def main(): """ Run the update process to get new obspars, save them in the Ska file archive, and include new entries in the file lookup database. """ opt = get_options() config = vars(opt) archive = obsid_archive.ObsArchive(config) archive.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) archive.logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) archive.update()
def main(): """ Run the update process to get new ASP L1 telemetry, save it in the Ska file archive, and include it in the file lookup database. """ opt = get_options() config = vars(opt) archive = obsid_archive.ObsArchive(config) archive.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) archive.logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) obsids = archive.update()
def get_arch_vv(obsid, version='last'): """ Given obsid and version, find archived ASP1 and obspar products and run V&V. Effort is made to find the obspar that was actually used during creation of the ASP1 products. :param obsid: obsid :param version: 'last', 'default', or revision number of ASP1 products :returns: mica.vv.Obi V&V object """"Generating V&V for obsid {}".format(obsid)) asp_l1_dirs = asp_l1_arch.get_obs_dirs(obsid) if asp_l1_dirs is None or version not in asp_l1_dirs: raise LookupError( "Requested version {} not in asp_l1 archive".format(version)) l1_dir = asp_l1_dirs[version] # find the obspar that matches the requested aspect_1 products # this is in the aspect processing table asp_l1_proc = Ska.DBI.DBI(dbi="sqlite", server=FILES['asp1_proc_table']) asp_obs = asp_l1_proc.fetchall( "SELECT * FROM aspect_1_proc where obsid = {}".format(obsid)) asp_proc = None if len(asp_obs) == 0: return None if version == 'last': asp_proc = asp_obs[asp_obs['aspect_1_id'] == np.max( asp_obs['aspect_1_id'])][0] if version == 'default': asp_proc = asp_obs[asp_obs['isdefault'] == 1][0] if asp_proc is None: asp_proc = asp_obs[asp_obs['revision'] == version][0] obspar_dirs = obspar_arch.get_obs_dirs(obsid) if obspar_dirs is None or asp_proc['obspar_version'] not in obspar_dirs: # try to update the obspar archive with the missing version config = obspar_arch.CONFIG.copy() config.update(dict(obsid=obsid, version=asp_proc['obspar_version'])) oa = obsid_archive.ObsArchive(config) oa.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) oa.logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) oa.update() obspar_dirs = obspar_arch.get_obs_dirs(obsid) try: obspar_file = glob( os.path.join(obspar_dirs[asp_proc['obspar_version']], 'axaf*par*'))[0] except IndexError: raise LookupError(f"Requested version {version} not in obspar archive") return Obi(obspar_file, l1_dir, temproot=FILES['temp_root'])
help="specific processing version to retrieve") parser.add_argument("--firstrun", action='store_true', help="for archive init., ignore revisions") parser.add_argument("--data-root", help="parent directory for all data") parser.add_argument("--temp-root", help="parent temp directory") parser.add_argument("--rebuild", action="store_true", help="Allow update to rebuild archive from obsid 1") opt = parser.parse_args() return opt # set up an archive object with default config for use by the other # get_* methods archive = obsid_archive.ObsArchive(CONFIG) def get_dir(obsid): """ Get obspar directory for default/released products for an obsid. >>> from mica.archive import obspar >>> obspar.get_dir(2121) '/proj/sot/ska/data/mica/archive/obspar/02/02121' :param obsid: obsid :returns: directory :rtype: string """ return archive.get_dir(obsid)