예제 #1
def pianoroll_to_midi(y, pianoroll):

    y : 1D numpy array.
        Audio signal (used to estimate BPM)

    pianoroll : list
        A pianoroll list as estimated by states_to_pianoroll().
    bpm = librosa.beat.tempo(y)[0]
    quarter_note = 60 / bpm
    ticks_per_quarter = 1024

    onsets = np.array([p[0] for p in pianoroll])
    offsets = np.array([p[1] for p in pianoroll])

    onsets = onsets / quarter_note
    offsets = offsets / quarter_note
    durations = offsets - onsets

    MyMIDI = midiutil.MIDIFile(1)
    MyMIDI.addTempo(0, 0, bpm)

    for i in range(len(onsets)):
        MyMIDI.addNote(0, 0, int(pianoroll[i][2]), onsets[i], durations[i],

    return MyMIDI
예제 #2
    def writeToFile(self, file_name: str):
        """Writes the tracks in a MIDIFile and saves it. \n
        input : 
            -file_name : string, name of the generated MIDI file (with .mdi extension).
                        Can be a path as well.

        file = mu.MIDIFile(self.num_tracks)
        for track_id, track in enumerate(self.track_list):
            time = track.start_time
            for staff in track.staff_list:
                file.addTempo(track_id, time, staff.tempo)
                numerator, denominator, clocks_amount = self.__get_time_signature_values(
                file.addTimeSignature(track_id, time, numerator,
                                      int(math.log(denominator, 2)),
                for measure in staff.measure_list:
                    for note in measure.note_list:
                        if note.name != NoteEnum.REST:
                            file.addNote(track_id, 0,
                                         self.__pitch_convert(note), time,
                                         note.duration, 127)
                        time += note.duration

        with open(file_name, "wb") as output_file:
예제 #3
def time_series_to_midi(time_series, output_filepath):
    Generates midi file from time series representation of the song

        time_series (pandas.DataFrame): time series representation of the song
            in MAPS database (Onset, Offset, MidiPitch)
        output_filepath (str): path to desired midi file

    output_midi = midiutil.MIDIFile(1)
    output_midi.addTrackName(0, 0, "Test track")
    output_midi.addTempo(0, 0, 120)

    for index, row in tqdm.tqdm(time_series.iterrows()):
            float(row["OffsetTime"] - row["OnsetTime"]),

    with open(output_filepath, "wb") as binfile:
def compose_midi(in_data, notes, max_gen):
    track = 0
    channel = 0
    time = 0  # in beats
    tempo = 60  # beats per minute
    # volume = 100 # from 0-127
    program = 0  # Midi instrument

    midi_file = midiutil.MIDIFile(1, deinterleave=False, adjust_origin=False)
    midi_file.addTempo(track, time, tempo)
    # midi_file.addProgramChange(track, channel, time, program)
    duration = 1.0
    i = 1
    while i < len(in_data):
        time = float(in_data[i][0])
        print time
        if time >= 0:
            column = 1
            while column < len(in_data[i]):
                note = notes[in_data[0][column]]
                volume = int(127 * int(in_data[i][column]) /
                midi_file.addNote(track, channel, note, time, duration, volume)
                column += 1
            i += 1
예제 #5
 def generate_file(self, filename):
     ofile = midiutil.MIDIFile(1)
     ofile.addTrackName(0, 0, "Track")
     ofile.addTempo(0, 0, 300)
     self.populate(ofile, 80)
     binf = open(filename, 'wb')
예제 #6
파일: tass.py 프로젝트: JiFish/artemis
def __new_song():
    global midi_file, __MIDI_BUILDER, __POSITION, __CURRENT_OCTAVE
    __MIDI_BUILDER = midiutil.MIDIFile(numTracks=1, file_format=1)
    __MIDI_BUILDER.addTempo(0, 0, 120)
    __MIDI_BUILDER.addProgramChange(0, 0, 0, 80)
    __POSITION = 0
    def writeMidi(self, notes):
        Writes notes to a MIDI file.

            notes: The notes to write to MIDI.
        track = 0
        channel = 0
        time = 0

        # # Guess the tempo of the piece based on the most common note duration
        # noteDurations = {}
        # for note in notes[0]:
        #     if note.midi > 0:
        #         if note.duration in noteDurations:
        #             noteDurations[note.duration] += 1
        #         else:
        #             noteDurations[note.duration] = 1
        # best = None
        # for duration, count in noteDurations.items():
        #     if not best or best[1] < count:
        #         best = (duration, count)
        #     elif best[1] == count and duration > best[0]:
        #         best = (duration, count)

        # bestDuration = best[0]
        # if bestDuration > 0:
        #     bestTempo = int(60 / (bestDuration / self.sampleRate))
        #     # Correct tempos that are abnormally slow/fast.
        #     while bestTempo > 200:
        #         bestTempo = bestTempo >> 1
        #     if bestTempo > 0:
        #         while bestTempo < 40:
        #             bestTempo = bestTempo << 1
        # else:
        #     bestTempo = 120
        # tempo = bestTempo
        # print("Tempo:", tempo)

        tempo = 100
        samplesPerBeat = self.sampleRate / (tempo / 60)

        midiFile = midi.MIDIFile(1)
        midiFile.addTempo(track, time, tempo)

        started = False
        for note in notes[0]:
            if note.midi > 0:
                midiFile.addNote(track, channel, note.midi, time / samplesPerBeat, note.duration / samplesPerBeat, int(127 * note.volume))
                started = True
            # Ignore silence at the beginning of the note sequence.
            if started:
                time += note.duration

        with open("output.mid", "wb") as output_file:
def compose_midi(in_data, notes, max_gen):
    track = 0
    channel = 0
    time = 0  # in beats
    tempo = 60  # beats per minute
    # volume = 100 # from 0-127
    program = 0  # Midi instrument

    midi_file = midiutil.MIDIFile(3, deinterleave=False, adjust_origin=False)
    midi_file.addTrackName(0, 0, "Piano-Embalses")
    midi_file.addTrackName(1, 0, "Sample-Ralco")
    midi_file.addTrackName(2, 0, "Bass-BocaminaII")
    midi_file.addTempo(track, time, tempo)
    # midi_file.addProgramChange(track, channel, time, program)
    duration = 1.0
    i = 1
    while i < len(in_data):
        time = float(in_data[i][1]) - 1.0
        # print time
        if time >= 0:
            column = 2
            while column < len(in_data[i]):
                # if column is ralco do notes to trigger mapuche samples
                if in_data[0][column] == "Ralco":
                    note = note_assign(float(in_data[i][column]), "Ralco", 0,
                                       c_maj, 4, in_data)
                    # print note
                    volume = 100
                    midi_file.addNote(track + 1, channel, note, time, duration,
                    # print "Ralco!"
                # elseif column is bocamina create bass
                elif in_data[0][column] == "Bocamina_II":
                    note = note_assign(float(in_data[i][column]),
                                       "Bocamina_II", -2, c_maj, 10, in_data)
                    # print note
                    volume = 100
                    midi_file.addNote(track + 2, channel, note, time, duration,
                    # print "Bocamina!"
                # else do chords
                    note = notes[in_data[0][column]]
                    volume = int(127 * int(in_data[i][column]) /
                    midi_file.addNote(track, channel, note, time, duration,
                column += 1
            i += 1
def make_midi(song, filename):
    my_midi = midiutil.MIDIFile(1)
    track = 0
    channel = 0
    volume = 100

    song = np.pad(song, [(0, 0), (39, 39)])

    notes = get_note_properties(song)
    for pitch, start_time, duration in notes:
        my_midi.addNote(track, channel, pitch, start_time, duration, volume)

    my_midi.writeFile(open(filename, "wb"))
def compose_midi(text):
    track = 0
    channel = 0
    time = 0  # in beats
    tempo = 120  # beats per minute
    volume = 100  # from 0-127
    midi_file = midiutil.MIDIFile(1, adjust_origin=True)
    midi_file.addTempo(track, time, tempo)
    for item in text.split():
        note = ''.join(list(item)[:2])
        note = int(note)
        duration = ''.join(list(item)[2:])
        duration = float(duration)
        midi_file.addNote(track, channel, note, time, duration, volume)
        time = time + duration
    return midi_file
예제 #11
def midi_test():
    test_midi = mu.MIDIFile()
    test_midi.addTempo(0, 0, 182)

    major_offset = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]
    minor_offset = [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10]

    notes = []
    for i, note in enumerate(range(8)):
        noteval = 60 + choice(minor_offset)
        test_midi.addNote(0, 0, noteval, i, 0.85, 96)


    with open("test_midi.mid", "wb") as file:
예제 #12
def compose_midi(sightings, duration_stats):
    track = 0
    channel = 0
    time = 0  # in beats
    tempo = 160  # beats per minute
    volume = 100  # from 0-127
    program = 0  # Midi instrument
    duration = 8
    transpose = 0
    lh_step_recover = 12
    lh_max_vel_mu = 40
    lh_vel_sig = 8

    midi_file = midiutil.MIDIFile(1, adjust_origin=False)
    midi_file.addTempo(track, time, tempo)
    midi_file.addProgramChange(track, channel, time, program)
    midi_file.addProgramChange(track, channel + 1, time, 52)

    steps_since_rh = 99

    for sighting in sightings:
        note = get_note(sighting["shape"])
        if check_for_voice(sighting["desc"]) == True:
            dm = duration_stats["mean"]
            magnitude = bisect.bisect([dm / 2, dm, dm + dm / 2],
            for mag in range(magnitude + 1):
                mag = mag + 1
                gracenote_offset_time = random.gauss((1 / 8), (1 / 8)) * mag
                midi_file.addNote(track, channel,
                                  note + transpose + (12 * mag),
                                  time + gracenote_offset_time, duration,
                                  int(random.gauss(60, 2)))
            steps_since_rh = 0
            vel_mu = ((lh_max_vel_mu / lh_step_recover) * (steps_since_rh)
                      ) if steps_since_rh < lh_step_recover else lh_max_vel_mu
            vel = max(int(random.gauss(vel_mu, lh_vel_sig)), 0)

            midi_file.addNote(track, channel, note - 12 + transpose, time,
                              duration, vel)
            steps_since_rh += 1
        time = time + 0.25
예제 #13
def compose_midi(x):
    track = 0
    channel = 0
    time = 0  # in beats
    tempo = 60  # beats per minute
    volume = 0  # from 0-127
    program = 0  # Midi instrument
    duration = 1
    midi_file = midiutil.MIDIFile(1, adjust_origin=False)
    midi_file.addTempo(track, time, tempo)
    midi_file.addProgramChange(track, channel, time, program)
    midi_file.addProgramChange(track, channel + 1, time, 65)
    for item in range(len(x)):
        volume = get_volume(x[item][3])
        note = get_note(int(x[item][2]))
        midi_file.addNote(track, channel, note, time, duration, volume)
        time = time + duration
    #execute funtion to save midi
def compose_midi(text):
    track = 0
    channel = 0
    time = 0  # in beats
    tempo = 120  # beats per minute
    volume = 100  # from 0-127
    midi_file = midiutil.MIDIFile(1, adjust_origin=True)
    midi_file.addTempo(track, time, tempo)

    for item in text.split():
        note = ''.join(list(item)[:2])
        note = int(note)
        # If your encoding has a duration, you can add that here. Otherwise, default is 1.0, or a quarter note
        duration = 1.0
        midi_file.addNote(track, channel, note, time, duration, volume)
        time = time + duration

    return midi_file
예제 #15
def convert_file(json_path, dest):
    with open(json_path) as f:
        data = json.load(f)
    mid = midiutil.MIDIFile(1)
    mid.addTempo(0, 0, 60)
    for notes in data['notes']:
        if 'sounds' not in notes:
        if '_time' not in notes:
            time = 0
            time = notes['_time']
        for note in notes['sounds']:
            if 'd' not in note:
            if note['d'] == 0 or note['v'] == 0:
            mid.addNote(0, 0, note['p'], time, note['d'], note['v'])
    with open(dest, 'wb') as output_file:
예제 #16
def compose_midi(all_sightings, duration_stats):
    track = 0
    channel = 0
    time = 0  # in beats
    tempo = 160  # beats per minute
    volume = 100  # from 0-127
    program = 0  # Midi instrument

    midi_file = midiutil.MIDIFile(1, adjust_origin=False)
    midi_file.addTempo(track, time, tempo)
    midi_file.addProgramChange(track, channel, time, program)
    midi_file.addProgramChange(track, channel + 1, time, 52)
    for row in all_sightings:
        duration = 1
        #duration = get_duration(round(float(row[5])), duration_stats) # duration is in beats
        note = get_note(row[4])
        # if check_for_voice(row[7]) == True:
        #     midi_file.addNote(track, channel+1, note, time, 2, volume)
        midi_file.addNote(track, channel, note, time, duration, volume)
        time = time + duration
예제 #17
def compose_midi(tagged_text):
    track = 0
    channel = 0
    time = 0  # in beats
    duration = 1  # in beats
    tempo = 120  # beats per minute
    volume = 100  # from 0-127
    midi_file = midiutil.MIDIFile(1, adjust_origin=True)
    midi_file.addTempo(track, time, tempo)
    for tag in tagged_text:
        #print tag
        note = 0
        if 'NN' in tag[1]:
            note = 52
        elif 'VB' in tag[1]:
            note = 55
            note = 48
        midi_file.addNote(track, channel, note, time, duration, volume)
        time = time + 1
    return midi_file
예제 #18
def compose_midi(rides, duration_stats, station_stats):
    track = 0
    channel = 0
    time = 0 # in beats
    tempo = 200  # beats per minute
    volume = 100 # from 0-127
    program = 0 # Midi instrument
    midi_file = midiutil.MIDIFile(1, deinterleave=False, adjust_origin=False)
    midi_file.addTempo(track, time, tempo)
    midi_file.addProgramChange(track, channel, time, program)
    midi_file.addProgramChange(track, channel+1, time, 112)
    for ride in rides:
        time = parse_date(ride.start_time)[3]
        if time >= 0:
            duration = get_duration(ride.tripduration, duration_stats) # duration is in beats
            note = get_note(ride.to_station_name, station_stats)
            midi_file.addNote(track, channel, note, time, duration, volume) 
            if ride.usertype == "Customer":
                midi_file.addNote(track, channel+1, note, time, 2, volume)
                midi_file.addNote(track, channel, note, time, duration, volume)        
예제 #19
def compose_midi(song):
    # setup midifile
    track = 0
    channel = 0
    time = 0  # in beats
    tempo = 120  # beats per minute
    volume = 100  # from 0-127
    midi_file = midiutil.MIDIFile(1, adjust_origin=True)
    midi_file.addTempo(track, time, tempo)
    # compose notes from coded text
    notes = song.split(" ")
    for each_note in notes:
        pitch = int(each_note.split("_")[0])
        if pitch > 255:
            pitch = int(pitch / 100)
        duration = float(tempo) * float(each_note.split("_")[1]) / 60000
        # duration = 1
        if duration != 0.0:
            midi_file.addNote(track, channel, pitch, time, duration, volume)
        time = time + duration
        print("note:", pitch, "time:", duration)
    return midi_file
예제 #20
def compose_midi(all_sightings, duration_stats):
    counter = 0
    track = 0
    channel = 0
    time = 0 # in beats
    tempo = 200  # beats per minute
    volume = 100 # from 0-127
    program = 0 # Midi instrument
    midi_file = midiutil.MIDIFile(1, deinterleave=False, adjust_origin=True)
    midi_file.addTempo(track, time, tempo)
    midi_file.addProgramChange(track, channel, time, program)
    midi_file.addProgramChange(track, channel+1, time, 52)
    for row in all_sightings:
        time = parse_date(row[0])[2]
        if time >= 0:
            duration = get_duration(round(float(row[5])), duration_stats) # duration is in beats
            note = get_note(row[4])
            if check_for_voice(row[7]) == True:
                midi_file.addNote(track, channel+1, note, time, 2, volume)
                midi_file.addNote(track, channel, note, time, duration, volume)        
            midi_file.addNote(track, channel, note, time, duration, volume)               
예제 #21
def fix(fileName, outName):
    outFile = midiutil.MIDIFile()
    notes = getNotes(mido.MidiFile(fileName))
    notes = mergeSameNotes(notes)
    notes = fixAdjacentNotes(notes)
    notes = mergeSameNotes(notes)

    for note in notes:
        if note.duration > 0.1 and 40 < note.pitch < 90:
                            duration=2 * note.duration,
                            time=2 * note.start,


    with open(outName, 'wb') as f:
def compose_midi(data_input):
    track = 0
    channel = 0
    time = 0  # in beats
    tempo = 60  # beats per minute
    volume = 100  # from 0-127
    program = 0  # Midi instrument
    duration = 2
    #duration = get_duration(all_data)
    midi_file = midiutil.MIDIFile(1, adjust_origin=False)
    midi_file.addTempo(track, time, tempo)
    midi_file.addProgramChange(track, channel, time, program)
    midi_file.addProgramChange(track, channel + 1, time, 52)

    for item in range(len(data_input)):
        volume = get_volume(data_input[item][3])
        note = get_note(int(data_input[item][2]))
        duration = len(data_input) * 2 - item * 2
        track = item
        midi_file.addNote(track, channel, note, time, duration, volume)
        time = time + item * 2
    # function executes
def compose_midi_from_sequences(pitch_seq, onset_seq, tempo_seq, dur_seq):
    # initial midi file setting
    track = 0
    channel = 0
    time = 0  # in beats
    tempo = miditemp_list2bpm_list(tempo_seq)[0]  # beats per minute
    volume = 100  # from 0-127
    midi_file = midiutil.MIDIFile(1, adjust_origin=True)
    midi_file.addTempo(track, time, tempo)

    # add notes to midifile
    for i in range(len(pitch_seq)):
        pitch = int(pitch_seq[i])
        time = onset_seq[
            i] / 24  # the time at which the note sounds, correspond to the onset (idyom uses basic time units, quarter note =24)
        duration = dur_seq[i] / 24  # midiutil: 1 beat (quarter note) = 1

    return midi_file
예제 #24
def write_midi_file(filename, midi_tracks, program, duration, tempo, volume):
    print "...Writing MIDI file"
    MyMIDI = midiutil.MIDIFile(len(midi_tracks))
    time = 0
    channel = 1
    for i in range(len(midi_tracks)):
        if (program[i] == 128):
            channel = 10
            program[i] = 0
        MyMIDI.addTempo(track=i + 1, time=time, tempo=tempo)
        MyMIDI.addProgramChange(track=i + 1,
                                channel=channel - 1,
        d = duration[i]
        v = volume[i]
        for j, midi_note in enumerate(midi_tracks[i]):
            for k in range(len(midi_note)):
                MyMIDI.addNote(i, channel - 1, midi_note[k], time, d[j], v[j])
            time = sum(d[:j + 1])
        time = 0

    with open(filename[:-4] + ".mid", "wb") as output_file:
예제 #25
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: lzahray/prosodyGan
    def make_midi(self, onsets, midi, file_name, timestep):
        track = 0
        channel = 0
        bpm = 120

        def time_to_beat(time):
            return time / 60 * bpm

        onset_indices = (onsets / timestep).astype(np.int32)
        print("onset indices ", onset_indices)
        if len(onset_indices) > 0 and np.count_nonzero(midi) > 0:
            # make midi file template (bpm is just random at 120)
            myMidi = midiutil.MIDIFile(1)
            myMidi.addTempo(track, 0, bpm)
            myMidi.addTimeSignature(0, 0, 4, 2, 24)

            pitch_segments = []
            for i in range(len(onset_indices)):
                # find end of the note:
                # either when the frequency next goes to 0, or when the next onset is
                next_onset = len(midi) - 1
                next_0_index = len(midi) - 1
                if i < len(onset_indices) - 1:  # not the last one
                    next_onset = onset_indices[i + 1]
                for j in range(onset_indices[i] + 1, len(midi)):
                    if midi[j] == 0:
                        next_0_index = j
                #rint("onset_indices[i] ", onset_indices[i])
                #print("next onset ", next_onset)
                #print("next_0_index ", next_0_index)
                # pitches within this "midi note" (for pitch bends)
                if onset_indices[i] == len(midi) - 1:
                    segment = [midi[onset_indices[i]]]
                    segment = midi[
                        onset_indices[i]:min(next_onset, next_0_index)]

                # average integer midi to use as center point for pitch bends
                average_midi = int(np.round(np.mean(segment)))

                # timing calculations
                start_beat = time_to_beat(onset_indices[i] * timestep)
                duration_beat = time_to_beat(len(segment) * timestep)
                myMidi.addNote(track, channel, average_midi, start_beat,
                               duration_beat, 50)

                #print("original midi ", midi[onset_indices[i]:onset_indices[i]+len(segment)])

                # do a pitch bend for every sample according to tuned_midi curve
                mean_filtered_midi = self.moving_average(
                    midi[onset_indices[i]:onset_indices[i] + len(segment)])
                #print("filtered ", mean_filtered_midi)
                for j in np.arange(len(segment)):
                    beat = start_beat + time_to_beat(j * timestep)
                    index = j + onset_indices[i]
                    # myMidi.addPitchWheelEvent(track, channel, beat,
                    #                           min(8192, max(-8192, int(8192 * (midi[index] - average_midi) / 2))))
                        track, channel, beat,
                                int(8192 *
                                    (mean_filtered_midi[j] - average_midi) /

            # write midi file
            with open(file_name + ".mid", "wb") as output_file:
예제 #26
filename = sys.argv[1]
source = open(filename,'rb')

if len(sys.argv)<3: # individual file
    data = source.read()
    musi = delv.sound.Music(data)
else: # archive
    resource = delv.archive.Scenario(source).get(int(sys.argv[2],16))
    if not resource:
        print("No resource", sys.argv[2], "found in that archive.", file=sys.stderr)
    musi = delv.sound.Music(resource.get_data())

# Setup midi file
midi = midiutil.MIDIFile(len(list(musi.instruments)), file_format=1) # tracks equal to number of original parts; format=1 adds tempo track at 0
# May need to add an empty track if error occurs (like with 9005, Danger track), probably an error with the lib but unimportant

# Tempo
tempo_track = 0 # Tempo track always added as extra track at 0 in this format; bug in midiutil fixed as of v1.2.1 , tempo track correct with no other directives
midi.addTempo(tempo_track, 0, 120) # QT prefers 60 bpm, but SMF default is 120, which has much better support on most synths

# Channels
parts = list(musi.channels) # parts are 0-indexed, but with tempo track, must add offset
time = 0
for part in parts: # Setting instrument programs
    midi.addProgramChange(part,musi.channels[part]-1,time,program=(musi.instruments[part]-1)%127) # mod 127 used to ensure valid program nums (doesn't matter when channel 10 anyways)

# Notes, Extended Notes, and Rests
for com in musi.qtma_commands:
    if com[0] == 'rest':
예제 #27
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import midiutil as mu
import pandas
import numpy as np
melody = pandas.read_csv("melody.csv")
array = melody.to_numpy()
note = array[:, 2]
note = note.astype(int)
dur = array[:, 3]
track = 0
channel = 0
time = 0
tempo = 90
duration = 1
volume = 100
testvar = [(note[i], dur[i]) for i in range(0, len(note))]

MyMIDI = mu.MIDIFile(1)

MyMIDI.addTempo(track, time, tempo)

for pitch, y in testvar:
    MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, pitch, time, y, volume)
    time = time + y

with open("melody.mid", "wb") as output_file:
예제 #28
 def __init__(self, name, track=0, channel=0, numTracks=1):
     self.midi_file = util.MIDIFile(numTracks, adjust_origin=False)
     self.name = name
     self.current_track = track
     self.channel = channel
     self.time = 0
예제 #29
import midi_constants as mc
import midi_tools as mt
import midiutil as midi
import sound

#degrees  = [60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72] # MIDI note number
#degrees = [note for note in [mc.c[3]+i for i in [0,2,4,5,7,9,11,12]]]
degrees = mc.c
track    = 0
channel  = 0
time     = 0     # In beats
duration = 1.5   # In beats
tempo    = 400   # In BPM
volume   = 63    # 0-127, as per the MIDI standard

MyMIDI = midi.MIDIFile(1, adjust_origin=False)
# One track, defaults to format 1 (tempo track automatically created)


MyMIDI.addProgramChange(track, channel, time, mc.Acoustic_Grand_Piano)

for pitch in degrees:
    MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, pitch, time, duration, volume)
    time = time + 1
#MyMIDI.addProgramChange(track, channel, time, mc.Marimba)

for pitch in degrees:
    MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, pitch, time, duration, volume)
    time = time + 1
예제 #30
def compose_midi(stats):
    beats_1 = [2, 1, 0.5, 0.25]
    beats_2 = [0.5, 1, 2, 4]

    C_minor_scale_1 = [60, 62, 63, 65, 67, 68, 70]
    C_major_scale = [72, 74, 76, 77, 79, 81, 83]
    C_arpeggio_scale = [72, 76, 79, 84]
    minor_scale = [36, 38, 39, 41, 43, 44, 47]

    volumes_1 = [50, 70, 90, 110]
    volumes_2 = [80, 95, 110, 125]

    measure = 4  #4 beats represents 1 day
    track = 0
    channel = 0
    time = 0
    tempo = 200  # beats per minute
    program = 0  # instrument: piano
    midi_file = midiutil.MIDIFile(1, deinterleave=False, adjust_origin=False)
    midi_file.addTempo(track, time, tempo)
    midi_file.addProgramChange(track, channel, time, program)

    maxs = stats.max(axis=0)
    for row in stats:

        cases = row[0]
        cases_quartile = math.ceil(cases / maxs[0] * 4) - 1

        if cases <= 0:
            rand_volume = 30 + int(random.gauss((0), (10)))
            rand = random.randint(0, 3)
            note2 = C_major_scale[random.randint(0, 6)]
            midi_file.addNote(track, channel, C_arpeggio_scale[rand], time, 2,
            midi_file.addNote(track, channel, note2, time + measure / 2, 2,

            offset = 0
            while offset < 4:
                length = beats_1[cases_quartile]
                note = C_minor_scale_1[int(cases + 1 + offset * measure) % 7]
                midi_file.addNote(track, channel, note, time + offset, length,
                offset += length

        # deaths
        val = row[1]
        quartile = math.ceil(val / maxs[1] * measure) - 1
        note = minor_scale[val % 7]
        note2 = minor_scale[(val + 2) % 7]
        offset = 0
        for i in range(0, quartile + 1):
            midi_file.addNote(track, channel, note, time + offset,
                              beats_2[quartile], volumes_2[quartile])
            midi_file.addNote(track, channel, note2, time + offset,
                              beats_2[quartile], volumes_2[quartile])
            offset += beats_2[quartile] * 4
        time += measure