예제 #1
def test_heat_index_units():
    """Test units coming out of heat index."""
    temp = units.Quantity([35., 20.], units.degC)
    rh = 70 * units.percent
    hi = heat_index(temp, rh)
                        units.Quantity([50.3405, np.nan], units.degC), 4)
예제 #2
def test_height_to_geopotential():
    """Test conversion from height to geopotential."""
    height = units.Quantity([0, 1000, 2000, 3000], units.m)
    geopot = height_to_geopotential(height)
        units.Quantity([0., 9817, 19632, 29443], units('m**2 / second**2')), 0)
예제 #3
def test_heat_index_ratio():
    """Test giving humidity as number [0, 1] to heat index."""
    temp = units.Quantity([35., 20.], units.degC)
    rh = 0.7
    hi = heat_index(temp, rh)
                        units.Quantity([50.3405, np.nan], units.degC), 4)
예제 #4
def test_precipitable_water_descriptive_bound_error():
    """Test that error is raised when bound is outside profile after nan have been removed."""
    pressure = np.array([
        1001, 1000, 997, 977.9, 977, 957, 937.8, 925, 906, 899.3, 887, 862.5,
        854, 850, 800, 793.9, 785, 777, 771, 762, 731.8, 726, 703, 700, 655,
        630, 621.2, 602, 570.7, 548, 546.8, 539, 513, 511, 485, 481, 468, 448,
        439, 424, 420, 412
    ]) * units.hPa
    dewpoint = np.array([
        np.nan, np.nan, -26.8, np.nan, -27.3, -28.2, np.nan, -27.2, -26.6,
        np.nan, -27.4, np.nan, -23.5, -23.5, -25.1, np.nan, -22.9, -17.8,
        -16.6, np.nan, np.nan, -16.4, np.nan, -18.5, -21., -23.7, np.nan,
        -28.3, np.nan, -32.6, np.nan, -33.8, -35., -35.1, -38.1, -40., -43.3,
        -44.6, -46.4, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan
    ]) * units.degC

    # Top bound is above highest pressure in profile
    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match='The pressure and dewpoint profile ranges from'):
        precipitable_water(pressure, dewpoint, top=units.Quantity(415, 'hPa'))

    # Bottom bound is below lowest pressure in profile
    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match='The pressure and dewpoint profile ranges from'):
                           bottom=units.Quantity(999, 'hPa'))
예제 #5
def test_heat_index_undefined_flag():
    """Test whether masking values can be disabled for heat index."""
    temp = units.Quantity(np.ma.array([80, 88, 92, 79, 30, 81]), units.degF)
    rh = units.Quantity(np.ma.array([40, 39, 2, 70, 50, 39]), units.percent)

    hi = heat_index(temp, rh, mask_undefined=False)
    mask = np.array([False] * 6)
    assert_array_equal(hi.mask, mask)
예제 #6
def test_heat_index_vs_nws():
    """Test heat_index against online calculated HI from NWS Website."""
    # https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/html/heatindex.shtml, visited 2019-Jul-17
    temp = units.Quantity(np.array([86, 111, 40, 96]), units.degF)
    rh = np.ma.array([45, 27, 99, 60]) * units.percent
    hi = heat_index(temp, rh)
    truth = units.Quantity(np.ma.array([87, 121, 40, 116]), units.degF)
    assert_array_almost_equal(hi, truth, 0)
예제 #7
def test_windchill_undefined_flag():
    """Test whether masking values for windchill can be disabled."""
    temp = units.Quantity(np.ma.array([49, 50, 49, 60, 80, 81]), units.degF)
    speed = units.Quantity(([4, 4, 3, 1, 10, 39]), units.mph)

    wc = windchill(temp, speed, mask_undefined=False)
    mask = np.array([False] * 6)
    assert_array_equal(wc.mask, mask)
예제 #8
def test_interpolate_masked_units():
    """Test interpolating with masked arrays with units."""
    x = units.Quantity(np.ma.array([1., 2., 3., 4.]), units.m)
    y = units.Quantity(np.ma.array([50., 60., 70., 80.]), units.degC)
    x_interp = np.array([250., 350.]) * units.cm
    y_interp_truth = np.array([65., 75.]) * units.degC
    y_interp = interpolate_1d(x_interp, x, y)
    assert_array_almost_equal(y_interp, y_interp_truth, 7)
예제 #9
def test_geopotential_to_height():
    """Test conversion from geopotential to height."""
    geopotential = units.Quantity(
        [0, 9817.70342881, 19632.32592389, 29443.86893527],
        units('m**2 / second**2'))
    height = geopotential_to_height(geopotential)
                              units.Quantity([0, 1000, 2000, 3000], units.m),
예제 #10
def test_geopotential_to_height():
    """Test conversion from geopotential to height."""
    geopotential = units.Quantity(
        [0., 9805.11102602, 19607.14506998, 29406.10358006],
        units('m**2 / second**2'))
    height = geopotential_to_height(geopotential)
                              units.Quantity([0, 1000, 2000, 3000], units.m),
예제 #11
def test_concatenate_masked():
    """Test concatenate preserves masks."""
    d1 = units.Quantity(np.ma.array([1, 2, 3], mask=[False, True, False]), 'degC')
    result = concatenate((d1, 32 * units.degF))

    truth = np.ma.array([1, np.inf, 3, 0])
    truth[1] = np.ma.masked

    assert_array_almost_equal(result, units.Quantity(truth, 'degC'), 6)
    assert_array_equal(result.mask, np.array([False, True, False, False]))
예제 #12
def _gradient(f, *args, **kwargs):
    """Wrap :func:`numpy.gradient` to handle units."""
    if len(args) < f.ndim:
        args = list(args)
        args.extend([units.Quantity(1., 'dimensionless')] *
                    (f.ndim - len(args)))
    grad = np.gradient(f, *(a.magnitude for a in args), **kwargs)
    if f.ndim == 1:
        return units.Quantity(grad, f.units / args[0].units)
    return [units.Quantity(g, f.units / dx.units) for dx, g in zip(args, grad)]
예제 #13
def test_direction_masked():
    """Test calculating wind direction from masked wind components."""
    mask = np.array([True, False, True, False])
    u = np.array([4., 2., 0., 0.])
    v = np.array([0., 2., 4., 0.])

    u_masked = units.Quantity(np.ma.array(u, mask=mask), units('m/s'))
    v_masked = units.Quantity(np.ma.array(v, mask=mask), units('m/s'))

    direc = wind_direction(u_masked, v_masked)

    true_dir = np.array([270., 225., 180., 0.])
    true_dir_masked = units.Quantity(np.ma.array(true_dir, mask=mask), units.deg)

    assert_array_almost_equal(true_dir_masked, direc, 4)
예제 #14
def test_dequantify():
    """Test dequantify method for converting data away from Quantity."""
    original = xr.DataArray(units.Quantity([280, 290, 300], 'K'))
    result = original.metpy.dequantify()
    assert isinstance(result.data, np.ndarray)
    assert result.attrs['units'] == 'kelvin'
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(result.data, original.data.magnitude)
예제 #15
def test_hodograph_masked_array():
    """Basic test of Hodograph API."""
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    hodo = Hodograph(ax, component_range=20)
    u = np.ma.array([1, 3, 5, 10])
    v = np.ma.array([2, 4, 6, 11])
    h = units.Quantity(np.array([0.1, 3.5, 5.5, 10.9]), 'km')
    intervals = units.Quantity(np.array([0.0, 3.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0, 15.0]),
    colors = ['red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'purple']
    # Check that we're not triggering interpolation warnings
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as record:
        hodo.plot_colormapped(u, v, h, intervals=intervals, colors=colors)
        assert len(record) == 0
    return fig
예제 #16
def temp_advection_setup(filepaths, time, predictor):
    pred = predictor.copy()

    temp = fetch(filepaths, time, **pred.search_metadata)

    u_wind = fetch(filepaths, time, **pred.search_metadata)
    v_wind = fetch(filepaths, time, **pred.search_metadata)

# source : 'GFS13' property : 'Lat_grid'
    lat = fetch(filepaths, time, **pred.search_metadata)
    lon = fetch(filepaths, time, **pred.search_metadata)

    la, lo = geo_direct(lat, lon)

    q_t = units.Quantity(temp.data, temp.units)
    q_u = units.Quantity(u_wind.data, u_wind.units)
    q_v = units.Quantity(v_wind.data, v_wind.units).to(u_wind.units)
    q_x = q_u*lo[:,:,1] + q_v*la[:,:,1]
    q_y = q_u*lo[:,:,0] + q_v*la[:,:,0]

    x = temp.get_x()
    y = temp.get_y()
    q_dx = units.Quantity(x.data[1:]-x.data[:-1], x.units)
    q_dy = units.Quantity(y.data[1:]-y.data[:-1], y.units)
    q_ta = temperature_advection(q_t, [q_y,q_x], [q_dy, q_dx])

    temp_adv = Camps_data('temperature_advection')
    temp_adv.time = temp.time
    temp_adv.location = temp.location
    temp_adv.dimensions = temp.dimensions
    temp_adv.processes = temp.processes
    temp_adv.data = np.array(q_ta)
    for k,v in temp.metadata.iteritems():
        if not 'name' in k \
        and not 'Property' in k:
            temp_adv.metadata[k] = v

    return temp_advect
예제 #17
파일: thermolib.py 프로젝트: Marilyth/MSS
def rel_hum(p, t, q):
    """Compute relative humidity in [%] from pressure, temperature, and
       specific humidity.

    p -- pressure in [Pa]
    t -- temperature in [K]
    q -- specific humidity in [kg/kg]

    Returns: Relative humidity in [%]. Same dimension as input fields.
    p = units.Quantity(p, "Pa")
    t = units.Quantity(t, "K")
    rel_humidity = mpcalc.relative_humidity_from_specific_humidity(p, t, q)

    # Return specific humidity in [%].
    return rel_humidity * 100
예제 #18
def test_dataset_quantify(test_ds_generic):
    """Test quantify method for converting data to Quantity on Datasets."""
    result = test_ds_generic.metpy.quantify()
    assert isinstance(result['test'].data, units.Quantity)
    assert result['test'].data.units == units.dimensionless
    assert 'units' not in result['test'].attrs
        result['test'].data, units.Quantity(test_ds_generic['test'].data))
예제 #19
def test_inverse_distance_to_points(method, assume_units, test_data, test_points):
    r"""Test inverse distance interpolation to points function."""
    xp, yp, z = test_data
    obs_points = np.vstack([xp, yp]).transpose()

    extra_kw, test_file = {'cressman': ({'r': 20, 'min_neighbors': 1}, 'cressman_r20_mn1.npz'),
                           'barnes': ({'r': 40, 'kappa': 100}, 'barnes_r40_k100.npz')}[method]

    with get_test_data(test_file) as fobj:
        truth = np.load(fobj)['img'].reshape(-1)

    if assume_units:
        z = units.Quantity(z, assume_units)
        truth = units.Quantity(truth, assume_units)

    img = inverse_distance_to_points(obs_points, z, test_points, kind=method, **extra_kw)
    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, img)
예제 #20
def test_quantify(test_ds_generic):
    """Test quantify method for converting data to Quantity."""
    original = test_ds_generic['test'].values
    result = test_ds_generic['test'].metpy.quantify()
    assert isinstance(result.data, units.Quantity)
    assert result.data.units == units.dimensionless
    assert 'units' not in result.attrs
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(result.data, units.Quantity(original))
예제 #21
파일: thermolib.py 프로젝트: Marilyth/MSS
def pot_temp(p, t):
    Computes potential temperature in [K] from pressure and temperature.

    p -- pressure in [Pa]
    t -- temperature in [K]

    p and t can be scalars of NumPy arrays. They just have to either both
    scalars, or both arrays.

    Returns: potential temperature in [K]. Same dimensions as the inputs.
    p = units.Quantity(p, "Pa")
    t = units.Quantity(t, "K")
    potential_temp = mpcalc.potential_temperature(p, t)
    return potential_temp
예제 #22
    def test_undefined_flag(self):
        'Tests whether masking values can be disabled.'
        temp = units.Quantity(np.ma.array([80, 88, 92, 79, 30, 81]), units.degF)
        rh = np.ma.array([40, 39, 2, 70, 50, 39])

        hi = heat_index(temp, rh, mask_undefined=False)
        mask = np.array([False] * 6)
        assert_array_equal(hi.mask, mask)
예제 #23
파일: thermolib.py 프로젝트: Marilyth/MSS
def omega_to_w(omega, p, t):
    Convert pressure vertical velocity to geometric vertical velocity.

    omega -- vertical velocity in pressure coordinates, in [Pa/s]
    p -- pressure in [Pa]
    t -- temperature in [K]

    All inputs can be scalars or NumPy arrays.

    Returns the vertical velocity in geometric coordinates, [m/s].
    omega = units.Quantity(omega, "Pa/s")
    p = units.Quantity(p, "Pa")
    t = units.Quantity(t, "K")
    om_w = mpcalc.vertical_velocity(omega, p, t)
    return om_w
예제 #24
def test_windchill_invalid():
    """Test windchill for values that should be masked."""
    temp = np.array([10, 51, 49, 60, 80, 81]) * units.degF
    speed = np.array([4, 4, 3, 1, 10, 39]) * units.mph

    wc = windchill(temp, speed)
    # We don't care about the masked values
    truth = units.Quantity(np.ma.array([2.6230789, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan],
                                       mask=[False, True, True, True, True, True]), units.degF)
    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, wc)
예제 #25
def test_dataset_dequantify():
    """Test dequantify method for converting data away from Quantity on Datasets."""
    original = xr.Dataset({
        'test': ('x', units.Quantity([280, 290, 300], 'K')),
        'x': np.arange(3)
    result = original.metpy.dequantify()
    assert isinstance(result['test'].data, np.ndarray)
    assert result['test'].attrs['units'] == 'kelvin'
예제 #26
파일: thermolib.py 프로젝트: Marilyth/MSS
def eqpt_approx(p, t, q):
    Computes equivalent potential temperature in [K] from pressure,
    temperature and specific humidity.

    p -- pressure in [Pa]
    t -- temperature in [K]
    q -- specific humidity in [kg/kg]

    p, t and q can be scalars or NumPy arrays.

    Returns: equivalent potential temperature in [K]. Same dimensions as
    the inputs.
    p = units.Quantity(p, "Pa")
    t = units.Quantity(t, "K")
    dew_temp = mpcalc.dewpoint_from_specific_humidity(p, t, q)
    eqpt_temp = mpcalc.equivalent_potential_temperature(p, t, dew_temp)
    return eqpt_temp.to('K').magnitude
예제 #27
def test_apparent_temperature():
    """Test the apparent temperature calculation."""
    temperature = np.array([[90, 90, 70], [20, 20, 60]]) * units.degF
    rel_humidity = np.array([[60, 20, 60], [10, 10, 10]]) * units.percent
    wind = np.array([[5, 3, 3], [10, 1, 10]]) * units.mph
    truth = units.Quantity(
        np.ma.array([[99.6777178, 86.3357671, 70], [8.8140662, 20, 60]],
                    mask=[[False, False, True], [False, True, True]]),
    res = apparent_temperature(temperature, rel_humidity, wind)
    assert_array_almost_equal(res, truth, 6)
예제 #28
def convert_to(value, from_unit, to_unit, default=1.):
        value_unit = units.Quantity(value, from_unit)
        result = value_unit.to(to_unit).magnitude
    except pint.UndefinedUnitError:
        logging.error("Error in unit conversion (undefined) '%s'/'%s'",
                      from_unit, to_unit)
        result = value * default
    except pint.DimensionalityError:
        if units(to_unit).to_base_units().units == units.m:
                result = (value_unit /
                          units.Quantity(9.81, "m s^-2")).to(to_unit).magnitude
            except pint.DimensionalityError:
                    "Error in unit conversion (dimensionality) %s/%s",
                    from_unit, to_unit)
                result = value * default
            logging.error("Error in unit conversion (dimensionality) %s/%s",
                          from_unit, to_unit)
            result = value * default
    return result
예제 #29
def test_interpolate_to_grid(method, assume_units, test_coords,
    r"""Test main grid interpolation function."""
    xp, yp = test_coords

    xp *= 10
    yp *= 10

    z = np.array(
        [0.064, 4.489, 6.241, 0.1, 2.704, 2.809, 9.604, 1.156, 0.225, 3.364])

    extra_kw = {}
    if method == 'cressman':
        extra_kw['search_radius'] = 200
        extra_kw['minimum_neighbors'] = 1
    elif method == 'barnes':
        extra_kw['search_radius'] = 400
        extra_kw['minimum_neighbors'] = 1
        extra_kw['gamma'] = 1

    if boundary_coords is not None:
        extra_kw['boundary_coords'] = boundary_coords

    with get_test_data(f'{method}_test.npz') as fobj:
        truth = np.load(fobj)['img']

    if assume_units:
        z = units.Quantity(z, assume_units)
        truth = units.Quantity(truth, assume_units)

    _, _, img = interpolate_to_grid(xp,
    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, img)
예제 #30
파일: test_thermo.py 프로젝트: zhatin/MetPy
def test_sensitive_sounding():
    """Test quantities for a sensitive sounding (#902)."""
    # This sounding has a very small positive area in the low level. It's only captured
    # properly if the parcel profile includes the LCL, otherwise it breaks LFC and CAPE
    p = units.Quantity([
        1004., 1000., 943., 928., 925., 850., 839., 749., 700., 699., 603.,
        500., 404., 400., 363., 306., 300., 250., 213., 200., 176., 150.
    ], 'hectopascal')
    t = units.Quantity([
        24.2, 24., 20.2, 21.6, 21.4, 20.4, 20.2, 14.4, 13.2, 13., 6.8, -3.3,
        -13.1, -13.7, -17.9, -25.5, -26.9, -37.9, -46.7, -48.7, -52.1, -58.9
    ], 'degC')
    td = units.Quantity([
        21.9, 22.1, 19.2, 20.5, 20.4, 18.4, 17.4, 8.4, -2.8, -3.0, -15.2,
        -20.3, -29.1, -27.7, -24.9, -39.5, -41.9, -51.9, -60.7, -62.7, -65.1,
    ], 'degC')
    lfc_pressure, lfc_temp = lfc(p, t, td)
    assert_almost_equal(lfc_pressure, 947.476 * units.mbar, 2)
    assert_almost_equal(lfc_temp, 20.498 * units.degC, 2)

    pos, neg = surface_based_cape_cin(p, t, td)
    assert_almost_equal(pos, 0.112 * units('J/kg'), 3)
    assert_almost_equal(neg, -6.075 * units('J/kg'), 3)