예제 #1
print("dim(W) = " + str(dimW))
print("dim(R+W) = " + str(dimR + dimW))

block_offsets = intArray([0, dimR, dimW])

k = mfem.ConstantCoefficient(1.0)

fcoeff = fFunc(dim)
fnatcoeff = f_natural()
gcoeff = gFunc()
ucoeff = uFunc_ex(dim)
pcoeff = pFunc_ex()

x = mfem.BlockVector(block_offsets)
rhs = mfem.BlockVector(block_offsets)

fform = mfem.LinearForm()
fform.Update(R_space, rhs.GetBlock(0), 0)

gform = mfem.LinearForm()
gform.Update(W_space, rhs.GetBlock(1), 0)

mVarf = mfem.BilinearForm(R_space)
bVarf = mfem.MixedBilinearForm(R_space, W_space)
예제 #2
def ex19_main(args):
    ref_levels = args.refine
    order = args.order
    visualization = args.visualization
    mu = args.shear_modulus
    newton_rel_tol = args.relative_tolerance
    newton_abs_tol = args.absolute_tolerance
    newton_iter = args.newton_iterations


    meshfile = expanduser(join(path, 'data', args.mesh))
    mesh = mfem.Mesh(meshfile, 1, 1)
    dim = mesh.Dimension()

    for lev in range(ref_levels):

    #  4. Define the shear modulus for the incompressible Neo-Hookean material
    c_mu = mfem.ConstantCoefficient(mu)

    #  5. Define the finite element spaces for displacement and pressure
    #     (Taylor-Hood elements). By default, the displacement (u/x) is a second
    #     order vector field, while the pressure (p) is a linear scalar function.
    quad_coll = mfem.H1_FECollection(order, dim)
    lin_coll = mfem.H1_FECollection(order - 1, dim)

    R_space = mfem.FiniteElementSpace(mesh, quad_coll, dim,
    W_space = mfem.FiniteElementSpace(mesh, lin_coll)

    spaces = [R_space, W_space]
    R_size = R_space.GetVSize()
    W_size = W_space.GetVSize()

    #   6. Define the Dirichlet conditions (set to boundary attribute 1 and 2)
    ess_bdr_u = mfem.intArray(R_space.GetMesh().bdr_attributes.Max())
    ess_bdr_p = mfem.intArray(W_space.GetMesh().bdr_attributes.Max())
    ess_bdr_u[0] = 1
    ess_bdr_u[1] = 1
    ess_bdr = [ess_bdr_u, ess_bdr_p]

    print("dim(u) = " + str(R_size))
    print("dim(p) = " + str(W_size))
    print("dim(u+p) = " + str(R_size + W_size))

    block_offsets = intArray([0, R_size, W_size])

    xp = mfem.BlockVector(block_offsets)

    #  9. Define grid functions for the current configuration, reference
    #     configuration, final deformation, and pressure
    x_gf = mfem.GridFunction(R_space)
    x_ref = mfem.GridFunction(R_space)
    x_def = mfem.GridFunction(R_space)
    p_gf = mfem.GridFunction(W_space)

    x_gf.MakeRef(R_space, xp.GetBlock(0), 0)
    p_gf.MakeRef(W_space, xp.GetBlock(1), 0)

    deform = InitialDeformation(dim)
    refconfig = ReferenceConfiguration(dim)


    #  10. Initialize the incompressible neo-Hookean operator
    oper = RubberOperator(spaces, ess_bdr, block_offsets, newton_rel_tol,
                          newton_abs_tol, newton_iter, mu)
    #  11. Solve the Newton system

    #  12. Compute the final deformation
    mfem.subtract_vector(x_gf, x_ref, x_def)

    #  13. Visualize the results if requested
    if (visualization):
        vis_u = mfem.socketstream("localhost", 19916)
        visualize(vis_u, mesh, x_gf, x_def, "Deformation", True)
        vis_p = mfem.socketstream("localhost", 19916)
        visualize(vis_p, mesh, x_gf, p_gf, "Deformation", True)

    #  14. Save the displaced mesh, the final deformation, and the pressure
    nodes = x_gf
    owns_nodes = 0
    nodes, owns_nodes = mesh.SwapNodes(nodes, owns_nodes)

    mesh.Print('deformed.mesh', 8)
    p_gf.Save('pressure.sol', 8)
    x_def.Save("deformation.sol", 8)
예제 #3
파일: ex10.py 프로젝트: InSAR-invert/PyMFEM

# 5. Define the vector finite element spaces representing the mesh
#    deformation x, the velocity v, and the initial configuration, x_ref.
#    Define also the elastic energy density, w, which is in a discontinuous
#    higher-order space. Since x and v are integrated in time as a system,
#    we group them together in block vector vx, with offsets given by the
#    fe_offset array.
fec = mfem.H1_FECollection(order, dim)
fespace = mfem.FiniteElementSpace(mesh, fec, dim)

fe_size = fespace.GetVSize()
print("Number of velocity/deformation unknowns: " + str(fe_size))
fe_offset = intArray([0, fe_size, 2 * fe_size])

vx = mfem.BlockVector(fe_offset)
x = mfem.GridFunction()
v = mfem.GridFunction()
v.MakeRef(fespace, vx.GetBlock(0), 0)
x.MakeRef(fespace, vx.GetBlock(1), 0)

x_ref = mfem.GridFunction(fespace)

w_fec = mfem.L2_FECollection(order + 1, dim)
w_fespace = mfem.FiniteElementSpace(mesh, w_fec)
w = mfem.GridFunction(w_fespace)

# 6. Set the initial conditions for v and x, and the boundary conditions on
#    a beam-like mesh (see description above).
예제 #4
# Finite element space for a mesh-dim vector quantity (momentum)
dfes = mfem.FiniteElementSpace(mesh, fec, dim, mfem.Ordering.byNODES)
# Finite element space for all variables together (total thermodynamic state)
vfes = mfem.FiniteElementSpace(mesh, fec, num_equation, mfem.Ordering.byNODES)

assert fes.GetOrdering() == mfem.Ordering.byNODES, "Ordering must be byNODES"
print("Number of unknowns: " + str(vfes.GetVSize()))

# 6. Define the initial conditions, save the corresponding mesh and grid
#    functions to a file. This can be opened with GLVis with the -gc option.
#    The solution u has components {density, x-momentum, y-momentum, energy}.
#    These are stored contiguously in the BlockVector u_block.

offsets = [k * vfes.GetNDofs() for k in range(num_equation + 1)]
offsets = mfem.intArray(offsets)
u_block = mfem.BlockVector(offsets)
mom = mfem.GridFunction(dfes, u_block, offsets[1])

#  Define coefficient using VecotrPyCoefficient and PyCoefficient
#  A user needs to define EvalValue method
u0 = InitialCondition(num_equation)
sol = mfem.GridFunction(vfes, u_block.GetData())

mesh.PrintToFile("vortex.mesh", 8)
for k in range(num_equation):
    uk = mfem.GridFunction(fes, u_block.GetBlock(k).GetData())
    sol_name = "vortex-" + str(k) + "-init.gf"
    uk.SaveToFile(sol_name, 8)
예제 #5
s0 = x0_space.GetVSize()
s1 = xhat_space.GetVSize()
s_test = test_space.GetVSize()

offsets = mfem.intArray([0, s0, s0+s1])
offsets_test = mfem.intArray([0, s_test])

print('\n'.join(["nNumber of Unknowns", 
                 " Trial space,     X0   : " + str(s0) +
                 " (order " + str(trial_order) + ")",
                 " Interface space, Xhat : " + str(s1) +
                 " (order " + str(trace_order) + ")",
                 " Test space,      Y    : " + str(s_test) +
                 " (order " + str(test_order) + ")"]))
x = mfem.BlockVector(offsets)
b = mfem.BlockVector(offsets)

# 6. Set up the linear form F(.) which corresponds to the right-hand side of
#    the FEM linear system, which in this case is (f,phi_i) where f=1.0 and
#    phi_i are the basis functions in the test finite element fespace.
one = mfem.ConstantCoefficient(1.0)
F = mfem.LinearForm(test_space);

# 7. Set up the mixed bilinear form for the primal trial unknowns, B0,
#    the mixed bilinear form for the interfacial unknowns, Bhat,
#    the inverse stiffness matrix on the discontinuous test space, Sinv,
#    and the stiffness matrix on the continuous trial space, S0.