예제 #1
            print "\rpredicting {} / {}".format(i, test_data_gen.steps),

            ret = test_data_gen.next(return_y_true=True)
            (x, y_processed, y) = ret["data"]
            cur_names = ret["names"]
            cur_ts = ret["ts"]

            x = np.array(x)
            pred = model.predict_on_batch(x)
            predictions += list(pred)
            labels += list(y)
            names += list(cur_names)
            ts += list(cur_ts)

    if args.partition == 'log':
        predictions = [metrics.get_estimate_log(x, 10) for x in predictions]
        metrics.print_metrics_log_bins(labels, predictions)
    if args.partition == 'custom':
        predictions = [metrics.get_estimate_custom(x, 10) for x in predictions]
        metrics.print_metrics_custom_bins(labels, predictions)
    if args.partition == 'none':
        metrics.print_metrics_regression(labels, predictions)
        predictions = [x[0] for x in predictions]

    path = os.path.join("test_predictions", os.path.basename(
        args.load_state)) + ".csv"
    utils.save_results(names, ts, predictions, labels, path)

    raise ValueError("Wrong value for args.mode")
예제 #2
        print("\n ================= 48h mortality ================")
        ihm_pred = np.array(ihm_pred)
        ihm_ret = metrics.print_metrics_binary(ihm_y_true, ihm_pred)

    # decomp
    if args.decomp_C > 0:
        print("\n ================ decompensation ================")
        decomp_pred = np.array(decomp_pred)
        decomp_ret = metrics.print_metrics_binary(decomp_y_true, decomp_pred)

    # los
    if args.los_C > 0:
        print("\n ================ length of stay ================")
        if args.partition == 'log':
            los_pred = [metrics.get_estimate_log(x, 10) for x in los_pred]
            los_ret = metrics.print_metrics_log_bins(los_y_true, los_pred)
        if args.partition == 'custom':
            los_pred = [metrics.get_estimate_custom(x, 10) for x in los_pred]
            los_ret = metrics.print_metrics_custom_bins(los_y_true, los_pred)
        if args.partition == 'none':
            los_ret = metrics.print_metrics_regression(los_y_true, los_pred)

    # pheno
    if args.pheno_C > 0:
        print("\n =================== phenotype ==================")
        pheno_pred = np.array(pheno_pred)
        pheno_ret = metrics.print_metrics_multilabel(pheno_y_true, pheno_pred)

    print("Saving the predictions in test_predictions/task directories ...")

    # ihm
예제 #3
    def calc_metrics(self, data_gen, history, dataset, logs):
        ihm_y_true = []
        decomp_y_true = []
        los_y_true = []
        pheno_y_true = []

        ihm_pred = []
        decomp_pred = []
        los_pred = []
        pheno_pred = []

        for i in range(data_gen.steps):
            if self.verbose == 1:
                print("\tdone {}/{}".format(i, data_gen.steps), end='\r')
            (X, y, los_y_reg) = data_gen.next(return_y_true=True)
            outputs = self.model.predict(X, batch_size=self.batch_size)

            ihm_M = X[1]
            decomp_M = X[2]
            los_M = X[3]

            if not data_gen.target_repl:  # no target replication
                (ihm_p, decomp_p, los_p, pheno_p) = outputs
                (ihm_t, decomp_t, los_t, pheno_t) = y
            else:  # target replication
                (ihm_p, _, decomp_p, los_p, pheno_p, _) = outputs
                (ihm_t, _, decomp_t, los_t, pheno_t, _) = y

            los_t = los_y_reg  # real value not the label

            # ihm
            for (m, t, p) in zip(ihm_M.flatten(), ihm_t.flatten(),
                if np.equal(m, 1):

            # decomp
            for (m, t, p) in zip(decomp_M.flatten(), decomp_t.flatten(),
                if np.equal(m, 1):

            # los
            if los_p.shape[-1] == 1:  # regression
                for (m, t, p) in zip(los_M.flatten(), los_t.flatten(),
                    if np.equal(m, 1):
            else:  # classification
                for (m, t, p) in zip(los_M.flatten(), los_t.flatten(),
                                     los_p.reshape((-1, 10))):
                    if np.equal(m, 1):

            # pheno
            for (t, p) in zip(pheno_t.reshape((-1, 25)),
                              pheno_p.reshape((-1, 25))):

        # ihm
        print("\n ================= 48h mortality ================")
        ihm_pred = np.array(ihm_pred)
        ihm_pred = np.stack([1 - ihm_pred, ihm_pred], axis=1)
        ret = metrics.print_metrics_binary(ihm_y_true, ihm_pred)
        for k, v in ret.items():
            logs[dataset + '_ihm_' + k] = v

        # decomp
        print("\n ================ decompensation ================")
        decomp_pred = np.array(decomp_pred)
        decomp_pred = np.stack([1 - decomp_pred, decomp_pred], axis=1)
        ret = metrics.print_metrics_binary(decomp_y_true, decomp_pred)
        for k, v in ret.items():
            logs[dataset + '_decomp_' + k] = v

        # los
        print("\n ================ length of stay ================")
        if self.partition == 'log':
            los_pred = [metrics.get_estimate_log(x, 10) for x in los_pred]
            ret = metrics.print_metrics_log_bins(los_y_true, los_pred)
        if self.partition == 'custom':
            los_pred = [metrics.get_estimate_custom(x, 10) for x in los_pred]
            ret = metrics.print_metrics_custom_bins(los_y_true, los_pred)
        if self.partition == 'none':
            ret = metrics.print_metrics_regression(los_y_true, los_pred)
        for k, v in ret.items():
            logs[dataset + '_los_' + k] = v

        # pheno
        print("\n =================== phenotype ==================")
        pheno_pred = np.array(pheno_pred)
        ret = metrics.print_metrics_multilabel(pheno_y_true, pheno_pred)
        for k, v in ret.items():
            logs[dataset + '_pheno_' + k] = v

예제 #4
        print "\n ================= 48h mortality ================"
        ihm_pred = np.array(ihm_pred)
        ihm_ret = metrics.print_metrics_binary(ihm_y_true, ihm_pred)

    # decomp
    if args.decomp_C > 0:
        print "\n ================ decompensation ================"
        decomp_pred = np.array(decomp_pred)
        decomp_ret = metrics.print_metrics_binary(decomp_y_true, decomp_pred)

    # los
    if args.los_C > 0:
        print "\n ================ length of stay ================"
        if args.partition == 'log':
            los_pred = [metrics.get_estimate_log(x, 10) for x in los_pred]
            los_ret = metrics.print_metrics_log_bins(los_y_true, los_pred)
        if args.partition == 'custom':
            los_pred = [metrics.get_estimate_custom(x, 10) for x in los_pred]
            los_ret = metrics.print_metrics_custom_bins(los_y_true, los_pred)
        if args.partition == 'none':
            los_ret = metrics.print_metrics_regression(los_y_true, los_pred)

    # pheno
    if args.pheno_C > 0:
        print "\n =================== phenotype =================="
        pheno_pred = np.array(pheno_pred)
        pheno_ret = metrics.print_metrics_multilabel(pheno_y_true, pheno_pred)

    print "Saving the predictions in test_predictions/task directories ..."

    # ihm
예제 #5
     x = torch.tensor(x, dtype=torch.float).to(device)
     pred = model(x)
     pred = pred.cpu().data.numpy()
     if isinstance(x, list) and len(x) == 2:  # deep supervision
         if pred.shape[-1] == 1:
             y_true += list(y.flatten())
             predictions += list(pred.flatten())
             y_true += list(y)
             predictions += list(pred)
 if args.partition == 'log':
     predictions = [metrics.get_estimate_log(x, 10) for x in predictions]
     ret = metrics.print_metrics_log_bins(y_true, predictions)
 if args.partition == 'custom':
     predictions = [metrics.get_estimate_custom(x, 10) for x in predictions]
     ret = metrics.print_metrics_custom_bins(y_true, predictions)
 if args.partition == 'none':
     ret = metrics.print_metrics_regression(y_true, predictions)
 cur_val = ret['mse']
 current_lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr']
 if current_lr < 1e-5:
     with open(os.path.join(save_path, 'log.txt'), 'a') as fout:
         print('Early stop at step {}'.format(step), file=fout)
 with open(os.path.join(save_path, 'log.txt'), 'a') as fout:
예제 #6
def process_one_chunk(mode, chunk_index):
    assert (mode == "train" or mode == "test")

    if (mode == "train"):
        reader = train_reader
    if (mode == "test"):
        reader = val_reader

    (data, ts, ys, header) = utils.read_chunk(reader, chunk_size)
    data = utils.preprocess_chunk(data, ts, discretizer, normalizer)

    if (mode == "train"):
        network.set_datasets((data, ys), None)
    if (mode == "test"):
        network.set_datasets(None, (data, ys))


    y_true = []
    predictions = []
    avg_loss = 0.0
    sum_loss = 0.0
    prev_time = time.time()
    n_batches = network.get_batches_per_epoch(mode)

    for i in range(0, n_batches):
        step_data = network.step(mode)
        prediction = step_data["prediction"]
        answers = step_data["answers"]
        current_loss = step_data["current_loss"]
        current_loss_mse = step_data["loss_mse"]
        current_loss_reg = step_data["loss_reg"]
        log = step_data["log"]

        avg_loss += current_loss
        sum_loss += current_loss

        for x in answers:

        for x in prediction:

        if ((i + 1) % args.log_every == 0):
            cur_time = time.time()
            print ("  %sing: %d.%d / %d \t loss: %.3f = %.3f + %.3f \t avg_loss: %.3f \t"\
                   "%s \t time: %.2fs" % (mode, chunk_index, i * args.batch_size,
                        n_batches * args.batch_size,
                        current_loss, current_loss_mse, current_loss_reg,
                        avg_loss / args.log_every, log, cur_time - prev_time))
            avg_loss = 0
            prev_time = cur_time

        if np.isnan(current_loss):
            raise Exception("current loss IS NaN. This should never happen :)")

    sum_loss /= n_batches
    print "\n  %s loss = %.5f" % (mode, sum_loss)

    if args.network in ['lstm', 'lstm_log']:
        metrics.print_metrics_regression(y_true, predictions)
    if args.network == 'lstm_cf_log':
        metrics.print_metrics_log_bins(y_true, predictions)
    if args.network == 'lstm_cf_custom':
        metrics.print_metrics_custom_bins(y_true, predictions)

    return sum_loss
예제 #7

        if ((i + 1) % args.log_every == 0):
            cur_time = time.time()
            print ("  testing: %d / %d \t loss: %.3f \t avg_loss: %.3f \t"\
                   " time: %.2fs" % ((i+1) * args.batch_size,
                        n_batches * args.batch_size, current_loss,
                        avg_loss / args.log_every, cur_time - prev_time))
            avg_loss = 0
            prev_time = cur_time

        if np.isnan(current_loss):
            raise Exception("current loss IS NaN. This should never happen :)")

    sum_loss /= n_batches
    print "\n  test loss = %.5f" % sum_loss

    if args.network in ['lstm', 'lstm_log']:
        metrics.print_metrics_regression(y_true, predictions)
    if args.network == 'lstm_cf_log':
        metrics.print_metrics_log_bins(y_true, predictions)
    if args.network == 'lstm_cf_custom':
        metrics.print_metrics_custom_bins(y_true, predictions)

    with open("activations.txt", "w") as fout:
        fout.write("prediction, y_true")
        for (x, y) in zip(predictions, y_true):
            fout.write("%.6f, %.6f\n" % (x, y))

    raise Exception("unknown mode")
예제 #8
        for i in range(test_data_gen.steps):
            print "\rpredicting {} / {}".format(i, test_data_gen.steps),

            ret = test_data_gen.next(return_y_true=True)
            (x, y_processed, y) = ret["data"]
            cur_names = ret["names"]
            cur_ts = ret["ts"]

            x = np.array(x)
            pred = model.predict_on_batch(x)
            predictions += list(pred)
            labels += list(y)
            names += list(cur_names)
            ts += list(cur_ts)

    if args.partition == 'log':
        predictions = [metrics.get_estimate_log(x, 10) for x in predictions]
        metrics.print_metrics_log_bins(labels, predictions)
    if args.partition == 'custom':
        predictions = [metrics.get_estimate_custom(x, 10) for x in predictions]
        metrics.print_metrics_custom_bins(labels, predictions)
    if args.partition == 'none':
        metrics.print_metrics_regression(labels, predictions)
        predictions = [x[0] for x in predictions]

    path = os.path.join("test_predictions", os.path.basename(args.load_state)) + ".csv"
    utils.save_results(names, ts, predictions, labels, path)

    raise ValueError("Wrong value for args.mode")
예제 #9
def do_epoch(mode, epoch):
    # mode is 'train' or 'test'

    ihm_predictions = []
    ihm_answers = []

    los_predictions = []
    los_answers = []

    ph_predictions = []
    ph_answers = []

    decomp_predictions = []
    decomp_answers = []

    avg_loss = 0.0
    sum_loss = 0.0
    prev_time = time.time()

    batches_per_epoch = network.get_batches_per_epoch(mode)

    for i in range(0, batches_per_epoch):
        step_data = network.step(mode)

        ihm_pred = step_data["ihm_prediction"]
        los_pred = step_data["los_prediction"]
        ph_pred = step_data["ph_prediction"]
        decomp_pred = step_data["decomp_prediction"]

        current_loss = step_data["loss"]
        ihm_loss = step_data["ihm_loss"]
        los_loss = step_data["los_loss"]
        ph_loss = step_data["ph_loss"]
        decomp_loss = step_data["decomp_loss"]
        reg_loss = step_data["reg_loss"]

        data = step_data["data"]

        ihm_data = data[1]
        ihm_mask = [x[1] for x in ihm_data]
        ihm_label = [x[2] for x in ihm_data]

        los_data = data[2]
        los_mask = [x[0] for x in los_data]
        los_label = [x[1] for x in los_data]

        ph_data = data[3]
        ph_label = ph_data

        decomp_data = data[4]
        decomp_mask = [x[0] for x in decomp_data]
        decomp_label = [x[1] for x in decomp_data]

        avg_loss += current_loss
        sum_loss += current_loss

        for (x, mask, y) in zip(ihm_pred, ihm_mask, ihm_label):
            if (mask == 1):

        for (sx, smask, sy) in zip(los_pred, los_mask, los_label):
            for (x, mask, y) in zip(sx, smask, sy):
                if (mask == 1):

        for (x, y) in zip(ph_pred, ph_label):

        for (sx, smask, sy) in zip(decomp_pred, decomp_mask, decomp_label):
            for (x, mask, y) in zip(sx, smask, sy):
                if (mask == 1):

        if ((i + 1) % args.log_every == 0):
            cur_time = time.time()
            print "  {}ing {}.{} / {}  loss: {:8.4f} = {:1.2f} + {:8.2f} + {:1.2f} + "\
                  "{:1.2f} + {:.2f} avg_loss: {:6.4f}  time: {:6.4f}".format(
                        mode, epoch, i * args.batch_size,
                        batches_per_epoch * args.batch_size,
                        float(ihm_loss), float(los_loss), float(ph_loss),
                        float(decomp_loss), float(reg_loss),
                        float(avg_loss / args.log_every),
                        float(cur_time - prev_time))
            avg_loss = 0
            prev_time = cur_time

        if np.isnan(current_loss):
            print "loss: {:6.4f} = {:1.2f} + {:8.2f} + {:1.2f} + {:1.2f} + {:.2f}".format(
                float(current_loss), float(ihm_loss), float(los_loss),
                float(ph_loss), float(decomp_loss), float(reg_loss))
            raise Exception("current loss IS NaN. This should never happen :)")

    sum_loss /= batches_per_epoch
    print "\n  %s loss = %.5f" % (mode, sum_loss)

    eps = 1e-13
    if args.ihm_C > eps:
        print "\n ================= 48h mortality ================"
        metrics.print_metrics_binary(ihm_answers, ihm_predictions)

    if args.los_C > eps:
        print "\n ================ length of stay ================"
        if args.partition == 'log':
            metrics.print_metrics_log_bins(los_answers, los_predictions)
            metrics.print_metrics_custom_bins(los_answers, los_predictions)

    if args.ph_C > eps:
        print "\n =================== phenotype =================="
        metrics.print_metrics_multilabel(ph_answers, ph_predictions)

    if args.decomp_C > eps:
        print "\n ================ decompensation ================"
        metrics.print_metrics_binary(decomp_answers, decomp_predictions)

    return sum_loss
예제 #10
                float(current_loss), float(ihm_loss), float(los_loss),
                float(ph_loss), float(decomp_loss), float(reg_loss))
            raise Exception("current loss IS NaN. This should never happen :)")

    sum_loss /= batches_per_epoch
    print "\n  %s loss = %.5f" % (args.mode, sum_loss)

    eps = 1e-13
    if args.ihm_C > eps:
        print "\n ================= 48h mortality ================"
        metrics.print_metrics_binary(ihm_answers, ihm_predictions)

    if args.los_C > eps:
        print "\n ================ length of stay ================"
        if args.partition == 'log':
            metrics.print_metrics_log_bins(los_answers, los_predictions)
            metrics.print_metrics_custom_bins(los_answers, los_predictions)

    if args.ph_C > eps:
        print "\n =================== phenotype =================="
        metrics.print_metrics_multilabel(ph_answers, ph_predictions)

    if args.decomp_C > eps:
        print "\n ================ decompensation ================"
        metrics.print_metrics_binary(decomp_answers, decomp_predictions)

    with open("los_activations.txt", "w") as fout:
        fout.write("prediction, y_true")
        for (x, y) in zip(los_predictions, los_answers):
            fout.write("%.6f, %.6f\n" % (x, y))