def updStiffMatMS(self, elmLst, elmCompStiffMat): self.K = mfem.ParBilinearForm(self.fespace) lambVec = mfem.Vector(self.fespace.GetMesh().attributes.Max()) lambVec.Assign(self.lmbda) lambVec[0] = lambVec[1] lambda_func = mfem.PWConstCoefficient(lambVec) muVec = mfem.Vector(self.fespace.GetMesh().attributes.Max()) muVec.Assign( muVec[0] = muVec[1] mu_func = mfem.PWConstCoefficient(muVec) self.K.AddDomainIntegrator( mfem.ElasticityIntegrator(lambda_func, mu_func)) self.K.Assemble(0, elmLst, elmCompStiffMat, False, True) self.Kmat = mfem.HypreParMatrix() empty_tdof_list = intArray() self.K.FormLinearSystem(empty_tdof_list, self.x_gfBdr, self.bx, self.Kmat, self.vx.GetBlock(1), self.Bx, 1)
print("Number of unknowns: " + str(size)) print("Assembling") # 8. Set up the parallel bilinear forms a(.,.) and m(.,.) on the finite # element space corresponding to the linear elasticity integrator with # piece-wise constants coefficient lambda and mu, a simple mass matrix # needed on the right hand side of the generalized eigenvalue problem # below. The boundary conditions are implemented by marking only boundary # attribute 1 as essential. We use special values on the diagonal to # shift the Dirichlet eigenvalues out of the computational range. After # serial/parallel assembly we extract the corresponding parallel matrices # A and M. lamb = mfem.Vector(pmesh.attributes.Max()) lamb.Assign(1.0) lamb[0] = lamb[1] * 50 lambda_func = mfem.PWConstCoefficient(lamb) mu = mfem.Vector(pmesh.attributes.Max()) mu.Assign(1.0) mu[0] = mu[1] * 50 mu_func = mfem.PWConstCoefficient(mu) ess_bdr = mfem.intArray(pmesh.bdr_attributes.Max()) ess_bdr.Assign(0) ess_bdr[0] = 1 a = mfem.ParBilinearForm(fespace) a.AddDomainIntegrator(mfem.ElasticityIntegrator(lambda_func, mu_func)) if (myid == 0): print("matrix ... ") a.Assemble() a.EliminateEssentialBCDiag(ess_bdr, 1.0)
# 9. Set up the parallel linear form b(.) which corresponds to the # right-hand side of the FEM linear system. In this case, b_i equals the # boundary integral of f*phi_i where f represents a "pull down" force on # the Neumann part of the boundary and phi_i are the basis functions in # the finite element fespace. The force is defined by the object f, which # is a vector of Coefficient objects. The fact that f is non-zero on # boundary attribute 2 is indicated by the use of piece-wise constants # coefficient for its last component. f = mfem.VectorArrayCoefficient(dim) for i in range(dim - 1): f.Set(i, mfem.ConstantCoefficient(0.0)) pull_force = mfem.Vector([0] * pmesh.bdr_attributes.Max()) pull_force[1] = -1.0e-2 f.Set(dim - 1, mfem.PWConstCoefficient(pull_force)) b = mfem.ParLinearForm(fespace) b.AddBoundaryIntegrator(mfem.VectorBoundaryLFIntegrator(f)) print('r.h.s. ...') b.Assemble() # 10. Define the solution vector x as a parallel finite element grid # function corresponding to fespace. Initialize x with initial guess of # zero, which satisfies the boundary conditions. x = mfem.GridFunction(fespace) x.Assign(0.0) # 11. Set up the parallel bilinear form a(.,.) on the finite element space # corresponding to the linear elasticity integrator with piece-wise # constants coefficient lambda and mu.
# boundary attribute 2 is indicated by the use of piece-wise constants # coefficient for its last component. print dim f = mfem.VectorArrayCoefficient(dim) c1 = mfem.ConstantCoefficient(0.0); c2 = mfem.ConstantCoefficient(0.0); c3 = mfem.ConstantCoefficient(0.0); #for i in range(dim-1): f.Set(0, c1) f.Set(1, c2) print [0]*pmesh.bdr_attributes.Max() pull_force = mfem.Vector([0]*pmesh.bdr_attributes.Max()) pull_force[1] = -1.0e-2; pull_force.Print() c3 = mfem.PWConstCoefficient(pull_force) f.Set(dim-1, c3) b = mfem.ParLinearForm(fespace) ''' b.AddBoundaryIntegrator(mfem.VectorBoundaryLFIntegrator(f)) print('r.h.s. ...') b.Assemble() # 10. Define the solution vector x as a parallel finite element grid # function corresponding to fespace. Initialize x with initial guess of # zero, which satisfies the boundary conditions. x = mfem.GridFunction(fespace) x.Assign(0.0) print('here')
def __init__(self, fespace, lmbda=1., mu=1., rho=1., visc=0.0, vess_tdof_list=None, vess_bdr=None, xess_tdof_list=None, xess_bdr=None, v_gfBdr=None, x_gfBdr=None, deform=None, velo=None, vx=None): mfem.PyTimeDependentOperator.__init__(self, 2 * fespace.GetTrueVSize(), 0.0) self.lmbda = lmbda = mu self.viscosity = visc self.deform = deform self.velo = velo self.x_gfBdr = x_gfBdr self.v_gfBdr = v_gfBdr self.vx = vx self.z = mfem.Vector(self.Height() / 2) self.z.Assign(0.0) self.w = mfem.Vector(self.Height() / 2) self.w.Assign(0.0) self.tmpVec = mfem.Vector(self.Height() / 2) self.tmpVec.Assign(0.0) self.fespace = fespace self.xess_bdr = xess_bdr self.vess_bdr = vess_bdr self.xess_tdof_list = xess_tdof_list self.vess_tdof_list = vess_tdof_list # setting up linear form cv = mfem.Vector(3) cv.Assign(0.0) #self.zero_coef = mfem.ConstantCoefficient(0.0) self.zero_coef = mfem.VectorConstantCoefficient(cv) self.bx = mfem.LinearForm(self.fespace) self.bx.AddDomainIntegrator( mfem.VectorBoundaryLFIntegrator(self.zero_coef)) self.bx.Assemble() = mfem.LinearForm(self.fespace) mfem.VectorBoundaryLFIntegrator(self.zero_coef)) self.Bx = mfem.Vector() self.Bv = mfem.Vector() # setting up bilinear forms self.M = mfem.ParBilinearForm(self.fespace) self.K = mfem.ParBilinearForm(self.fespace) self.S = mfem.ParBilinearForm(self.fespace) = mfem.ConstantCoefficient(rho) self.M.AddDomainIntegrator(mfem.VectorMassIntegrator( self.M.Assemble(0) self.M.EliminateEssentialBC(self.vess_bdr) self.M.Finalize(0) self.Mmat = self.M.ParallelAssemble() self.M_solver = mfem.CGSolver(self.fespace.GetComm()) self.M_solver.iterative_mode = False self.M_solver.SetRelTol(1e-8) self.M_solver.SetAbsTol(0.0) self.M_solver.SetMaxIter(30) self.M_solver.SetPrintLevel(0) self.M_prec = mfem.HypreSmoother() self.M_prec.SetType(mfem.HypreSmoother.Jacobi) self.M_solver.SetPreconditioner(self.M_prec) self.M_solver.SetOperator(self.Mmat) lambVec = mfem.Vector(self.fespace.GetMesh().attributes.Max()) print('Number of volume attributes : ' + str(self.fespace.GetMesh().attributes.Max())) lambVec.Assign(lmbda) lambVec[0] = lambVec[1] * 1.0 lambda_func = mfem.PWConstCoefficient(lambVec) muVec = mfem.Vector(self.fespace.GetMesh().attributes.Max()) muVec.Assign(mu) muVec[0] = muVec[1] * 1.0 mu_func = mfem.PWConstCoefficient(muVec) self.K.AddDomainIntegrator( mfem.ElasticityIntegrator(lambda_func, mu_func)) self.K.Assemble(0) # to set essential BC to zero value uncomment #self.K.EliminateEssentialBC(self.xess_bdr) #self.K.Finalize(0) #self.Kmat = self.K.ParallelAssemble() # to set essential BC to non-zero uncomment self.Kmat = mfem.HypreParMatrix() visc_coeff = mfem.ConstantCoefficient(visc) self.S.AddDomainIntegrator(mfem.VectorDiffusionIntegrator(visc_coeff)) self.S.Assemble(0) #self.S.EliminateEssentialBC(self.vess_bdr) #self.S.Finalize(0) #self.Smat = self.S.ParallelAssemble() self.Smat = mfem.HypreParMatrix() # VX solver for implicit time-stepping self.VX_solver = mfem.CGSolver(self.fespace.GetComm()) self.VX_solver.iterative_mode = False self.VX_solver.SetRelTol(1e-8) self.VX_solver.SetAbsTol(0.0) self.VX_solver.SetMaxIter(30) self.VX_solver.SetPrintLevel(0) self.VX_prec = mfem.HypreSmoother() self.VX_prec.SetType(mfem.HypreSmoother.Jacobi) self.VX_solver.SetPreconditioner(self.VX_prec) # setting up operators empty_tdof_list = intArray() self.S.FormLinearSystem(empty_tdof_list, self.v_gfBdr,, self.Smat, self.vx.GetBlock(0), self.Bv, 1) self.K.FormLinearSystem(empty_tdof_list, self.x_gfBdr, self.bx, self.Kmat, self.vx.GetBlock(1), self.Bx, 1)