add level", 530, 700, (25, 65, 65), add_level), Button("Del level", 760, 700, (25, 65, 65), del_level), Button("<-", 50, 700, (25, 65, 65), change_page, -1), Button("->", 1100, 700, (25, 65, 65), change_page, 1), Button(pygame.image.load('images/back.png'), 10, 10, (25, 65, 65), go_back) ] done = False page = 1 # current page pages = 1 # all Pages lvl_amount = 0 container = [] chosen = None lvl_for_game = None # =======================
class Gameview: ''' Represents the game as shown to the player. Params: screen: Pygame screen game: Instance of Game class gameover: Gameover popup window tilesize: Size of each tile read from setup.txt Methods: draw(): Draws the view moveView(): Moves the current viewpoint ''' def __init__(self, screen, game, gameover, tilesize): self.TILESIZE = tilesize self.gameover = gameover self.screen = screen = game self.taskbar = Taskbar(self.screen, self.turnButton = Button("Next turn",self.screen.get_width() - 250, self.screen.get_height() - (TASKBARHEIGHT//2) - 25, 200, 50, GREEN, LGREEN, self.screen, action = # Maximum values for drawing tiles as limited by window resolution reslimitx = int( self.screen.get_width() / self.TILESIZE ) reslimity = int( ( self.screen.get_height() - TASKBARHEIGHT ) / self.TILESIZE ) self.viewx = reslimitx if reslimitx < else self.viewy = reslimity if reslimity < else # Map dimensions self.mapx = self.mapy = # Offset from top left corner for drawing current view self.currentx = 0 self.currenty = 0 def draw(self): self.screen.fill(BLACK) self.taskbar.draw() # Draw the "next turn" button if == 1: if self.turnButton.color = GRAY else: self.turnButton.color = GREEN self.turnButton.draw() # Draw the tiles and units for i in range(self.viewy): for j in range(self.viewx): self.screen.blit(pygame.transform.scale([i+self.currenty][j+self.currentx].img, (self.TILESIZE,self.TILESIZE)), \ (j * self.TILESIZE, i * self.TILESIZE)) if[i+self.currenty][j+self.currentx].unit: self.screen.blit(pygame.transform.scale([i+self.currenty][j+self.currentx].unit.sprite, (self.TILESIZE,self.TILESIZE)),\ (j * self.TILESIZE, i * self.TILESIZE)) if if == j+self.currentx and \ == i+self.currenty: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (255,255,255), (j*self.TILESIZE, i*self.TILESIZE, self.TILESIZE,self.TILESIZE), 2) # Process player clicks on the map tiles click = 1 click, temp =[i+self.currenty][j+self.currentx].click(self.screen, self.currentx, self.currenty, self.TILESIZE) if click == 1 and temp != None: = temp self.taskbar.updateTexts() print("Tile at ({}, {})".format(, print("Pathable:", if print("Has unit:", print("Moves left:", print() elif click == 2 and temp != None: if temp.unit:, temp) else:, temp) self.taskbar.updateTexts() # Check for game over if not and not self.gameover.winnerText.updateText("You lose!") = True return 3 if not self.gameover.winnerText.updateText("You win!") = True return 3 return 1 def moveView(self, direction): if (direction not in DIRECTIONS): return 0 if (direction[0] + self.currentx) < 0 or \ (direction[0] + self.currentx + self.viewx) > self.mapx: return 0 if (direction[1] + self.currenty) < 0 or \ (direction[1] + self.currenty + self.viewy) > self.mapy: return 0 self.currentx += direction[0] self.currenty += direction[1] return 1
from entity import Player from menu import Button from background import Background pygame.init() screen_height = 600 screen_width = 900 window = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Dungeon Game") # Main Menu Aspects menu_bg = Background(0, 0, screen_height, screen_width, 'resources/menu/menu_bg.png') start_button = Button(330, 270, 60, 240, 'start_button', 'resources/menu/') exit_button = Button(330, 360, 60, 240, 'exit_button', 'resources/menu/') def draw_menu(): window.blit(menu_bg.image, (menu_bg.x, menu_bg.y)) window.blit(start_button.image, (start_button.x, start_button.y)) window.blit(exit_button.image, (exit_button.x, exit_button.y)) pygame.display.update() # Generate inital cave cave = Cave(screen_height // 15, screen_width // 15) bg = Background(0, 0, screen_height, screen_width) # Character Creation
if __name__ == "__main__": WHITE = (255, 255, 255) BLACK = (0, 0, 0) RED = (142, 22, 0) GRAY = (200, 200, 200) state = State() clock = pygame.time.Clock() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((state.WIDTH, state.HEIGHT)) # Экраны меню setup if state.screen_type == State.SCREEN_MENU or state.screen_type == State.SCREEN_PAUSE: # SCREEN_MENU button_size_1 = Button(Button.SIZE_3X3, 100, 80, x=25, y=25, text="3x3", is_selected=True) active_button_size = button_size_1 button_size_2 = Button(Button.SIZE_4X4, 100, 80, x=150, y=25, text="4x4") button_size_3 = Button(Button.SIZE_5X5, 100, 80, x=275, y=25,
class PlayerSelect(): background = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('images', 'starburst_green.png')) font = constants.FONT title = None level1 = None level2 = None level3 = None level4 = None time = "Menu" player = None food1 = None food2 = None def __init__(self): self.background = self.background.convert() self.player = player.Player() self.title = self.font.render("Select Player", True, constants.RED) self.player_select = Button("Select Player", (350,600)) self.level1 = Button("Fruit in a Barrel",(200,200)) self.level2 = Button("Raining Fruit",(300,300)) self.level3 = Button("Fruit Pop", (400,400)) self.level4 = Button("Fruit Flies", (500,500)) self.level1.status = "New" self.food1 = food.Food() self.food2 = food.Food() self.food1.rect.x = 900 self.food1.rect.y = 150 self.food2.rect.x = 150 self.food2.rect.y = 500 def update(self,pos): self.player.update(pos) self.player_select.update() self.level1.update() self.level2.update() self.level3.update() self.level4.update() def shot(self,pos): a = None if self.level1.rect.collidepoint(pos): a = 1 elif self.level2.rect.collidepoint(pos): a = 2 elif self.level3.rect.collidepoint(pos): a = 3 elif self.level4.rect.collidepoint(pos): a = 4 elif self.player_select.rect.collidepoint(pos): a = 5 if a: self.food1.reset() self.food2.reset() self.food1.rect.x = 950 self.food1.rect.y = 150 self.food2.rect.x = 150 self.food2.rect.y = 500 return(a) def draw(self,screen): screen.blit(self.background,(0,0)) screen.blit(self.title, (100,50)) self.player_select.draw(screen) self.level1.draw(screen) self.level2.draw(screen) self.level3.draw(screen) self.level4.draw(screen) self.food1.draw(screen) self.food2.draw(screen) self.player.draw(screen)
def startup_screen(settings, stats, screen, menu_aliens, menu_ufos): """Display the startup menu on the screen, return False if the user wishes to quit, True if they are ready to play""" menu = Intro(settings, stats, screen) play_button = Button(settings, screen, 'Play Game', y_factor=0.75) hs_button = Button(settings, screen, 'High Scores', y_factor=0.85) intro = True while intro: play_button.alter_text_color(*pg.mouse.get_pos()) hs_button.alter_text_color(*pg.mouse.get_pos()) for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: return False elif event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: click_x, click_y = pg.mouse.get_pos() stats.game_active = play_button.check_button(click_x, click_y) intro = not stats.game_active if hs_button.check_button(click_x, click_y): ret_hs = high_score_screen(settings, stats, screen) if not ret_hs: return False screen.fill(settings.bg_color) menu.draw() hs_button.draw_button() play_button.draw_button() menu_aliens.draw() menu_ufos.draw() pg.display.flip() return True
line += " +" + condit.match_string elif condit.operation == "exclude": line += " -" + condit.match_string line += "\n" f.write(line) f.close() os.startfile(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "\\save.txt") main_menu.display() def open_feed(): # Main menu main_menu_run = Button("Run", parse_feeds, 1) main_menu_edit = Button("Edit Filters", filters_to_textfile, 2) main_menu_all = Button("List All Filters And Conditions", list_all, 3) main_menu_downloaded = Button("List All Downloaded Entries", list_downloaded, 4) main_menu_feed = Button("Open Feed", open_feed, 5) main_menu_exit = Button("Exit", sys.exit, 0) main_menu_buttons = [ main_menu_run, main_menu_edit, main_menu_all, main_menu_downloaded, main_menu_feed, main_menu_exit ] main_menu = Menu("Main Menu", main_menu_buttons) try:
class PyChess(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(QWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.set_initial_init() self.board = Board(self) = Menu(self) self.ok_button = Button('images/ok.png', self._ok, (265, 250), (65, 55), self) self.ok_button.close() self.back_to_menu_button = Button('images/back_to_menu', self._back_to_menu, (560, 0), (300, 55), self) self.back_to_menu_button.close() #self.close() self.setGeometry(200, 75, 860, 560) self.setWindowTitle('PyChess') self.setWindowIcon(QIcon('images/icon.png')) def set_initial_init(self): self.game_over = True self.pawn = None self.is_checkmate = False self.is_pat = False self.is_white_won = False self.is_black_won = False self.pawn_can_transform = False def _back_to_menu(self): self.back_to_menu_button.close() = True def _ok(self): self.ok_button.close() self.is_white_won = False self.is_black_won = False self.is_pat = False self.repaint() def __transform_pawn__(self): self.pawn_can_transform = True img_start = 'images/w' if self.board.field.coords[self.pawn[0]][ self.pawn[1]].color == img_start = 'images/b' self.choose_queen_button = Button(img_start + 'Q.png', self._choose_queen, (110, 220), (80, 80), self) self.choose_rook_button = Button(img_start + 'R.png', self._choose_rook, (210, 220), (80, 80), self) self.choose_bishop_button = Button(img_start + 'B.png', self._choose_bishop, (310, 220), (80, 80), self) self.choose_knight_button = Button(img_start + 'N.png', self._choose_knight, (410, 220), (80, 80), self) def _choose_queen(self): self.board.field.coords[self.pawn[0]][self.pawn[1]] = Queen( self.board.field.coords[self.pawn[0]][self.pawn[1]].color, self.board.field) self.close_buttons() def _choose_rook(self): self.board.field.coords[self.pawn[0]][self.pawn[1]] = Rook( self.board.field.coords[self.pawn[0]][self.pawn[1]].color, self.board.field) self.close_buttons() def _choose_bishop(self): self.board.field.coords[self.pawn[0]][self.pawn[1]] = Bishop( self.board.field.coords[self.pawn[0]][self.pawn[1]].color, self.board.field) self.close_buttons() def _choose_knight(self): self.board.field.coords[self.pawn[0]][self.pawn[1]] = Knight( self.board.field.coords[self.pawn[0]][self.pawn[1]].color, self.board.field) self.close_buttons() def close_buttons(self): self.choose_bishop_button.close() self.choose_knight_button.close() self.choose_queen_button.close() self.choose_rook_button.close() self.pawn = None self.pawn_can_transform = False self.repaint() if not self.board.vs_player and == self.repaint() self.check_game_state() def mousePressEvent(self, e): if not and not self.game_over: if e.buttons() == Qt.LeftButton and QCursor.pos().x( ) - self.geometry().x() < 560: square = int((QCursor.pos().x() - self.geometry().x()) / self.board.side_of_square), \ int((QCursor.pos().y() - self.geometry().y()) / self.board.side_of_square) if not self.board.button_pressed: if self.board.field.coords[square[1]][ square[0]] is not None and self.board.field.coords[ square[1]][ square[0]].color == self.board.button_pressed = True self.board.pressed_piece = square[1], square[0] self.board.painted_squares = right_moves( square[1], square[0], self.board.field) self.board.painted_squares.append( (square[1], square[0])) else: doing_move((self.board.pressed_piece[0], self.board.pressed_piece[1]), (square[1], square[0]), self.board.field, self.board.button_pressed = False self.board.painted_squares = [] self.board.pressed_piece = None pawn = pawn_can_transform(self.board.field) if pawn is not None: self.pawn = pawn self.__transform_pawn__() self.repaint() if not self.board.vs_player and == and self.pawn == None: self.repaint() self.check_game_state() def check_game_state(self): if is_pat_now(self.board.field, self.is_pat = True self.game_over = True if not self.game_over and checkmate(, self.board.field): self.is_white_won = True self.game_over = True if not self.game_over and checkmate(Color.white, self.board.field): self.is_black_won = True self.game_over = True self.repaint()