def get_model(config): # following two lines are copied from train() block_size = config['block_size'] text = open(config['train_filename'], 'r').read() train_dataset = CharDataset(config['chars'], text, config['block_size']) mconf = GPTConfig(train_dataset.vocab_size, train_dataset.block_size, n_layer=config['n_layer'], n_head=config['n_head'], n_embd=config['n_embd']) model = GPT(mconf) model.load_state_dict(torch.load(config['model_filename'])) model.eval() return model
x = torch.tensor(dix[:-1], dtype=torch.long) y = torch.tensor(dix[1:], dtype=torch.long) return x, y block_size = 128 # spatial extent of the model for its context text = open('chat/all.txt', 'r').read() # don't worry we won't run out of file handles train_dataset = CharDataset(text, block_size) # one line of poem is roughly 50 characters # Load Model from mingpt.model import GPT, GPTConfig mconf = GPTConfig(train_dataset.vocab_size, train_dataset.block_size, n_layer=8, n_head=8, n_embd=512) model = GPT(mconf).cuda() # Load weight model.load_state_dict(torch.load("model.pth")) from mingpt.utils import sample def run(context): x = torch.tensor([train_dataset.stoi[s] for s in context], dtype=torch.long)[None,...].cuda() y = sample(model, x, 500, temperature=1.0, sample=True, top_k=10)[0] completion = ''.join([train_dataset.itos[int(i)] for i in y]) # print(completion) return completion # Bot import telebot from telebot import types import configparser config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini')
tokens_per_epoch = len(train_data) * train_dataset.block_size train_epochs = 20 # todo run a bigger model and longer, this is tiny # initalize a trainer instance and kick off training tconf = TrainerConfig(max_epochs = train_epochs, batch_size = 16*8, learning_rate=3e-3, betas = (0.9, 0.95), weight_decay=0, lr_decay=True, warmup_tokens=tokens_per_epoch, final_tokens=train_epochs*tokens_per_epoch, ckpt_path = '', num_workers=8) trainer = Trainer(model, train_dataset, test_dataset, tconf) trainer.train() # load the state of the best model we've seen based on early stopping checkpoint = torch.load('') model.load_state_dict(checkpoint) # to sample we also have to technically "train" a separate model for the first token in the sequence # we are going to do so below simply by calculating and normalizing the histogram of the first token counts = torch.ones(ncluster) # start counts as 1 not zero, this is called "smoothing" rp = torch.randperm(len(train_dataset)) nest = 5000 # how many images to use for the estimation for i in range(nest): a, _ = train_dataset[int(rp[i])] t = a[0].item() # index of first token in the sequence counts[t] +=1 prob = counts/counts.sum() %%time from mingpt.utils import sample
## set up model (TODO: better way to handle the model config) mconf = GPTConfig(train_dataset.vocab_size, train_dataset.block_size, embd_pdrop=0.0, resid_pdrop=0.0, attn_pdrop=0.0, n_layer=24, n_head=8, n_embd=512) model = GPT(mconf) # load the model print("Loading model") model_ckpt = torch.load(args.model_cache) model.load_state_dict(model_ckpt['model_state_dict']) if torch.cuda.is_available(): model = model.cuda() if args.condition == 'uncond': # generate some samples unconditionally print("Generating unconditional samples") generate_samples(model, train_dataset, 32) elif args.condition == 'half' or args.condition == 'chimera': # generate samples conditioned on upper half img_dir = '/scratch/eo41/minGPT/frames_for_half_3' print("Generating samples from upper half of images at {}".format(img_dir)) x_data = torchvision.datasets.ImageFolder( img_dir, torchvision.transforms.Resize(