예제 #1
 def test_040_parseModifier_default(self):
   """Check default 'modifier' value."""
   self.assertEqual( Metar.Metar("KEWR").mod, "AUTO" )
예제 #2
def raisesParserError(code):
    """Helper to test the a given code raises a Metar.ParserError."""
    with pytest.raises(Metar.ParserError):
예제 #3
def test_041_parseModifier():
    """Check parsing of 'modifier' groups."""
    assert Metar.Metar(sta_time + "AUTO").mod == "AUTO"
    assert Metar.Metar(sta_time + "COR").mod == "COR"
예제 #4
def test_issue84_trimequals(trailstr):
    """A trailing = in METAR should not trip up the ingest."""
    code = ("KABI 031752Z 30010KT 6SM BR FEW009 OVC036 02/01 A3003 RMK AO2 "
            "SLP176 60001 I%i003 T00170006 10017 21006 56017")
    assert Metar.Metar("%s%s" % (code, trailstr)).decode_completed
예제 #5
def process(ncfn):
    """Process this file """
    pgconn = get_dbconn("iem")
    icursor = pgconn.cursor()
    xref = {}
        SELECT id, network from stations where
        network ~* 'ASOS' or network = 'AWOS' and country = 'US'
    for row in icursor:
        xref[row[0]] = row[1]
    nc = ncopen(ncfn)
    data = {}
    for vname in [
            "altimeter",  # Pa
            "windSpeed",  # mps
            "windGust",  # mps
            "visibility",  # m
        data[vname] = nc.variables[vname][:]
        for qc in ["QCR", "QCD"]:
            vname2 = vname + qc
            if vname2 in nc.variables:
                data[vname2] = nc.variables[vname2][:]
    for vname in ["temperature", "dewpoint"]:
        data[vname + "C"] = temperature(data[vname], "K").value("C")
        data[vname] = temperature(data[vname], "K").value("F")
    for vname in ["windSpeed", "windGust"]:
        data[vname] = (masked_array(data[vname], units("meter / second")).to(

    data["altimeter"] = pressure(data["altimeter"], "PA").value("IN")
    data["skyCovLayerBase"] = distance(data["skyCovLayerBase"],
    data["visibility"] = distance(data["visibility"], "M").value("MI")
    data["precipAccum"] = distance(data["precipAccum"], "MM").value("IN")
    stations = chartostring(data["stationId"][:])
    presentwxs = chartostring(data["presWx"][:])
    skycs = chartostring(data["skyCvr"][:])
    autoremarks = chartostring(data["autoRemark"][:])
    opremarks = chartostring(data["operatorRemark"][:])

    def decision(i, fieldname, tolerance):
        """Our decision if we are going to take a HFMETAR value or not"""
        if data[fieldname][i] is np.ma.masked:
            return None
        if data["%sQCR" % (fieldname, )][i] == 0:
            return data[fieldname][i]
        # Now we have work to do
        departure = np.ma.max(np.ma.abs(data["%sQCD" % (fieldname, )][i, :]))
        # print("departure: %s tolerance: %s" % (departure, tolerance))
        if departure <= tolerance:
            return data[fieldname][i]
        return None

    for i, sid in tqdm(
            disable=(not sys.stdout.isatty()),
        sid3 = sid[1:] if sid[0] == "K" else sid
        ts = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(
        ts = ts.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)

        mtr = "%s %sZ AUTO " % (sid, ts.strftime("%d%H%M"))
        network = xref.get(sid3, "ASOS")
        iem = Observation(sid3, network, ts)

        #  06019G23KT
        val = decision(i, "windDir", 15)
        if val is not None:
            iem.data["drct"] = int(val)
            mtr += "%03i" % (iem.data["drct"], )
            mtr += "///"

        val = decision(i, "windSpeed", 10)
        if val is not None:
            iem.data["sknt"] = int(val)
            mtr += "%02i" % (iem.data["sknt"], )
            mtr += "//"

        val = decision(i, "windGust", 10)
        if val is not None and val > 0:
            iem.data["gust"] = int(val)
            mtr += "G%02i" % (iem.data["gust"], )
        mtr += "KT "

        val = decision(i, "visibility", 4)
        if val is not None:
            iem.data["vsby"] = float(val)
            mtr += "%sSM " % (vsbyfmt(iem.data["vsby"]), )

        presentwx = presentwxs[i]
        if presentwx != "":
            # database storage is comma delimited
            iem.data["wxcodes"] = presentwx.split(" ")
            mtr += "%s " % (presentwx, )

        for _i, (skyc,
                 _l) in enumerate(zip(skycs[i], data["skyCovLayerBase"][i])):
            if skyc != "":
                iem.data["skyc%s" % (_i + 1, )] = skyc
                if skyc != "CLR":
                    iem.data["skyl%s" % (_i + 1, )] = int(_l)
                    mtr += "%s%03i " % (skyc, int(_l) / 100)
                    mtr += "CLR "

        t = ""
        tgroup = "T"
        val = decision(i, "temperature", 10)
        if val is not None:
            # Recall the pain enabling this
            # iem.data['tmpf'] = float(data['temperature'][i])
            tmpc = float(data["temperatureC"][i])
            t = "%s%02i/" % (
                "M" if tmpc < 0 else "",
                tmpc if tmpc > 0 else (0 - tmpc),
            tgroup += "%s%03i" % (
                "1" if tmpc < 0 else "0",
                (tmpc if tmpc > 0 else (0 - tmpc)) * 10.0,
        val = decision(i, "dewpoint", 10)
        if val is not None:
            # iem.data['dwpf'] = float(data['dewpoint'][i])
            tmpc = float(data["dewpointC"][i])
            if t != "":
                t = "%s%s%02i " % (
                    "M" if tmpc < 0 else "",
                    tmpc if tmpc > 0 else 0 - tmpc,
                tgroup += "%s%03i" % (
                    "1" if tmpc < 0 else "0",
                    (tmpc if tmpc > 0 else (0 - tmpc)) * 10.0,
        if len(t) > 4:
            mtr += t
        val = decision(i, "altimeter", 20)
        if val is not None:
            iem.data["alti"] = float(round(val, 2))
            mtr += "A%4i " % (iem.data["alti"] * 100.0, )

        mtr += "RMK "
        val = decision(i, "precipAccum", 25)
        if val is not None:
            if val >= 0.01:
                iem.data["phour"] = float(round(val, 2))
                mtr += "P%04i " % (iem.data["phour"] * 100.0, )
            elif val > 0:
                # Trace
                mtr += "P0000 "
                iem.data["phour"] = TRACE_VALUE

        if tgroup != "T":
            mtr += "%s " % (tgroup, )

        if autoremarks[i] != "" or opremarks[i] != "":
            mtr += "%s %s " % (autoremarks[i], opremarks[i])
        mtr += "MADISHF"
        # Eat our own dogfood
            iem.data["raw"] = mtr
        except Exception as exp:
            print("dogfooding extract_hfmetar %s resulted in %s" % (mtr, exp))

        for key in iem.data:
            if isinstance(iem.data[key], np.float32):
                print("key: %s type: %s" % (key, type(iem.data[key])))
        icursor = pgconn.cursor()
        if not iem.save(icursor, force_current_log=True, skip_current=True):
            print(("extract_hfmetar: unknown station? %s %s %s\n%s") %
                  (sid3, network, ts, mtr))

예제 #6
 def report(vis_group):
     """(Macro) Return Metar object for a report with the vis group."""
     return Metar.Metar(sta_time + "09010KT " + vis_group)
예제 #7
 def report(vis_group):
     """(Macro) Return Metar object for a report given visibility group."""
     return Metar.Metar(sta_time + "09010KT " + vis_group)
예제 #8
 def report(runway_state):
   """(Macro) Return Metar object for a report containing the given runway state group"""
   sample_metar = 'EGNX 191250Z VRB03KT 9999 -RASN FEW008 SCT024 BKN046 M01/M03 Q0989 '
   return Metar.Metar(sample_metar+' '+runway_state)
예제 #9
    client = mqtt.Client("metar")  # create new instance
    client.connect(broker_address)  # connect to broker
    client.publish(MQTT_PUB_ROOT, payload=json.dumps(dict))  # publish

for name in stations:
    url = "%s/%s.TXT" % (BASE_URL, name)
        urlh = urlopen(url)
        report = ""
        for line in urlh:
            if not isinstance(line, str):
                line = line.decode()  # convert Python3 bytes buffer to string
            if line.startswith(name):
                report = line.strip()
                obs = Metar.Metar(line)
                temp = obs.temp._value * units.degC
                dewp = obs.dewpt._value * units.degC
                hum = truncate(
                    (mpcalc.relative_humidity_from_dewpoint(temp, dewp)).m * 100, 2)  # convert to %
                pressure = truncate(obs.press._value*33.864, 2)
                mqtt_publish(obs.station_id, obs.dewpt._value,
                             obs.temp._value, hum, pressure)
        if not report:
            print("No data for ", name, "\n\n")
    except Metar.ParserError as exc:
        print("METAR code: ", line)
        print(string.join(exc.args, ", "), "\n")
        import traceback
예제 #10
 def test_011_parseType_legal(self):
   """Check parsing of the report type."""
   self.assertEqual( Metar.Metar("METAR").type, "METAR" )
   self.assertEqual( Metar.Metar("SPECI").type, "SPECI" )
   self.raisesParserError("TAF" )
예제 #11
 def test_020_parseStation_legal(self):
   """Check parsing of the station code."""
   self.assertEqual( Metar.Metar("KEWR").station_id, "KEWR" )
   self.assertEqual( Metar.Metar("METAR KEWR").station_id, "KEWR" )
   self.assertEqual( Metar.Metar("BIX1").station_id, "BIX1" )
   self.assertEqual( Metar.Metar("K256").station_id, "K256" )
예제 #12
 def test_010_parseType_default(self):
   """Check default value of the report type."""
   self.assertEqual( Metar.Metar("KEWR").type, "METAR" )
예제 #13
  def test_140_parseWind(self):
    """Check parsing of wind groups."""
    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time+"09010KT" )
    assert report.decode_completed
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_dir.value(), 90 )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_speed.value(), 10 )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_gust, None )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_dir_from, None )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_dir_from, None )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind(), "E at 10 knots" )

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time+"09010MPS" )
    assert report.decode_completed
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_speed.value(), 10 )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_speed.value("KMH"), 36 )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind(), "E at 19 knots" )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind("MPS"), "E at 10 mps" )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind("KMH"), "E at 36 km/h" )

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time+"09010KMH" )
    assert report.decode_completed
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_speed.value(), 10 )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind(), "E at 5 knots" )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind('KMH'), "E at 10 km/h" )

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time+"090010KT" )
    assert report.decode_completed
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_dir.value(), 90 )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_speed.value(), 10 )

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time+"000000KT" )
    assert report.decode_completed
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_dir.value(), 0 )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_speed.value(), 0 )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind(), "calm" )

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time+"VRB03KT" )
    assert report.decode_completed
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_dir, None )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_speed.value(), 3 )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind(), "variable at 3 knots" )

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time+"VRB00KT" )
    assert report.decode_completed
    self.assertEqual( report.wind(), "calm" )

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time+"VRB03G40KT" )
    assert report.decode_completed
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_dir, None )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_speed.value(), 3 )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_gust.value(), 40 )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_dir_from, None )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_dir_to, None )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind(), "variable at 3 knots, gusting to 40 knots" )

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time+"21010G30KT" )
    assert report.decode_completed
    self.assertEqual( report.wind(), "SSW at 10 knots, gusting to 30 knots" )

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time+"21010KT 180V240" )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_dir.value(), 210 )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_speed.value(), 10 )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_gust, None )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_dir_from.value(), 180 )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind_dir_to.value(), 240 )
    self.assertEqual( report.wind(), "S to WSW at 10 knots" )
예제 #14
 def test_041_parseModifier(self):
   """Check parsing of 'modifier' groups."""
   self.assertEqual( Metar.Metar(sta_time+"AUTO").mod, "AUTO" )
   self.assertEqual( Metar.Metar(sta_time+"COR").mod, "COR" )
예제 #15
def test_issue139_no_wind_unit():
    """Check the default wind speed units for international sites."""
    report = Metar.Metar("CXXX 101651Z 09010G20")
    assert report.wind_speed.string() == "10 mps"
예제 #16
from __future__ import print_function

from metar import Metar

# A sample METAR report
code = "METAR KEWR 111851Z VRB03G19KT 2SM R04R/3000VP6000FT TSRA BR FEW015 BKN040CB BKN065 OVC200 22/22 A2987 RMK AO2 PK WND 29028/1817 WSHFT 1812 TSB05RAB22 SLP114 FRQ LTGICCCCG TS OHD AND NW-N-E MOV NE P0013 T02270215"

print("METAR: ", code)

# Initialize a Metar object with the coded report
obs = Metar.Metar(code)

# Print the individual data

# The 'station_id' attribute is a string.
print("station: %s" % obs.station_id)

if obs.type:
    print("type: %s" % obs.report_type())

# The 'time' attribute is a datetime object
if obs.time:
    print("time: %s" % obs.time.ctime())

# The 'temp' and 'dewpt' attributes are temperature objects
if obs.temp:
예제 #17
def test_issue51_strict():
    """Check that setting strict=False prevents a ParserError"""
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "90010KT", strict=False)
    assert len(w) == 1
    assert report.wind_speed is None
예제 #18
    'KIAH', 'KDEN', 'KMBS', 'KRST', 'KJAX', 'KPBI', 'KSNA', 'KFAR', 'KELP', 'KCHS', 'KCWA',
    'KFWA', 'KSBN', 'KSAT', 'KCMH', 'KIND', 'KCID', 'KBMI', 'KMIA', 'KBWI', 'KPIT', 'KCMX',
    'KLAN', 'KGSP', 'KLSE', 'KSGF', 'KTOL', 'KOMA', 'KTPA', 'KPWM', 'KTVC', 'KHPN', 'KDLH',
    'KSAN', 'KSRQ', 'KEWR', 'KROC', 'KPDX', 'KORF', 'KMKG', 'KSPI', 'KMSN', 'KATL', 'KCOU',
    'KDSM', 'KILM', 'KROA', 'KMEM', 'KHSV', 'KSLC', 'KLEX', 'KSDF', 'KEVV', 'KFSD', 'KDTW',
    'KBOS', 'KSYR', 'KASE', 'KPHX', 'KMCI', 'KLIT'

  for airport in airports:


      cxn = mysql.connector.connect(host='', user='******', db='METAR')

      raw_metar = fetch(airport)
      parsed_metar = Metar.Metar(raw_metar)

      metar_data = {
        'Type': parsed_metar.type,
        'Mode': parsed_metar.mod,
        'StationID': parsed_metar.station_id,
        'Time': parsed_metar.time,
        'Cycle': parsed_metar.cycle,
        'WindDirection': parsed_metar.wind_dir.value() if parsed_metar.wind_dir else None,
        'WindSpeed': parsed_metar.wind_speed.value('KT') if parsed_metar.wind_speed else None,
        'WindGust': parsed_metar.wind_gust.value('KT') if parsed_metar.wind_gust else None,
        'WindDirectionFrom': parsed_metar.wind_dir_from.value() if parsed_metar.wind_dir_from else None,
        'WindDirectionTo': parsed_metar.wind_dir_to.value() if parsed_metar.wind_dir_to else None,
        'Visibility': parsed_metar.vis.value('SM') if parsed_metar.vis else None,
        'VisibilityDirection': parsed_metar.vis_dir.value() if parsed_metar.vis_dir else None,
        'MaxVisibility': parsed_metar.max_vis.value('SM') if parsed_metar.max_vis else None,
예제 #19
 def report_nowind(vis_group):
     """(Macro) Return Metar object for a report containing the given
     visibility group, without a preceeding wind group.
     return Metar.Metar(sta_time + vis_group)
예제 #20
        print ("Nav Category:\t\t%s" % (iflight) )
        print ("Sky Condition:\t\t%s" % (skycond) )
        print ('Visibility [{}]:\t{}'.format(visi_unit, round(skyvisi,1)) )  # Need to truncate decimals 
        print ("Wind:\t\t\t%s [km/h] %s (%s\xb0)" % (yellow(windspd), winddir, winddeg) )
        print ("Temperature [\xb0C]:\t%s" % (tempc) )
        print ("Dew Point [\xb0C]:\t\t%s" % (tempd) )
        print ("Pressure [mbar=hPa]:\t%s" % (press) )
        print ("Humidity [%%]:\t\t%s" % (humid) )

#  METAR  "-m <airport-iata>"
if query == 5 : 

    metar = blist['metar']
    obs = Metar.Metar(metar)
    #HLine = ('{:8>} {}'.format(airport, '(Work in progress!)') )
    Hleng = 80 # len(HLine)

    print ('\nMETAR INFO for {}'.format(yellow(airport)) )
    print ("-"*Hleng)
    #print (HLine)
    #print ("-"*Hleng)
    #for k, v in obs:
    #   print('{:20>} {}'.format(k,v))

예제 #21
 def report(runway_state):
     """(Macro) Return Metar object for  given runway state group"""
     sample_metar = ("EGNX 191250Z VRB03KT 9999 -RASN FEW008 SCT024 "
                     "BKN046 M01/M03 Q0989 ")
     return Metar.Metar(sample_metar + " " + runway_state)
예제 #22
def test_issue26_runway_slashes(RVR):
    """Check RVR with slashes decoding."""
    report = Metar.Metar(
        "METAR KPIT 091955Z COR 22015G25KT 3/4SM R28L/2600FT {} TSRA OVC010CB "
        "18/16 A2992 RMK SLP045 T1820160".format(RVR))
    assert len(report.runway) == 1
예제 #23
 def report(sky_conditions):
     """(Macro) Return Metar object for the given sky conditions."""
     sample_metar = "{} 14005KT 6000 {} M05/M10 Q1018".format(
         sta_time, sky_conditions)
     return Metar.Metar(sample_metar)
예제 #24
def test_010_parseType_default():
    """Check default value of the report type."""
    assert Metar.Metar("KEWR").type == "METAR"
예제 #25
파일: extract_hfmetar.py 프로젝트: iny/iem
def process(ncfn):
    """Process this file """
    IEM = psycopg2.connect(database='iem', host='iemdb')
    icursor = IEM.cursor()
    xref = {}
    icursor.execute("""SELECT id, network from stations where
    network ~* 'ASOS' or network = 'AWOS' and country = 'US'""")
    for row in icursor:
        xref[row[0]] = row[1]
    nc = netCDF4.Dataset(ncfn)
    data = {}
    for vname in [
            'altimeter',  # Pa
            'windSpeed',  # mps
            'visibility',  # m
        data[vname] = nc.variables[vname][:]
        vname += "QCR"
        if vname in nc.variables:
            data[vname] = nc.variables[vname][:]
    for vname in ['temperature', 'dewpoint']:
        data[vname + "C"] = temperature(data[vname], 'K').value('C')
        data[vname] = temperature(data[vname], 'K').value('F')
    for vname in ['windSpeed', 'windGust']:
        data[vname] = speed(data[vname], 'MPS').value('KT')

    data['altimeter'] = pressure(data['altimeter'], 'PA').value("IN")
    data['skyCovLayerBase'] = distance(data['skyCovLayerBase'],
    data['visibility'] = distance(data['visibility'], 'M').value("MI")
    data['precipAccum'] = distance(data['precipAccum'], 'MM').value("IN")

    for i in range(len(data['stationId'])):
        sid = tostring(data['stationId'][i])
        sid3 = sid[1:] if sid[0] == 'K' else sid
        ts = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(
        ts = ts.replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone("UTC"))

        mtr = "%s %sZ AUTO " % (sid, ts.strftime("%d%H%M"))
        network = xref.get(sid3, 'ASOS')
        iem = Observation(sid3, network,
                          ts.astimezone(TIMEZONES[LOC2TZ.get(sid3, None)]))
        #  06019G23KT
        if (data['windDirQCR'][i] == 0
                and data['windDir'][i] is not np.ma.masked):
            iem.data['drct'] = int(data['windDir'][i])
            mtr += "%03i" % (iem.data['drct'], )
            mtr += "///"

        if (data['windSpeedQCR'][i] == 0
                and data['windSpeed'][i] is not np.ma.masked):
            iem.data['sknt'] = int(data['windSpeed'][i])
            mtr += "%02i" % (iem.data['sknt'], )
            mtr += "//"

        if (data['windGustQCR'][i] == 0
                and data['windGust'][i] is not np.ma.masked
                and data['windGust'][i] > 0):
            iem.data['gust'] = int(data['windGust'][i])
            mtr += "G%02i" % (iem.data['gust'], )
        mtr += "KT "

        if (data['visibilityQCR'][i] == 0
                and data['visibility'][i] is not np.ma.masked):
            iem.data['vsby'] = float(data['visibility'][i])
            mtr += "%sSM " % (vsbyfmt(iem.data['vsby']), )

        presentwx = tostring(data['presWx'][i])
        if presentwx != '':
            iem.data['presentwx'] = presentwx
            mtr += "%s " % (presentwx, )

        for _i, (_c, _l) in enumerate(
                zip(data['skyCvr'][i], data['skyCovLayerBase'][i])):
            if tostring(_c) != '':
                skyc = tostring(_c)
                iem.data['skyc%s' % (_i + 1, )] = skyc
                if skyc != 'CLR':
                    iem.data['skyl%s' % (_i + 1, )] = int(_l)
                    mtr += "%s%03i " % (tostring(_c), int(_l) / 100)
                    mtr += "CLR "

        t = ""
        tgroup = "T"
        if (data['temperatureQCR'][i] == 0
                and data['temperature'][i] is not np.ma.masked):
            # iem.data['tmpf'] = float(data['temperature'][i])
            tmpc = float(data['temperatureC'][i])
            t = "%s%02i/" % ("M" if tmpc < 0 else "", tmpc if tmpc > 0 else
                             (0 - tmpc))
            tgroup += "%s%03i" % ("1" if tmpc < 0 else "0",
                                  (tmpc if tmpc > 0 else (0 - tmpc)) * 10.)
        if (data['dewpointQCR'][i] == 0
                and data['dewpoint'][i] is not np.ma.masked):
            # iem.data['dwpf'] = float(data['dewpoint'][i])
            tmpc = float(data['dewpointC'][i])
            if t != "":
                t = "%s%s%02i " % (t, "M" if tmpc < 0 else "",
                                   tmpc if tmpc > 0 else 0 - tmpc)
                tgroup += "%s%03i" % ("1" if tmpc < 0 else "0",
                                      (tmpc if tmpc > 0 else (0 - tmpc)) * 10.)
        if len(t) > 4:
            mtr += t
        if (data['altimeterQCR'][i] == 0
                and data['altimeter'][i] is not np.ma.masked):
            iem.data['alti'] = round(data['altimeter'][i], 2)
            mtr += "A%4i " % (iem.data['alti'] * 100., )

        mtr += "RMK "
        if (data['precipAccumQCR'][i] == 0
                and data['precipAccum'][i] is not np.ma.masked):
            if data['precipAccum'][i] >= 0.01:
                iem.data['phour'] = round(data['precipAccum'][i], 2)
                mtr += "P%04i " % (iem.data['phour'] * 100., )
            elif data['precipAccum'][i] < 0.01 and data['precipAccum'][i] > 0:
                # Trace
                mtr += "P0000 "
                iem.data['phour'] = 0.0001

        if tgroup != "T":
            mtr += "%s " % (tgroup, )
        autoremark = tostring(data['autoRemark'][i])
        opremark = tostring(data['operatorRemark'][i])
        if autoremark != '' or opremark != '':
            mtr += "%s %s " % (autoremark, opremark)
        mtr += "MADISHF"
        # Eat our own dogfood
            iem.data['raw'] = mtr

        icursor = IEM.cursor()
        if not iem.save(icursor, force_current_log=True, skip_current=True):
            print(("extract_hfmetar: unknown station? %s %s %s\n%s") %
                  (sid3, network, ts, mtr))

예제 #26
def test_140_parseWind():
    """Check parsing of wind groups."""
    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "09010KT")
    assert report.decode_completed
    assert report.wind_dir.value() == 90
    assert report.wind_speed.value() == 10
    assert report.wind_gust is None
    assert report.wind_dir_from is None
    assert report.wind_dir_from is None
    assert report.wind() == "E at 10 knots"

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "09010MPS")
    assert report.decode_completed
    assert report.wind_speed.value() == 10
    assert report.wind_speed.value("KMH") == 36
    assert report.wind() == "E at 19 knots"
    assert report.wind("MPS") == "E at 10 mps"
    assert report.wind("KMH") == "E at 36 km/h"

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "09010KMH")
    assert report.decode_completed
    assert report.wind_speed.value() == 10
    assert report.wind() == "E at 5 knots"
    assert report.wind("KMH") == "E at 10 km/h"

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "090010KT")
    assert report.decode_completed
    assert report.wind_dir.value() == 90
    assert report.wind_speed.value() == 10

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "000000KT")
    assert report.decode_completed
    assert report.wind_dir.value() == 0
    assert report.wind_speed.value() == 0
    assert report.wind() == "calm"

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "VRB03KT")
    assert report.decode_completed
    assert report.wind_dir is None
    assert report.wind_speed.value() == 3
    assert report.wind() == "variable at 3 knots"

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "VRB00KT")
    assert report.decode_completed
    assert report.wind() == "calm"

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "VRB03G40KT")
    assert report.decode_completed
    assert report.wind_dir is None
    assert report.wind_speed.value() == 3
    assert report.wind_gust.value() == 40
    assert report.wind_dir_from is None
    assert report.wind_dir_to is None
    assert report.wind() == "variable at 3 knots, gusting to 40 knots"

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "21010G30KT")
    assert report.decode_completed
    assert report.wind() == "SSW at 10 knots, gusting to 30 knots"

    report = Metar.Metar(sta_time + "21010KT 180V240")
    assert report.wind_dir.value() == 210
    assert report.wind_speed.value() == 10
    assert report.wind_gust is None
    assert report.wind_dir_from.value() == 180
    assert report.wind_dir_to.value() == 240
    assert report.wind() == "S to WSW at 10 knots"
예제 #27
def test_040_parseModifier_default():
    """Check default 'modifier' value."""
    assert Metar.Metar("KEWR").mod == "AUTO"
예제 #28
 def report(wind_group):
     """(Macro) Return Metar object from parsing the given wind group."""
     return Metar.Metar(sta_time + wind_group)
예제 #29
 def report(mod_group):
     """(Macro) Return Metar object from parsing the modifier group."""
     return Metar.Metar(sta_time + mod_group)
예제 #30
 def __init__(self, conf):
     self.conf = conf
     self.lastgrib = self.conf.lastgrib
     self.wafs = WAFS(conf)
     self.metar = Metar(conf)