예제 #1
async def test_migrate_sqlite(migrations, sqlite_conn_factory,
    args = _create_sqlite_args(sqlite_connection_details["db_name"]) + [
    p = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE)
    stdout, _ = p.communicate()

    assert stdout.decode("utf-8") == ("Applying migrations\n"

    # Check tables
    conn = sqlite_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        table_query = Query(
            "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'")
        tables = await conn.fetch_all(table_query)

    assert [t["name"]
            for t in tables] == ["applied_migration", "account", "record"]

    # Check for account records
    conn = sqlite_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        account_query = Query("SELECT * FROM account")
        accounts = await conn.fetch_all(account_query)

    assert [a["name"] for a in accounts] == ["A Star", "B East", "C Me"]
예제 #2
async def test_apply_migrations_successful(capsys, migrations,
    # Apply migrations
    conn = mysql_conn_factory()
    await apply_migrations(migrations["mysql_a"], conn)

    # Check tables
    conn = mysql_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        table_query = Query(
            "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables "
            "WHERE table_type = 'base table' AND table_schema = $db",
            values={"db": mysql_connection_details["db_name"]},
        tables = await conn.fetch_all(table_query)

    assert sorted([t["table_name"] for t in tables]) == [

    # Check for animal entries
    conn = mysql_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        animal_query = Query("SELECT * FROM animal")
        animals = await conn.fetch_all(animal_query)

    assert [a["name"] for a in animals] == ["bear", "penguin", "turkey"]

    # Check that migrations were recorded
    conn = mysql_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        migrations_query = Query("SELECT * FROM applied_migration")
        applied_migrations = await conn.fetch_all(migrations_query)

    assert len(applied_migrations) == 4

    for migration in applied_migrations:
        date_applied = migration["date_applied"].replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)

        assert date_applied.isoformat(
        ) == f"{datetime.utcnow().isoformat()}+00:00"

    # Check output
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    expected_output = ("Applying migrations\n"

    assert captured.out == expected_output
    assert captured.err == ""
예제 #3
async def postgresql_conn_factory(get_postgresql_conn):
        yield get_postgresql_conn
        conn = get_postgresql_conn()

        async with conn:
            await conn.execute(Query("DROP SCHEMA public CASCADE"))
            await conn.execute(Query("CREATE SCHEMA public"))
예제 #4
async def test_apply_migrations_successful(capsys, migrations,
    # Apply migrations
    conn = sqlite_conn_factory()
    await apply_migrations(migrations["sqlite_a"], conn)

    # Check tables
    conn = sqlite_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        table_query = Query(
            "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'")
        tables = await conn.fetch_all(table_query)

    assert [t["name"]
            for t in tables] == ["applied_migration", "account", "record"]

    # Check that account has records
    conn = sqlite_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        account_query = Query("SELECT * FROM account")
        accounts = await conn.fetch_all(account_query)

    assert [a["name"] for a in accounts] == ["A Star", "B East", "C Me"]

    # Check that migrations were recorded
    conn = sqlite_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        migrations_query = Query("SELECT * FROM applied_migration")
        applied_migrations = await conn.fetch_all(migrations_query)

    assert len(applied_migrations) == 3

    for migration in applied_migrations:
        date_applied = datetime.fromisoformat(migration["date_applied"])

        assert date_applied.isoformat(
        ) == f"{datetime.utcnow().isoformat()}+00:00"

    # Check output
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    expected_output = ("Applying migrations\n"

    assert captured.out == expected_output
    assert captured.err == ""
예제 #5
async def test_apply_migrations_dry_run(capsys, migrations,
    # Apply migrations in dry run mode
    conn = postgresql_conn_factory()
    await apply_migrations(migrations["postgresql_a"], conn, dry_run=True)

    # Check that there aren't any tables
    conn = postgresql_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        tables_query = Query(
            "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables"
            " WHERE table_schema='public' AND table_type='BASE TABLE';")
        tables = await conn.fetch_all(tables_query)

    assert len(tables) == 1  # applied_migration expected
    assert tables[0]["table_name"] == "applied_migration"

    # Check output
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    expected_output = ("Applying migrations\n"
                       "Successfully applied migrations in dry run mode.\n")

    assert captured.out == expected_output
    assert captured.err == ""
예제 #6
async def test_migration_postgresql_dry_run(migrations,
    args = _create_db_args(postgresql_connection_details) + [
    p = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE)
    stdout, _ = p.communicate()

    # Check output
    assert stdout.decode("utf-8") == (
        "Applying migrations\n"
        "Successfully applied migrations in dry run mode.\n")

    # Check that no tables were created
    conn = postgresql_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        tables_query = Query(
            "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables"
            " WHERE table_schema='public' AND table_type='BASE TABLE';")
        tables = await conn.fetch_all(tables_query)

    assert len(tables) == 1  # applied_migration expected
    assert tables[0]["table_name"] == "applied_migration"
예제 #7
async def test_apply_migrations_dry_run(capsys, migrations,
    # Apply migrations in dry run mode
    conn = sqlite_conn_factory()
    await apply_migrations(migrations["sqlite_a"], conn, dry_run=True)

    # Check that there aren't any tables
    conn = sqlite_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        table_query = Query(
            "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'")
        tables = await conn.fetch_all(table_query)

    assert len(tables) == 1  # applied_migration expected
    assert tables[0]["name"] == "applied_migration"

    # Check output
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    expected_output = ("Applying migrations\n"
                       "Successfully applied migrations in dry run mode.\n")

    assert captured.out == expected_output
    assert captured.err == ""
예제 #8
async def test_apply_migrations_dry_run(capsys, migrations,
    # Apply migrations in dry run mode
    conn = mysql_conn_factory()
    await apply_migrations(migrations["mysql_a"], conn, dry_run=True)

    # Check that db is empty
    conn = mysql_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        table_query = Query(
            "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables "
            "WHERE table_type = 'base table' AND table_schema = $db",
            values={"db": mysql_connection_details["db_name"]},
        tables = await conn.fetch_all(table_query)

    assert len(tables) == 1  # applied_migration expected
    assert tables[0]["table_name"] == "applied_migration"

    # Check output
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    expected_output = ("Applying migrations\n"
                       "Successfully applied migrations in dry run mode.\n")

    assert captured.out == expected_output
    assert captured.err == ""
예제 #9
async def test_apply_migrations_with_empty_statement_successful(
        capsys, migrations, postgresql_conn_factory):
    If sql file ends w/ empty line, sqlparse returns an empty string as a statement.
    Test that migration goes through and empty statement is filtered out
    conn = postgresql_conn_factory()
    await apply_migrations(migrations["postgresql_b"], conn)

    # Query for tables
    conn = postgresql_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        tables_query = Query(
            "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables"
            " WHERE table_schema='public' AND table_type='BASE TABLE';")
        tables = await conn.fetch_all(tables_query)

    assert len(tables) == 3

    for table in tables:
        assert table["table_name"] in [

    # Check output
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    expected_output = "Applying migrations\n0001_initial...ok\n"

    assert captured.out == expected_output
    assert captured.err == ""
예제 #10
async def test_migrate_mysql_dry_run(migrations, mysql_conn_factory,
    args = _create_db_args(mysql_connection_details) + [
    p = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE)
    stdout, _ = p.communicate()

    # Check output
    assert stdout.decode(
        "utf-8") == "Dry run mode is not supported with MySQL.\n"

    # Check that no migrations were applied
    conn = mysql_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        table_query = Query(
            "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables "
            "WHERE table_type = 'base table' AND table_schema = $db",
            values={"db": mysql_connection_details["db_name"]},
        tables = await conn.fetch_all(table_query)

    assert len(tables) == 1  # applied_migration expected
    assert tables[0]["table_name"] == "applied_migration"
예제 #11
async def test_apply_migrations_none(capsys, migrations,
    """Ensure friendly message is output when migrations directory is empty"""
    # Apply migrations
    conn = postgresql_conn_factory()
    await apply_migrations(migrations["postgresql_c"], conn)

    # Check that there aren't any tables
    conn = postgresql_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        tables_query = Query(
            "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables"
            " WHERE table_schema='public' AND table_type='BASE TABLE';")
        tables = await conn.fetch_all(tables_query)

    assert len(tables) == 1  # applied_migration expected
    assert tables[0]["table_name"] == "applied_migration"

    # Check output
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    expected_output = "No migrations to apply. Migrations directory is empty.\n"

    assert captured.out == expected_output
    assert captured.err == ""
예제 #12
async def mysql_conn_factory(get_mysql_conn):
        yield get_mysql_conn
        conn = get_mysql_conn()

        async with conn:
            await conn.execute(Query(CLEANUP_QUERY))
예제 #13
async def test_apply_migrations_empty_or_invalid_migration(
    # Attempt to run migrations
    conn = postgresql_conn_factory()
    await apply_migrations(migrations[migrations_dir], conn)

    # Query for tables
    conn = postgresql_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        tables_query = Query(
            "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables"
            " WHERE table_schema='public' AND table_type='BASE TABLE';")
        tables = await conn.fetch_all(tables_query)

    assert len(tables) == 2

    for table in tables:
        assert table["table_name"] in expected_tables

    # Check output
    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    assert captured.out == expected_output
    assert captured.err == ""

    # Check that successful migrations were recorded
    conn = postgresql_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        migrations_query = Query("SELECT * FROM applied_migration")
        applied_migrations = await conn.fetch_all(migrations_query)

    assert len(applied_migrations) == 1
    assert applied_migrations[0]["name"] == successful_migration_name
예제 #14
    async def _record_migration(self, migration: Migration):
        query = Query(
            f"INSERT INTO {MIGRATION_TABLE_NAME} (date_applied, name) "
            f"VALUES ($date, $migration_name)",
                "date": datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc),
                "migration_name": migration.name,

        await self._connection.execute(query)
예제 #15
async def test_migrate_mysql(migrations, mysql_conn_factory,
    args = _create_db_args(mysql_connection_details) + [
    p = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE)
    stdout, _ = p.communicate()

    # Check output
    assert stdout.decode("utf-8") == ("Applying migrations\n"

    # Check tables
    conn = mysql_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        table_query = Query(
            "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables "
            "WHERE table_type = 'base table' AND table_schema = $db",
            values={"db": mysql_connection_details["db_name"]},
        tables = await conn.fetch_all(table_query)

    assert sorted([t["table_name"] for t in tables]) == [

    # Check data
    conn = mysql_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        animal_query = Query("SELECT name FROM animal")
        animals = await conn.fetch_all(animal_query)

    assert [a["name"] for a in animals] == ["bear", "penguin", "turkey"]
예제 #16
async def test_migrate_postgresql(migrations, postgresql_conn_factory,
    args = _create_db_args(postgresql_connection_details) + [
    p = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE)
    stdout, _ = p.communicate()

    # Check output
    assert stdout.decode("utf-8") == ("Applying migrations\n"

    # Check tables
    conn = postgresql_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        tables_query = Query(
            "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables"
            " WHERE table_schema='public' AND table_type='BASE TABLE';")
        tables = await conn.fetch_all(tables_query)

    assert sorted([t["table_name"] for t in tables]) == [

    # Check that data migration was successful
    conn = postgresql_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        app_users_query = Query("SELECT email FROM app_user")
        app_users = await conn.fetch_all(app_users_query)

    assert len(app_users) == 1
    assert app_users[0]["email"] == "*****@*****.**"
예제 #17
    async def _apply_migration_from_sql_file(self, path: str) -> bool:
        with open(path, "r") as f:
            contents = f.read()
            statements = [s for s in sqlparse.split(contents) if s != ""]

        if not statements:
            raise ValueError("empty migration")

            for statement in statements:
                await self._connection.execute(Query(statement))
        except Exception as e:
            logger.warning("Error running migration %s: %s", path, e)
            raise MigrationFailed from e

        return True
예제 #18
    async def _migrations_to_apply(
            self, migrations: List[Migration]) -> List[Migration]:
        """Takes migration paths and uses migration file names to search for entries in
        'applied_migration' table
        to_apply = []

        for migration in migrations:
            query = Query(
                f"SELECT id FROM {MIGRATION_TABLE_NAME} WHERE name = $migration_name",
                values={"migration_name": migration.name},
            applied_migration = await self._connection.fetch_all(query)

            if not applied_migration:

        return to_apply
예제 #19
async def test_migrate_sqlite_dry_run(migrations, sqlite_conn_factory,
    args = _create_sqlite_args(
        sqlite_connection_details["db_name"]) + ["--dry-run"]
    p = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE)
    stdout, _ = p.communicate()

    assert stdout.decode("utf-8") == (
        "Dry run mode is not currently supported with SQLite.\n")

    # Check that no tables were created
    conn = sqlite_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        table_query = Query(
            "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'")
        tables = await conn.fetch_all(table_query)

    assert len(tables) == 1  # applied_migration expected
    assert tables[0]["name"] == "applied_migration"
예제 #20
async def test_apply_migrations_db_conn(migrations, postgresql_conn_factory,
    """Test instantiating PostgreSQLConnection with an asyncpg connection instance"""
    async with postgresql_db_conn(**postgresql_connection_details) as db_conn:
        postgres_conn = PostgreSQLConnection(connection=db_conn)
        await apply_migrations(migrations["postgresql_b"], postgres_conn)

    # Query for tables
    conn = postgresql_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        tables_query = Query(
            "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables"
            " WHERE table_schema='public' AND table_type='BASE TABLE';")
        tables = await conn.fetch_all(tables_query)

    assert len(tables) == 3

    for table in tables:
        assert table["table_name"] in [
예제 #21
async def test_apply_migrations_successful(capsys, migrations,
    """Apply migrations and then check that friendly message is output if
    migrations are up-to-date"""
    # Apply migrations
    conn = postgresql_conn_factory()
    await apply_migrations(migrations["postgresql_a"], conn)

    # Check that record table was created
    record_query = Query(
        "SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns "
        "WHERE table_schema = $schema AND table_name = $table_name",
            "schema": "public",
            "table_name": "record"

    conn = postgresql_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        record_columns = await conn.fetch_all(record_query)

    assert len(record_columns) == 2
    assert record_columns[0]["column_name"] == "id"
    assert record_columns[1]["column_name"] == "user_id"

    # Check that migrations were recorded
    conn = postgresql_conn_factory()

    async with conn:
        migrations_query = Query("SELECT * FROM applied_migration")
        applied_migrations = await conn.fetch_all(migrations_query)

    assert len(applied_migrations) == 3

    for migration in applied_migrations:
        assert (migration["date_applied"].isoformat() ==

    # Check output
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    expected_output = ("Applying migrations\n"

    assert captured.out == expected_output
    assert captured.err == ""

    # Apply migrations again - we expect friendly output to let us know that migrations
    # are all up to date
    conn = postgresql_conn_factory()

    await apply_migrations(migrations["postgresql_a"], conn)

    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    expected_output = "All synced! No new migrations to apply! 🥳\n"

    assert captured.out == expected_output
    assert captured.err == ""
예제 #22
from migri.elements import Query

q1 = Query("INSERT INTO mytable (a) VALUES ($a), ($b)", values={"a": 150, "b": 300})
q2 = Query("UPDATE tbl SET info=$info WHERE id=$id", values={"id": 39, "info": "ok"})
q3 = Query("SELECT * FROM school")
q4 = Query(
    "SELECT * FROM val WHERE (value < $value_a AND status = $status) "
    "OR (value > $value_b AND status = $status)",
    values={"value_a": 20, "value_b": 100, "status": "ok"},

QUERIES = [q1, q2, q3, q4]