예제 #1
def pytestcase_cycle_consistency_read_write(tmpdir, dataset_dir):
    """Tests reading and writing DAT files and that the read write read cycle is consistent"""
    filename = os.path.join(dataset_dir,
                            "metavision_core", "event_io", "recording_td.dat")
    record = EventDatReader(filename)
    # height, width = record.get_size()
    # it is a gen1 recording with no height or width
    tmp_filename = str(tmpdir.join("tmp_td.dat"))

    writer = DatWriter(tmp_filename, height=480, width=640)

    event_buffers = []

    for i in range(20):
        events = record.load_n_events(1000)

    new_event_buffers = []
    new_record = EventDatReader(tmp_filename)
    assert new_record.ev_type == 0
    assert new_record.get_size() == [480, 640]
    assert record.current_time >= new_record.duration_s * 1e6
    assert events['t'][-1] == new_record.duration_s * 1e6
    assert new_record.event_count() == 20 * 1000

    for i, events in enumerate(event_buffers):
        new_events = new_record.load_n_events(1000)
        assert all([np.allclose(events[name], new_events[name]) for name in events.dtype.names])

    assert record.current_event_index() == new_record.current_event_index()
예제 #2
def pytestcase_seek_event_negative(dataset_dir):
    """Tests seeking in the file after a negative number of events"""
    filename = os.path.join(dataset_dir,
                            "metavision_core", "event_io", "recording_td.dat")
    record = EventDatReader(filename)
    assert record.current_event_index() == 0
    assert record.done is False
    assert record.current_time == 0
    assert record.current_event_index() == 18
    assert record.done is False
    # current_time should be the timestamp of the nineteenth event
    assert record.current_time == 138
    assert record.current_event_index() == 0
    assert record.done is False
    assert record.current_time == 0
예제 #3
def pytestcase_seek_event_past(dataset_dir):
    """Tests seeking at a define position (after n events)"""
    filename = os.path.join(dataset_dir,
                            "metavision_core", "event_io", "recording_td.dat")
    record = EventDatReader(filename)
    assert record.current_event_index() == 0
    assert record.done is False
    assert record.current_time == 0
    assert record.current_event_index() == 18
    assert record.done is False
    # current_time should be the timestamp of the nineteenth event
    assert record.current_time == 138
    assert record.current_event_index() == 15
    assert record.done is False
    # current_time should be the timestamp of the sixteenth event
    assert record.current_time == 121
예제 #4
def pytestcase_reset(dataset_dir):
    """Tests resetting EventDatReader object after loading some events"""
    filename = os.path.join(dataset_dir,
                            "metavision_core", "event_io", "recording_td.dat")
    record = EventDatReader(filename)
    events = record.load_n_events(10)
    assert record.current_event_index() == 0
    assert record.done is False
    assert record.current_time == 0
예제 #5
def pytestcase_consistency(dataset_dir):
    """Tests reading and DAT files with the function and the class to check equivalence"""
    filename = os.path.join(dataset_dir,
                            "metavision_core", "event_io", "recording_td.dat")
    record = EventDatReader(filename)

    event_buffers = []

    for i in range(7):
        events = record.load_n_events(1000)
        new_events = load_events(filename, ev_count=1000, ev_start=i * 1000)
        assert all([np.allclose(events[name], new_events[name]) for name in events.dtype.names])
예제 #6
def pytestcase_load_n_events_second_test(dataset_dir):
    """Tests loading events of a file by n events with different values"""
    filename = os.path.join(dataset_dir,
                            "metavision_core", "event_io", "recording_td.dat")
    record = EventDatReader(filename)
    assert record.current_event_index() == 0
    assert record.event_count() == 667855
    events = record.load_n_events(824)
    assert record.current_event_index() == 824
    assert record.done is False
    # current time should be the timestamp of the event that will be loaded next
    assert record.current_time == 9814
    events = record.load_n_events(2)
    reference = np.array([(364, 97, 0, 9814), (254, 463, 0, 9824)],
                         dtype={'names': ['x', 'y', 'p', 't'], 'formats': ['<u2', '<u2', '<i2', '<i8'],
                                'offsets': [0, 2, 4, 8], 'itemsize': 16})

    assert all([np.allclose(events[name], reference[name]) for name in events.dtype.names])
    assert record.current_event_index() == 826
    assert not record.done
    # current time should be the timestamp of the last event + 1
    assert record.current_time == 9867
예제 #7
def pytestcase_load_n_events(dataset_dir):
    """Tests loading a define number of events"""
    filename = os.path.join(dataset_dir,
                            "metavision_core", "event_io", "recording_td.dat")
    record = EventDatReader(filename)
    assert record.current_event_index() == 0
    events = record.load_n_events(12)
    reference = np.array([(62,  50, 0, 24), (408, 191, 0, 25), (105, 344, 1, 39), (190, 154, 1, 40),
                          (487, 101, 1, 42), (410, 259, 1, 45), (347, 34, 0, 53), (478, 283, 0, 64),
                          (535, 111, 1, 65), (426, 110, 0, 78), (466, 101, 1, 80), (252, 227, 1, 87)],
                         dtype={'names': ['x', 'y', 'p', 't'], 'formats': ['<u2', '<u2', '<i2', '<i8'],
                                'offsets': [0, 2, 4, 8], 'itemsize': 16})
    assert all([np.allclose(events[name], reference[name]) for name in events.dtype.names])
    # we loaded 10 events, so cursor should have been shifted by 10
    assert record.current_event_index() == 12
    assert record.done is False
    # current time should be the timestamp of the event that will be loaded next
    assert record.current_time == 88
예제 #8
def pytestcase_init(dataset_dir):
    """Tests initialization of all member variables after creation of EventDatReader object from a file"""
    filename = os.path.join(dataset_dir,
                            "metavision_core", "event_io", "recording_td.dat")
    record = EventDatReader(filename)
    # check that the representation strings Works
    assert record.ev_type == 12
    assert record._ev_size == 8
    assert record.get_size() == [480, 640]
    assert EV_TYPES[record.ev_type] == [('t', 'u4'), ('_', 'i4')]

    assert record.event_count() == 667855
    assert record.done is False
    assert record.current_time == 0
    assert record.current_event_index() == 0
    assert record.duration_s == 7.702845
    assert record.load_n_events(1).dtype == np.dtype({'names': ['x', 'y', 'p', 't'],
                                                      'formats': ['<u2', '<u2', '<i2', '<i8'],
                                                      'offsets': [0, 2, 4, 8], 'itemsize': 16})
예제 #9
def pytestcase_load_event_plus_delta_t(dataset_dir):
    """Tests loading a define number of events and consecutively a time window"""
    filename = os.path.join(dataset_dir,
                            "metavision_core", "event_io", "recording_td.dat")
    record = EventDatReader(filename)
    events = record.load_n_events(13)
    # Now we should be after event (t,x,y,p) : (88, 27, 153, 0)
    test = np.array(events[12])
    reference = np.array((419, 356, 1, 88),
                         dtype={'names': ['x', 'y', 'p', 't'], 'formats': ['<u2', '<u2', '<i2', '<i8'],
                                'offsets': [0, 2, 4, 8], 'itemsize': 16})
    assert all([np.allclose(test[name], reference[name]) for name in events.dtype.names])
    # current time should be the timestamp of the event that will be loaded next
    assert record.current_time == 93
    events = record.load_delta_t(82)
    # current time will be 93 + 82 = 175 but event with ts 175 will not be loaded
    reference = np.array([(401, 367, 1,  93), (421, 332, 1, 118), (569, 360, 1, 121), (385, 220, 1, 135),
                          (182, 213, 1, 138), (354, 340, 1, 138), (390, 331, 0, 163)],
                         dtype={'names': ['x', 'y', 'p', 't'], 'formats': ['<u2', '<u2', '<i2', '<i8'],
                                'offsets': [0, 2, 4, 8], 'itemsize': 16})
    assert all([np.allclose(events[name], reference[name]) for name in events.dtype.names])
    assert record.current_event_index() == 13 + 7
    assert record.done is False
    assert record.current_time == 175