예제 #1
 def height_field(img):
     pixels = len(img)
     origin = vec3(pixels / 2, pixels / 2, 0)
     radius = pixels // 2
     deltaz = radius
     wtoi = TForm(t=vec3(pixels / 2, pixels / 2, 0) - origin,
                  s=vec3(pixels / (2 * radius), pixels / (2 * radius), 1))
     field = scalar_field.topography(img, wtoi, 1.0)
     field.origin = origin
     field.radius = radius
     field.deltaz = deltaz
     field.z0, field.dz = img.min(), img.max() - img.min()
     return field
예제 #2
def pixel_polygon(mask):
    pixels = mask.astype(np.uint8) * 255
    pixels = dilate(pixels, (8, 8), 10)
    ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(pixels, 127, 255, 0)
    contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE,
    if contours:
        vs = cv2.approxPolyDP(contours[0], 0.1, True)
        ps = [vec3(x, y, 0) for x, y in vs[:, 0]]
        return ps
예제 #3
def segment_regions(img):
    #clean_border = segmentation.clear_border(img)
    clean_border = segmentation.morphological_chan_vese(img, 10)
    labeled = label(clean_border)
    regions = regionprops(labeled)
    regions = sorted(regions, key=(lambda r: r.area), reverse=True)
    masks = [(labeled == r.label) for r in regions]
    fps = []
    for m, r in zip(masks, regions):
        s = vec3(1.0 / m.shape[0], 1.0 / m.shape[1], 1)
        fp = [(s * p) for p in pixel_polygon(m)]
    return fps, masks, regions
예제 #4
파일: field.py 프로젝트: ctogle/meshmaker
 def eigen(p):
     dpdx = dx(p)
     dpdy = dy(p)
     return vec3(dpdx, dpdy, 0) * weight * max(
         1, np.sqrt(dpdx**2 + dpdy**2))
예제 #5
파일: field.py 프로젝트: ctogle/meshmaker
 def wtoi(origin, radius, resolution):
     dp = origin.tov(vec3(resolution / 2, resolution / 2, 0))
     ds = vec3(resolution / (2 * radius), resolution / (2 * radius), 1)
     tf = TForm(dp, None, ds)
     return tf
예제 #6
from meshmaker.model import Model
from meshmaker.mesh import Mesh
from meshmaker.tform import TForm
from meshmaker.vec3 import vec3
from meshmaker.quat import quat
from meshmaker.mgl import show
import numpy as np

# make a cube and some copies
a = Mesh.cube_mesh(r=1)
b = a.cp()
c = a.cp()
d = a.cp()

# pick some t, q, s (translation, rotation, scale)
t, q, s = vec3.X(2), quat.av(np.pi / 6, vec3.Z()), vec3(0.6, 0.8, 1.2)

# transform some cubes with t, q, s

# put cubes in a model in a scenegraph to assign a texture to each cube
meshes = {
    'generic_8': [a],
    'generic_9': [b],
    'generic_10': [c],
    'generic_11': [d],