def getInnerHandle(self, handle):
     # cannot get the correct "inner handle"
     nextHndle = handle
     user32 = ctypes.windll.user32
     controls = mf.findControls(handle, wantedClass="Scintilla")
     print 'Scintilla controls: %s' % controls
     for c in controls:
         ln = self.getCurrentLineNumber(c)
         numberLines = self.getNumberOfLines(c)
         visible1 = self.isVisible(c)
         info = win32gui.GetWindowPlacement(c)
         print 'c: %s, linenumber: %s, nl: %s, info: %s' % (
             c, ln, numberLines, repr(info))
         parent = c
         while 1:
             parent = win32gui.GetParent(parent)
             clName = win32gui.GetClassName(parent)
             visible = self.isVisible(parent)
             info = win32gui.GetWindowPlacement(parent)
             print 'parent: %s, class: %s, visible: %s, info: %s' % (
                 parent, clName, visible, repr(info))
             if parent == handle:
                 print 'at top'
예제 #2
    def getEditControl(self):
        # get application, if not found, set ctrl to None
        if not
            self.__class__.ctrl = None
        if tester == 'pythonwin':
            wTitle = win32gui.GetWindowText(
            filename = wTitle.split(
                '[')[-1][:-1]  # remove [ and ], leaving only the filenam

            def selectionFunction(hndle, gotTitle, gotClass):
                """special for selecting the Afx class with the same title as the complete window title bar
                being the filename in question
                special for pythonwin and only for the FIRST search action for child windows.
                After the correct Afx window has been identified, the Scintilla child window is the correct one.
                if gotTitle == filename:
                    #print 'got afx with title: %s'% gotTitle
                    return True
            selectionFunction = None
        currentSel = None
        if self.ctrl:
            currentSel = mess.getSelection(self.ctrl)
        if currentSel and currentSel != (0, 0):
        wC, wT = W["editcontrol"], W["edittext"]
        choiceControl = 0
        if type(wT) in [type(None), bytes, int]: wT = [wT]
        if type(wC) in [type(None), bytes, int]: wC = [wC]
        ctrl =
        for wtext, wclass in zip(wT, wC):
            ctrls = mess.findControls(ctrl,
            if selectionFunction:
                selectionFunction = None  # execute only for first findControls action pythonwin
                if tester == 'pythonwin':
                    choiceControl = -1

            if len(ctrls):
                ctrl = ctrls[choiceControl]
                #print 'editHndle set to: %s'% editHndle
                if len(ctrls) > 1:
                    for hndle in ctrls:
                        id = win32gui.GetDlgCtrlID(hndle)
                        if id == 0xd6:
                            ctrl = hndle
                raise ValueError(
                    "could not find the editHndle of the control: %s in application: %s"
                    % (self.editcontrol, self.apppath))

        self.__class__.ctrl = ctrl
        self.__class__.classname = win32gui.GetClassName(ctrl)
    def getEditControl(self, prog, appHndle):
        """get the control (self.ctrl) of the text window in the foreground
        prog = name of application (to be defined in self.WindowsParameters)
        appHndle = hndle of the application
        # get application, if not found, set ctrl to None
        currentSel = None
        if self.ctrl:
            currentSel = mess.getSelection(self.ctrl)
        if currentSel and currentSel != (0, 0):

        # get controls via messages functions, elaborate here if we need client-server trick:
        W = self.WindowsParameters[prog]
        # test case with fixed handle, set in
        if W["controlhandle"]:
            self.ctrl = W["controlhandle"]

        wantedText, wantedClass, selectionFunction = W["edittext"], W[
            "editcontrol"], W["selectionfunction"]
        print 'wantedText: "%s", wantedClass: "%s", selectionFunction: %s' % (
            wantedText, wantedClass, selectionFunction)
        ctrls = mess.findControls(
            appHndle, wantedText, wantedClass,
            selectionFunction)  # pass the relevant windows parameters, as dict
        print 'ctrls for "%s": %s' % (prog, ctrls)
        # some special triggering in a difficult case:
        if ctrls:
            editHndle = ctrls[0]
            self.ctrl = editHndle
            self.ctrl = None
    def getInnerHandle(self, handle):

        controls = mf.findControls(handle, wantedClass="Scintilla")
        print 'Scintilla controls: %s' % controls
        for c in controls:
            ln = self.getCurrentLineNumber(c)
            numberLines = self.getNumberOfLines(c)
            visible1 = mf.isVisible(c)
            print 'c: %s, linenumber: %s, nl: %s, visible: %s' % (
                c, ln, numberLines, visible1)
예제 #5
 def getInnerHandle(self, handle):
     """procedure to get inner handle for EditControl,
     via a control that holds the filename, which is extracted from the window title
     title = win32gui.GetWindowText(handle)
     #print 'title: %s'% title
     tabName = title.split(']')[0]
     tabName = tabName.split('[')[-1]
     self.prevTabName = tabName
     #print 'tabName: %s'% tabName
     controls = mf.findControls(handle, wantedText=tabName)
     if not controls:
         #print 'uedit32Actions, no control with title: "%s" found'% tabName
     if len(controls) > 1:
         print 'uedit32Actions, strange, found more controls, matching the title: "%s", take first' % tabName
     c = controls[0]
     innerControl = mf.findControls(c, wantedClass="EditControl")[0]
     return innerControl
예제 #6
 def getInnerHandle(self, handle):
     findValues = mf.findControls(handle, wantedClass="RichEdit20A")
     if findValues:
         return findValues[0]