def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor. :param iface: An interface instance that will be passed to this class which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS application at run time. :type iface: QgsInterface """ super(MergeLines, self).__init__() # necessary for pyqtSignal # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2] locale_path = os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, 'i18n', 'MergeLines_{}.qm'.format(locale)) if os.path.exists(locale_path): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(locale_path) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference self.dlg = MergeLinesDialog() # Declare instance attributes self.actions = [] ='&MergeLines') # TODO: We are going to let the user set this up in a future iteration self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar(u'MergeLines') self.toolbar.setObjectName(u'MergeLines')
def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor. :param iface: An interface instance that will be passed to this class which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS application at run time. :type iface: QgsInterface """ super(MergeLines, self).__init__() # necessary for pyqtSignal # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2] locale_path = os.path.join( self.plugin_dir, 'i18n', 'MergeLines_{}.qm'.format(locale)) if os.path.exists(locale_path): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(locale_path) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference self.dlg = MergeLinesDialog() # Declare instance attributes self.actions = [] ='&MergeLines') # TODO: We are going to let the user set this up in a future iteration self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar(u'MergeLines') self.toolbar.setObjectName(u'MergeLines')
class MergeLines(QObject): """QGIS Plugin Implementation.""" partDone = pyqtSignal(int) allDone = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor. :param iface: An interface instance that will be passed to this class which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS application at run time. :type iface: QgsInterface """ super(MergeLines, self).__init__() # necessary for pyqtSignal # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2] locale_path = os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, 'i18n', 'MergeLines_{}.qm'.format(locale)) if os.path.exists(locale_path): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(locale_path) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference self.dlg = MergeLinesDialog() # Declare instance attributes self.actions = [] ='&MergeLines') # TODO: We are going to let the user set this up in a future iteration self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar(u'MergeLines') self.toolbar.setObjectName(u'MergeLines') # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def tr(self, message): """Get the translation for a string using Qt translation API. We implement this ourselves since we do not inherit QObject. :param message: String for translation. :type message: str, QString :returns: Translated version of message. :rtype: QString """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList,PyCallByClass return QCoreApplication.translate('MergeLines', message) def add_action(self, icon_path, text, callback, enabled_flag=True, add_to_menu=True, add_to_toolbar=True, status_tip=None, whats_this=None, parent=None): """Add a toolbar icon to the toolbar. :param icon_path: Path to the icon for this action. Can be a resource path (e.g. ':/plugins/foo/bar.png') or a normal file system path. :type icon_path: str :param text: Text that should be shown in menu items for this action. :type text: str :param callback: Function to be called when the action is triggered. :type callback: function :param enabled_flag: A flag indicating if the action should be enabled by default. Defaults to True. :type enabled_flag: bool :param add_to_menu: Flag indicating whether the action should also be added to the menu. Defaults to True. :type add_to_menu: bool :param add_to_toolbar: Flag indicating whether the action should also be added to the toolbar. Defaults to True. :type add_to_toolbar: bool :param status_tip: Optional text to show in a popup when mouse pointer hovers over the action. :type status_tip: str :param parent: Parent widget for the new action. Defaults None. :type parent: QWidget :param whats_this: Optional text to show in the status bar when the mouse pointer hovers over the action. :returns: The action that was created. Note that the action is also added to self.actions list. :rtype: QAction """ icon = QIcon(icon_path) action = QAction(icon, text, parent) action.triggered.connect(callback) action.setEnabled(enabled_flag) if status_tip is not None: action.setStatusTip(status_tip) if whats_this is not None: action.setWhatsThis(whats_this) if add_to_toolbar: self.toolbar.addAction(action) if add_to_menu: self.iface.addPluginToVectorMenu(, action) self.actions.append(action) return action def initGui(self): """Create the menu entries and toolbar icons inside the QGIS GUI.""" icon_path = ':/plugins/MergeLines/img/icon.png' self.add_action(icon_path,'Merge lines'),, parent=self.iface.mainWindow()) self.dlg.runButton.clicked.connect(self.onStart) # self.dlg.toleranceCheckBox.clicked.connect( self.setTolerance ) self.partDone.connect(self.updateProgressBar) self.allDone.connect(self.onFinished) def unload(self): """Removes the plugin menu item and icon from QGIS GUI.""" for action in self.actions: self.iface.removePluginVectorMenu('&MergeLines'), action) self.iface.removeToolBarIcon(action) # remove the toolbar del self.toolbar @pyqtSlot() def onStart(self): self.dlg.runButton.setEnabled(False) self.dlg.closeButton.setEnabled(False) self.dlg.layerComboBox.setEnabled(False) self.dlg.mergingComboBox.setEnabled(False) # input params inputLayer = self.dlg.layerComboBox.itemData( self.dlg.layerComboBox.currentIndex()) # if self.dlg.toleranceCheckBox.isChecked(): tolerance = self.dlg.toleranceSpinBox.value() # else: tolerance = 0 params = { 'mergingMethod': self.dlg.mergingComboBox.currentIndex(), 'outputLayerName': self.dlg.outputLayerEdit.text(), 'tolerance': 0 } # removed option self.v = False # verbose # ! Performance evaluation # start_time = time.time() # n_sim = 10 # for i in range(0, n_sim): # print "sim #%s" % i # self.joinLines( inputLayer, params ) # print "Time: %s seconds " % ( (time.time() - start_time) / n_sim) self.joinLines(inputLayer, params) @pyqtSlot() def onFinished(self): self.dlg.progressBar.setValue(100) # self.dlg.runButton.setEnabled(True) self.dlg.closeButton.setEnabled(True) self.dlg.layerComboBox.setEnabled(True) self.dlg.mergingComboBox.setEnabled(True) @pyqtSlot() def setTolerance(self): if self.dlg.toleranceCheckBox.isChecked(): self.dlg.toleranceSpinBox.setEnabled(True) else: self.dlg.toleranceSpinBox.setEnabled(False) def joinLines(self, layer, params): """Main function""" origPr = layer.dataProvider() # create output layer crs = if params['outputLayerName']: outputLayerName = params['outputLayerName'] else: outputLayerName = "output" self.outLyr = QgsVectorLayer( "LineString?crs={0}&index=yes".format(crs), outputLayerName, "memory") outPr = self.outLyr.dataProvider() outPr.addAttributes(origPr.fields().toList()) self.outLyr.updateFields( ) # tell the vector layer to fetch changes from the provider self.outLyr.startEditing() self.outLyr.commitChanges() # featureAdded signal (address feature insertion bug) self.outLyr.featureAdded.connect(self.updateAfterFeatureAdded) # copy input layer to output layer outPr.addFeatures(list(layer.getFeatures())) deletedFeaturesID = [] # TODO future improvment: first list features whose both endpoints are connected, then list the others (affluents) featureList = sorted(list(self.outLyr.getFeatures()), key=lambda feature: feature.geometry().length(), reverse=True) # sort lines by descending length featureNumber = len(featureList) # if mergingMethod is 'alignment', construct a dict with the orientation of each line if params['mergingMethod'] == 1: orientationDict = {} for feature in featureList: if not feature.geometry().isMultipart( ): # multipart lines are ignored orientationDict[] = self.getOrientation( feature) params['orientationDict'] = orientationDict # Build the spatial index for faster lookup. self.spatialIdx = QgsSpatialIndex() map(self.spatialIdx.insertFeature, featureList) # iterates on lines for idx, feature in enumerate(featureList): if self.v: print "Line %d: " % if feature.geometry().isMultipart(): # multipart lines are ignored if self.v: print "| is multipart, continue" continue if in deletedFeaturesID: if self.v: print "| already deleted, continue" continue # print "main::features={0}".format([ for f in list(self.outLyr.getFeatures())]) # get lines connected to current feature (i.e. lines that share one extremity) connectedLines = self.getConnectedLines(feature, deletedFeaturesID, params) if self.v: print "| %d connected lines" % len(connectedLines) # merging if len(connectedLines) > 1: # Line is connected to several lines -> merging current line with one of the connected lines mergingLine = self.chooseMergingLine(feature, connectedLines, params) if self.v: print "| Merging with line %d" % delFeaturesID, mergedFeature = self.mergeLines( feature, mergingLine, outPr, params) elif len(connectedLines) == 1: # Line is connected to one line -> merging current line with it if self.v: print "| Merging with line %d" % connectedLines[0].id() delFeaturesID, mergedFeature = self.mergeLines( feature, connectedLines[0], outPr, params) else: # Line is not connected to anything -> just keep current line if self.v: print "| No merging" delFeaturesID = None # outPr.deleteFeatures( [] ) # fix a bug (feature does not appear) # outPr.addFeatures( [feature] ) if delFeaturesID is not None: deletedFeaturesID += delFeaturesID # print "deletedFeaturesID={0}".format( deletedFeaturesID ) self.partDone.emit(float(idx) / featureNumber * 100) # end for # Commit changes to self.outLyr and display layer # self.outLyr.commitChanges() QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(self.outLyr) self.allDone.emit() def getConnectedLines(self, feature, deletedFeaturesID, params): """Get all lines which are connected to <feature> by one endpoint""" connectedLines = [] # if feature.geometry().isMultipart(): # multipart lines are ignored # if self.v: print "Line {} is multipart, ignored".format( # return [] points = feature.geometry().asPolyline() endPt0 = points[0] endPt1 = points[-1] # Get the ids of all the features in the index that are within # the bounding box of the current feature because these are the ones # that will be connected. ids = self.spatialIdx.intersects(feature.geometry().boundingBox()) allfeatures = { feature for feature in list(self.outLyr.getFeatures()) } # if self.v: # print "| getConnectedLines::allfeatures={0}".format([ for f in list(self.outLyr.getFeatures())]) # spatialList = sorted( list(self.spatialIdx.intersects( self.outLyr.extent() )) ) # print "| getConnectedLines::spatialIdx={0} {1}".format( len( spatialList ), spatialList ) # for ifeature in self.outLyr.getFeatures(): for id in ids: ifeature = allfeatures[id] if ifeature == feature: continue if ifeature.geometry().isMultipart( ): # multipart lines are ignored continue ipoints = ifeature.geometry().asPolyline() iendPt0 = ipoints[0] iendPt1 = ipoints[-1] # check if one endpoint of <feature> is equal to one endpoint of <ifeature> tol = params['tolerance'] d = QgsDistanceArea() if tol == 0: if ( (endPt0 == iendPt0) or (endPt0 == iendPt1) or (endPt1 == iendPt0) or (endPt1 == iendPt1) ) \ and ( != and not ( in deletedFeaturesID): connectedLines.append(ifeature) else: if ( (d.measureLine(endPt0, iendPt0) <= tol) or (d.measureLine(endPt0, iendPt1) <= tol) \ or (d.measureLine(endPt1, iendPt0) <= tol) or (d.measureLine(endPt1, iendPt1) <= tol) ) \ and ( != and not ( in deletedFeaturesID): connectedLines.append(ifeature) return connectedLines def chooseMergingLine(self, feature, connectedLines, params): """Choose a line among <connectedLines> to be merged with <feature>""" mergingLine = connectedLines[0] # default if params['mergingMethod'] == 0: # max length maxLength = 0 for line in connectedLines: # if self.v: print "| | ID {}: len={}".format(, line.geometry().length()) if line.geometry().length() > maxLength: mergingLine = line maxLength = line.geometry().length() elif params['mergingMethod'] == 1: # best alignment orientationDict = params['orientationDict'] minDiff = 180 featureOrientation = orientationDict[] featureEndPt0 = feature.geometry().asPolyline()[0] featureEndPt1 = feature.geometry().asPolyline()[-1] if self.v: print "| Orient. of line {0}: {1}".format(, featureOrientation) for line in connectedLines: # may be missing from orientationDict # Adding in mergeLines() causes issues (id not yet initialized) # TODO: eventually put this part into <updateAfterFeatureAdded> (issue with params scope) if not in orientationDict: orientationDict = params['orientationDict'] orientationDict[] = self.getOrientation(line) params['orientationDict'] = orientationDict # Processing line orientation to avoid reverse orientation issue # If <feature> and <line> are connected with the same enpoint (i.e. first with first or last with last), then reverse <line> orientation orient = orientationDict[] lineEndPt0 = line.geometry().asPolyline()[0] lineEndPt1 = line.geometry().asPolyline()[-1] if ((featureEndPt0 == lineEndPt0) or (featureEndPt1 == lineEndPt1)): orient = orient + 180 % 360 if self.v: print "| | ID {}: orient={}".format(, orient) # Finally if abs(orient - featureOrientation) < minDiff: mergingLine = line minDiff = abs(orientationDict[] - featureOrientation) return mergingLine def mergeLines(self, feature1, feature2, dataProvider, params): """Merge 2 lines and their attributes. Update <params.orientationDict>""" # For now, the rule is simply to overwrite <feature2> attributes with <feature1> attributes mergedFeature = QgsFeature() mergedFeature.setGeometry(feature1.geometry().combine( feature2.geometry())) mergedFeature.setAttributes(feature1.attributes()) #if self.v: print "| {} deleted".format( # Update spatial index. <mergedFeature> is added to the index in the updateAfterFeatureAdded function. self.spatialIdx.deleteFeature(feature1) self.spatialIdx.deleteFeature(feature2) # Update self.outLyr # Features are updated via QgsVectorLayer instead of QgsDataProvider in order to emit the featureAdded signal, # which then allows to properly update spatialIdx and orientationDict (issue with fids) self.outLyr.startEditing() self.outLyr.deleteFeature( self.outLyr.deleteFeature( self.outLyr.addFeature(mergedFeature) self.outLyr.commitChanges() # Update params.orientationDict (delete <feature1> and <feature2>). <mergedFeature> is added to the dict in the updateAfterMerge function. if params['mergingMethod'] == 1: orientationDict = params['orientationDict'] if in orientationDict: del orientationDict[] # delete <feature1> if in orientationDict: del orientationDict[] # delete <feature2> # orientationDict[] = self.getOrientation( feature1 ) # update orientation of <mergedFeature> NOT WORKING ( params['orientationDict'] = orientationDict return ([,], mergedFeature) #[] in v0.2.0 ? def updateAfterFeatureAdded(self, fid): """Adds feature with id <fid> to <params.orientationDict> and spatial index.""" if fid < 0: # temporary id return if self.v: print "| updateAfterFeatureAdded called for fid=%d" % fid feature = list(self.outLyr.getFeatures(QgsFeatureRequest(fid)))[0] self.spatialIdx.insertFeature(feature) def getOrientation(self, feature): """Gets the orientation (direction) of a line""" points = feature.geometry().asPolyline() x1, y1 = points[0] x2, y2 = points[-1] x = x2 - x1 y = y2 - y1 if x == 0: angle = 90 else: angle = math.atan(y / x) * 180 / math.pi % 180 return angle def updateProgressBar(self, progress): self.dlg.progressBar.setValue(progress) def run(self): """Run method that performs all the real work""" # BEGIN mapCanvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() # some elements are disabled by default # self.dlg.toleranceCheckBox.setChecked(False) # self.dlg.toleranceSpinBox.setEnabled(False) self.dlg.runButton.setEnabled(True) # list layers for input combobox self.dlg.layerComboBox.clear() # clear the combobox layers = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers().values( ) # Create list with all layers for layer in layers: if layer.type() == QgsMapLayer.VectorLayer and layer.geometryType( ) == QGis.Line: # check if layer is vector & line type self.dlg.layerComboBox.addItem(, layer) # merging methods combobox self.dlg.mergingComboBox.clear() # clear the combobox self.dlg.mergingComboBox.addItems( ["Length"),"Alignment")]) # show the dialog # Run the dialog event loop self.dlg.exec_() self.dlg.progressBar.setValue(0)
class MergeLines(QObject): """QGIS Plugin Implementation.""" partDone = pyqtSignal(int) allDone = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor. :param iface: An interface instance that will be passed to this class which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS application at run time. :type iface: QgsInterface """ super(MergeLines, self).__init__() # necessary for pyqtSignal # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2] locale_path = os.path.join( self.plugin_dir, 'i18n', 'MergeLines_{}.qm'.format(locale)) if os.path.exists(locale_path): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(locale_path) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference self.dlg = MergeLinesDialog() # Declare instance attributes self.actions = [] ='&MergeLines') # TODO: We are going to let the user set this up in a future iteration self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar(u'MergeLines') self.toolbar.setObjectName(u'MergeLines') # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def tr(self, message): """Get the translation for a string using Qt translation API. We implement this ourselves since we do not inherit QObject. :param message: String for translation. :type message: str, QString :returns: Translated version of message. :rtype: QString """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList,PyCallByClass return QCoreApplication.translate('MergeLines', message) def add_action( self, icon_path, text, callback, enabled_flag=True, add_to_menu=True, add_to_toolbar=True, status_tip=None, whats_this=None, parent=None): """Add a toolbar icon to the toolbar. :param icon_path: Path to the icon for this action. Can be a resource path (e.g. ':/plugins/foo/bar.png') or a normal file system path. :type icon_path: str :param text: Text that should be shown in menu items for this action. :type text: str :param callback: Function to be called when the action is triggered. :type callback: function :param enabled_flag: A flag indicating if the action should be enabled by default. Defaults to True. :type enabled_flag: bool :param add_to_menu: Flag indicating whether the action should also be added to the menu. Defaults to True. :type add_to_menu: bool :param add_to_toolbar: Flag indicating whether the action should also be added to the toolbar. Defaults to True. :type add_to_toolbar: bool :param status_tip: Optional text to show in a popup when mouse pointer hovers over the action. :type status_tip: str :param parent: Parent widget for the new action. Defaults None. :type parent: QWidget :param whats_this: Optional text to show in the status bar when the mouse pointer hovers over the action. :returns: The action that was created. Note that the action is also added to self.actions list. :rtype: QAction """ icon = QIcon(icon_path) action = QAction(icon, text, parent) action.triggered.connect(callback) action.setEnabled(enabled_flag) if status_tip is not None: action.setStatusTip(status_tip) if whats_this is not None: action.setWhatsThis(whats_this) if add_to_toolbar: self.toolbar.addAction(action) if add_to_menu: self.iface.addPluginToVectorMenu(, action) self.actions.append(action) return action def initGui(self): """Create the menu entries and toolbar icons inside the QGIS GUI.""" icon_path = ':/plugins/MergeLines/img/icon.png' self.add_action( icon_path,'Merge lines'),, parent=self.iface.mainWindow()) self.dlg.runButton.clicked.connect( self.onStart ) # self.dlg.toleranceCheckBox.clicked.connect( self.setTolerance ) self.partDone.connect( self.updateProgressBar ) self.allDone.connect( self.onFinished ) def unload(self): """Removes the plugin menu item and icon from QGIS GUI.""" for action in self.actions: self.iface.removePluginVectorMenu('&MergeLines'), action) self.iface.removeToolBarIcon(action) # remove the toolbar del self.toolbar @pyqtSlot() def onStart(self): self.dlg.runButton.setEnabled(False) self.dlg.closeButton.setEnabled(False) self.dlg.layerComboBox.setEnabled(False) self.dlg.mergingComboBox.setEnabled(False) # input params inputLayer = self.dlg.layerComboBox.itemData( self.dlg.layerComboBox.currentIndex() ) # if self.dlg.toleranceCheckBox.isChecked(): tolerance = self.dlg.toleranceSpinBox.value() # else: tolerance = 0 params = {'mergingMethod': self.dlg.mergingComboBox.currentIndex(), 'outputLayerName': self.dlg.outputLayerEdit.text(), 'tolerance': 0} # removed option self.v = False # verbose # ! Performance evaluation # start_time = time.time() # n_sim = 10 # for i in range(0, n_sim): # print "sim #%s" % i # self.joinLines( inputLayer, params ) # print "Time: %s seconds " % ( (time.time() - start_time) / n_sim) self.joinLines( inputLayer, params ) @pyqtSlot() def onFinished(self): self.dlg.progressBar.setValue( 100 ) # self.dlg.runButton.setEnabled(True) self.dlg.closeButton.setEnabled(True) self.dlg.layerComboBox.setEnabled(True) self.dlg.mergingComboBox.setEnabled(True) @pyqtSlot() def setTolerance(self): if self.dlg.toleranceCheckBox.isChecked(): self.dlg.toleranceSpinBox.setEnabled(True) else: self.dlg.toleranceSpinBox.setEnabled(False) def joinLines( self, layer, params ): """Main function""" origPr = layer.dataProvider() # create output layer crs = if params['outputLayerName']: outputLayerName = params['outputLayerName'] else: outputLayerName = "output" self.outLyr = QgsVectorLayer("LineString?crs={0}&index=yes".format(crs), outputLayerName, "memory") outPr = self.outLyr.dataProvider() outPr.addAttributes( origPr.fields().toList() ) self.outLyr.updateFields() # tell the vector layer to fetch changes from the provider self.outLyr.startEditing() self.outLyr.commitChanges() # featureAdded signal (address feature insertion bug) self.outLyr.featureAdded.connect( self.updateAfterFeatureAdded ) # copy input layer to output layer outPr.addFeatures( list(layer.getFeatures()) ) deletedFeaturesID = [] # TODO future improvment: first list features whose both endpoints are connected, then list the others (affluents) featureList = sorted( list(self.outLyr.getFeatures()), key=lambda feature: feature.geometry().length(), reverse=True ) # sort lines by descending length featureNumber = len(featureList) # if mergingMethod is 'alignment', construct a dict with the orientation of each line if params['mergingMethod'] == 1: orientationDict = {} for feature in featureList: if not feature.geometry().isMultipart(): # multipart lines are ignored orientationDict[] = self.getOrientation( feature ) params['orientationDict'] = orientationDict # Build the spatial index for faster lookup. self.spatialIdx = QgsSpatialIndex() map( self.spatialIdx.insertFeature, featureList ) # iterates on lines for idx, feature in enumerate(featureList): if self.v: print "Line %d: " % if feature.geometry().isMultipart(): # multipart lines are ignored if self.v: print "| is multipart, continue" continue if in deletedFeaturesID: if self.v: print "| already deleted, continue" continue # print "main::features={0}".format([ for f in list(self.outLyr.getFeatures())]) # get lines connected to current feature (i.e. lines that share one extremity) connectedLines = self.getConnectedLines( feature, deletedFeaturesID, params ) if self.v: print "| %d connected lines" % len(connectedLines) # merging if len(connectedLines) > 1: # Line is connected to several lines -> merging current line with one of the connected lines mergingLine = self.chooseMergingLine( feature, connectedLines, params ) if self.v: print "| Merging with line %d" % delFeaturesID, mergedFeature = self.mergeLines( feature, mergingLine, outPr, params ) elif len(connectedLines) == 1: # Line is connected to one line -> merging current line with it if self.v: print "| Merging with line %d" % connectedLines[0].id() delFeaturesID, mergedFeature = self.mergeLines( feature, connectedLines[0], outPr, params ) else: # Line is not connected to anything -> just keep current line if self.v: print "| No merging" delFeaturesID = None # outPr.deleteFeatures( [] ) # fix a bug (feature does not appear) # outPr.addFeatures( [feature] ) if delFeaturesID is not None: deletedFeaturesID += delFeaturesID # print "deletedFeaturesID={0}".format( deletedFeaturesID ) self.partDone.emit( float(idx)/featureNumber*100 ) # end for # Commit changes to self.outLyr and display layer # self.outLyr.commitChanges() QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(self.outLyr) self.allDone.emit() def getConnectedLines( self, feature, deletedFeaturesID, params ): """Get all lines which are connected to <feature> by one endpoint""" connectedLines = [] # if feature.geometry().isMultipart(): # multipart lines are ignored # if self.v: print "Line {} is multipart, ignored".format( # return [] points = feature.geometry().asPolyline() endPt0 = points[0] endPt1 = points[-1] # Get the ids of all the features in the index that are within # the bounding box of the current feature because these are the ones # that will be connected. ids = self.spatialIdx.intersects( feature.geometry().boundingBox() ) allfeatures = { feature for feature in list(self.outLyr.getFeatures())} # if self.v: # print "| getConnectedLines::allfeatures={0}".format([ for f in list(self.outLyr.getFeatures())]) # spatialList = sorted( list(self.spatialIdx.intersects( self.outLyr.extent() )) ) # print "| getConnectedLines::spatialIdx={0} {1}".format( len( spatialList ), spatialList ) # for ifeature in self.outLyr.getFeatures(): for id in ids: ifeature = allfeatures[id] if ifeature == feature: continue if ifeature.geometry().isMultipart(): # multipart lines are ignored continue ipoints = ifeature.geometry().asPolyline() iendPt0 = ipoints[0] iendPt1 = ipoints[-1] # check if one endpoint of <feature> is equal to one endpoint of <ifeature> tol = params['tolerance'] d = QgsDistanceArea() if tol == 0: if ( (endPt0 == iendPt0) or (endPt0 == iendPt1) or (endPt1 == iendPt0) or (endPt1 == iendPt1) ) \ and ( != and not ( in deletedFeaturesID): connectedLines.append(ifeature) else: if ( (d.measureLine(endPt0, iendPt0) <= tol) or (d.measureLine(endPt0, iendPt1) <= tol) \ or (d.measureLine(endPt1, iendPt0) <= tol) or (d.measureLine(endPt1, iendPt1) <= tol) ) \ and ( != and not ( in deletedFeaturesID): connectedLines.append(ifeature) return connectedLines def chooseMergingLine( self, feature, connectedLines, params ): """Choose a line among <connectedLines> to be merged with <feature>""" mergingLine = connectedLines[0] # default if params['mergingMethod'] == 0: # max length maxLength = 0 for line in connectedLines: # if self.v: print "| | ID {}: len={}".format(, line.geometry().length()) if line.geometry().length() > maxLength: mergingLine = line maxLength = line.geometry().length() elif params['mergingMethod'] == 1: # best alignment orientationDict = params['orientationDict'] minDiff = 180 featureOrientation = orientationDict[] featureEndPt0 = feature.geometry().asPolyline()[0] featureEndPt1 = feature.geometry().asPolyline()[-1] if self.v: print "| Orient. of line {0}: {1}".format(, featureOrientation) for line in connectedLines: # may be missing from orientationDict # Adding in mergeLines() causes issues (id not yet initialized) # TODO: eventually put this part into <updateAfterFeatureAdded> (issue with params scope) if not in orientationDict: orientationDict = params['orientationDict'] orientationDict[] = self.getOrientation( line ) params['orientationDict'] = orientationDict # Processing line orientation to avoid reverse orientation issue # If <feature> and <line> are connected with the same enpoint (i.e. first with first or last with last), then reverse <line> orientation orient = orientationDict[] lineEndPt0 = line.geometry().asPolyline()[0] lineEndPt1 = line.geometry().asPolyline()[-1] if ( (featureEndPt0 == lineEndPt0) or (featureEndPt1 == lineEndPt1) ): orient = orient + 180 % 360 if self.v: print "| | ID {}: orient={}".format(, orient) # Finally if abs( orient - featureOrientation ) < minDiff: mergingLine = line minDiff = abs( orientationDict[] - featureOrientation ) return mergingLine def mergeLines( self, feature1, feature2, dataProvider, params ): """Merge 2 lines and their attributes. Update <params.orientationDict>""" # For now, the rule is simply to overwrite <feature2> attributes with <feature1> attributes mergedFeature = QgsFeature() mergedFeature.setGeometry( feature1.geometry().combine(feature2.geometry()) ) mergedFeature.setAttributes( feature1.attributes() ) #if self.v: print "| {} deleted".format( # Update spatial index. <mergedFeature> is added to the index in the updateAfterFeatureAdded function. self.spatialIdx.deleteFeature( feature1 ) self.spatialIdx.deleteFeature( feature2 ) # Update self.outLyr # Features are updated via QgsVectorLayer instead of QgsDataProvider in order to emit the featureAdded signal, # which then allows to properly update spatialIdx and orientationDict (issue with fids) self.outLyr.startEditing() self.outLyr.deleteFeature( ) self.outLyr.deleteFeature( ) self.outLyr.addFeature( mergedFeature ) self.outLyr.commitChanges() # Update params.orientationDict (delete <feature1> and <feature2>). <mergedFeature> is added to the dict in the updateAfterMerge function. if params['mergingMethod'] == 1: orientationDict = params['orientationDict'] if in orientationDict: del orientationDict[] # delete <feature1> if in orientationDict: del orientationDict[] # delete <feature2> # orientationDict[] = self.getOrientation( feature1 ) # update orientation of <mergedFeature> NOT WORKING ( params['orientationDict'] = orientationDict return ([,], mergedFeature) #[] in v0.2.0 ? def updateAfterFeatureAdded( self, fid ): """Adds feature with id <fid> to <params.orientationDict> and spatial index.""" if fid < 0: # temporary id return if self.v: print "| updateAfterFeatureAdded called for fid=%d" % fid feature = list( self.outLyr.getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest(fid) ) )[0] self.spatialIdx.insertFeature( feature ) def getOrientation( self, feature ): """Gets the orientation (direction) of a line""" points = feature.geometry().asPolyline() x1, y1 = points[0] x2, y2 = points[-1] x = x2-x1 y = y2-y1 if x == 0: angle = 90 else: angle = math.atan( y/x ) * 180/math.pi % 180 return angle def updateProgressBar( self, progress ): self.dlg.progressBar.setValue( progress ) def run( self ): """Run method that performs all the real work""" # BEGIN mapCanvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() # some elements are disabled by default # self.dlg.toleranceCheckBox.setChecked(False) # self.dlg.toleranceSpinBox.setEnabled(False) self.dlg.runButton.setEnabled(True) # list layers for input combobox self.dlg.layerComboBox.clear() # clear the combobox layers = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers().values() # Create list with all layers for layer in layers: if layer.type() == QgsMapLayer.VectorLayer and layer.geometryType() == QGis.Line: # check if layer is vector & line type self.dlg.layerComboBox.addItem(, layer ) # merging methods combobox self.dlg.mergingComboBox.clear() # clear the combobox self.dlg.mergingComboBox.addItems( ["Length"),"Alignment")] ) # show the dialog # Run the dialog event loop self.dlg.exec_() self.dlg.progressBar.setValue(0)