def get_video_link(players, params, mode, use_simple=False): lister = Lister() # Extend parameters for lang, lang_params in params.items(): for key, value in lang_params.items(): if isinstance(value, basestring): params[lang][key + "_+"] = value.replace(" ", "+") params[lang][key + "_-"] = value.replace(" ", "-") params[lang][key + "_escaped"] = value.replace(" ", "%2520") params[lang][key + "_escaped+"] = value.replace(" ", "%252B") pDialog = None selection = None try: if len(players) > 1 and use_simple: index ="Play using..."), [player.title for player in players]) if index == -1: return None players = [players[index]] resolve_f = lambda p : resolve_player(p, lister, params) if len(players) > 1: pool_size = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_POOL_SIZE, int) populator = lambda : execute(resolve_f, players, lister.stop_flag, pool_size) selection = dialogs.select_ext(_("Play using..."), populator, len(players)) else: result = resolve_f(players[0]) if result: title, links = result if len(links) == 1: selection = links[0] else: index ="Play using..."), [x['label'] for x in links]) if index > -1: selection = links[index] else: dialogs.ok(_("Error"), _("%s not found") % _("Video")) finally: lister.stop() return selection
def movies_play_by_name(name, lang="en"): """ Activate tv search """ import_tmdb() from meta.utils.text import parse_year items = tmdb.Search().movie(query=name, language=lang, page=1)["results"] if not items: dialogs.ok( _("Movie not found"), "{0} {1}".format(_("No movie information found on TMDB for"), name)) return if len(items) > 1: selection ="Choose Movie"), [ "{0} ({1})".format(to_utf8(s["title"]), parse_year(s["release_date"])) for s in items ]) else: selection = 0 if selection != -1: id = items[selection]["id"] movies_play("tmdb", id, "default")
def get_tvdb_id_from_name(name, lang): import_tvdb() search_results =, language=lang) if not search_results: dialogs.ok( _("Show not found"), "{0} {1} in tvdb".format(_("no show information found for"), to_utf8(name))) return items = [] for show in search_results: if "firstaired" in show: show["year"] = int(show['firstaired'].split("-")[0].strip()) else: show["year"] = 0 items.append(show) if len(items) > 1: selection ="Choose Show"), [ "{0} ({1})".format(to_utf8(s["seriesname"]), s["year"]) for s in items ]) else: selection = 0 if selection != -1: return items[selection]["id"]
def get_tvdb_id_from_imdb_id(imdb_id): import_tvdb() tvdb_id = tvdb.search_by_imdb(imdb_id) if not tvdb_id: dialogs.ok(_("Show not found"), "{0} {1} in tvdb".format(_("no show information found for"), imdb_id)) return return tvdb_id
def get_episode_parameters(show, season, episode): import_tmdb() if season in show and episode in show[season]: episode_obj = show[season][episode] else: dialogs.ok(_("Episode info not found"), "No tvdb information found for {0} - S{1}E{2}".format( show['seriesname'], season, episode)) return # Get parameters parameters = {'id': show['id'], 'season': season, 'episode': episode} network = show.get('network', '') parameters['network'] = network if network: parameters['network_clean'] = re.sub("(\(.*?\))", "", network).strip() else: parameters['network_clean'] = network parameters['showname'] = show['seriesname'] #parameters['clearname'], _ = xbmc.getCleanMovieTitle(parameters['showname']) parameters['clearname'] = re.sub("(\(.*?\))", "", show['seriesname']).strip() parameters['absolute_number'] = episode_obj.get('absolute_number') parameters['title'] = episode_obj.get('episodename', str(episode)) parameters['firstaired'] = episode_obj.get('firstaired') parameters['year'] = show.get('year', 0) parameters['imdb'] = show.get('imdb_id', '') try: genre = [x for x in show['genre'].split('|') if not x == ''] except: genre = [] parameters['genre'] = " / ".join(genre) is_anime = False if parameters['absolute_number'] and \ parameters['absolute_number'] != '0' and \ "animation" in parameters['genre'].lower(): tmdb_results = tmdb.Find(show['id']).info(external_source="tvdb_id") or {} for tmdb_show in tmdb_results.get("tv_results", []): if "JP" in tmdb_show['origin_country']: is_anime = True if is_anime: parameters['name'] = u'{showname} {absolute_number}'.format(**parameters) else: parameters['name'] = u'{showname} S{season:02d}E{episode:02d}'.format(**parameters) return parameters
def get_video_link(players, params, mode, use_simple=False): lister = Lister() # Extend parameters for lang, lang_params in params.items(): for key, value in lang_params.items(): if isinstance(value, basestring): params[lang][key + "_+"] = value.replace(" ", "+") params[lang][key + "_-"] = value.replace(" ", "-") params[lang][key + "_escaped"] = value.replace(" ", "%2520") params[lang][key + "_escaped+"] = value.replace(" ", "%252B") pDialog = None selection = None try: if len(players) > 1 and use_simple: index ="Choose Your Channel..."), [player.title for player in players]) if index == -1: return None players = [players[index]] resolve_f = lambda p: resolve_player(p, lister, params) if len(players) > 1: pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() pDialog.create('Meta', 'Working...') dialogs.wait_for_dialog("progressdialog", 5) pool_size = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_POOL_SIZE, converter=int) populator = lambda: execute(resolve_f, players, lister.stop_flag, pool_size) selection = dialogs.select_ext(_("Choose Your Channel..."), populator, len(players)) else: result = resolve_f(players[0]) if result: title, links = result if len(links) == 1: selection = links[0] else: index ="Choose Your Channel..."), [x['label'] for x in links]) if index > -1: selection = links[index] else: dialogs.ok(_("Error"), _("Video not found :(")) finally: lister.stop() return selection
def guide_movies_play_by_name(name, lang="en"): import_tmdb() from meta.utils.text import parse_year items = tmdb.Search().movie(query=name, language=lang, page=1)["results"] if not items: return dialogs.ok( _("%s not found") % _("Movie"), "{0} {1}".format(_("No movie information found on TMDB for"), name)) if len(items) > 1: selection = "{0}".format( _("Choose thumbnail").replace( _("Thumbnail").lower(), _("Movie").lower())), [ "{0} ({1})".format(to_utf8(s["title"]), parse_year(s["release_date"])) for s in items ]) else: selection = 0 if selection != -1: id = items[selection]["id"] guide_movies_play("tmdb", id, "default") if plugin.get_setting(SETTING_MOVIES_PLAYED_BY_ADD, bool) == True: movies_add_to_library("tmdb", id)
def movies_play_by_name(name, lang = "en"): """ Activate movie search """ import_tmdb() from meta.utils.text import parse_year items = tmdb.Search().movie(query=name, language=lang, page=1)["results"] if items == []: dialogs.ok(_("Movie not found"), "{0} {1}".format(_("No movie information found on TMDB for"),name)) return if len(items) > 1: selection ="Choose Movie"), ["{0} ({1})".format( to_utf8(s["title"]), parse_year(s["release_date"])) for s in items]) else: selection = 0 if selection != -1: id = items[selection]["id"] movies_play("tmdb", id, "default")
def guide_movies_play_by_name(name, lang = "en"): import_tmdb() from meta.utils.text import parse_year items = tmdb.Search().movie(query=name, language=lang, page=1)["results"] if not items: return dialogs.ok(_("Movie not found"), "{0} {1}".format(_("No movie information found on TMDB for"), name)) if len(items) > 1: selection ="Choose Movie"), ["{0} ({1})".format( to_utf8(s["title"]), parse_year(s["release_date"])) for s in items]) else: selection = 0 if selection != -1: id = items[selection]["id"] guide_movies_play("tmdb", id, "default") if plugin.get_setting(SETTING_MOVIES_PLAYED_BY_ADD, converter=bool) == True: movies_add_to_library("tmdb", id)
def get_video_link(players, params, mode, use_simple=False): lister = Lister() pDialog = None selection = None try: if len(players) > 1 and use_simple: index ="Play with..."), [player.title for player in players]) if index == -1: return None players = [players[index]] resolve_f = lambda p : resolve_player(p, lister, params) if len(players) > 1: pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() pDialog.create('Meta', 'Working...') dialogs.wait_for_dialog("progressdialog", 5) populator = lambda : execute(resolve_f, players, lister.stop_flag) selection = dialogs.select_ext(_("Play with..."), populator, len(players)) else: result = resolve_f(players[0]) if result: title, links = result if len(links) == 1: selection = links[0] else: index ="Play with..."), [x['label'] for x in links]) if index > -1: selection = links[index] else: dialogs.ok(_("Error"), _("Video not found :(")) finally: lister.stop() return selection
def movies_play_by_name(name, lang = "en"): """ Activate tv search """ import_tmdb() from meta.utils.text import parse_year items = tmdb.Search().movie(query=name, language=lang, page=1)["results"] if not items: return dialogs.ok(_("%s not found") % _("Movie"), "{0} {1}".format(_("No movie information found on TMDB for"), name)) if len(items) > 1: selection ="{0}".format(_("Choose thumbnail").replace(_("Thumbnail").lower(),_("Movie").lower())), ["{0} ({1})".format( to_utf8(s["title"]), parse_year(s["release_date"])) for s in items]) else: selection = 0 if selection != -1: id = items[selection]["id"] movies_play("tmdb", id, "context") if plugin.get_setting(SETTING_MOVIES_PLAYED_BY_ADD, bool) == True: movies_add_to_library("tmdb", id)
def get_tvdb_id_from_name(name, lang): import_tvdb() search_results =, language=lang) if search_results == []: dialogs.ok(_("Show not found"), "{0} {1} in tvdb".format(_("no show information found for"), to_utf8(name))) return items = [] for show in search_results: if "firstaired" in show: show["year"] = int(show['firstaired'].split("-")[0].strip()) else: show["year"] = 0 items.append(show) if len(items) > 1: selection ="Choose Show"), ["{0} ({1})".format( to_utf8(s["seriesname"]), s["year"]) for s in items]) else: selection = 0 if selection != -1: return items[selection]["id"]
def play_episode_from_guide(id, season, episode, mode): import_tvdb() id = int(id) season = int(season) episode = int(episode) dbid = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.DBID") try: dbid = int(dbid) except: dbid = None show = tvdb[id] show_info = get_tvshow_metadata_tvdb(show, banners=False) if mode == 'select': play_plugin = elif mode == 'default': play_plugin = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_DEFAULT_CHANNELER, unicode) else: play_plugin = mode channelers = active_channelers("tvshows", filters = {'network': show.get('network')}) channelers = [p for p in channelers if == play_plugin] or channelers if not channelers: xbmc.executebuiltin( "Action(Info)") action_cancel() return trakt_ids = get_trakt_ids("tvdb", id, show['seriesname'], "show", show.get('year', 0)) params = {} for lang in get_needed_langs(channelers): if lang == LANG: tvdb_data = show else: tvdb_data = create_tvdb(lang)[id] if tvdb_data['seriesname'] is None: continue episode_parameters = get_episode_parameters(tvdb_data, season, episode) if episode_parameters is not None: params[lang] = episode_parameters else: msg = "{0} {1} - S{1}E{2}".format(_("No tvdb information found for"), show['seriesname'], season, episode) dialogs.ok(_("%s not found") % _("Episode information"), msg) return if trakt_ids != None: params[lang].update(trakt_ids) params[lang]['info'] = show_info params[lang] = to_unicode(params[lang]) link = on_play_video(mode, channelers, params, trakt_ids) if link: set_property("data", json.dumps({'dbid': dbid, 'tvdb': id, 'season': season, 'episode': episode})) season_info = get_season_metadata_tvdb(show_info, show[season], banners=False) episode_info = get_episode_metadata_tvdb(season_info, show[season][episode]) action_play({ 'label': episode_info['title'], 'path': link, 'info': episode_info, 'is_playable': True, 'info_type': 'video', 'thumbnail': episode_info['poster'], 'poster': episode_info['poster'], 'properties' : {'fanart_image' : episode_info['fanart']}, })
def trakt_play_episode(id, season, episode, mode): from trakt import trakt id = int(id) season = int(season) episode = int(episode) show = None preason = None prepisode = None dbid = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.DBID") try: dbid = int(dbid) except: dbid = None show = trakt.get_show(id) if 'name' in show: show_title = show['name'] elif 'title' in show: show_title = show['title'] if show: if show['first_aired']: year = show['first_aired'][:4] else: year = None trakt_ids = get_trakt_ids("trakt", id, show_title, "show", year) preason = trakt.get_season(id, season) if preason: prepisode = trakt.get_episode(id, season, episode) elif not preason and season > 1900: seasons = trakt.get_seasons(id) for item in seasons: if item['first_aired'] != None: if int(item['first_aired'][:4]) == season: season_number = item['number'] preason = trakt.get_season(id, season_number) if not prepisode or not preason or not show: return tvmaze_play_episode(show_title, season, episode, mode) show_info = get_tvshow_metadata_trakt(show) season_info = get_season_metadata_trakt(show_info, preason) episode_info = get_episode_metadata_trakt(season_info, prepisode) title = show_info['name'] if show_info['poster'] != None and show_info['poster'] != "": show_poster = show_info['poster'] else: show_poster = "" if show_info['fanart'] != None and show_info['fanart'] != "": show_fanart = show_info['fanart'] else: show_fanart = "" items = [] if mode == 'select': play_plugin = elif mode == 'context': play_plugin = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_DEFAULT_PLAYER_FROM_CONTEXT, unicode) elif mode == 'library': play_plugin = get_tv_player_plugin_from_library(id) if not play_plugin or play_plugin == "default": play_plugin = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_DEFAULT_PLAYER_FROM_LIBRARY, unicode) elif mode == 'default': play_plugin = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_DEFAULT_PLAYER, unicode) else: play_plugin = mode if mode == 'default' or mode == 'select': players = active_players("tvshows") else: players = get_players("tvshows") players = [p for p in players if == play_plugin] or players if not players: return xbmc.executebuiltin( "Action(Info)") params = {} for lang in get_needed_langs(players): if show['name'] is None: continue episode_parameters = get_trakt_episode_parameters(show, preason, prepisode) if episode_parameters is not None: params[lang] = episode_parameters else: if trakt_ids["tmdb"] != None and trakt_ids["tmdb"] != "" and tried != "tmdb": tried = "tmdb" return tvdb_play_episode(trakt_ids["tvdb"], season, episode, mode) elif tried == "tmdb": msg = "{0} {1} - S{2}E{3}".format(_("No TVDb or TMDb information found for"), show_info['name'], season, episode) dialogs.ok(_("%s not found") % _("Episode information"), msg) return else: msg = "{0} {1} - S{2}E{3}".format(_("No TMDb information found for"), show_info['name'], season, episode) dialogs.ok(_("%s not found") % _("Episode information"), msg) return if trakt_ids != None: params[lang].update(trakt_ids) params[lang]['info'] = show_info params[lang] = to_unicode(params[lang]) link = on_play_video(mode, players, params, trakt_ids) if link: set_property("data", json.dumps({'dbid': dbid, 'trakt': id, 'season': season, 'episode': episode})) episode_metadata = get_episode_metadata_trakt(season_info, prepisode) action_play({ 'label': episode_info['title'], 'path': link, 'info': episode_info, 'is_playable': True, 'info_type': 'video', 'thumbnail': episode_info['poster'], 'poster': episode_info['poster'], 'properties' : {'fanart_image' : str(show_info['fanart'])}, })
def tvmaze_play_episode(id, season, episode, mode, title=None): title = "" try: id = int(id) except: title = id if title and title != "": url = "" % id response = urllib.urlopen(url) shows = json.loads( if len(shows) > 0: show = shows[0] id = show['show']['id'] url = "[]=seasons&embed[]=episodes" % int(id) response = urllib.urlopen(url) show = json.loads( season = int(season) episode = int(episode) dbid = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.DBID") try: dbid = int(dbid) except: dbid = None if show['externals']: if show['externals']['thetvdb']: trakt_ids = get_trakt_ids("tvdb", show['externals']['thetvdb'], show['name'], "show", show['premiered'][:4]) elif show['externals']['imdb']: trakt_ids = get_trakt_ids("imdb", show['externals']['imdb'], show['name'], "show", show['premiered'][:4]) else: trakt_ids = get_trakt_ids(query=show['name'], type="show", year=show['premiered'][:4]) else: trakt_ids = get_trakt_ids(query=show['name'], type="show", year=show['premiered'][:4]) show_info = get_tvshow_metadata_tvmaze(show) preasons = show['_embedded']['seasons'] for item in preasons: if item['number'] == season: preason = item season = preasons.index(item) + 1 elif item['premiereDate'] and item['endDate']: if int(item['premiereDate'][:4]) <= season and int(item['endDate'][:4]) >= season: preason = item season = preasons.index(item) + 1 prepisodes = show['_embedded']['episodes'] for item in prepisodes: if item['number'] == episode: prepisode = item season_info = get_season_metadata_tvmaze(show_info, preason) episode_info = get_episode_metadata_tvmaze(season_info, prepisode) if show_info['poster'] != None and show_info['poster'] != "": show_poster = show_info['poster'] else: show_poster = "" if show_info['fanart'] != None and show_info['fanart'] != "": show_fanart = show_info['fanart'] else: show_fanart = "" items = [] if mode == 'select': play_plugin = elif mode == 'context': play_plugin = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_DEFAULT_PLAYER_FROM_CONTEXT, unicode) elif mode == 'library': play_plugin = get_tv_player_plugin_from_library(id) if not play_plugin or play_plugin == "default": play_plugin = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_DEFAULT_PLAYER_FROM_LIBRARY, unicode) elif mode == 'default': play_plugin = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_DEFAULT_PLAYER, unicode) else: play_plugin = mode if mode == 'default' or mode == 'select': players = active_players("tvshows") else: players = get_players("tvshows") players = [p for p in players if == play_plugin] or players if not players: return xbmc.executebuiltin( "Action(Info)") params = {} for lang in get_needed_langs(players): if show['name'] is None: continue episode_parameters = get_tvmaze_episode_parameters(show, preason, prepisode) if episode_parameters is not None: params[lang] = episode_parameters else: if trakt_ids["tmdb"] != None and trakt_ids["tmdb"] != "" and tried != "tmdb": tried = "tmdb" return tvdb_play_episode(trakt_ids["tvdb"], season, episode, mode) elif tried == "tmdb": msg = "{0} {1} - S{2}E{3}".format(_("No TVDb or TMDb information found for"), show_info['name'], season, episode) dialogs.ok(_("%s not found") % _("Episode information"), msg) return else: msg = "{0} {1} - S{2}E{3}".format(_("No TMDb information found for"), show_info['name'], season, episode) dialogs.ok(_("%s not found") % _("Episode information"), msg) return if trakt_ids != None: params[lang].update(trakt_ids) params[lang]['info'] = show_info params[lang] = to_unicode(params[lang]) link = on_play_video(mode, players, params, trakt_ids) if link: set_property("data", json.dumps({'dbid': dbid, 'tvdb': trakt_ids['tvdb'], 'season': season, 'episode': episode})) episode_metadata = get_episode_metadata_tvmaze(season_info, prepisode) action_play({ 'label': episode_info['title'], 'path': link, 'info': [], 'is_playable': True, 'info_type': 'video', 'thumbnail': episode_info['poster'], 'poster': episode_info['poster'], 'properties' : {'fanart_image' : str(show_info['fanart'])}, })
def tmdb_play_episode(id, season, episode, mode): tried = "tvdb" import_tmdb() id = int(id) season = int(season) episode = int(episode) dbid = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.DBID") try: dbid = int(dbid) except: dbid = None show = tmdb.TV(id).info(language=LANG, append_to_response="external_ids,images,similar,videos") if 'first_air_date' in show and show['first_air_date'] != None: year = show['first_air_date'][:4] else: year = None trakt_ids = get_trakt_ids("tmdb", id) if "status_code" in show: return trakt_play_episode(trakt_ids["trakt"], season, episode, mode) if 'name' in show: title = show['name'] else: title = None show_info = get_tvshow_metadata_tmdb(show) title = show_info['name'] preason = tmdb.TV_Seasons(id, season).info(language=LANG, append_to_response="external_ids,images,similar,videos") if "The resource you requested could not be found" in str(preason): return trakt_play_episode(trakt_ids["trakt"], season, episode, mode) season_info = get_season_metadata_tmdb(show_info, preason) prepisode = tmdb.TV_Episodes(id, season, episode).info(language=LANG, append_to_response="external_ids,images,similar,videos") if prepisode == "{u'status_code': 34, u'status_message': u'The resource you requested could not be found.'}": return trakt_play_episode(trakt_ids["tmdb"], season, episode, mode) episode_info = get_episode_metadata_tmdb(season_info, prepisode) if show_info['poster'] != None and show_info['poster'] != "": show_poster = show_info['poster'] else: show_poster = "" if show_info['fanart'] != None and show_info['fanart'] != "": show_fanart = show_info['fanart'] else: show_fanart = "" episodes = preason['episodes'] items = [] if mode == 'select': play_plugin = elif mode == 'context': play_plugin = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_DEFAULT_PLAYER_FROM_CONTEXT, unicode) elif mode == 'library': play_plugin = get_tv_player_plugin_from_library(id) if not play_plugin or play_plugin == "default": play_plugin = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_DEFAULT_PLAYER_FROM_LIBRARY, unicode) elif mode == 'default': play_plugin = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_DEFAULT_PLAYER, unicode) else: play_plugin = mode if mode == 'default' or mode == 'select': players = active_players("tvshows") else: players = get_players("tvshows") players = [p for p in players if == play_plugin] or players if not players: return xbmc.executebuiltin( "Action(Info)") trakt_ids = get_trakt_ids("tmdb", id, show_info['name'], "show", show['first_air_date'][:4]) params = {} for lang in get_needed_langs(players): if show['name'] is None: continue episode_parameters = get_tmdb_episode_parameters(show, preason, prepisode) if episode_parameters is not None: params[lang] = episode_parameters else: if trakt_ids["trakt"] != None and trakt_ids["trakt"] != "": return trakt_play_episode(trakt_ids["trakt"], season, episode, mode) else: msg = "{0} {1} - S{2}E{3}".format(_("No TMDb information found for"), show_info['name'], season, episode) dialogs.ok(_("%s not found") % _("Episode information"), msg) return if trakt_ids != None: params[lang].update(trakt_ids) params[lang]['info'] = show_info params[lang] = to_unicode(params[lang]) link = on_play_video(mode, players, params, trakt_ids) if link: set_property("data", json.dumps({'dbid': dbid, 'tmdb': id, 'season': season, 'episode': episode})) episode_metadata = get_episode_metadata_tmdb(season_info, prepisode) action_play({ 'label': episode_info['title'], 'path': link, 'info': [], 'is_playable': True, 'info_type': 'video', 'thumbnail': episode_info['poster'], 'poster': episode_info['poster'], 'properties' : {'fanart_image' : str(show_info['fanart'])}, })
def play_episode(id, season, episode, mode): import_tvdb() id = int(id) season = int(season) episode = int(episode) # Get database id dbid = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.DBID") try: dbid = int(dbid) except: dbid = None # Get show data from TVDB show = tvdb[id] show_info = get_tvshow_metadata_tvdb(show, banners=False) # Get players to use if mode == 'select': play_plugin = elif mode == 'context': play_plugin = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_DEFAULT_PLAYER_FROM_CONTEXT, unicode) elif mode == 'library': play_plugin = get_tv_player_plugin_from_library(id) if not play_plugin or play_plugin == "default": play_plugin = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_DEFAULT_PLAYER_FROM_LIBRARY, unicode) elif mode == 'default': play_plugin = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_DEFAULT_PLAYER, unicode) else: play_plugin = mode if mode == 'default' or mode == 'select': players = active_players("tvshows", filters = {'network': show.get('network')}) else: players = get_players("tvshows", filters = {'network': show.get('network')}) players = [p for p in players if == play_plugin] or players if not players: return xbmc.executebuiltin( "Action(Info)") # Get show ids from Trakt trakt_ids = get_trakt_ids("tvdb", id, show['seriesname'], "show", show.get('year', 0)) # Get parameters params = {} for lang in get_needed_langs(players): if lang == LANG: tvdb_data = show else: tvdb_data = create_tvdb(lang)[id] if tvdb_data['seriesname'] is None: continue episode_parameters = get_episode_parameters(tvdb_data, season, episode) if episode_parameters is not None: params[lang] = episode_parameters else: if trakt_ids["tmdb"] != None and trakt_ids["tmdb"] != "": return tmdb_play_episode(trakt_ids["tmdb"], season, episode, mode) elif trakt_ids["tvdb"] == None or trakt_ids["tvdb"] == "": msg = "{0} {1} - S{2}E{3}".format(_("No TVDb information found for"), show_info['name'], season, episode) return dialogs.ok(_("%s not found") % _("Episode information"), msg) else: msg = "{0} {1} - S{2}E{3}".format(_("No TVDb or TMDb information found for"), show_info['name'], season, episode) return dialogs.ok(_("%s not found") % _("Episode information"), msg) if trakt_ids != None: params[lang].update(trakt_ids) params[lang]['info'] = show_info params[lang] = to_unicode(params[lang]) # Go for it link = on_play_video(mode, players, params, trakt_ids) if link: # set properties set_property("data", json.dumps({'dbid': dbid, 'tvdb': id, 'season': season, 'episode': episode})) # Play season_info = get_season_metadata_tvdb(show_info, show[season], banners=False) episode_info = get_episode_metadata_tvdb(season_info, show[season][episode]) action_play({ 'label': episode_info['title'], 'path': link, 'info': episode_info, 'is_playable': True, 'info_type': 'video', 'thumbnail': episode_info['poster'], 'poster': episode_info['poster'], 'properties' : {'fanart_image' : episode_info['fanart']}, })
def play_episode(id, season, episode, mode): import_tvdb() id = int(id) season = int(season) episode = int(episode) # Get database id dbid = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.DBID") try: dbid = int(dbid) except: dbid = None # Get show data from TVDB show = tvdb[id] show_info = get_tvshow_metadata_tvdb(show, banners=False) # Get players to use if mode == 'select': play_plugin = elif mode == 'library': play_plugin = get_player_plugin_from_library(id) if not play_plugin or play_plugin == "default": play_plugin = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_DEFAULT_PLAYER_FROM_LIBRARY) else: play_plugin = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_DEFAULT_PLAYER) players = active_players("tvshows", filters = {'network': show.get('network')}) players = [p for p in players if == play_plugin] or players if not players: xbmc.executebuiltin( "Action(Info)") action_cancel() return # Get show ids from Trakt trakt_ids = get_trakt_ids("tvdb", id, show['seriesname'], "show", show.get('year', 0)) # Get parameters params = {} for lang in get_needed_langs(players): if lang == LANG: tvdb_data = show else: tvdb_data = create_tvdb(lang)[id] if tvdb_data['seriesname'] is None: continue episode_parameters = get_episode_parameters(tvdb_data, season, episode) if episode_parameters is not None: params[lang] = episode_parameters else: msg = "{0} {1} - S{1}E{2}".format(_("No tvdb information found for"), show['seriesname'], season, episode) dialogs.ok(_("Episode info not found"), msg) return params[lang].update(trakt_ids) params[lang]['info'] = show_info params[lang] = to_unicode(params[lang]) # Go for it link = on_play_video(mode, players, params, trakt_ids) if link: # set properties set_property("data", json.dumps({'dbid': dbid, 'tvdb': id, 'season': season, 'episode': episode})) # Play season_info = get_season_metadata_tvdb(show_info, show[season], banners=False) episode_info = get_episode_metadata_tvdb(season_info, show[season][episode]) action_play({ 'label': episode_info['title'], 'path': link, 'info': episode_info, 'is_playable': True, 'info_type': 'video', 'thumbnail': episode_info['poster'], 'poster': episode_info['poster'], 'properties' : {'fanart_image' : episode_info['fanart']}, })
def play_episode_from_guide(id, season, episode, mode): import_tvdb() id = int(id) season = int(season) episode = int(episode) dbid = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.DBID") try: dbid = int(dbid) except: dbid = None show = tvdb[id] show_info = get_tvshow_metadata_tvdb(show, banners=False) if mode == 'select': play_plugin = elif mode == 'default': play_plugin = plugin.get_setting(SETTING_TV_DEFAULT_CHANNELER) else: play_plugin = mode channelers = active_channelers("tvshows", filters = {'network': show.get('network')}) channelers = [p for p in channelers if == play_plugin] or channelers if not channelers: xbmc.executebuiltin( "Action(Info)") action_cancel() return trakt_ids = get_trakt_ids("tvdb", id, show['seriesname'], "show", show.get('year', 0)) params = {} for lang in get_needed_langs(channelers): if lang == LANG: tvdb_data = show else: tvdb_data = create_tvdb(lang)[id] if tvdb_data['seriesname'] is None: continue episode_parameters = get_episode_parameters(tvdb_data, season, episode) if episode_parameters is not None: params[lang] = episode_parameters else: msg = "{0} {1} - S{1}E{2}".format(_("No tvdb information found for"), show['seriesname'], season, episode) dialogs.ok(_("Episode info not found"), msg) return if trakt_ids != None: params[lang].update(trakt_ids) params[lang]['info'] = show_info params[lang] = to_unicode(params[lang]) link = on_play_video(mode, channelers, params, trakt_ids) if link: set_property("data", json.dumps({'dbid': dbid, 'tvdb': id, 'season': season, 'episode': episode})) season_info = get_season_metadata_tvdb(show_info, show[season], banners=False) episode_info = get_episode_metadata_tvdb(season_info, show[season][episode]) action_play({ 'label': episode_info['title'], 'path': link, 'info': episode_info, 'is_playable': True, 'info_type': 'video', 'thumbnail': episode_info['poster'], 'poster': episode_info['poster'], 'properties' : {'fanart_image' : episode_info['fanart']}, })