class AbstractMethod(object): """All methods must inherit from this class. Attributes: db (obj): A MessDB object method_name (str): The name of the method description (str): Description of method geop (bool): Whether the method generates a new geometry prog_name (str): Program name prog_version (str): Program version prog_url (str): Program url parameters (dict): Parameters that affect program execution """ parameters = dict() shortdesc = None method_citation = None prog_citation = None _inchikey = None _path_id = None _parent_path_id = None _method_dir = None _parent_method_dir = None def __init__(self): """Set up db, check for attributes, dependencies, and setup.""" self.db = MessDB() self.path = MethodPath() self.log_console = Log('console') self.log_all = Log('all') self.method_name = self.get_method_name() try: self.parameters self.description self.geop # flag indicates method results in new xyz coordinates self.prog_name self.prog_version self.prog_url except AttributeError as err: print(''.join([str(err), '\n']), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(('Each method class needs to define description, geop, ' 'prog_name, prog_version, prog_url, ' 'parameters as attributes.')) self.check_dependencies() def __hash__(self): """Hash based on method name and parameters. Returns: A hex string of the sha1 hash of self.method_name plus JSON-serialized self.parameters. Keys are sorted. """ return hashlib.sha1(self.method_name + json.dumps(dict((str(k).lower(), str(v).lower()) for k, v in self.parameters.iteritems()), sort_keys=True)).hexdigest() @property def hash(self): """Get hash.""" return self.__hash__() @property def method_id(self): """Get the object's method_id attribute.""" query = ('SELECT method_id FROM method ' 'WHERE hash = ?;') row = self.db.execute(query, (self.hash,)).fetchone() return row.method_id @property def path_id(self): """Get the path id of the method.""" if not self.path.get_method_id() == self.method_id: self._setup_path() return self._path_id @property def method_dir(self): """Get the directory name of the method.""" if not self.path.get_method_id() == self.method_id: self._setup_path() return self._method_dir @property def parent_method_dir(self): """Get the parent directory name of the method.""" if not self.path.get_method_id() == self.method_id: self._setup_path() return self._parent_method_dir @property def inchikey(self): """Get inchikey.""" return self._inchikey @inchikey.setter def inchikey(self, inchikey): """Set inchikey, and update inchikey of logger.""" if inchikey is not None and not is_inchikey(inchikey): raise RuntimeError('invalid inchikey: %s' % inchikey) self._inchikey = inchikey self.log_all.inchikey = inchikey @classmethod def get_method_name(cls): """Return the name of the method, derived from the subclass name.""" return cls.__name__.replace('_', '').lower() def _setup_path(self): """Setup path given current method id and parent path.""" self.path.setup_path(self.method_id, self._parent_path_id) self._path_id = self.path.get_path_id() self._method_dir = self.path.get_path_directory() self._parent_method_dir = self.path.get_parent_path_directory() def _insert_method(self): """Set insert program to db, set up hash, and insert method to db.""" total_changes = self.db.total_changes query = ('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO method ' '(program_id, geop, name, shortdesc, citation, hash) ' 'SELECT program.program_id, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ' 'FROM program ' 'WHERE AND program.version=?') self.db.execute(query, (self.geop, self.method_name, self.shortdesc, self.method_citation, self.hash, self.prog_name, self.prog_version)) if self.db.total_changes - total_changes > 0:'new %s method added to MESS.DB', self.method_name) def _insert_program(self): """Adds row to program table in mess.db.""" total_changes = self.db.total_changes query = ('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO program ' '(name, version, url, citation) ' 'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)') self.db.execute(query, (self.prog_name, self.prog_version, self.prog_url, self.prog_citation)) if self.db.total_changes - total_changes > 0:'program %s %s added to MESS.DB', self.prog_name, self.prog_version) def _insert_parameters(self): """Import paramaters dict to mess.db. Args: name: Name of parameter. setting: The value the parameter is set to. """ added_parameters = 0 for name, setting in self.parameters.items(): query = ('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO parameter (name) VALUES (?)') self.db.execute(query, (name, )) total_changes = self.db.total_changes query = ('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO method_parameter ' '(method_id, parameter_id, setting) ' 'SELECT ?, parameter.parameter_id, ? ' 'FROM program, parameter ' 'WHERE') self.db.execute(query, (self.method_id, setting, name)) added_parameters += (self.db.total_changes - total_changes) if added_parameters > 0:'%i method parameters added to MESS.DB', added_parameters) def get_insert_property_query(self, inchikey, name, description, format_, value, units=''): """Returns query to insert property value to mess.db. Args: inchikey: The inchikey of a molecule in MESS.DB. method_path_id: Path id for the calculations that generated the property. name: The property name. description: A description of the property. format_: A description of the format the property is in. value: The calculated property. units: Units for the property value. """ query = ('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO molecule_method_property_denorm ' 'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);') return (query, (inchikey, self.path_id, name, description, format_, units, value)) def get_insert_moldata_queries(self, inchikey, mol, description='', units=''): """Returns queries to insert molecule data values to mess.db.""" for name, value in yield self.get_insert_property_query(inchikey, name, description, type(value).__name__, value, units) def get_timing_query(self, inchikey, start): """Get a query to insert execution time property into db.""" return self.get_insert_property_query(inchikey, 'runtime', 'execution time', type(start).__name__, time.time() - start, 's') def set_parent_path(self, parent_path): """Set the parent path (e.g., path to method containing input geometry.)""" if parent_path > 0: self._parent_path_id = parent_path def has_parent_path(self, inchikey): """Returns True if molecule has had entire parent path calculated, False otherwise.""" query = ('SELECT inchikey FROM molecule_method_property WHERE ' 'inchikey = ? AND method_path_id = ?') try: self.db.execute(query, (inchikey, self._parent_path_id)).fetchone()[0] return True except TypeError: return False def check_dependencies(self): """If check_dependencies is not implemented, raise error.""" raise NotImplementedError(("every method needs a 'check_dependencies' " 'method')) def check(self): """If check is not implemented, raise error.""" # the check method should be called before a calculation (so # calculations are not repeated) and after (to verify success) raise NotImplementedError("every method needs a 'check' method") def map(self, inchikey, inchikey_dir): """Generally, maps molecule to calculation via method, emits query/value pairs. """ raise NotImplementedError(("every method needs a 'map' method")) def reduce(self, query, values): """Run queries/values on the db.""" total_changes = self.db.total_changes if query or values[0]: self.db.executemany(query, values)'%i properties added to MESS.DB', self.db.total_changes - total_changes) total_changes = self.db.total_changes def setup(self): """Set up method.""" self._insert_program() self._insert_method() self._insert_parameters()
class TestMethodPath(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.tmp_dir = './tmp' if not os.path.exists(self.tmp_dir): os.mkdir(self.tmp_dir) self.path = MethodPath() with suppress_stderr(): # silence 'MESS.DB created' message self.path._db = MessDB(database='%s/test.db' % self.tmp_dir) self.path._graph = DirectedGraph() def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_dir) def assert_path_consistency(self): self.assertEquals(self.path._path_id, self.path.get_path_id()) def test_init(self): self.assertEquals(self.path._db.tries, 0) self.assertEquals(self.path._graph._node_count, 0) self.assertEquals(self.path._path, []) self.assertIsNone(self.path._path_id) self.assert_path_consistency() def test_load_graph(self): insert_query = 'INSERT INTO method_edge VALUES (?, ?, ?)' self.path._db.executemany(insert_query, ((1, 1, 1), (2, 1, 2), (3, 2, 3))) self.path._load_graph() self.assertEquals(sorted(self.path._graph.get_node_ids()), [1, 2, 3]) self.assert_path_consistency() def test_setup_path(self): self.path.setup_path(1) self.assertEquals(self.path._graph._node_count, 1) self.assertEquals(self.path._path, [1]) self.assertEquals(self.path.get_length(), 0) self.assert_path_consistency() # check that new path isn't added for same method new_path = MethodPath() new_path._db = self.path._db new_path._graph = DirectedGraph() new_path._load_graph() new_path.setup_path(1) self.assertEquals(new_path._graph._node_count, 1) self.assertEquals(new_path._path, [1]) self.assertEquals(new_path.get_length(), 0) def test_extend_path(self): self.path.setup_path(42) self.path.extend_path(43) self.assertEquals(self.path._graph._node_count, 2) self.assertEquals(self.path._path, [1, 2]) self.assertEquals(self.path.get_length(), 1) self.path.extend_path(44) self.assertEquals(self.path._graph._node_count, 3) self.assertEquals(self.path._path, [1, 2, 5]) self.assertEquals(self.path.get_length(), 2) self.path.extend_path(42) self.assertEquals(self.path._graph._node_count, 3) self.assertEquals(self.path._path, [1, 2, 5, 8]) self.assertEquals(self.path.get_length(), 3) self.assert_path_consistency() def test_set_path(self): self.path.setup_path(42) self.path.extend_path(43) self.path.extend_path(44) self.path.set_path(2) self.assertEquals(self.path._graph._node_count, 3) self.assertEquals(self.path._path, [1, 2]) self.assertEquals(self.path.get_length(), 1) self.assert_path_consistency() def test_get_path_id(self): self.assertIsNone(self.path.get_path_id()) self.path.setup_path(42) self.path.extend_path(43) self.path.extend_path(44) self.assertEquals(self.path.get_path_id(), 3) def test_get_parent_path_id(self): self.assertIsNone(self.path.get_parent_path_id()) self.path.setup_path(42) self.path.extend_path(43) self.path.extend_path(44) self.assertEquals(self.path.get_parent_path_id(), 2) def test_get_method_id(self): self.assertIsNone(self.path.get_method_id()) self.path.setup_path(42) self.assertEquals(self.path.get_method_id(), 42) self.path.extend_path(43) self.assertEquals(self.path.get_method_id(), 43) def test_get_parent_method_id(self): self.assertIsNone(self.path.get_parent_method_id()) self.path.setup_path(42) self.assertEquals(self.path.get_parent_method_id(), 42) self.path.extend_path(43) self.assertEquals(self.path.get_parent_method_id(), 42) self.path.extend_path(44) self.assertEquals(self.path.get_parent_method_id(), 43) def test_get_superparent_method_id(self): self.assertIsNone(self.path.get_superparent_method_id()) self.path.setup_path(42) self.assertEquals(self.path.get_parent_method_id(), 42) self.path.extend_path(43) self.assertEquals(self.path.get_parent_method_id(), 42) self.path.extend_path(44) self.assertEquals(self.path.get_superparent_method_id(), 42) self.path.extend_path(45) self.assertEquals(self.path.get_superparent_method_id(), 43) def test_get_directory(self): self.assertIsNone(self.path._get_directory(1, 2, 3)) def test_get_path_directory(self): self.assertIsNone(self.path.get_path_directory()) def test_get_parent_path_directory(self): self.assertIsNone(self.path.get_parent_path_directory())