def main(): """Main script to prepare x-shooter observations for combination""" from import fits import glob import matplotlib.pyplot as pl from methods import latexify latexify() import numpy as np from xshoo.combine import inter_arm_cut #Files obj_name = 'SDSS1437-0147' root_dir = '/Users/jselsing/Work/X-Shooter/CompositeRedQuasar/processed_data/'+obj_name object_files = glob.glob(root_dir+'/OBJECT/*IDP*.fits') transmission_files = glob.glob(root_dir+'/transmission*.fits') arms = ['UVB', 'VIS', 'NIR'] wl_out = [] flux_out = [] flux_uncorr_out = [] err_out = [] start = [] end = [] for n in arms: print('In arm: '+n) #Read in object spectrum obser = [k for k in object_files if n in k] ob =[0]) wl = 10.0*ob[1].data.field('WAVE')[0] flux = ob[1].data.field('FLUX')[0] err = ob[1].data.field('ERR')[0] wl_tmp, flux_uncorr, err_tmp, start_tmp, end_tmp = inter_arm_cut(wl, flux, err, n, start, end) if n== 'VIS' or n== 'NIR': transmission =[k for k in transmission_files if n in k][0])[0].data for j, k in enumerate(transmission): if k <= 1e-10: transmission[j] = 1 flux /= transmission err /= transmission wl, flux, err, start, end = inter_arm_cut(wl, flux, err, n, start, end) wl_out.append(wl) flux_out.append(flux) err_out.append(err) flux_uncorr_out.append(flux_uncorr) wl_out = np.hstack(wl_out) flux_out = np.hstack(flux_out) err_out = np.hstack(err_out) flux_uncorr_out = np.hstack(flux_uncorr_out) bp_map = [] for j , (k, l) in enumerate(zip(flux_out[:-1],err_out[:-1])): if k > 1.1 * flux_out[j-1] or k < 0: bp_map.append(1) elif k < 0.90 * flux_out[j-1] or k < 0: bp_map.append(1) else: bp_map.append(0) bp_map.append(1) import json import urllib2 query_terms = dict() query_terms["ra"] = str(ob[0].header['RA'])+'d' #"185.1d" query_terms["dec"] = str(ob[0].header['DEC']) #"56.78" query_terms["radius"] = "5.0" url = "" + '&'.join(["{0}={1}".format(key, value) for key, value in query_terms.items()]) print(url) # make call to API response = urllib2.urlopen(url) # read response, converting JSON format to Python list matching_ids = json.loads( print(json.dumps(matching_ids, indent=4)) # get the first id spec_id = matching_ids[0] url = "{0}&format=json".format(spec_id) response = urllib2.urlopen(url) result = json.loads( SDSS_spectrum = result[spec_id] wl_sdss = np.array(SDSS_spectrum["wavelengths"]) flux_sdss = np.array(SDSS_spectrum["flux"]) z_sdss = (np.array(SDSS_spectrum["z"])) z_sdss_err = ((np.array(SDSS_spectrum["z_err"]))) #Insert zeros wl_sdss = np.concatenate([wl_sdss,np.zeros(len(wl_out) - len(wl_sdss))]) flux_sdss = np.concatenate([flux_sdss,np.zeros(len(flux_out) - len(flux_sdss))]) # Load linelist fit_line_positions = np.genfromtxt('data/fitlinelist.txt', dtype=None) linelist = [] for n in fit_line_positions: linelist.append(n[1]) linelist = np.array(linelist) from methods import wavelength_conversion linelist = wavelength_conversion(linelist, conversion='vacuum_to_air') #Cut out fitting region mask = np.logical_and(wl_out > 11350, (wl_out < 11750)) wl_fit = wl_out[mask] flux_fit = flux_out[mask] fluxerr_fit = err_out[mask] fluxerr_new = [] for j, (k, l) in enumerate(zip(flux_fit,fluxerr_fit)): if k > 1.5 * flux_fit[j-2] and k > 0: fluxerr_new.append(l*50) elif k < 0.75 * flux_fit[j-2] and k > 0: fluxerr_new.append(l*50) else: fluxerr_new.append(l) from gen_methods import smooth fluxerr_fit = smooth(np.array(fluxerr_new), window_len=15, window='hanning') #Fit continuum and subtract from methods import continuum_fit from numpy.polynomial import chebyshev cont, chebfit = continuum_fit(wl_fit, flux_fit, fluxerr_fit, edge_mask_len=20) chebfitval = chebyshev.chebval(wl, chebfit) #Define models to use from methods import voigt,gauss def model1(t, amp2, sig22g, sig22l, z): tmp = voigt(t, abs(amp2), (1+z)*linelist[2], sig22g, sig22l) return tmp def model2(t, amp2, sig22g, z): tmp = gauss(t, abs(amp2), (1+z)*linelist[2], sig22g) return tmp #Initial parameters init_vals = [6e-12,100, z_sdss] y_fit_guess = model2(wl_fit, *init_vals) + cont #Fit import scipy.optimize as op np.random.seed(12345) y_op = [] vals = [] for i in np.arange(10000): print('Iteration: ', i) resampled_spec = np.random.normal(flux_fit, abs(fluxerr_fit)) cont, chebfit = continuum_fit(wl_fit, resampled_spec, fluxerr_fit, edge_mask_len=20) chebfitval = chebyshev.chebval(wl, chebfit) best_vals, covar = op.curve_fit(model2, wl_fit, resampled_spec - cont, sigma=fluxerr_fit, absolute_sigma=True, p0=init_vals) vals.append(best_vals) up = (np.percentile(vals, 84, axis = 0)[2] - np.mean(vals, axis = 0)[2]) down = (np.percentile(vals, 16, axis = 0)[2] - np.mean(vals, axis = 0)[2]) v_bary = ob[0].header['HIERARCH ESO QC VRAD BARYCOR'] c_km = (2.99792458e8/1000.0) print("""Curve_fit results: Redshift = {0} + {1} - {2} (SDSS: {3} +- {4}) """.format(np.mean(vals, axis = 0)[2] + v_bary /c_km, up, down, z_sdss, z_sdss_err)) z_op = np.mean(vals, axis = 0)[2] + v_bary /c_km #Correct for Lyman alpha forest absorption. Will only have data for objects with z > 3000 / 1216 -1 ~ 1.5 mask = (wl_out < (1 + z_op)*1216) wave = wl_out[mask] flux = flux_out[mask] import continuum_mark.interactive normalise = continuum_mark.interactive.continuum_mark(wl_out[mask], flux_out[mask], err_out[mask]) normalise.endpoint = 'n' #str(raw_input('Insert endpoint before interpolation(y/n)? ')) cont_out = np.concatenate([normalise.continuum,flux_out[~mask]]) #Flag whether to use estimated redshift flag = 1 from astroquery.irsa_dust import IrsaDust import astropy.coordinates as coord import astropy.units as u C = coord.SkyCoord(ob[0].header['RA']*u.deg, ob[0].header['DEC']*u.deg, frame='fk5') dust_image = IrsaDust.get_images(C, radius=2 *u.deg, image_type='ebv')[0] ebv = np.mean(dust_image[0].data[40:42,40:42]) # Saving telluric uncorrected data to .dat file dt = [("wl", np.float64), ("flux", np.float64), ("error", np.float64), ("bp map", np.float64), ("wl_sdss", np.float64), ("flux_sdss", np.float64) , ("flux_cont", np.float64) ] data = np.array(zip(wl_out, flux_uncorr_out, err_out, bp_map, wl_sdss, flux_sdss, cont_out), dtype=dt) file_name = "Telluric_uncorrected_science" np.savetxt(root_dir+"/"+file_name+".dat", data, header="wl flux fluxerror bp_map wl_sdss flux_sdss cont")#, fmt = ['%5.1f', '%2.15E'] ) #Saving telluric corrected data to .dat file dt = [("wl", np.float64), ("flux", np.float64), ("error", np.float64), ("bp map", np.float64), ("wl_sdss", np.float64), ("flux_sdss", np.float64) , ("flux_cont", np.float64) ] data = np.array(zip(wl_out, flux_out, err_out, bp_map, wl_sdss, flux_sdss, cont_out), dtype=dt) file_name = "Telluric_corrected_science" np.savetxt(root_dir+"/"+file_name+".dat", data, header="wl flux fluxerror bp_map wl_sdss flux_sdss cont")#, fmt = ['%5.1f', '%2.15E'] ) #Saving info to .dat file dt = [("z_op", np.float64), ("z_sdss", np.float64), ("flag", np.float64), ("ebv", np.float64)] data = np.array(zip([z_op], [z_sdss], [flag], [ebv]), dtype=dt) file_name = "Object_info" np.savetxt(root_dir+"/"+file_name+".dat", data, header="z_op z_sdss flag ebv ") #, fmt = ['%5.1f', '%2.15E'] )
def main(): # latexify() import numpy as np root_dir = '/Users/jselsing/Work/X-Shooter/CompositeRedQuasar/processed_data/' data_file = np.genfromtxt(root_dir+'Composite.dat') wl = data_file[:,0] mean = data_file[:,1] err_mean = data_file[:,2] wmean = data_file[:,3] err_wmean = data_file[:,4] geo_mean = data_file[:,5] median = data_file[:,6] n_spec = data_file[:,7] std = data_file[:,8] std_norm = data_file[:,9] wmean_cont = data_file[:,10] from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline mask = (np.where(err_wmean != 0)) f = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(wl[mask], wmean_cont[mask], w=err_wmean[mask], k=5) wmean_cont = f(wl) f = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(wl[mask], err_wmean[mask], k=5) err_wmean = f(wl) #Saving to .dat file dt = [("wl", np.float64), ("wmean_cont", np.float64), ("err_wmean", np.float64) ] data = np.array(zip(wl, wmean_cont, err_wmean), dtype=dt) file_name = "data/templates/Selsing2015_interpolated.dat" np.savetxt(file_name, data, header="wl weighted mean error of weighted mean", fmt = ['%5.1f', '%1.4f', '%1.4f' ]) pl.plot(wl,wmean_cont) pl.semilogy() exit() #Fitting power laws from scipy import optimize def power_law(x_tmp, a_tmp, k_tmp): tmp = a_tmp * x_tmp ** k_tmp return tmp def power_law2(x_tmp, a1_tmp, x_c, k1_tmp, k2_tmp): tmp1 = power_law(x_tmp, a1_tmp,k1_tmp)[x_tmp<x_c] scale2loc = np.argmin(np.abs(x_tmp - x_c)) a2_tmp = power_law(x_tmp[scale2loc], a1_tmp, (k1_tmp - k2_tmp)) tmp2 = power_law(x_tmp, a2_tmp,k2_tmp)[x_tmp>= x_c] return np.concatenate((tmp1,tmp2)) par_guess = [1, -1.7] par_guess2 = [1, 5000, -1.7, -1.7] wmean[np.where(np.isnan(wmean) == True)] = 0 mask = (wl > 1300) & (wl < 1350) | (wl > 1425) & (wl < 1475) | (wl > 5500) & (wl < 5800) | (wl > 7300) & (wl < 7500) #| (wl > 9700) & (wl < 9900) | (wl > 10200) & (wl < 10600) popt, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(power_law, wl[mask], wmean_cont[mask], p0=par_guess, sigma=err_wmean[mask], absolute_sigma=True) popt2, pcov2 = optimize.curve_fit(power_law2, wl[mask], wmean_cont[mask], p0=par_guess2, sigma=err_wmean[mask], absolute_sigma=True) print(*popt) print(*popt2) #Plotting latexify(columns=2) fig, ax = pl.subplots() ax.plot(wl, medfilt(wmean_cont, 5), lw = 0.5, alpha=1.0, linestyle = 'steps-mid', label='X-shooter mean composite', color=cmap[1]) ax.plot(wl, power_law(wl, *popt), linestyle='dashed', label ='Pure power law fit', color=cmap[2]) sdss_compo = np.genfromtxt('/Users/jselsing/Work/X-Shooter/CompositeRedQuasar/processed_data/sdss_compo.dat') sdss_wl = sdss_compo[:,0] sdss_flux = sdss_compo[:, 1] norm_reg = 1430 mask = (wl > norm_reg) & (wl < norm_reg + 20) norm1 = np.median(wmean_cont[mask]) mask = (sdss_wl > norm_reg) & (sdss_wl < norm_reg + 20) norm2 = np.median(sdss_flux[mask]) ax.plot(sdss_wl, sdss_flux * (norm1/norm2), linestyle='solid', label ='Full sample SDSS composite', color=cmap[0]) #Overplot lines fit_line_positions = np.genfromtxt('data/plotlinelist.txt', dtype=None) linelist = [] linenames = [] for n in fit_line_positions: linelist.append(n[1]) linenames.append(n[0]) pl.semilogy() # Formatting axes import matplotlib as mpl ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax.get_xaxis().tick_bottom() ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.NullLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax.set_yticks([0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300]) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.NullLocator()) # pl.legend(loc=3) ax.set_xlim((1000, 11500)) ax.set_ylim((0.2, 500)) format_axes(ax) ax.set_xlabel(r'Wavelength [$\AA$]') ax.set_ylabel(r'Rescaled flux density F$_\lambda$') pl.tight_layout() val = [] for p in range(len(linelist)): xcoord = linelist[p] mask = (wl > xcoord - 1) & (wl < xcoord + 1) y_val = np.mean(wmean_cont[mask]) val.append(2 * y_val) print(val) arrow_tips = val lineid_plot.plot_line_ids(wl, wmean_cont, linelist, linenames, arrow_tip=arrow_tips, ax=ax) for i in ax.lines: if '$' in i.get_label(): i.set_alpha(0.3) a = ax.findobj(mpl.text.Annotation) for i in a: if '$' in i.get_label(): i.set_size(10) pl.savefig('../documents/figs/compo_full_sample.pdf')
def main(): root_dir = '/Users/jselsing/Work/X-Shooter/CompositeRedQuasar/processed_data/' data_file = np.genfromtxt(root_dir+'Composite.dat') wl = data_file[:,0] mean = data_file[:,1] err_mean = data_file[:,2] wmean = data_file[:,3] err_wmean = data_file[:,4] geo_mean = data_file[:,5] median = data_file[:,6] n_spec = data_file[:,7] std = data_file[:,8] std_norm = data_file[:,9] wmean_cont = data_file[:,10] #Fitting power laws from scipy import optimize def power_law(x_tmp, a_tmp, k_tmp): tmp = a_tmp * x_tmp ** k_tmp return tmp def power_law2(x_tmp, a1_tmp, x_c, k1_tmp, k2_tmp): tmp1 = power_law(x_tmp, a1_tmp,k1_tmp)[x_tmp<x_c] scale2loc = np.argmin(np.abs(x_tmp - x_c)) a2_tmp = power_law(x_tmp[scale2loc], a1_tmp, (k1_tmp - k2_tmp)) tmp2 = power_law(x_tmp, a2_tmp,k2_tmp)[x_tmp>= x_c] return np.concatenate((tmp1,tmp2)) def power_law3(x_tmp, a_tmp, k_tmp, b_tmp): tmp = a_tmp * x_tmp ** (k_tmp + b_tmp * x_tmp) return tmp par_guess = [1, -1.70] par_guess2 = [1, 5000, -1.7, -1.7] wmean[np.where(np.isnan(wmean) == True)] = 0 mask = (wl > 1300) & (wl < 1350) | (wl > 1425) & (wl < 1475) | (wl > 5500) & (wl < 5800) | (wl > 7300) & (wl < 7500) err = ((std)[std != 0])[mask] popt, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(power_law, wl[mask], wmean_cont[mask], p0=par_guess, sigma=np.sqrt(err**2 + err_wmean[mask]**2), absolute_sigma=True, maxfev=5000) popt2, pcov2 = optimize.curve_fit(power_law2, wl[mask], wmean_cont[mask], p0=par_guess2, sigma=np.sqrt(err**2 + err_wmean[mask]**2), absolute_sigma=True, maxfev=5000) print(*popt) print(*popt2) par_guess = [1, -1.7] wl_new = wl wm = [] m = [] geo = [] med = [] #Fit np.random.seed(12345) mask = (wl_new > 1300) & (wl_new < 1350) | (wl_new > 1425) & (wl_new < 1475) | (wl_new > 5500) & (wl_new < 5800) | (wl_new > 7300) & (wl_new < 7500) for i in np.arange(10): print('Iteration: ', i) err = ((std)[std != 0])[mask] resampled_spec = np.random.normal((wmean_cont)[mask], np.sqrt(err**2 + err_wmean[mask]**2)) popt_wmean, pcov_wmean = optimize.curve_fit(power_law, wl_new[mask], resampled_spec, p0=par_guess, sigma=np.sqrt(err**2 + err_wmean[mask]**2), absolute_sigma=True) wm.append(popt_wmean) err = ((std)[std != 0])[mask] resampled_spec = np.random.normal((mean)[mask], np.sqrt(err**2 + err_mean[mask]**2)) popt_mean, pcov_mean = optimize.curve_fit(power_law, wl_new[mask], resampled_spec, p0=par_guess, sigma=np.sqrt(err**2 + err_mean[mask]**2), absolute_sigma=True) m.append(popt_mean) err = ((std)[std != 0])[mask] resampled_spec = np.random.normal((median[std != 0])[mask], err) popt_median, pcov_median = optimize.curve_fit(power_law, wl_new[mask], resampled_spec, p0=par_guess, sigma=err, absolute_sigma=True, maxfev=600) med.append(popt_median) err = ((std)[std != 0])[mask] resampled_spec = np.random.normal((geo_mean[std != 0])[mask], err) # pl.plot(wl_new[mask], resampled_spec) popt_geo, pcov_geo = optimize.curve_fit(power_law, wl_new[mask], resampled_spec, p0=par_guess, sigma=err, absolute_sigma=True, maxfev=600) geo.append(popt_geo) # pl.plot(wl, geo_mean) # print("""Composite fit slope wmean...{0} +- {1}""".format(np.mean(wm, axis=0)[1],np.std(wm, axis=0)[1])) print("""Composite fit slope mean...{0} +- {1}""".format(np.mean(m, axis=0)[1], np.std(m, axis=0)[1])) print("""Composite fit slope median...{0} +- {1}""".format(np.mean(med, axis=0)[1], np.std(med, axis=0)[1])) print("""Composite fit slope geo...{0} +- {1}""".format(np.mean(geo, axis=0)[1], np.std(geo, axis=0)[1])) # Plotting latexify(columns=2, fig_height=7) import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec fig = pl.figure() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 1, height_ratios=[2,1,1,1]) ax1 = pl.subplot(gs[0]) ax2 = pl.subplot(gs[1]) ax3 = pl.subplot(gs[2]) ax4 = pl.subplot(gs[3]) #Plotting # ax1.plot(wl, power_law2(wl, *popt2) , 'b--') # ax1.plot(wl, power_law(wl, *popt) , 'b--') ax1.plot(wl, wmean_cont, lw = 0.5, linestyle = 'steps-mid', label='X-shooter wmean composite') nbins = len(wl) from methods import hist log_binned_wl = np.array(hist(wl,[min(wl),max(wl)], int(2*nbins),'log')) from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline sps = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(wl, std_norm) std_plot = smooth(medfilt(sps(log_binned_wl) , 9), window='hanning', window_len=15) wave_std = log_binned_wl ax2.plot(wave_std, std_plot, lw = 0.5, linestyle = 'steps-mid', label='Normalised variability') ax3.plot(wl, wmean_cont/medfilt(err_wmean, 5), lw = 0.5, linestyle = 'steps-mid', label = 'Signal-to-noise') ax4.plot(wl,medfilt( n_spec, 1), label='Number of spectra', lw=0.5) #Overplot lines fit_line_positions = np.genfromtxt('data/plotlinelist.txt', dtype=None) linelist = [] linenames = [] for n in fit_line_positions: linelist.append(n[1]) linenames.append(n[0]) pl.xlabel(r'Rest Wavelength [$\AA$]') ax1.set_ylabel(r'Normalised flux density F$_{\lambda}$') ax2.set_ylabel(r'Normalised Variability $\delta$F$_{\lambda}$') ax3.set_ylabel(r'S/N Ratio') ax4.set_ylabel(r'Number of spectra') ax1.semilogy() ax1.semilogx() ax1.set_xlim((1000, 11500 )) ax1.set_ylim((0.1, 750)) ax2.semilogy() ax2.semilogx() ax2.set_xlim((1000, 11500 )) ax2.set_ylim((0.001, 90)) ax3.semilogx() ax3.set_xlim((1000, 11500 )) ax4.semilogx() ax4.set_xlim((1000, 11500 )) ax4.set_ylim((0, 9)) # Formatting axes import matplotlib as mpl ax4.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax4.set_xticks([1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 9000]) ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.ticker.NullLocator()) ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.ticker.NullLocator()) ax3.xaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.ticker.NullLocator()) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.NullLocator()) ax2.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.NullLocator()) ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax1.set_yticks([0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500]) ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax2.set_yticks([0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30]) ax3.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax3.set_yticks([50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300]) ax4.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax4.set_yticks([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) pl.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) format_axes(ax1) format_axes(ax2) format_axes(ax3) format_axes(ax4) val = [] for p in range(len(linelist)): xcoord = linelist[p] mask = (wl > xcoord - 1) & (wl < xcoord + 1) y_val = np.mean(wmean_cont[mask]) val.append(1.5 * y_val) arrow_tips = val lineid_plot.plot_line_ids(wl, wmean_cont, linelist, linenames, arrow_tip=arrow_tips, ax=ax1) for i in ax1.lines: if '$' in i.get_label(): i.set_alpha(0.3) i.set_linewidth(0.75) for p in range(len(linelist)): xcoord = linelist[p] mask = (wl > xcoord - 1) & (wl < xcoord + 1) y_val = np.mean(wmean_cont[mask]) ax1.vlines(xcoord, ax1.get_ylim()[0], y_val, color='black',linestyle='dashed', lw=0.75, alpha=0.3) ax2.axvline(x=xcoord, color='black',linestyle='dashed', lw=0.75, alpha=0.3) ax3.axvline(x=xcoord, color='black',linestyle='dashed', lw=0.75, alpha=0.3) ax4.axvline(x=xcoord, color='black',linestyle='dashed', lw=0.75, alpha=0.3) a = ax1.findobj(mpl.text.Annotation) for i in a: if '$' in i.get_label(): i.set_size(10) fig.savefig("../documents/figs/Combined.pdf", rasterized=True, dpi=600)
if __name__ == '__main__': dat = np.genfromtxt('data/regularised.dat') print(np.shape(dat)) n_test = (dat[5800 : 5900,:]) # Checking for normality from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns; sns.set_style('ticks') cmap = sns.color_palette("cubehelix", 6) import scipy.stats as stats import statsmodels.api as sm p_val = [] #Plotting ratio = (1.0 + np.sqrt(5.0))/2.0 latexify(columns=2) fig, ax = plt.subplots() for i, k in enumerate(n_test): p_val.append((stats.shapiro(k)[1])) mtest = np.mean(n_test, axis = 0) print(mtest) sm.qqplot(mtest, fit=True, line='45', ax=ax) print(np.mean(p_val)) format_axes(ax) for item in ([ax.title, ax.xaxis.label, ax.yaxis.label] +
def load_sdss_dr12(path): data_file = # print(data_file[1].data.field) sdss_nam = data_file[1].data.field('SDSS_NAME') # f = 82900 # print(sdss_nam[f:f+100]) z_warning = data_file[1].data.field('zWarning') z = data_file[1].data.field('z_vi') # mask = np.logical_and(np.logical_and((z >= 1.0), (z <= 2.3)), (z_warning == 0)) # mask = np.ones(np.shape(z)).astype(bool)#(z_warning == 0) mask = (z_warning == 0) z = z[mask] mi = data_file[1].data.field('MI')[mask] # print(len(mi)) dgmi = data_file[1].data.field('DGMI')[mask] bands = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z'] data = {} length_data = [] for i, k in enumerate(bands): data[k] = (data_file[1].data.field('PSFMAG')[:,i])[mask] - (data_file[1].data.field('EXTINCTION_RECAL')[:,i])[mask] length_data.append(len(data[k])) nam = np.array(['082045.38+130618.9', '115043.86-002354.1', '121940.36-010007.4', '123602.33-033129.9', '135425.24-001357.9', '143148.09+053558.0', '143748.28-014710.7']) # for n in nam: # print(str(n)) # print([zip(i,k) for i,k in enumerate(sdss_nam) if str(n) == str(k)]) # [print(k) for i,k in enumerate(sdss_nam)] u_obj = np.array([16.340282535250985, 16.868115642182865, 16.868490820682688, 16.829230761566329, 16.443006053710171, 16.86379118669786, 15.633876668255006 ]) u_obj_sdss = np.array([16.28, 17.10, 17.22, 17.09, 16.98, 16.99, 15.86]) g_obj = np.array([16.173628740863542, 16.942949312866595, 16.609497093992836, 16.763042601191465, 16.361315268986992, 16.878526911269127, 15.622724562677639]) g_obj_sdss = np.array([16.13, 17.06, 16.92, 16.99, 16.78, 16.88, 15.76]) r_obj = np.array([15.983908769640571, 16.910639809893361, 16.53028330223578, 16.606965809044731, 16.259465400302297, 16.763917281092667, 15.381490575686691]) r_obj_sdss = np.array([15.91, 16.99, 16.82, 16.90, 16.67, 16.75, 15.48]) i_obj = np.array([15.960828249585155, 16.647157166516017, 16.356895490345813, 16.375764327940693, 16.113968031003473, 16.585061165051222, 15.355882945611519]) i_obj_sdss = np.array([15.87, 16.78, 16.63, 16.66, 16.51, 16.52, 15.41]) z_obj = np.array([15.949328467438541, 16.501224893192735, 16.341537724690703, 16.366777188037226, 16.161932733774769, 16.349770828709673, 15.386318026049175]) z_obj_sdss = np.array([15.83, 16.60, 16.61, 16.71, 16.51, 16.25, 15.41]) mi_obj = np.array([-28.887216966079912, -29.492018441782825, -29.206175823944648, -29.521104883342353, -29.343074749485346, -29.759800580770957, -29.85016859018959]) zz_obj = np.array([1.1242971107973012, 1.9798694976693576, 1.5830422701934881, 1.8463767030959246, 1.5123220764878522, 2.0997959346967061, 1.3089485173836708]) K_corr = np.array([-0.048, -0.248, -0.268, -0.287, -0.258, -0.233, -0.143, -0.0]) Mz0 = np.array([-28.512270824785411, -29.337462849149809, -29.032421150963174, -29.423493429879706, -29.153275130431958, -29.555455539949492, -29.524955755590376, -29.523504957708496]) ric = Mz0 - K_corr print(ric) print(np.mean(mi), np.std(mi)) print(np.mean(ric), np.std(ric)) print(np.mean(1 - u_obj / u_obj_sdss), np.std(1 - u_obj / u_obj_sdss)) print(np.mean(1 - g_obj / g_obj_sdss), np.std(1 - g_obj / g_obj_sdss)) print(np.mean(1 - r_obj / r_obj_sdss), np.std(1 - r_obj / r_obj_sdss)) print(np.mean(1 - i_obj / i_obj_sdss), np.std(1 - i_obj / i_obj_sdss)) print(np.mean(1 - z_obj / z_obj_sdss), np.std(1 - z_obj / z_obj_sdss)) print(np.mean( u_obj - u_obj_sdss), np.std( u_obj - u_obj_sdss)) print(np.mean( g_obj - g_obj_sdss), np.std( g_obj - g_obj_sdss)) print(np.mean( r_obj - r_obj_sdss), np.std( r_obj - r_obj_sdss)) print(np.mean( i_obj - i_obj_sdss), np.std( i_obj - i_obj_sdss)) print(np.mean( z_obj - z_obj_sdss), np.std( z_obj - z_obj_sdss)) # colors = ['z', 'g - i', 'i'] gi = data['g'] - data['i'] # data_color = np.array(zip(mi , gi)) data_color = np.array(zip(z , gi, data['i'])) # data_color = data_color[(np.logical_and(np.logical_and(data_color[:,0] > -40.0, data_color[:,1] >= -5), data_color[:,0] < -28.0))] data_color = data_color[(np.logical_and(data_color[:,0] > -40.0, data_color[:,1] >= -5))] # data = data[(np.logical_and(data_color[:,0] > -40.0, data_color[:,1] >= -5))] data_color = data_color[(data_color[:,1] >= -5)] # data = data[(np.logical_and(data_color[:,0] > -40.0, data_color[:,1] >= -5))] color_data = pd.DataFrame(data_color, columns=colors) # latexify() # Set up the subplot grid ratio = 5 fig_width = 8 golden_mean = (np.sqrt(5)-1.0)/2.0 # Aesthetic ratio fig_height = 1.0 * fig_width*golden_mean latexify(columns=2) fig = pl.figure() gs = pl.GridSpec(ratio + 1, ratio + 1) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:, :-1]) # ax_marg_x = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :-1], sharex=ax) ax_marg_y = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:, -1], sharey=ax) x = np.array(color_data['z']) y = np.array(color_data['g - i']) imag = np.array(color_data['i']) import triangle print(np.mean(x), np.std(x)) # print(np.shape(x)) mask = (imag < 17.0) & ((1 < x) & (x < 2.3)) # ax.scatter(mi_obj, g_obj - i_obj, s = 15, c=sns.xkcd_rgb["denim blue"], alpha = 0.7) triangle.hist2d(x, y, bins=200, ax=ax, smooth=0.3) ax.scatter(x[mask] , y[mask] , marker='o', s=10, facecolor=cmap[1], lw = 0, cmap=cmap, alpha= 1.0) ax.scatter(zz_obj, g_obj - i_obj, s = 25, c=cmap[2], alpha = 1.0) format_axes(ax) format_axes(ax_marg_y) pl.setp(ax_marg_y.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) pl.setp(ax_marg_y.yaxis.get_majorticklines(), visible=False) pl.setp(ax_marg_y.yaxis.get_minorticklines(), visible=False) pl.setp(ax_marg_y.xaxis.get_majorticklines(), visible=False) pl.setp(ax_marg_y.xaxis.get_minorticklines(), visible=False) pl.setp(ax_marg_y.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax_marg_y.xaxis.grid(False) despine(ax=ax_marg_y, bottom=True) sns.distplot(y, hist=False, kde=True, ax=ax_marg_y, kde_kws={"shade": True, "color": sns.xkcd_rgb["black"], "gridsize": 200, "alpha": 0.2}, vertical=True, axlabel=False) sns.distplot(g_obj - i_obj, hist=False, rug=True, kde=False, ax=ax_marg_y, rug_kws={"height": 1.5, "color": cmap[2], "alpha": 1.0}, vertical=True, axlabel=False) # sns.distplot(y[mask], hist=False, rug=True, kde=False, ax=ax_marg_y, rug_kws={"height": 0.5, "color": cmap[1], "alpha": 0.3}, # vertical=True, axlabel=False) sns.distplot(y[mask], hist=False, kde=True, ax=ax_marg_y, kde_kws={"shade": True, "color": cmap[1], "gridsize": 200, "alpha": 0.3}, vertical=True, axlabel=False) # sns.kdeplot(color_data, ax = ax, cmap='Greys', n_levels=50, norm=PowerNorm(gamma=0.3), # shade=True, gridsize=100, linewidths = (0.5,), alpha=0.7) # ax.set_xlabel(r"M$_i$(z=2)") ax.set_xlabel(r"z") ax.set_ylabel(r"$g - i$") # ax.set_xlim((np.mean(x) - 5* np.std(x), np.mean(x) + 2* np.std(x))) ax.set_xlim((0.0, 3.5)) ax.set_ylim((-0.5, 1.0)) format_axes(ax) for item in ([ax.title, ax.xaxis.label, ax.yaxis.label] + ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()): item.set_fontsize(16) fig.tight_layout() pl.savefig('../documents/figs/color_comparison2.pdf')
from __future__ import division, print_function __all__ = ["Module Name"] __version__ = "0.0.0" __author__ = "Jonatan Selsing ([email protected])" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2014 Jonatan Selsing" import numpy as np import glob from scipy import interpolate import matplotlib.pylab as pl from methods import latexify latexify() # use seaborn for nice default plot settings import seaborn; seaborn.set_style('ticks') # from unred import ccm_unred,cardelli_reddening from cardelli_unred import cardelli_reddening # from gen_methods import smooth,medfilt from methods import common_wavelength def main(): root_dir = '/Users/jselsing/Work/X-Shooter/CompositeRedQuasar/processed_data/' sdssobjects = glob.glob(root_dir+'*SDSS*/Telluric_corrected_science.dat') object_info_files = glob.glob(root_dir+'*SDSS*/Object_info.dat')