예제 #1
def simp_cst_propagation(e_s, expr):
    """This passe includes:
     - Constant folding
     - Common logical identities
     - Common binary identities

    # merge associatif op
    args = list(expr.args)
    op_name = expr.op
    # simpl integer manip
    # int OP int => int
    # TODO: <<< >>> << >> are architecture dependant
    if op_name in op_propag_cst:
        while (len(args) >= 2 and args[-1].is_int() and args[-2].is_int()):
            int2 = args.pop()
            int1 = args.pop()
            if op_name == '+':
                out = int1.arg + int2.arg
            elif op_name == '*':
                out = int1.arg * int2.arg
            elif op_name == '**':
                out = int1.arg**int2.arg
            elif op_name == '^':
                out = int1.arg ^ int2.arg
            elif op_name == '&':
                out = int1.arg & int2.arg
            elif op_name == '|':
                out = int1.arg | int2.arg
            elif op_name == '>>':
                out = int1.arg >> int2.arg
            elif op_name == '<<':
                out = int1.arg << int2.arg
            elif op_name == 'a>>':
                tmp1 = mod_size2int[int1.arg.size](int1.arg)
                tmp2 = mod_size2uint[int2.arg.size](int2.arg)
                out = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](tmp1 >> tmp2)
            elif op_name == '>>>':
                out = (int1.arg >> (int2.arg % int2.size) | int1.arg <<
                       ((int1.size - int2.arg) % int2.size))
            elif op_name == '<<<':
                out = (int1.arg << (int2.arg % int2.size) | int1.arg >>
                       ((int1.size - int2.arg) % int2.size))
            elif op_name == '/':
                out = int1.arg / int2.arg
            elif op_name == '%':
                out = int1.arg % int2.arg
            elif op_name == 'idiv':
                assert int2.arg.arg
                tmp1 = mod_size2int[int1.arg.size](int1.arg)
                tmp2 = mod_size2int[int2.arg.size](int2.arg)
                out = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](tmp1 / tmp2)
            elif op_name == 'imod':
                assert int2.arg.arg
                tmp1 = mod_size2int[int1.arg.size](int1.arg)
                tmp2 = mod_size2int[int2.arg.size](int2.arg)
                out = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](tmp1 % tmp2)
            elif op_name == 'umod':
                assert int2.arg.arg
                tmp1 = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](int1.arg)
                tmp2 = mod_size2uint[int2.arg.size](int2.arg)
                out = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](tmp1 % tmp2)
            elif op_name == 'udiv':
                assert int2.arg.arg
                tmp1 = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](int1.arg)
                tmp2 = mod_size2uint[int2.arg.size](int2.arg)
                out = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](tmp1 / tmp2)

            args.append(ExprInt(out, int1.size))

    # bsf(int) => int
    if op_name == "bsf" and args[0].is_int() and args[0].arg != 0:
        i = 0
        while args[0].arg & (1 << i) == 0:
            i += 1
        return ExprInt(i, args[0].size)

    # bsr(int) => int
    if op_name == "bsr" and args[0].is_int() and args[0].arg != 0:
        i = args[0].size - 1
        while args[0].arg & (1 << i) == 0:
            i -= 1
        return ExprInt(i, args[0].size)

    # -(-(A)) => A
    if (op_name == '-' and len(args) == 1 and args[0].is_op('-')
            and len(args[0].args) == 1):
        return args[0].args[0]

    # -(int) => -int
    if op_name == '-' and len(args) == 1 and args[0].is_int():
        return ExprInt(-int(args[0]), expr.size)
    # A op 0 =>A
    if op_name in ['+', '|', "^", "<<", ">>", "<<<", ">>>"] and len(args) > 1:
        if args[-1].is_int(0):
    # A - 0 =>A
    if op_name == '-' and len(args) > 1 and args[-1].is_int(0):
        assert len(
            args) == 2  # Op '-' with more than 2 args: SantityCheckError
        return args[0]

    # A * 1 =>A
    if op_name == "*" and len(args) > 1 and args[-1].is_int(1):

    # for cannon form
    # A * -1 => - A
    if op_name == "*" and len(args) > 1 and args[-1] == args[-1].mask:
        args[-1] = -args[-1]

    # op A => A
    if op_name in [
            '+', '*', '^', '&', '|', '>>', '<<', 'a>>', '<<<', '>>>', 'idiv',
            'imod', 'umod', 'udiv'
    ] and len(args) == 1:
        return args[0]

    # A-B => A + (-B)
    if op_name == '-' and len(args) > 1:
        if len(args) > 2:
            raise ValueError(
                'sanity check fail on expr -: should have one or 2 args ' +
                '%r %s' % (expr, expr))
        return ExprOp('+', args[0], -args[1])

    # A op 0 => 0
    if op_name in ['&', "*"] and args[1].is_int(0):
        return ExprInt(0, expr.size)

    # - (A + B +...) => -A + -B + -C
    if op_name == '-' and len(args) == 1 and args[0].is_op('+'):
        args = [-a for a in args[0].args]
        return ExprOp('+', *args)

    # -(a?int1:int2) => (a?-int1:-int2)
    if (op_name == '-' and len(args) == 1 and args[0].is_cond()
            and args[0].src1.is_int() and args[0].src2.is_int()):
        int1 = args[0].src1
        int2 = args[0].src2
        int1 = ExprInt(-int1.arg, int1.size)
        int2 = ExprInt(-int2.arg, int2.size)
        return ExprCond(args[0].cond, int1, int2)

    i = 0
    while i < len(args) - 1:
        j = i + 1
        while j < len(args):
            # A ^ A => 0
            if op_name == '^' and args[i] == args[j]:
                args[i] = ExprInt(0, args[i].size)
                del args[j]
            # A + (- A) => 0
            if op_name == '+' and args[j].is_op("-"):
                if len(args[j].args) == 1 and args[i] == args[j].args[0]:
                    args[i] = ExprInt(0, args[i].size)
                    del args[j]
            # (- A) + A => 0
            if op_name == '+' and args[i].is_op("-"):
                if len(args[i].args) == 1 and args[j] == args[i].args[0]:
                    args[i] = ExprInt(0, args[i].size)
                    del args[j]
            # A | A => A
            if op_name == '|' and args[i] == args[j]:
                del args[j]
            # A & A => A
            if op_name == '&' and args[i] == args[j]:
                del args[j]
            j += 1
        i += 1

    if op_name in ['|', '&', '%', '/', '**'] and len(args) == 1:
        return args[0]

    # A <<< A.size => A
    if (op_name in ['<<<', '>>>'] and args[1].is_int()
            and args[1].arg == args[0].size):
        return args[0]

    # A <<< X <<< Y => A <<< (X+Y) (ou <<< >>>)
    if (op_name in ['<<<', '>>>'] and args[0].is_op()
            and args[0].op in ['<<<', '>>>']):
        op1 = op_name
        op2 = args[0].op
        if op1 == op2:
            op_name = op1
            args1 = args[0].args[1] + args[1]
            op_name = op2
            args1 = args[0].args[1] - args[1]

        args0 = args[0].args[0]
        args = [args0, args1]

    # A >> X >> Y  =>  A >> (X+Y)
    if (op_name in ['<<', '>>'] and args[0].is_op(op_name)):
        args = [args[0].args[0], args[0].args[1] + args[1]]

    # ((A & A.mask)
    if op_name == "&" and args[-1] == expr.mask:
        return ExprOp('&', *args[:-1])

    # ((A | A.mask)
    if op_name == "|" and args[-1] == expr.mask:
        return args[-1]

    # ! (!X + int) => X - int
    # TODO

    # ((A & mask) >> shift) whith mask < 2**shift => 0
    if op_name == ">>" and args[1].is_int() and args[0].is_op("&"):
        if (args[0].args[1].is_int() and 2**args[1].arg > args[0].args[1].arg):
            return ExprInt(0, args[0].size)

    # parity(int) => int
    if op_name == 'parity' and args[0].is_int():
        return ExprInt(parity(int(args[0])), 1)

    # (-a) * b * (-c) * (-d) => (-a) * b * c * d
    if op_name == "*" and len(args) > 1:
        new_args = []
        counter = 0
        for arg in args:
            if arg.is_op('-') and len(arg.args) == 1:
                counter += 1
        if counter % 2:
            return -ExprOp(op_name, *new_args)
        args = new_args

    # A << int with A ExprCompose => move index
    if (op_name == "<<" and args[0].is_compose() and args[1].is_int()
            and int(args[1]) != 0):
        final_size = args[0].size
        shift = int(args[1])
        new_args = []
        # shift indexes
        for index, arg in args[0].iter_args():
            new_args.append((arg, index + shift, index + shift + arg.size))
        # filter out expression
        filter_args = []
        min_index = final_size
        for tmp, start, stop in new_args:
            if start >= final_size:
            if stop > final_size:
                tmp = tmp[:tmp.size - (stop - final_size)]
                stop = final_size
            min_index = min(start, min_index)
        # create entry 0
        assert min_index != 0
        tmp = ExprInt(0, min_index)
        args = [tmp] + filter_args
        return ExprCompose(*args)

    # A >> int with A ExprCompose => move index
    if op_name == ">>" and args[0].is_compose() and args[1].is_int():
        final_size = args[0].size
        shift = int(args[1])
        new_args = []
        # shift indexes
        for index, arg in args[0].iter_args():
            new_args.append((arg, index - shift, index + arg.size - shift))
        # filter out expression
        filter_args = []
        max_index = 0
        for tmp, start, stop in new_args:
            if stop <= 0:
            if start < 0:
                tmp = tmp[-start:]
                start = 0
            max_index = max(stop, max_index)
        # create entry 0
        tmp = ExprInt(0, final_size - max_index)
        args = filter_args + [tmp]
        return ExprCompose(*args)

    # Compose(a) OP Compose(b) with a/b same bounds => Compose(a OP b)
    if op_name in ['|', '&', '^'] and all([arg.is_compose() for arg in args]):
        bounds = set()
        for arg in args:
            bound = tuple([tmp.size for tmp in arg.args])
        if len(bounds) == 1:
            bound = list(bounds)[0]
            new_args = [[tmp] for tmp in args[0].args]
            for sub_arg in args[1:]:
                for i, tmp in enumerate(sub_arg.args):
            args = []
            for i, arg in enumerate(new_args):
                args.append(ExprOp(op_name, *arg))
            return ExprCompose(*args)

    # <<<c_rez, >>>c_rez
    if op_name in [">>>c_rez", "<<<c_rez"]:
        assert len(args) == 3
        dest, rounds, carry_flag = args
        # Skipped if rounds is 0
        if rounds.is_int(0):
            return dest
        elif all(arg.is_int() for arg in args):
            # The expression can be resolved
            tmp = int(dest)
            carry_flag = int(carry_flag)
            size = dest.size
            tmp_count = (int(rounds) &
                         (0x3f if size == 64 else 0x1f)) % (size + 1)
            if op_name == ">>>c_rez":
                while tmp_count != 0:
                    tmp_cf = tmp & 1
                    tmp = (tmp >> 1) + (carry_flag << (size - 1))
                    carry_flag = tmp_cf
                    tmp_count -= 1
                    tmp &= int(dest.mask)
            elif op_name == "<<<c_rez":
                while tmp_count != 0:
                    tmp_cf = (tmp >> (size - 1)) & 1
                    tmp = (tmp << 1) + carry_flag
                    carry_flag = tmp_cf
                    tmp_count -= 1
                    tmp &= int(dest.mask)
                raise RuntimeError("Unknown operation: %s" % op_name)
            return ExprInt(tmp, size=dest.size)

    return ExprOp(op_name, *args)
예제 #2
def simp_cst_propagation(e_s, expr):
    """This passe includes:
     - Constant folding
     - Common logical identities
     - Common binary identities

    # merge associatif op
    args = list(expr.args)
    op_name = expr.op
    # simpl integer manip
    # int OP int => int
    # TODO: <<< >>> << >> are architecture dependant
    if op_name in op_propag_cst:
        while (len(args) >= 2 and
            args[-1].is_int() and
            int2 = args.pop()
            int1 = args.pop()
            if op_name == '+':
                out = int1.arg + int2.arg
            elif op_name == '*':
                out = int1.arg * int2.arg
            elif op_name == '**':
                out =int1.arg ** int2.arg
            elif op_name == '^':
                out = int1.arg ^ int2.arg
            elif op_name == '&':
                out = int1.arg & int2.arg
            elif op_name == '|':
                out = int1.arg | int2.arg
            elif op_name == '>>':
                if int(int2) > int1.size:
                    out = 0
                    out = int1.arg >> int2.arg
            elif op_name == '<<':
                if int(int2) > int1.size:
                    out = 0
                    out = int1.arg << int2.arg
            elif op_name == 'a>>':
                tmp1 = mod_size2int[int1.arg.size](int1.arg)
                tmp2 = mod_size2uint[int2.arg.size](int2.arg)
                if tmp2 > int1.size:
                    is_signed = int(int1) & (1 << (int1.size - 1))
                    if is_signed:
                        out = -1
                        out = 0
                    out = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](tmp1 >> tmp2)
            elif op_name == '>>>':
                shifter = int2.arg % int2.size
                out = (int1.arg >> shifter) | (int1.arg << (int2.size - shifter))
            elif op_name == '<<<':
                shifter = int2.arg % int2.size
                out = (int1.arg << shifter) | (int1.arg >> (int2.size - shifter))
            elif op_name == '/':
                out = int1.arg / int2.arg
            elif op_name == '%':
                out = int1.arg % int2.arg
            elif op_name == 'idiv':
                assert int2.arg.arg
                tmp1 = mod_size2int[int1.arg.size](int1.arg)
                tmp2 = mod_size2int[int2.arg.size](int2.arg)
                out = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](tmp1 / tmp2)
            elif op_name == 'imod':
                assert int2.arg.arg
                tmp1 = mod_size2int[int1.arg.size](int1.arg)
                tmp2 = mod_size2int[int2.arg.size](int2.arg)
                out = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](tmp1 % tmp2)
            elif op_name == 'umod':
                assert int2.arg.arg
                tmp1 = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](int1.arg)
                tmp2 = mod_size2uint[int2.arg.size](int2.arg)
                out = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](tmp1 % tmp2)
            elif op_name == 'udiv':
                assert int2.arg.arg
                tmp1 = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](int1.arg)
                tmp2 = mod_size2uint[int2.arg.size](int2.arg)
                out = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](tmp1 / tmp2)

            args.append(ExprInt(out, int1.size))

    # cnttrailzeros(int) => int
    if op_name == "cnttrailzeros" and args[0].is_int():
        i = 0
        while args[0].arg & (1 << i) == 0 and i < args[0].size:
            i += 1
        return ExprInt(i, args[0].size)

    # cntleadzeros(int) => int
    if op_name == "cntleadzeros" and args[0].is_int():
        if args[0].arg == 0:
            return ExprInt(args[0].size, args[0].size)
        i = args[0].size - 1
        while args[0].arg & (1 << i) == 0:
            i -= 1
        return ExprInt(expr.size - (i + 1), args[0].size)

    # -(-(A)) => A
    if (op_name == '-' and len(args) == 1 and args[0].is_op('-') and
        len(args[0].args) == 1):
        return args[0].args[0]

    # -(int) => -int
    if op_name == '-' and len(args) == 1 and args[0].is_int():
        return ExprInt(-int(args[0]), expr.size)
    # A op 0 =>A
    if op_name in ['+', '|', "^", "<<", ">>", "<<<", ">>>"] and len(args) > 1:
        if args[-1].is_int(0):
    # A - 0 =>A
    if op_name == '-' and len(args) > 1 and args[-1].is_int(0):
        assert len(args) == 2 # Op '-' with more than 2 args: SantityCheckError
        return args[0]

    # A * 1 =>A
    if op_name == "*" and len(args) > 1 and args[-1].is_int(1):

    # for cannon form
    # A * -1 => - A
    if op_name == "*" and len(args) > 1 and args[-1] == args[-1].mask:
        args[-1] = - args[-1]

    # op A => A
    if op_name in ['+', '*', '^', '&', '|', '>>', '<<',
              'a>>', '<<<', '>>>', 'idiv', 'imod', 'umod', 'udiv'] and len(args) == 1:
        return args[0]

    # A-B => A + (-B)
    if op_name == '-' and len(args) > 1:
        if len(args) > 2:
            raise ValueError(
                'sanity check fail on expr -: should have one or 2 args ' +
                '%r %s' % (expr, expr))
        return ExprOp('+', args[0], -args[1])

    # A op 0 => 0
    if op_name in ['&', "*"] and args[-1].is_int(0):
        return ExprInt(0, expr.size)

    # - (A + B +...) => -A + -B + -C
    if op_name == '-' and len(args) == 1 and args[0].is_op('+'):
        args = [-a for a in args[0].args]
        return ExprOp('+', *args)

    # -(a?int1:int2) => (a?-int1:-int2)
    if (op_name == '-' and len(args) == 1 and
        args[0].is_cond() and
        args[0].src1.is_int() and args[0].src2.is_int()):
        int1 = args[0].src1
        int2 = args[0].src2
        int1 = ExprInt(-int1.arg, int1.size)
        int2 = ExprInt(-int2.arg, int2.size)
        return ExprCond(args[0].cond, int1, int2)

    i = 0
    while i < len(args) - 1:
        j = i + 1
        while j < len(args):
            # A ^ A => 0
            if op_name == '^' and args[i] == args[j]:
                args[i] = ExprInt(0, args[i].size)
                del args[j]
            # A + (- A) => 0
            if op_name == '+' and args[j].is_op("-"):
                if len(args[j].args) == 1 and args[i] == args[j].args[0]:
                    args[i] = ExprInt(0, args[i].size)
                    del args[j]
            # (- A) + A => 0
            if op_name == '+' and args[i].is_op("-"):
                if len(args[i].args) == 1 and args[j] == args[i].args[0]:
                    args[i] = ExprInt(0, args[i].size)
                    del args[j]
            # A | A => A
            if op_name == '|' and args[i] == args[j]:
                del args[j]
            # A & A => A
            if op_name == '&' and args[i] == args[j]:
                del args[j]
            j += 1
        i += 1

    if op_name in ['|', '&', '%', '/', '**'] and len(args) == 1:
        return args[0]

    # A <<< A.size => A
    if (op_name in ['<<<', '>>>'] and
        args[1].is_int() and
        args[1].arg == args[0].size):
        return args[0]

    # (A <<< X) <<< Y => A <<< (X+Y) (or <<< >>>) if X + Y does not overflow
    if (op_name in ['<<<', '>>>'] and
        args[0].is_op() and
        args[0].op in ['<<<', '>>>']):
        A = args[0].args[0]
        X = args[0].args[1]
        Y = args[1]
        if op_name != args[0].op and e_s(X - Y) == ExprInt(0, X.size):
            return args[0].args[0]
        elif X.is_int() and Y.is_int():
            new_X = int(X) % expr.size
            new_Y = int(Y) % expr.size
            if op_name == args[0].op:
                rot = (new_X + new_Y) % expr.size
                op = op_name
                rot = new_Y - new_X
                op = op_name
                if rot < 0:
                    rot = - rot
                    op = {">>>": "<<<", "<<<": ">>>"}[op_name]
            args = [A, ExprInt(rot, expr.size)]
            op_name = op

            # Do not consider this case, too tricky (overflow on addition /
            # substraction)

    # A >> X >> Y  =>  A >> (X+Y) if X + Y does not overflow
    # To be sure, only consider the simplification when X.msb and Y.msb are 0
    if (op_name in ['<<', '>>'] and
        X = args[0].args[1]
        Y = args[1]
        if (e_s(X.msb()) == ExprInt(0, 1) and
            e_s(Y.msb()) == ExprInt(0, 1)):
            args = [args[0].args[0], X + Y]

    # ((var >> int1) << int1) => var & mask
    # ((var << int1) >> int1) => var & mask
    if (op_name in ['<<', '>>'] and
        args[0].is_op() and
        args[0].op in ['<<', '>>'] and
        op_name != args[0]):
        var = args[0].args[0]
        int1 = args[0].args[1]
        int2 = args[1]
        if int1 == int2 and int1.is_int() and int(int1) < expr.size:
            if op_name == '>>':
                mask = ExprInt((1 << (expr.size - int(int1))) - 1, expr.size)
                mask = ExprInt(
                    ((1 << int(int1)) - 1) ^ ((1 << expr.size) - 1),
            ret = var & mask
            return ret

    # ((A & A.mask)
    if op_name == "&" and args[-1] == expr.mask:
        return ExprOp('&', *args[:-1])

    # ((A | A.mask)
    if op_name == "|" and args[-1] == expr.mask:
        return args[-1]

    # ! (!X + int) => X - int
    # TODO

    # ((A & mask) >> shift) whith mask < 2**shift => 0
    if op_name == ">>" and args[1].is_int() and args[0].is_op("&"):
        if (args[0].args[1].is_int() and
            2 ** args[1].arg > args[0].args[1].arg):
            return ExprInt(0, args[0].size)

    # parity(int) => int
    if op_name == 'parity' and args[0].is_int():
        return ExprInt(parity(int(args[0])), 1)

    # (-a) * b * (-c) * (-d) => (-a) * b * c * d
    if op_name == "*" and len(args) > 1:
        new_args = []
        counter = 0
        for arg in args:
            if arg.is_op('-') and len(arg.args) == 1:
                counter += 1
        if counter % 2:
            return -ExprOp(op_name, *new_args)
        args = new_args

    # A << int with A ExprCompose => move index
    if (op_name == "<<" and args[0].is_compose() and
        args[1].is_int() and int(args[1]) != 0):
        final_size = args[0].size
        shift = int(args[1])
        new_args = []
        # shift indexes
        for index, arg in args[0].iter_args():
            new_args.append((arg, index+shift, index+shift+arg.size))
        # filter out expression
        filter_args = []
        min_index = final_size
        for tmp, start, stop in new_args:
            if start >= final_size:
            if stop > final_size:
                tmp = tmp[:tmp.size  - (stop - final_size)]
                stop = final_size
            min_index = min(start, min_index)
        # create entry 0
        assert min_index != 0
        tmp = ExprInt(0, min_index)
        args = [tmp] + filter_args
        return ExprCompose(*args)

    # A >> int with A ExprCompose => move index
    if op_name == ">>" and args[0].is_compose() and args[1].is_int():
        final_size = args[0].size
        shift = int(args[1])
        new_args = []
        # shift indexes
        for index, arg in args[0].iter_args():
            new_args.append((arg, index-shift, index+arg.size-shift))
        # filter out expression
        filter_args = []
        max_index = 0
        for tmp, start, stop in new_args:
            if stop <= 0:
            if start < 0:
                tmp = tmp[-start:]
                start = 0
            max_index = max(stop, max_index)
        # create entry 0
        tmp = ExprInt(0, final_size - max_index)
        args = filter_args + [tmp]
        return ExprCompose(*args)

    # Compose(a) OP Compose(b) with a/b same bounds => Compose(a OP b)
    if op_name in ['|', '&', '^'] and all([arg.is_compose() for arg in args]):
        bounds = set()
        for arg in args:
            bound = tuple([tmp.size for tmp in arg.args])
        if len(bounds) == 1:
            bound = list(bounds)[0]
            new_args = [[tmp] for tmp in args[0].args]
            for sub_arg in args[1:]:
                for i, tmp in enumerate(sub_arg.args):
            args = []
            for i, arg in enumerate(new_args):
                args.append(ExprOp(op_name, *arg))
            return ExprCompose(*args)

    return ExprOp(op_name, *args)
예제 #3
def simp_cst_propagation(e_s, expr):
    """This passe includes:
     - Constant folding
     - Common logical identities
     - Common binary identities

    # merge associatif op
    args = list(expr.args)
    op_name = expr.op
    # simpl integer manip
    # int OP int => int
    # TODO: <<< >>> << >> are architecture dependant
    if op_name in op_propag_cst:
        while (len(args) >= 2 and
            args[-1].is_int() and
            int2 = args.pop()
            int1 = args.pop()
            if op_name == '+':
                out = int1.arg + int2.arg
            elif op_name == '*':
                out = int1.arg * int2.arg
            elif op_name == '**':
                out =int1.arg ** int2.arg
            elif op_name == '^':
                out = int1.arg ^ int2.arg
            elif op_name == '&':
                out = int1.arg & int2.arg
            elif op_name == '|':
                out = int1.arg | int2.arg
            elif op_name == '>>':
                if int(int2) > int1.size:
                    out = 0
                    out = int1.arg >> int2.arg
            elif op_name == '<<':
                if int(int2) > int1.size:
                    out = 0
                    out = int1.arg << int2.arg
            elif op_name == 'a>>':
                tmp1 = mod_size2int[int1.arg.size](int1.arg)
                tmp2 = mod_size2uint[int2.arg.size](int2.arg)
                if tmp2 > int1.size:
                    is_signed = int(int1) & (1 << (int1.size - 1))
                    if is_signed:
                        out = -1
                        out = 0
                    out = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](tmp1 >> tmp2)
            elif op_name == '>>>':
                shifter = int2.arg % int2.size
                out = (int1.arg >> shifter) | (int1.arg << (int2.size - shifter))
            elif op_name == '<<<':
                shifter = int2.arg % int2.size
                out = (int1.arg << shifter) | (int1.arg >> (int2.size - shifter))
            elif op_name == '/':
                out = int1.arg / int2.arg
            elif op_name == '%':
                out = int1.arg % int2.arg
            elif op_name == 'idiv':
                assert int2.arg.arg
                tmp1 = mod_size2int[int1.arg.size](int1.arg)
                tmp2 = mod_size2int[int2.arg.size](int2.arg)
                out = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](tmp1 / tmp2)
            elif op_name == 'imod':
                assert int2.arg.arg
                tmp1 = mod_size2int[int1.arg.size](int1.arg)
                tmp2 = mod_size2int[int2.arg.size](int2.arg)
                out = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](tmp1 % tmp2)
            elif op_name == 'umod':
                assert int2.arg.arg
                tmp1 = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](int1.arg)
                tmp2 = mod_size2uint[int2.arg.size](int2.arg)
                out = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](tmp1 % tmp2)
            elif op_name == 'udiv':
                assert int2.arg.arg
                tmp1 = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](int1.arg)
                tmp2 = mod_size2uint[int2.arg.size](int2.arg)
                out = mod_size2uint[int1.arg.size](tmp1 / tmp2)

            args.append(ExprInt(out, int1.size))

    # cnttrailzeros(int) => int
    if op_name == "cnttrailzeros" and args[0].is_int():
        i = 0
        while args[0].arg & (1 << i) == 0 and i < args[0].size:
            i += 1
        return ExprInt(i, args[0].size)

    # cntleadzeros(int) => int
    if op_name == "cntleadzeros" and args[0].is_int():
        if args[0].arg == 0:
            return ExprInt(args[0].size, args[0].size)
        i = args[0].size - 1
        while args[0].arg & (1 << i) == 0:
            i -= 1
        return ExprInt(expr.size - (i + 1), args[0].size)

    # -(-(A)) => A
    if (op_name == '-' and len(args) == 1 and args[0].is_op('-') and
        len(args[0].args) == 1):
        return args[0].args[0]

    # -(int) => -int
    if op_name == '-' and len(args) == 1 and args[0].is_int():
        return ExprInt(-int(args[0]), expr.size)
    # A op 0 =>A
    if op_name in ['+', '|', "^", "<<", ">>", "<<<", ">>>"] and len(args) > 1:
        if args[-1].is_int(0):
    # A - 0 =>A
    if op_name == '-' and len(args) > 1 and args[-1].is_int(0):
        assert len(args) == 2 # Op '-' with more than 2 args: SantityCheckError
        return args[0]

    # A * 1 =>A
    if op_name == "*" and len(args) > 1 and args[-1].is_int(1):

    # for cannon form
    # A * -1 => - A
    if op_name == "*" and len(args) > 1 and args[-1] == args[-1].mask:
        args[-1] = - args[-1]

    # op A => A
    if op_name in ['+', '*', '^', '&', '|', '>>', '<<',
              'a>>', '<<<', '>>>', 'idiv', 'imod', 'umod', 'udiv'] and len(args) == 1:
        return args[0]

    # A-B => A + (-B)
    if op_name == '-' and len(args) > 1:
        if len(args) > 2:
            raise ValueError(
                'sanity check fail on expr -: should have one or 2 args ' +
                '%r %s' % (expr, expr))
        return ExprOp('+', args[0], -args[1])

    # A op 0 => 0
    if op_name in ['&', "*"] and args[-1].is_int(0):
        return ExprInt(0, expr.size)

    # - (A + B +...) => -A + -B + -C
    if op_name == '-' and len(args) == 1 and args[0].is_op('+'):
        args = [-a for a in args[0].args]
        return ExprOp('+', *args)

    # -(a?int1:int2) => (a?-int1:-int2)
    if (op_name == '-' and len(args) == 1 and
        args[0].is_cond() and
        args[0].src1.is_int() and args[0].src2.is_int()):
        int1 = args[0].src1
        int2 = args[0].src2
        int1 = ExprInt(-int1.arg, int1.size)
        int2 = ExprInt(-int2.arg, int2.size)
        return ExprCond(args[0].cond, int1, int2)

    i = 0
    while i < len(args) - 1:
        j = i + 1
        while j < len(args):
            # A ^ A => 0
            if op_name == '^' and args[i] == args[j]:
                args[i] = ExprInt(0, args[i].size)
                del args[j]
            # A + (- A) => 0
            if op_name == '+' and args[j].is_op("-"):
                if len(args[j].args) == 1 and args[i] == args[j].args[0]:
                    args[i] = ExprInt(0, args[i].size)
                    del args[j]
            # (- A) + A => 0
            if op_name == '+' and args[i].is_op("-"):
                if len(args[i].args) == 1 and args[j] == args[i].args[0]:
                    args[i] = ExprInt(0, args[i].size)
                    del args[j]
            # A | A => A
            if op_name == '|' and args[i] == args[j]:
                del args[j]
            # A & A => A
            if op_name == '&' and args[i] == args[j]:
                del args[j]
            j += 1
        i += 1

    if op_name in ['|', '&', '%', '/', '**'] and len(args) == 1:
        return args[0]

    # A <<< A.size => A
    if (op_name in ['<<<', '>>>'] and
        args[1].is_int() and
        args[1].arg == args[0].size):
        return args[0]

    # (A <<< X) <<< Y => A <<< (X+Y) (or <<< >>>) if X + Y does not overflow
    if (op_name in ['<<<', '>>>'] and
        args[0].is_op() and
        args[0].op in ['<<<', '>>>']):
        A = args[0].args[0]
        X = args[0].args[1]
        Y = args[1]
        if op_name != args[0].op and e_s(X - Y) == ExprInt(0, X.size):
            return args[0].args[0]
        elif X.is_int() and Y.is_int():
            new_X = int(X) % expr.size
            new_Y = int(Y) % expr.size
            if op_name == args[0].op:
                rot = (new_X + new_Y) % expr.size
                op = op_name
                rot = new_Y - new_X
                op = op_name
                if rot < 0:
                    rot = - rot
                    op = {">>>": "<<<", "<<<": ">>>"}[op_name]
            args = [A, ExprInt(rot, expr.size)]
            op_name = op

            # Do not consider this case, too tricky (overflow on addition /
            # substraction)

    # A >> X >> Y  =>  A >> (X+Y) if X + Y does not overflow
    # To be sure, only consider the simplification when X.msb and Y.msb are 0
    if (op_name in ['<<', '>>'] and
        X = args[0].args[1]
        Y = args[1]
        if (e_s(X.msb()) == ExprInt(0, 1) and
            e_s(Y.msb()) == ExprInt(0, 1)):
            args = [args[0].args[0], X + Y]

    # ((var >> int1) << int1) => var & mask
    # ((var << int1) >> int1) => var & mask
    if (op_name in ['<<', '>>'] and
        args[0].is_op() and
        args[0].op in ['<<', '>>'] and
        op_name != args[0]):
        var = args[0].args[0]
        int1 = args[0].args[1]
        int2 = args[1]
        if int1 == int2 and int1.is_int() and int(int1) < expr.size:
            if op_name == '>>':
                mask = ExprInt((1 << (expr.size - int(int1))) - 1, expr.size)
                mask = ExprInt(
                    ((1 << int(int1)) - 1) ^ ((1 << expr.size) - 1),
            ret = var & mask
            return ret

    # ((A & A.mask)
    if op_name == "&" and args[-1] == expr.mask:
        return ExprOp('&', *args[:-1])

    # ((A | A.mask)
    if op_name == "|" and args[-1] == expr.mask:
        return args[-1]

    # ! (!X + int) => X - int
    # TODO

    # ((A & mask) >> shift) whith mask < 2**shift => 0
    if op_name == ">>" and args[1].is_int() and args[0].is_op("&"):
        if (args[0].args[1].is_int() and
            2 ** args[1].arg > args[0].args[1].arg):
            return ExprInt(0, args[0].size)

    # parity(int) => int
    if op_name == 'parity' and args[0].is_int():
        return ExprInt(parity(int(args[0])), 1)

    # (-a) * b * (-c) * (-d) => (-a) * b * c * d
    if op_name == "*" and len(args) > 1:
        new_args = []
        counter = 0
        for arg in args:
            if arg.is_op('-') and len(arg.args) == 1:
                counter += 1
        if counter % 2:
            return -ExprOp(op_name, *new_args)
        args = new_args

    # -(a * b * int) => a * b * (-int)
    if op_name == "-" and args[0].is_op('*') and args[0].args[-1].is_int():
        args = args[0].args
        return ExprOp('*', *(list(args[:-1]) + [ExprInt(-int(args[-1]), expr.size)]))

    # A << int with A ExprCompose => move index
    if (op_name == "<<" and args[0].is_compose() and
        args[1].is_int() and int(args[1]) != 0):
        final_size = args[0].size
        shift = int(args[1])
        new_args = []
        # shift indexes
        for index, arg in args[0].iter_args():
            new_args.append((arg, index+shift, index+shift+arg.size))
        # filter out expression
        filter_args = []
        min_index = final_size
        for tmp, start, stop in new_args:
            if start >= final_size:
            if stop > final_size:
                tmp = tmp[:tmp.size  - (stop - final_size)]
            min_index = min(start, min_index)
        # create entry 0
        assert min_index != 0
        tmp = ExprInt(0, min_index)
        args = [tmp] + filter_args
        return ExprCompose(*args)

    # A >> int with A ExprCompose => move index
    if op_name == ">>" and args[0].is_compose() and args[1].is_int():
        final_size = args[0].size
        shift = int(args[1])
        new_args = []
        # shift indexes
        for index, arg in args[0].iter_args():
            new_args.append((arg, index-shift, index+arg.size-shift))
        # filter out expression
        filter_args = []
        max_index = 0
        for tmp, start, stop in new_args:
            if stop <= 0:
            if start < 0:
                tmp = tmp[-start:]
            max_index = max(stop, max_index)
        # create entry 0
        tmp = ExprInt(0, final_size - max_index)
        args = filter_args + [tmp]
        return ExprCompose(*args)

    # Compose(a) OP Compose(b) with a/b same bounds => Compose(a OP b)
    if op_name in ['|', '&', '^'] and all([arg.is_compose() for arg in args]):
        bounds = set()
        for arg in args:
            bound = tuple([tmp.size for tmp in arg.args])
        if len(bounds) == 1:
            new_args = [[tmp] for tmp in args[0].args]
            for sub_arg in args[1:]:
                for i, tmp in enumerate(sub_arg.args):
            args = []
            for i, arg in enumerate(new_args):
                args.append(ExprOp(op_name, *arg))
            return ExprCompose(*args)

    return ExprOp(op_name, *args)