예제 #1
파일: poisson.py 프로젝트: matkbrun/FEM
def dirichlet_ex2(n=16,
                  diag='right'):  # <---------------------------- works
    """ Poisson w/ Dirichlet bc in 2D
    - P1 conv rate: ~2
    - P2 conv rate: ~8
    - P3 conv rate: ~.5 (not working) """

    print "\nDirichlet ex2 in 2D"
    # data
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(n, n, diag=diag)
    f = lambda x: -6 * x[0] * x[1] * (1. - x[1]) + 2 * pow(x[0], 3)
    g = lambda x: x[1] * (1. - x[1])
    u_ex = lambda x: x[1] * (1. - x[1]) * pow(x[0], 3)

    # assemble
    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, FiniteElement('lagrange', deg), gauss)
    A = fs.stiffness()
    rhs = fs.rhs(f)

    bc1 = Dirichlet(fs, 0, 'bottom', 'top', 'left')
    bc2 = Dirichlet(fs, g, 'right')

    # solve
    u = fem_solver(fs, A, rhs, [bc1, bc2])

    nodes = fs.node_to_coords()
    if plot:
        plot_sol(u, nodes, u_ex)

    # return error and mesh size
    U_ex = [u_ex(node) for node in nodes]
    return norm(U_ex - u), mesh.mesh_size()
예제 #2
    def integral_test():
        mesh = UnitSquareMesh(16, 16)
        sfns = Lagrange(1, 2)

        meas = []
        for n in range(mesh.n_cells()):
            cell = mesh.cells(n)
            vertices = mesh.vertices(n)
            fe = LagrangeElt(cell, vertices, sfns)
            a = fe.measure()
            ass1 = fe.assemble(derivative=True)
            E = vertices[[1, 2, 0], :] - vertices[[2, 0, 1], :]
            ass2 = np.dot(E, E.T) / (4 * a)
            print "\n-----------------------------------------"
            print "-----------------------------------------"
            temp = ass1 - ass2
            temp2 = sum(sum(temp))
            print temp
            print "\n", temp2
            print np.isclose(temp2, 0)

            print "\n-----------------------------------------"
            #f = lambda x: x[0] + x[1]
            f = lambda x: 1.
            c = [sum(vertices[:, 0]), sum(vertices[:, 1])]
            rhs = fe.rhs(f)
            rhs2 = f(c) * a / 3
            print rhs
            print rhs2
            print np.isclose(sum(rhs - rhs2), 0)

        print "measure of domain: ", sum(meas)
예제 #3
파일: poisson.py 프로젝트: matkbrun/FEM
def dirichlet_ex1(n=16,
                  diag='right'):  # <---------------------------- works
    """ Poisson w/ homogenous Dirichlet bc in 2D
    - P1 conv rate: ~2
    - P2 conv rate: ~8
    - P3 conv rate: ~.5 (not working) """

    print "\nDirichlet ex1 in 2D"
    # data
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(n, n, diag=diag)
    f = lambda x: 32. * (x[1] * (1. - x[1]) + x[0] * (1. - x[0]))
    u_ex = lambda x: 16. * x[0] * (1. - x[0]) * x[1] * (1. - x[1])

    # assemble
    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, FiniteElement('lagrange', deg), gauss)
    A = fs.stiffness()
    rhs = fs.rhs(f)

    # solve w/ homogenous Dirichlet bc
    bc = Dirichlet(fs)
    u = fem_solver(fs, A, rhs, bc)

    nodes = fs.node_to_coords()
    if plot:
        plot_sol(u, nodes, u_ex)

    # return error and mesh size
    U_ex = [u_ex(node) for node in nodes]
    return norm(U_ex - u), mesh.mesh_size()
예제 #4
    def boundary_integral_test():
        """ boundary integral test """
        import math
        mesh = UnitSquareMesh(1, 1)
        boundary = mesh.get_bdata()
        bvertices = mesh.bvertices()

        # bottom
        name = 'bottom'
        vertices = bvertices[name]
        fe = FiniteElement()

        f = lambda x: x[0]**2
        exact = [1. / 12, 1. / 4]
        #f = lambda x: math.sin(x[0]); exact = [1-math.sin(1), math.sin(1) - math.cos(1)]
        rhs = fe.rhs(f)
        assert np.allclose(rhs - exact, 0)

        # right
        name = 'right'
        vertices = bvertices[name]
        #f = lambda x: x[1]**2; exact = [1./12, 1./4]
        f = lambda x: math.sin(x[1])
        exact = [1 - math.sin(1), math.sin(1) - math.cos(1)]
        rhs = fe.rhs(f)
        assert np.allclose(rhs - exact, 0)

        # top
        name = 'top'
        vertices = bvertices[name]
        #f = lambda x: x[0]**2; exact = [1./4, 1./12]
        f = lambda x: math.sin(x[0])
        exact = [math.sin(1) - math.cos(1), 1 - math.sin(1)]
        rhs = fe.rhs(f)
        assert np.allclose(rhs - exact, 0)

        # left
        name = 'left'
        vertices = bvertices[name]
        #f = lambda x: x[1]**2; exact = [1./4, 1./12]
        f = lambda x: math.sin(x[1])
        exact = [math.sin(1) - math.cos(1), 1 - math.sin(1)]
        rhs = fe.rhs(f)
        assert np.allclose(rhs - exact, 0)

        print "Boundary integral test OK."
예제 #5
    def rt_test():
        mesh = UnitSquareMesh(2, 2)
        rt = RTElt(mesh)
        n2e = rt.nodes_to_element()

        assert rt.n_edges() == 16, 'n_edges failed.'

        ext_edges = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 5], [5, 8], [8, 7], [7, 6], [6, 3],
                     [3, 0]]
        n2e_ee_fasit = [0, 2, 2, 6, 7, 5, 5, 1]

        int_edges = [[0, 4], [1, 4], [1, 5], [3, 4], [4, 5], [3, 7], [4, 7],
                     [4, 8]]
        n2e_ie_fasit = [1, 0, 3, 4, 6, 5, 4, 7]

        i = 0
        for ee in ext_edges:
            assert n2e[ee[0],
                       ee[1]] == n2e_ee_fasit[i], "nodes to elt ext failed."
            i += 1

        i = 0
        for ie in int_edges:
            assert n2e[ie[0],
                       ie[1]] == n2e_ie_fasit[i], "nodes to elt int failed"
            i += 1
        """ ------------- nodes to element seems to be OK ------------- """

        n2e = rt.nodes_to_edge()

        n2e_ee_fasit = [0, 1, 7, 14, 15, 12, 9, 2]
        n2e_ie_fasit = [3, 4, 6, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13]

        i = 0
        for ee in ext_edges:
            assert n2e[ee[0],
                       ee[1]] == n2e_ee_fasit[i], "nodes to edge ext failed."
            i += 1

        i = 0
        for ie in int_edges:
            assert n2e[ie[0],
                       ie[1]] == n2e_ie_fasit[i], "nodes to edge int failed."
            i += 1
        """ ------------- nodes to edge seems to be OK ------------- """

        e2e = rt.edge_to_element()
        n_edges = rt.n_edges()

        edges = [[0,1], [1,2], [0,3], [0,4], [1,4], [3,4], [1,5],\
                 [2,5], [4,5], [3,6], [3,7], [4,7], [6,7], [4,8], [5,8], [7,8]]

        e2e_fasit = [[0,-1], [2,-1], [1,-1], [0,1], [0,3], [1,4], [2,3], [2,-1],\
                     [3,6], [5,-1], [4,5], [4,7], [5,-1], [6,7], [6,-1], [7,-1]]

        for j in xrange(n_edges):
            assert all(e2e[j,
                           [2, 3]] == e2e_fasit[j]), 'edge to element failed.'
        """ ------------- edge to element seems to be OK ------------- """
예제 #6
    def measure_test():
        """ finite element measure test """
        n = 3
        tri_measure = pow(1. / n, 2) / 2
        int_measure = 1. / n
        """ ---------------- 2D test ---------------- """
        mesh = UnitSquareMesh(n, n)
        fe = FiniteElement()
        vs = mesh.elt_to_vcoords()

        # 2D measure test
        for v in vs:
            assert np.isclose(fe.measure() - tri_measure,
                              0), '2D measure test failed.'
        """ ---------------- 2D edge ---------------- """
        nodes_to_coord, elts_to_nodes = mesh.get_data()
        boundary = mesh.get_bdata()
        bv = mesh.bvertices()

        # 2D edge measure test
        for key in bv.keys():
            vs = bv[key]
            for v in vs:
                assert np.isclose(
                    fe.measure() - int_measure,
                    0), '2D edge measure test ({}) failed.'.format(key)
                # det = abs(np.linalg.det(fe._FiniteElement__a))
                # assert np.isclose(det - int_measure,0), '2D edge determinant test ({}) failed.'.format(key)
        """ ---------------- 1D test ---------------- """
        mesh = UnitIntMesh(n)
        fe = FiniteElement()
        vs = mesh.elt_to_vcoords()

        # 1D measure test
        for v in vs:
            assert np.isclose(fe.measure() - int_measure,
                              0), '1D measure test failed.'
            # det = abs(np.linalg.det(fe._FiniteElement__a))
            # assert np.isclose(det - int_measure,0), '1D determinant test failed.'

        print "Measure test OK."
예제 #7
파일: poisson.py 프로젝트: matkbrun/FEM
def neuman_ex1(n=16, deg=1, plot=True, gauss=4, diag='right'):
    """ Poisson w/ Neuman bc in 2D
    ill conditioned -> use CG
    - P1 conv rate: ~2
    - P2 conv rate: ~6
    - P3 conv rate: ~.5 (not working)"""

    print "\nNeuman ex1 in 2D"
    # data
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(n, n, diag=diag)
    c = 2 * math.pi
    f = lambda x: 2 * pow(c, 2) * math.sin(c * (x[0] + x[1]))
    u_ex = lambda x: math.sin(c * (x[0] + x[1]))

    g_bottom = lambda x: -c * math.cos(c * x[0])
    g_right = lambda x: c * math.cos(c * (1. + x[1]))
    g_top = lambda x: c * math.cos(c * (1. + x[0]))
    g_left = lambda x: -c * math.cos(c * x[1])

    # assemble
    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, FiniteElement('lagrange', deg), gauss)
    A = fs.stiffness()
    rhs = fs.rhs(f)

    bottom = fs.assemble_boundary(g_bottom, 'bottom')
    right = fs.assemble_boundary(g_right, 'right')
    top = fs.assemble_boundary(g_top, 'top')
    left = fs.assemble_boundary(g_left, 'left')

    rhs += bottom + right + top + left

    u = fem_solver(fs, A, rhs, CG=True)
    # u, info = cg(A, rhs)
    # if info == 0:
    #     print "CG convergence OK"
    # else:
    #     print "failed to converge"

    nodes = fs.node_to_coords()
    if plot:
        plot_sol(u, nodes, u_ex)

    # return error and mesh size
    U_ex = [u_ex(node) for node in nodes]
    return norm(U_ex - u), mesh.mesh_size()
예제 #8
    def edge_mapping_test():
        mesh = UnitSquareMesh()

        sfns = Lagrange(0, 1)

        names = mesh.boundary_names(True)
        for name in names:
            print "\n" + name.upper() + ":\n"
            cells = mesh.boundary(name)
            vertices = mesh.edge_vertices(name)
            for n in range(len(cells)):
                cell = cells[n]
                vertex = vertices[n]
                print "cell {}: {}".format(n, cell)
                print "vertices:\n", vertex
                fe = LagrangeElt(cell, vertex, sfns)
                print "map to ref: ", [-1.] - fe.map_to_ref(
                    vertex[0]), [1.] - fe.map_to_ref(vertex[1])
                print "map to elt: ", vertex[0] - fe.map_to_elt(
                    [-1.]), vertex[1] - fe.map_to_elt([1.])
                print "measure: ", fe.measure()
                print "assemble: ", fe.assemble(gauss=4)
                print "rhs: ", fe.rhs(1, gauss=4)
                print "integrate: ", fe.integrate(1, gauss=4)
                print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
예제 #9
파일: poisson.py 프로젝트: matkbrun/FEM
def neuman_ex3(n=16,
               diag='right'):  # <---------------------------- works
    """ Poisson w/ homogenous Neuman bc in 2D
    ill conditioned -> use CG
    - P1 conv rate: ~2.3
    - P2 conv rate: ~6
    - P3 conv rate: ~.5 (not working)"""

    print "\nNeuman ex3 in 2D"
    # data
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(n, n, diag=diag)
    pi = math.pi
    f = lambda x: pi * (math.cos(pi * x[0]) + math.cos(pi * x[1]))
    u_ex = lambda x: (math.cos(pi * x[0]) + math.cos(pi * x[1])) / pi

    # assemble
    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, FiniteElement('lagrange', deg), gauss)
    A = fs.stiffness()
    rhs = fs.rhs(f)

    # solve
    u = fem_solver(fs, A, rhs, CG=True)
    # u, info = cg(A,rhs)
    # if info == 0:
    #     print "CG convergence OK"
    # else:
    #     print "failed to converge"

    nodes = fs.node_to_coords()
    if plot:
        plot_sol(u, nodes, u_ex)
    U_ex = [u_ex(node) for node in nodes]

    # return error and mesh size
    return norm(U_ex - u), mesh.mesh_size()
예제 #10
파일: poisson.py 프로젝트: matkbrun/FEM
def mixed_ex2(n=16,
              diag='right'):  # <---------------------------- works
    """ Poisson w/ mixed bc in 2D
    P1 conv rate: ~2.1
    P2 conv rate: ~6
    P3 conv rate: ~.5 (not working) """

    print "\nMixed bc example in 2D"
    # data
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(n, n, diag=diag)
    f = lambda x: 2 * (2 * pow(x[1], 3) - 3 * pow(x[1], 2) + 1.) - 6 * (
        1. - pow(x[0], 2)) * (2 * x[1] - 1.)
    g = lambda x: 2 * pow(x[1], 3) - 3 * pow(x[1], 2) + 1.
    u_ex = lambda x: (1. - pow(x[0], 2)) * (2 * pow(x[1], 3) - 3 * pow(
        x[1], 2) + 1.)

    # assemble
    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, FiniteElement('lagrange', deg), gauss)
    A = fs.stiffness()
    rhs = fs.rhs(f)

    bc1 = Dirichlet(fs, 0, 'right')
    bc2 = Dirichlet(fs, g, 'left')

    # solve (homogenous Neuman on top, bottom)
    u = fem_solver(fs, A, rhs, [bc1, bc2])

    nodes = fs.node_to_coords()
    if plot:
        plot_sol(u, nodes, u_ex)
    U_ex = [u_ex(node) for node in nodes]

    # return error and mesh size
    return norm(U_ex - u), mesh.mesh_size()
예제 #11
    def boundary_map_test():
        """ boundary mapping test """
        mesh = UnitSquareMesh(4, 4)
        fe = FiniteElement()
        bvertices = mesh.bvertices()

        for name in bvertices.keys():
            vertices = np.array(bvertices[name])

            # map to ref
            for i in xrange(len(vertices)):
                vertex = vertices[i]
                left = fe.map_to_ref(vertex[0])
                right = fe.map_to_ref(vertex[1])
                mid = fe.map_to_ref((vertex[0] + vertex[1]) / 2)

                assert np.allclose(
                    np.array([[-1, 0], [1, 0]]) - [left, right],
                    0) and np.allclose(np.array([0, 0]) - mid, 0)
                #print "interval: [{}, {}].  mid: {}".format(left[0], right[0], mid[0])

            # map to elt
            for i in xrange(len(vertices)):
                vertex = vertices[i]
                left = fe.map_to_elt([-1, 0])
                mid = fe.map_to_elt([0, 0])
                right = fe.map_to_elt([1, 0])

                m = sum(vertex) / 2
                assert np.allclose(vertex - [left, right], 0) and np.allclose(
                    m - mid, 0)

        print "Boundary mapping test OK."
예제 #12
    def p0_test():
        """ test with P0 element """
        u_ex = lambda x: 16. * x[0] * (1. - x[0]) * x[1] * (1. - x[1]
                                                            )  # exact solution

        mesh = UnitSquareMesh(16, 16)
        fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, FiniteElement('lagrange', 0), gauss=4)

        A = fs.mass()
        rhs = fs.rhs(u_ex)

        #u = spsolve(A,rhs)
        #bc = Dirichlet(fs)
        u = fem_solver(fs, A, rhs, bcs=bc)
        plot_sol(u, fs.node_to_coords(), u_ex)
예제 #13
    def poisson_test_2d():
        """ Poisson problem 2D test with homogenous Dirichlet bc """
        u_ex = lambda x: 16. * x[0] * (1. - x[0]) * x[1] * (1. - x[1]
                                                            )  # exact solution
        f = lambda x: 32. * (x[1] * (1. - x[1]) + x[0] *
                             (1. - x[0]))  # right hand side

        mesh = UnitSquareMesh(16, 16, diag='right')
        #mesh = Gmesh('Meshes/square_P2.msh')
        fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, FiniteElement('lagrange', deg=1), gauss=4)

        A = fs.stiffness()
        rhs = fs.rhs(f)

        bc = Dirichlet(fs)
        u = fem_solver(fs, A, rhs, bc)
        plot_sol(u, fs.node_to_coords(), u_ex)
예제 #14
    def mixed_test():
        """ Poisson problem 2D test with Neuman bc enforced by Lagrange multiplier,
        using mixed P1-P0 elements:
            find (u,c) such that
            (grad u, grad v) + (c,v) = (f,v) + (g,v)_gamma, forall v (P1)
                               (u,d) = 0,                   forall d (P0)
        g = lambda x: -math.sin(math.pi * x[0])  # Neuman bc
        f = lambda x: 10 * math.exp(-(pow(x[0] - .5, 2) + pow(x[1] - .5, 2)) /
                                    .02)  # right hand side

        mesh = UnitSquareMesh(32, 32)  # mesh
        me = FiniteElement('lagrange', 1) * FiniteElement('lagrange',
                                                          0)  # mixed element
        fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, me, gauss=4)  # mixed space

        Auu = fs.stiffness()  # u stiffness matrix
        Auc = fs.assemble(derivative=[False, False], n=0,
                          m=1)  # mixed mass matrix
        rhs_u = fs.rhs(f) + fs.assemble_boundary(g)  # right hand side for u

        n = fs.n_nodes(0)
        m = fs.n_nodes(1)
        n_nodes = n + m
        print "n = {} (Solution), m = {} (Lagrange)".format(n, m)
        print "Auu: ", Auu.shape
        print "Auc: ", Auc.shape

        # assemble global linear system
        A = np.zeros((n_nodes, n_nodes))
        A[:n, :n] = Auu
        A[:n, n:] = Auc
        A[n:, :n] = Auc.T

        rhs = np.zeros(n_nodes)
        rhs[:n] = rhs_u

        u, c = fem_solver(fs, A, rhs, CG=True)
        print "u: ", u.shape
        print "c: ", c.shape

        plot_sol(u, fs.node_to_coords(0), contour=True, name='Solution')
        plot_sol(c, fs.node_to_coords(1), contour=True, name='Lagrange')
예제 #15
    def edge_intergral_test2():
        import math
        pi = math.pi

        square = UnitSquareMesh(16, 16)
        bottom = square.bottom()
        bottomv = square.edge_vertices('bottom')
        right = square.right()
        rightv = square.edge_vertices('right')
        top = square.top()
        topv = square.edge_vertices('top')
        left = square.bottom()
        leftv = square.edge_vertices('left')

        intv = UnitIntMesh(16)
        sfns = Lagrange(1, 1)

        gauss = 8

        # bottom test
        ints1 = []
        ints2 = []
        f = lambda x: math.sin(pi * x[0])
        exact = 2 / pi
        for n in range(intv.n_cells()):
            fe1 = LagrangeElt(intv.cells(n), intv.vertices(n), sfns)
            ints1.append(fe1.integrate(f, gauss))

            fe2 = LagrangeElt(bottom[n], bottomv[n], sfns)
            ints2.append(fe2.integrate(f, gauss))

        ints1 = np.array(ints1)
        ints2 = np.array(ints2)

        print "bottom:\n", ints1 - ints2
        print "check: ", exact - sum(ints1), exact - sum(ints2)

        # right test
        ints2 = []
        f = lambda x: math.sin(pi * x[1])
        for n in range(intv.n_cells()):
            fe2 = LagrangeElt(right[n], rightv[n], sfns)
            ints2.append(fe2.integrate(f, gauss))

        print "right:\n", ints1 - ints2
        print "check: ", exact - sum(ints1), exact - sum(ints2)

        # top test
        ints2 = []
        f = lambda x: math.sin(pi * x[0])
        for n in range(intv.n_cells()):
            fe2 = LagrangeElt(top[n], topv[n], sfns)
            ints2.append(fe2.integrate(f, gauss))

        print "top:\n", ints1 - ints2
        print "check: ", exact - sum(ints1), exact - sum(ints2)

        # left test
        ints2 = []
        f = lambda x: math.sin(pi * x[1])
        for n in range(intv.n_cells()):
            fe2 = LagrangeElt(left[n], leftv[n], sfns)
            ints2.append(fe2.integrate(f, gauss))

        print "left:\n", ints1 - ints2
        print "sums: ", exact - sum(ints1), exact - sum(ints2)
예제 #16
    def affine_mapping_test():
        """ affine mapping test """
        """ ---------------- 2D test ---------------- """
        mesh = UnitSquareMesh(8, 8)
        vs = mesh.elt_to_vcoords()
        fe = FiniteElement()

        # 2D map to elt test
        for v in vs:
            v1 = fe.map_to_elt([0, 0])
            v2 = fe.map_to_elt([1, 0])
            v3 = fe.map_to_elt([0, 1])
            assert np.allclose(v - np.array([v1, v2, v3]),
                               0), '2D map to elt failed.'

        # 2D map to ref test
        for v in vs:
            v1 = fe.map_to_ref(v[0])
            v2 = fe.map_to_ref(v[1])
            v3 = fe.map_to_ref(v[2])
            assert np.allclose(
                np.array([v1, v2, v3]) - np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]]),
                0), '2D map to ref failed.'
        """ ---------------- 2D edge ---------------- """
        nodes_to_coord, elts_to_nodes = mesh.get_data()
        boundary = mesh.get_bdata()
        bv = mesh.bvertices()

        # 2D map to edge test
        for key in bv.keys():
            vs = bv[key]
            for v in vs:
                assert np.allclose(
                    v - [fe.map_to_elt([-1, 0]),
                         fe.map_to_elt([1, 0])],
                    0), '2D map to edge ({}) failed.'.format(key)

        # 2D edge to ref test
        for key in bv.keys():
            vs = bv[key]
            for v in vs:
                assert np.allclose(np.array([[-1,0],[1,0]]) - [fe.map_to_ref(v[0]), fe.map_to_ref(v[1])],0),\
                 '2D edge to ref ({}) failed.'.format(key)
        """ ---------------- 1D test ---------------- """
        mesh = UnitIntMesh(8)
        vs = mesh.elt_to_vcoords()
        fe = FiniteElement()

        # 1D map to elt test
        for v in vs:
            assert np.allclose(
                v - [fe.map_to_elt([-1, 0]),
                     fe.map_to_elt([1, 0])], 0), '1D map to elt failed.'

        # 1D map to ref test
        for v in vs:
            assert np.allclose(
                np.array([[-1, 0], [1, 0]]) -
                [fe.map_to_ref(v[0]), fe.map_to_ref(v[1])],
                0), '1D map to ref failed.'

        print "Affine mapping test OK."