def newGame(): state = State() items = [] items.append(m.MenuItem('Classic', startClassic)) items.append(m.MenuItem('Random', startRandom)) items.append(m.MenuItem('Main Menu', backToMainMenu)) state.current = m.Menu(state, items)
def auto_comidas(v): n = len(v) entradas = ('Empanada', 'Tabla de fiambres', 'Dips variados', 'Buffet') principal = ('Pollo al Grill con verduras salteadas', 'Tira de Asado', 'Ravioles de verdura', 'Canelones con salsa Bolognesa', 'Matambre de cerdo asado') postre = ('Frutillas a la crema', 'Flan con dulce de leche', 'Torta tentación', 'Lemon Pie', 'Helado de frutilla y chocolate') for i in range(n): tipo = random.randint(0, 2) if tipo == 0: nom = random.choice(entradas) elif tipo == 1: nom = random.choice(principal) elif tipo == 2: nom = random.choice(postre) clas = random.randint(0, 3) tiem = round(random.random() * 90, 2) pre = round(random.random() * 200, 2) v[i] = menus.Menu(tipo, nom, clas, tiem, pre) print()
def menu_header(): # Print Import Message Above output_menu = menus.Menu("file_out", menus.EXPORT_MENU_LIST, menus.EXPORT_MENU_ROUTE) output_menu.print_menu_message() output_menu.display_shift_menu()
def main(): # basic init os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' pygame.init() pygame.font.init() # setup the screen, double buffer and game clock state = State() state.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(state.size, state.fullscreen) clock = pygame.time.Clock() # create main menu items = [] items.append(m.MenuItem('New Game', newGame)) items.append(m.MenuItem('Options', videoOptions)) items.append(m.MenuItem('Quit', quit)) options = ['New Game', 'Quit'] # start in the main menu mainMenu = m.Menu(state, items) state.mainMenu = mainMenu state.current = mainMenu c.Movable.state = state # core game loop while True: # do the loop for the current state (passing in state) state.current.loop(state.screen) # show stuff on screen pygame.display.flip() #do loop at 60 fps clock.tick(60)
def menu_header(): # Print Import Message Above duplicate_main_menu = menus.Menu("duplicate_removal", menus.DUPLICATE_MENU_LIST, menus.DUPLICATE_MENU_ROUTE) duplicate_main_menu.print_menu_message() duplicate_main_menu.display_shift_menu()
def comidas(v): n = len(v) for i in range(n): nom = input("Ingrese el nombre de la comida " + str(i) + ": ") tipo = int(input("Ingrese el tipo de la comida: ")) clas = int(input("Ingrese la clase de la comida: ")) tiem = round(float(input("Ingrese el tiempo de coccion(en min): ")), 2) pre = round(float(input("Ingrese el precio de la comida: ")), 2) v[i] = menus.Menu(tipo, nom, clas, tiem, pre) print()
def videoOptions(): state = State() items = [] fullint = 0 if state.fullscreen != 0: fullint = 1 fullscreenOption = m.MenuValues('Fullscreen', ['Off', 'On'], fullint) ratios = ['4x3', '16x9', '16x10'] ratioint = ratios.index(state.ratio) ratioOption = m.MenuValues('Aspect Ratio', ratios, ratioint) def confirmOptions(): if fullint != fullscreenOption.curval or ratioint != ratioOption.curval: # get fullscreen value setfull = state.fullscreen if fullscreenOption.curval == 0: setfull = 0 elif fullscreenOption.curval == 1: setfull = pygame.FULLSCREEN # get aspect ratio value setsize = state.size if items[1].curval == 0: setsize = (1024, 768) elif items[1].curval == 1: setsize = (1280, 720) elif items[1].curval == 2: setsize = (1280, 800) # apply changes state.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(setsize, setfull) state.fullscreen = setfull if ratioint != ratioOption.curval and != None:[0], setsize[1]) state.size = (state.width, state.height) = setsize state.writeSettings() backToMainMenu() items.append(fullscreenOption) items.append(ratioOption) items.append(m.MenuItem('OK', confirmOptions)) items.append(m.MenuCancel('Cancel', backToMainMenu)) state.current = m.Menu(state, items)
def menu_header(): # Print Main Cleanup Menu cleanup_main_menu = menus.Menu("cleanup", menus.CLEANUP_MENU_LIST, menus.CLEANUP_MENU_ROUTE) cleanup_main_menu.print_menu_message() cleanup_main_menu.display_shift_menu()
def menu_header(): # Print Import Message Above import_menu = menus.Menu("file_in", menus.IMPORT_MENU_LIST, menus.IMPORT_MENU_ROUTE) import_menu.print_menu_message() import_menu.display_shift_menu()
def menu_header(): # Print Main Compress Menu cleanup_main_menu = menus.Menu("compress", menus.COMPRESS_MENU_LIST, menus.COMPRESS_MENU_ROUTE) cleanup_main_menu.print_menu_message() cleanup_main_menu.display_shift_menu()
def menu_header(): main_menu = menus.Menu("top", menus.TOP_MENU_LIST, menus.TOP_MENU_ROUTE) main_menu.print_menu_message() main_menu.display_shift_menu()
import menus # Global Parameters # Note you need to update WIDTH/HEIGHT in asteroids as well! (Although its not really used very much) WIDTH, HEIGHT = RES = (1280, 720) fps = 60 # Inititalize Pygame and create a Display pg.init() screen = pg.display.set_mode(RES) pg.display.set_caption("ASTEROIDZ - CMPUT274 Final Project by Tharidu and Jehanzeb") clock = pg.time.Clock() # Menu buttons and Setup menu = menus.Menu(screen) menu.add_button(menus.ButtonSprite('New_Game', 0.5, 0.4, 600, 100, Path("./Assets/").glob("New_game*"))) menu.add_button(menus.ButtonSprite('Quit', 0.5, 0.6, 300, 90, Path("./Assets/").glob("Quit*"))) # Initializes the score_screen object and adds the apropriate buttons to the ButtonSprite score_screen = menus.Menu(screen, bg_path="./assets/Score_screen.png") score_screen.textBoxes.append(menus.Text("0", 0.48, 0.27, 65)) score_screen.add_button(menus.ButtonSprite('Back', 0.5, 0.5, 250, 80, Path("./Assets/").glob("Back*"))) score_display = menus.Text("", 0, 0.2, 20) # Defines text to be rendered to the screen burring the game asteroids_display = menus.Text("", 0, 0.3, 20) level_display = menus.Text("Level: 1", 0, 0.3, 20) fps_display = menus.Text("", 0.935, 0, 20) # The Main loop is setup as a finite state machine, these are some of the variables it uses
def do(screen, songdata): onoff_opt = { ui.START: switch_onoff, ui.CONFIRM: switch_onoff, menus.CREATE: get_onoff, ui.LEFT: off_onoff, ui.RIGHT: on_onoff } offon_opt = { ui.START: switch_offon, ui.START: switch_offon, menus.CREATE: get_offon, ui.LEFT: off_offon, ui.RIGHT: on_offon } rotate_opt = { ui.START: switch_rotate, ui.CONFIRM: switch_rotate, ui.LEFT: switch_rotate_back, ui.RIGHT: switch_rotate, menus.CREATE: get_rotate } rotate_index_opt = { ui.START: switch_rotate_index, ui.CONFIRM: switch_rotate_index, ui.LEFT: switch_rotate_index_back, ui.RIGHT: switch_rotate_index, menus.CREATE: get_rotate_index } tuple_opt = { ui.START: switch_tuple, ui.CONFIRM: switch_tuple, ui.LEFT: switch_tuple_back, ui.RIGHT: switch_tuple, menus.CREATE: get_tuple } sprites = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() try: lines = file(os.path.join(pydance_path, "CREDITS")).read().split("\n") lines = [l.decode("utf-8") for l in lines] Credits([_("pydance %s") % VERSION] + lines).add(sprites) except: Credits([ _("pydance %s") % VERSION, "", _("By Joe Wreschnig, Brendan Becker, & Pavel Krivitsky"), _("(Your CREDITS file is missing.)"), ]).add(sprites) m = ([ _("Play Game"), { ui.START: wrap_ctr, ui.CONFIRM: wrap_ctr }, (GameSelect, songdata) ], [ _("Map Keys"), { ui.START: wrap_ctr, ui.CONFIRM: wrap_ctr }, (pad.PadConfig, (screen, )) ], (_("Game Options"), [_("Autofail"), onoff_opt, (_("autofail"), )], [ _("Assist Mode"), tuple_opt, (_("assist"), [(0, _("Off")), (1, _("Click")), (2, _("Full"))]) ], [_("Announcer"), rotate_opt, ('djtheme', Announcer.themes())], (_("Themes ..."), [ _("4 Panel"), rotate_opt, ("4p-theme", ThemeFile.list_themes("SINGLE")) ], [ _("3 Panel"), rotate_opt, ("3p-theme", ThemeFile.list_themes("3PANEL")) ], [ _("5 Panel"), rotate_opt, ("5p-theme", ThemeFile.list_themes("5PANEL")) ], [ _("Large 6 Panel"), rotate_opt, ("6pl-theme", ThemeFile.list_themes("6PANEL")) ], [ _("Small 6 Panel"), rotate_opt, ("6ps-theme", ThemeFile.list_themes("6VERSUS")) ], [ _("Large 8 Panel"), rotate_opt, ("8pl-theme", ThemeFile.list_themes("8PANEL")) ], [ _("Small 8 Panel"), rotate_opt, ("8ps-theme", ThemeFile.list_themes("8VERSUS")) ], [ _("Large 9 Panel"), rotate_opt, ("9pl-theme", ThemeFile.list_themes("9PANEL")) ], [ _("Small 9 Panel"), rotate_opt, ("9ps-theme", ThemeFile.list_themes("9VERSUS")) ], [ _("Parapara"), rotate_opt, ("para-theme", ThemeFile.list_themes("PARAPARA")) ], [_("DMX"), rotate_opt, ("dmx-theme", ThemeFile.list_themes("DMX"))], [ _("EZ2"), rotate_opt, ("ez2-theme", ThemeFile.list_themes("EZ2SINGLE")) ], [ _("EZ2 Real"), rotate_opt, ("ez2real-theme", ThemeFile.list_themes("EZ2REAL")) ], [_("Back"), None, None]), [_("Back"), None, None]), (_("Graphic Options"), [_("Animation"), onoff_opt, ('animation', )], [ _("Arrow Effects"), rotate_index_opt, ('explodestyle', (_('none'), _('rotate'), _('scale'), _('rotate & scale'))) ], [_("Backgrounds"), onoff_opt, ('showbackground', )], [ _("Brightness"), tuple_opt, ('bgbrightness', [(32, _('very dark')), (64, _('dark')), (127, _('normal')), (192, _('bright')), (255, _('very bright'))]) ], [_("Lyrics"), onoff_opt, ("showlyrics", )], [ _("Lyrics Color"), rotate_opt, ("lyriccolor", [ _("pink/purple"), _("purple/cyan"), _("cyan/aqua"), _("aqua/yellow"), _("yellow/pink") ]) ], [_("Back"), None, None]), (_("Interface Options"), [_("Save Input"), onoff_opt, ('saveinput', )], [ _("Song Previews"), tuple_opt, ('previewmusic', [(0, "Off"), (1, "On"), (2, "Safe")]) ], [_("Folders"), onoff_opt, ("folders", )], [_("Timer Display"), onoff_opt, ('fpsdisplay', )], [ _("Song Info Screen"), tuple_opt, ('songinfoscreen', zip([0, 1, 2], [_("Never"), _("Multi-song Only"), _("Always")])) ], [ _("Font (after restart)"), rotate_opt, ('fonttheme', FontTheme.themes()) ], [ _("Calibrate Latency"), { ui.START: wrap_ctr, ui.CONFIRM: wrap_ctr }, (, (screen, )) ], [_("Back"), None, None])) me = menus.Menu(_(""), m, screen, sprites) me.display()
def menu_header(): # Menu Object share_menu = menus.Menu("share", menus.EMAIL_MENU_LIST, menus.EMAIL_MENU_ROUTE) share_menu.print_menu_message() share_menu.display_shift_menu()
def menu_header(): # Print Import Message Above import_menu = menus.Menu("quit", menus.QUIT_LIST, menus.QUIT_ROUTE) import_menu.print_menu_message() import_menu.display_shift_menu()
#area="muestras442" def pred(model, sample): print("Procesando prediccion...") result = model.predict(np.expand_dims(sample, axis=0)) if result[0] > 0.66: print("COMANDO ", result[0]) else: print("NO COMANDO ", result[0]) print() print("Herramienta de gestion del modelo ASR") opt = ui.Menu() while (not done): ### Nueva Muestra if (opt == 1): grab, fs, _ = rec.grabar(None) ###Grabacion ###Datos de la muestra print("¿Es una muestra valida?(s/n)") vn = input() while not re.match("[sSnN]$", vn): print("Introduzca una respuesta valida (s/n)") vn = input() print("¿Es una muestra de hombre o mujer?(h/m)") hm = input() while not re.match("[hHmM]$", hm):
def menu_header(): # Print Main Analysis Menu cleanup_main_menu = menus.Menu("analysis", menus.ANALYSIS_MENU_LIST, menus.ANALYSIS_MENU_ROUTE) cleanup_main_menu.print_menu_message() cleanup_main_menu.display_shift_menu()
def menu_header(): # Menus object duplicate_main_menu = menus.Menu("graph", menus.GRAPH_LIST, menus.GRAPH_ROUTE) duplicate_main_menu.print_menu_message() duplicate_main_menu.display_shift_menu()