예제 #1
    def rotate(self, angle, vector1, vector2, rot_point):
        tnd = self.to_num_dimension

        num = self.num_dimension + 1

        rot_pos = tnd(rot_point).reshape(num - 1, 1)

        matrix_translate = np.eye(num)
        matrix_translate[0:num - 1, num - 1:num] = rot_pos * -1.

        matrix_rot = rotation_from_angle_and_plane(angle, tnd(vector1, up=1),
                                                   tnd(vector2, up=1))

        matrix_from_origin = matrix_rot.copy()

        matrix_rot = np.dot(matrix_rot, matrix_translate)

        matrix_translate[0:num - 1, num - 1:num] = rot_pos

        matrix_rot = np.dot(matrix_translate, matrix_rot)

        # print(matrix_rot)

        for obj in self.objects:
            obj.rotate(matrix_rot, matrix_from_origin)
예제 #2
def test_rotation_multiple_90():
    for dim in range(2, 6):
        image_1 = np.ones((6, ) * dim)
        image_2 = np.zeros((6, ) * dim)
        image_2[(slice(None, 3), ) * dim] = 1
        center_1 = None
        center_2 = (1, ) * dim
        for image, center in zip((image_1, image_2), (center_1, center_2)):
            v1 = np.zeros(dim)
            v2 = np.zeros(dim)
            v1[-2] = 1
            v2[-1] = 1
            for angle in (np.pi / 2 * x for x in range(1, 4)):
                rotation = mgen.rotation_from_angle_and_plane(angle, v1, v2)
                output = transform(image, rotation, (0, ) * dim, origin=center)
                # need some atol here since we are comparing exactly to 0
                np.testing.assert_allclose(output, image, atol=1e-10)
예제 #3
    def test_rotation_nd(self):
        for rand1 in np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi, 100):
            # Test 2D case
            is_close(rotation_from_angle(rand1), rotation_from_angle_and_plane(rand1, (1,0), (0,1)))
            # Test 3D case
            is_close(rotation_around_z(rand1), rotation_from_angle_and_plane(rand1, (1,0,0), (0,1,0)))
            # Test normalisation of first parameter
            is_close(rotation_around_z(rand1), rotation_from_angle_and_plane(rand1, (2,0,0), (0,1,0)))
            # Test normalisation of second parameter
            is_close(rotation_around_z(rand1), rotation_from_angle_and_plane(rand1, (1,0,0), (0,2,0)))
            # Test normalisation of both parameters
            is_close(rotation_around_z(rand1), rotation_from_angle_and_plane(rand1, (2,0,0), (0,2,0)))

            is_close(rotation_around_x(rand1), rotation_from_angle_and_plane(rand1, (0,1,0), (0,0,1)))
            is_close(rotation_around_y(rand1), rotation_from_angle_and_plane(rand1, (0,0,1), (1,0,0)))

            # Test generic properties of higher dimensional rotations

            # create two perpendicular random vectors
            dimension = random.randint(4,100)
            v1 = np.random.uniform(-1., 1., dimension)
            v1 = v1/np.linalg.norm(v1)
            v2 = np.random.uniform(-1., 1., dimension)
            v2 = v2/np.linalg.norm(v2)
            v2 = v2 - v2.dot(v1)*v1

            m = rotation_from_angle_and_plane(rand1, v1, v2)
            m_inv = rotation_from_angle_and_plane(-rand1, v1, v2)
            is_close(m.dot(m.T), np.eye(dimension))
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.linalg.det(m), 1.0)
            is_close(m, m_inv.T)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            rotation_from_angle_and_plane(0., (1,0,0), (0,1,0,0))
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            rotation_from_angle_and_plane(0., (1,0,0,0), (0,1,0))
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            rotation_from_angle_and_plane(0., (1,0,0), (1,0,0))
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            rotation_from_angle_and_plane(0., (0,0), (1,0))
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            rotation_from_angle_and_plane(0., (1,0), (0,0))