def process_input(entry: str) -> tuple: """ Handle all option and special option actions. :param str entry: User's input :return tuple: True = Success or False = Fail, next menu or status message """ if entry.upper() == 'B': menu_manager.back() return False, '' elif entry.upper() == 'Q': # Quit quit() if len(entry) < 4: # Entry is too short or too long, redisplay prompt logger.log_message( 1, 'User entered less than four characters! ' + entry) return False, 'WARNING: Input was less than 4 characters! ' else: # Input is good, query MovieDB response = moviedb.query(entry) if response[0]: if len(response[1]) == 0: # logger.log_message(1, 'No movie found!') return False, 'WARNING: No movie found! ' else: # Movies found, open Movie_Select next_menu = MovieSelect(response[1], 'I') return True, next_menu else: return response
def process_input(entry: str) -> tuple: """ Handle all option and special option actions. :param str entry: User's input :return tuple: True = forward into next menu or False = back to previous menu, next menu to display """ entry = entry.upper() if entry == '1': # Create StatusMessage object status = StatusMessage('Dead End', 'Press any key to return to the last menu', 'This is a StatusMessage') status.menu_logic() ''' Do something else here if you don't want to return to this menu ''' return False, '' elif entry == '2': # Create AnotherMenu object another_menu = AnotherMenu() return True, another_menu if entry.upper() == 'B': # Call the menu manager function to go back to the previous menu menu_manager.back() return False, '' elif entry.upper() == 'M': # Call the menu manager function to go back to the root (main) menu menu_manager.to_menu_root() return False, '' else: # Quit quit()
def process_input(self, entry) -> tuple: """ Handle all option and special option actions. :param str entry: User's input :return tuple: True = Success or False = Fail, next menu to display or failure message """ if entry.upper() == 'B': menu_manager.back() return False, '' elif entry.upper() == 'Q': # Quit quit() if self._mode == 'I': format_menu = FormatSelect(self._movie_list[int(entry) - 1]) while True: if self._mode == 'I': response = format_menu.menu_logic() else: response = True, '' if response[0]: # If format entry is in options/special_options, pass entry to process input if self._mode == 'I': response = format_menu.process_input(response[1]) if response[0]: # If format was successfully chosen, retrieve movie's IMDB ID from MovieDB if self._mode == 'I': movie = response[1] response = moviedb.get_movie_imdb_id(response[1].movie_db_id) else: movie = self._movie_list[int(entry) - 1] if response[0]: # If movie's IMDB ID was successfully retrieved, create LibraryDB_Movie object with IMDB ID if self._mode == 'I': movie = LibraryDBMovie(movie.title, movie.movie_db_id, movie.title_format, movie.title_status, response[1], movie.genre_ids, movie.description, movie.release_date, movie.poster_url) return True, MovieParams(movie, self._mode) else: # Couldn't obtain IMDB ID, back to format select menu. format_menu.val_input = False format_menu.inval_prompt = response[1] continue else: # Error choosing format, back to format select format_menu.val_input = False format_menu.inval_prompt = response[1] continue else: # Error choosing format, back to format select format_menu.val_input = False format_menu.inval_prompt = response[1] continue
def process_input(entry: str) -> tuple: """ Handle all option and special option actions. :param str entry: User's input :return tuple: False (to drop back into the Menu Manager loop), status message or next menu """ if entry.upper() == 'B': menu_manager.back() return False, '' elif entry.upper() == 'Q': # Quit quit() # Check if entry is in the form of IMDB ID # tt9999999 if len(entry) != 9: # Entry is too short or too long, redisplay prompt logger.log_message( 1, 'Entry is ' + str(len(entry)) + ' characters long. Entry: ' + entry) return False, 'WARNING: Input should be 9 characters! ' else: pattern = re.compile('tt\d{7}') match = # logger.log_message(1, 'Looking for regex match...') if match: # Matches IMDB ID form, query MovieDB # logger.log_message(1, 'Searching MovieDB...') response = _query_moviedb(entry) if response[0] is False: return response else: # logger.log_message(1, 'Proper IMDB ID entered, opening Format_Select.') format_menu = FormatSelect(response[1]) while True: response = format_menu.menu_logic() if response[0]: # If selection is in options/special_options, process input response = format_menu.process_input(response[1]) if response[0]: # If format was successfully selected, return LibraryDB_Movie object return True, MovieParams(response[1], 'I') else: # Format not successfully selected, back to format select menu format_menu.val_input = False format_menu.inval_prompt = response[1] continue else: # Format not successfully selected, back to format select menu format_menu.val_input = False format_menu.inval_prompt = response[1] continue else: # Entry is not IMDB ID, redisplay prompt logger.log_message(1, 'NOT AN IMDB ID! ' + entry) return False, 'NOT AN IMDB ID! '
def process_input(entry) -> tuple: """ Handle all option and special option actions. :param str entry: User's input :return tuple: Success = True or Fail = False, next menu or status message """ entry = entry.upper() if entry == '1': # Create MovieDB IMDB ID search Option_Select menu next_menu = MovieDBIMDBID() return True, next_menu elif entry == '2': # Create MovieDB text search Option_Select menu next_menu = MovieDBSearch() return True, next_menu elif entry == 'B': menu_manager.back() return False, '' else: # Quit quit()
def process_input(entry: str) -> tuple: """ Handle all option and special option actions. :param str entry: User's input :return tuple: True = Success or False = Fail, next menu or status message """ if entry.upper() == 'B': # Call the menu manager function to go back to the previous menu menu_manager.back() return False, '' elif entry.upper() == 'M': # Call the menu manager function to go back to the root (main) menu menu_manager.to_menu_root() return False, '' elif entry.upper() == 'Q': # Quit quit() else: # Input is good status = StatusMessage('Status Message', 'Press any key to return to the last menu', 'You entered: ' + entry) status.menu_logic() return False, ''
def process_input(self, entry: str) -> tuple: """ Handle all option and special option actions. :param str entry: User's input :return tuple: True = Success or False = Fail, next menu to display or failure message """ param_menu = None if entry == '1': # Param_Edit title param_menu = ParamEdit(('name', elif entry == '2': # Param_Edit movie_db_id param_menu = ParamEdit(('movie_db_id', elif entry == '3': # Param_Edit format param_menu = ParamEdit(('format', elif entry == '4': # Param_Edit imdb_id param_menu = ParamEdit(('imdb_id', elif entry == '5': # Param_Edit genres param_menu = ParamEdit(('genres', elif entry == '6': # Param_Edit description param_menu = ParamEdit(('description', elif entry == '7': # Param_Edit release_data param_menu = ParamEdit(('release_date', elif entry == '8': # Param_Edit posterUrl param_menu = ParamEdit(('posterUrl', elif entry.upper() == 'I': confirm_insert = ConfirmInsert( entry = confirm_insert.menu_logic() if entry[0]: entry = confirm_insert.process_input(entry[1]) return entry elif entry.upper() == 'U': confirm_update = ConfirmUpdate( entry = confirm_update.menu_logic() if entry[0]: entry = confirm_update.process_input(entry[1]) return entry elif entry.upper() == 'B': menu_manager.back() return False, '' else: # Quit quit() while True: sel = param_menu.menu_logic() print(sel) if sel[0]: sel = param_menu.process_input(sel[1]) if sel[0]: self.update_movie(entry, sel[1]) return False, '' else: if len(sel[1]) > 0: param_menu.inval_prompt = sel[1] continue else: return sel else: return sel