예제 #1
def _reconcile_command_rotations(robot_name, command_dicts):
    Check commands that used a sample rate.

    This is primarily used to ensure that rotation is accumulated when an axis
    rotates beyond +/- 180 degrees to avoid discontinuities 

    :param robot_name:
    :param animation_settings:
    :param command_dicts:
    # Get axes, if they exist
    command_axes = []
    for command_dict in command_dicts:
        axes = command_dict[
            postproc.AXES] if postproc.AXES in command_dict else None

    reconcile_axes = mimic_utils.get_reconcile_axes(robot_name)

    # Make sure the user has selected use of axes
    if not all(x is None for x in command_axes):
        # Get indices for command and axis
        for command_index in range(len(command_dicts)):
            for axis_index in range(6):
                # Get the initial value
                value = command_axes[command_index][axis_index]
                reconcile_axis = reconcile_axes[axis_index]
                # Operate on the value depending on conditional
                if reconcile_axis:
                    if command_index == 0:
                    else:  # Perform the check
                        previous_value = command_axes[command_index -
                        value = mimic_utils.accumulate_rotation(
                            value, previous_value)
                    # Replace original value with new value
                    command_axes[command_index][axis_index] = value
                else:  # Not a problem axis
            # Replace the original commands with the new commands
            reconciled_axes = postproc.Axes(*command_axes[command_index])
            command_dicts[command_index][postproc.AXES] = reconciled_axes

    return command_dicts
예제 #2
def _check_command_rotations(robot, animation_settings, command_dicts):
    Check commands that used a sample rate.
    :param robot:
    :param animation_settings:
    :param command_dicts:
    # TODO: Do this check using userOptions instead...
    # Get axes, if they exist
    command_axes = []
    for command_dict in command_dicts:
        axes = command_dict[postproc.AXES] if postproc.AXES in command_dict else None

    # Make sure the user has selected use of axes
    if not all(x is None for x in command_axes):
        start_frame = animation_settings['Start Frame']
        # Get indices for command and axis
        for command_index in range(len(command_dicts)):
            for axis_index in range(6):
                # Get the initial value
                value = command_axes[command_index][axis_index]
                # Operate on the value depending on conditional
                if axis_index == 3 or axis_index == 5:  # zero-indexed
                    rotation_axis = 'Z'
                    if command_index == 0:  # Get initial value
                        axis_number = axis_index + 1
                        value = mimic_utils.get_reconciled_rotation_value(
                    else:  # Perform the check
                        previous_value = command_axes[command_index - 1][axis_index]
                        value = mimic_utils.accumulate_rotation(
                    # Replace original value with new value
                    command_axes[command_index][axis_index] = value
                else:  # Not a problem axis
            # Replace the original commands with the new commands
            reconciled_axes = postproc.Axes(*command_axes[command_index])
            command_dicts[command_index][postproc.AXES] = reconciled_axes
    return command_dicts