def __serialize_to_xml__(iaddin_custom_frame_instance, file_full_name): done = False try: sb = StringBuilder() xml_writer_settings = XmlWriterSettings() xml_writer_settings.Indent = True xml_writer_settings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Fragment xml_writer_settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = True writer = None try: writer = XmlWriter.Create(sb, xml_writer_settings) if writer: mgr = XamlDesignerSerializationManager(writer) if mgr: mgr.XamlWriterMode = XamlWriterMode.Expression XamlWriter.Save(iaddin_custom_frame_instance, mgr) filewriter = None try: filewriter = File.CreateText(file_full_name) if filewriter: filewriter.Write(sb.ToString()) done = True finally: if filewriter: filewriter.Dispose() filewriter = None finally: if writer: writer.Dispose() writer = None except Exception as e: CommonUtil.sprint("Failed to serialize: {}".format(e)) done = False return done
def __deserialize_from_xml(file_full_name): iaddin_custom_frame_instance = None try: filereader = None try: filereader = File.OpenText(file_full_name) if filereader: content = filereader.ReadToEnd() stringreader = StringReader(content) xmlreader = None try: xmlreader = XmlReader.Create(stringreader) if xmlreader: iaddin_custom_frame_instance = XamlReader.Load( xmlreader) finally: if xmlreader: xmlreader.Dispose() xmlreader = None finally: if filereader: filereader.Dispose() filereader = None except Exception as e: CommonUtil.sprint("Failed to desrialize: {}".format(e)) iaddin_custom_frame_instance = None return iaddin_custom_frame_instance
def get_dockable_user_control_properties(d): propList = None try: if d: propList = List[KeyValuePair[str, str]]() for _, value in enumerate(d): pair = KeyValuePair[str, str](value,d[value]) propList.Add(pair) except Exception as e: CommonUtil.sprint("Failed to Create Properties: {}".format(e)) return propList
def PrintContent(self, printScale): try: if self.ControlContent: tempScale = self.LayoutPageScale self.LayoutPageScale = printScale printContent = InactiveLayoutContent(self.ControlContent) self.LayoutPageScale = tempScale return printContent except Exception as e: CommonUtil.sprint("Failed to Print: {}".format(e)) return None
def create_user_control(filename): userControl = None try: s = None if filename: s = StreamReader(filename) userControl = XamlReader.Load(s.BaseStream) except Exception as e: CommonUtil.sprint("Failed to Create UserControl: {}".format(e)) finally: if s: s.Close() s.Dispose() return userControl
def image_path_to_bitmap(fname): try: if fname: bitmap = BitmapImage() bitmap.BeginInit() bitmap.UriSource = CommonUtil.path_to_uri(fname) bitmap.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad bitmap.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.DelayCreation bitmap.EndInit() bitmap.Freeze() return bitmap except: pass
def load(self): try: # uncomment these lines to debug the python script using VSCODE # Install ptvsd package into your environment using "pip install ptvsd" # Debug in VSCODE with Python: Attach configuration # here initialize the addin class if self._imapinfopro: # obtain the handle to current application if needed # thisApplication = self._imapinfopro.GetMapBasicApplication(os.path.splitext(__file__)[0] + ".mbx") # self._addin = MyAddin(self._imapinfopro, thisApplication) self._addin = None CommonUtil.sprint("Hello from Python Addin!")""" print "Hello from (MapBasic code inside) Python Addin!" """) CommonUtil.sprint("sys.path => " + pathMsg) except Exception as e: CommonUtil.sprint("Failed to load: {}".format(e))
def unload(self): try: CommonUtil.sprint("Unload addin") self._addin = None except Exception as e: CommonUtil.sprint("Failed to unload: {}".format(e))
def reconstruct(self, fileName, xPosition, yPosition, width, height, penMapBasicCommand, brushMapBasicCommand, zIndex, name): try: CommonUtil.sprint("Reconstruct addin") except Exception as e: CommonUtil.sprint("Failed to reconstruct: {}".format(e))