def tearDown(self): """ Remove initial records form the 'files' table. Return initial blacklist content. """ files.delete().where(files.c.hash.in_(self.files_id)).execute() with open(['BLACKLIST_FILE'], 'w') as fp: fp.write(self.initial_blacklist)
def tearDown(self): """ Switch off some test configs. Remove initial files from Upload Dir. Remove initial records form the 'files' table. """ self.patcher.stop() os.unlink(self.file_saving_path) files.delete().where(files.c.hash.in_(self.files_id)).execute()
def test_success_get_info_with_no_files(self): """ Successful getting files info with noo files. """ files.delete().execute() with as c: response = c.get(path=self.url) self.assertEqual(200, response.status_code, "'OK' status code is expected.") self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type, "Has to be a JSON-response.") self.assertListEqual([], json.loads(
def tearDown(self): """ Switch off some test configs. Remove initial files from Upload Dir. Remove initial records form the 'files' table. Return initial blacklist content. """ self.patcher.stop() try: pass os.unlink(self.file_saving_path) except OSError: pass files.delete().where(files.c.hash.in_(self.files_id)).execute() with open(['BLACKLIST_FILE'], 'w') as fp: fp.write(self.initial_blacklist)
def tearDown(self): """ Switch off some test configs. Remove new records form the 'files' table. Remove new files from Upload Dir. Return initial blacklist content. """ self.patcher.stop() files.delete().where( files.c.hash not in (_[0] for _ in self.files) ).execute() added_files = set( os.listdir(['UPLOAD_FOLDER']) ) - self.stored_files for filename in added_files: os.unlink(os.path.join(['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) with open(['BLACKLIST_FILE'], 'w') as fp: fp.write(self.initial_blacklist)