예제 #1
def parse(week, user):
    root = mm.getroot(week, user)

    ret = []
    # "root" topics (level=0) first
    for topics in root.findall('.//mo:topics', mm.ns):
        for topic in topics.findall('./mo:topic', mm.ns):
            #(topic0id,topic0text) = mm.gettopic(topic)
            # below "root" topics are subtopics
            elements = mm.subtopic(topic, 0, [])
            for e in elements:
                (topic3id, topic3text, symbolnumber, symbolsmiley, topiclevel,
                 parents) = e
                # possibly rethink this next structure:
                # this is due to changing from topiclevel==3 only to include all levels also
                if topiclevel >= 3:
                    (topic0id, topic0text) = parents[2]
                    (topic1id, topic1text) = parents[1]
                    (topic2id, topic2text) = parents[0]
                elif topiclevel == 2:
                    (topic0id, topic0text) = parents[1]
                    (topic1id, topic1text) = parents[0]
                    (topic2id, topic2text) = (topic3id, topic3text)
                    (topic3id, topic3text) = (None, None)
                elif topiclevel == 1:
                    (topic0id, topic0text) = parents[0]
                    (topic1id, topic1text) = (topic3id, topic3text)
                    (topic2id, topic2text) = (None, None)
                    (topic3id, topic3text) = (None, None)

                    topic0id, topic0text, topic1id, topic1text, topic2id,
                    topic2text, topic3id, topic3text
    return ret
예제 #2
def parse(week, user):
    root = mm.getroot(week, user)

    (mapid, name, author, creationDate, modificationDate) = mm.getdocinfo(root)
    (userID, firstName, lastName, userName) = (None, None, None, None)
    # TODO: if many what to choose?
    for user in root.findall('./mo:mapUsers/mo:mapUser', mm.ns):
        if "userID" in user.attrib: userID = user.attrib["userID"]

    ret = []
    # "root" topics (level=0) first
    for topics in root.findall('.//mo:topics', mm.ns):
        for topic in topics.findall('./mo:topic', mm.ns):
            (topicid, topictext) = mm.gettopic(topic)
            (symbolnumber, symbolsmiley) = mm.gettopicsymbol(topic)
            topicLevel = 0
                topicid, topictext, symbolnumber, symbolsmiley, topicLevel,
                mapid, userID
            # below "root" topics are subtopics
            elements = mm.subtopic(topic, 0, [])
            for e in elements:
                (topicid, topictext, symbolnumber, symbolsmiley, topicLevel,
                 parents) = e
                    topicid, topictext, symbolnumber, symbolsmiley, topicLevel,
                    mapid, userID
    return ret
예제 #3
def parse(week, user):
    root = mm.getroot(week, user)
    ret = []
    for user in root.findall('./mo:mapUsers/mo:mapUser', mm.ns):
        (userID, firstName, lastName, userName) = (None, None, None, None)
        if "userID" in user.attrib: userID = user.attrib["userID"]
        if "firstName" in user.attrib: firstName = user.attrib["firstName"]
        if "lastName" in user.attrib: lastName = user.attrib["lastName"]
        if "userName" in user.attrib: userName = user.attrib["userName"]
        ret.append([userID, firstName, lastName, userName])
    return ret
예제 #4
def parse(week, user):
    root = mm.getroot(week, user)

    (mapid, name, author, creationDate, modificationDate) = mm.getdocinfo(root)
    (userID, firstName, lastName, userName) = (None, None, None, None)
    # TODO: if many what to choose?
    for user in root.findall('./mo:mapUsers/mo:mapUser', mm.ns):
        if "userID" in user.attrib: userID = user.attrib["userID"]

    ret = []
    for relation in root.findall('./mo:relations/mo:relation', mm.ns):
        (topicid, fromId, toId, label, userid) = (None, None, None, None, None)
        if "id" in relation.attrib: topicid = relation.attrib["id"]
        if "fromId" in relation.attrib: fromId = relation.attrib["fromId"]
        if "toId" in relation.attrib: toId = relation.attrib["toId"]
        if "label" in relation.attrib: label = relation.attrib["label"]

        ret.append([topicid, fromId, toId, label, mapid, userID])
    return ret
예제 #5
def parse(week, user):
    root = mm.getroot(week, user)

    (id, name, author, creationDate, modificationDate) = mm.getdocinfo(root)
    return [[id, name, author, creationDate, modificationDate]]