def skip_files_with_inconsistent_size(dsPathDict, pix_box=None, dsName='unwrapPhase'): """Skip files by removing the file path from the input dsPathDict.""" atr_list = [readfile.read_attribute(fname) for fname in dsPathDict[dsName]] length_list = [int(atr['LENGTH']) for atr in atr_list] width_list = [int(atr['WIDTH']) for atr in atr_list] # Check size requirements drop_inconsistent_files = False if any(len(set(size_list)) > 1 for size_list in [length_list, width_list]): if pix_box is None: drop_inconsistent_files = True else: # if input subset is within the min file sizes: do NOT drop max_box_width, max_box_length = pix_box[2:4] if max_box_length > min(length_list) or max_box_width > min( width_list): drop_inconsistent_files = True # update dsPathDict if drop_inconsistent_files: common_length = ut.most_common(length_list) common_width = ut.most_common(width_list) # print out warning message msg = '\n' + '*' * 80 msg += '\nWARNING: NOT all input unwrapped interferograms have the same row/column number!' msg += '\nThe most common size is: ({}, {})'.format( common_length, common_width) msg += '\n' + '-' * 30 msg += '\nThe following dates have different size:' dsNames = list(dsPathDict.keys()) date12_list = [atr['DATE12'] for atr in atr_list] num_drop = 0 for i in range(len(date12_list)): if length_list[i] != common_length or width_list[i] != common_width: date12 = date12_list[i] dates = ptime.yyyymmdd(date12.split('-')) # update file list for all datasets for dsName in dsNames: fnames = [ i for i in dsPathDict[dsName] if all(d[2:8] in i for d in dates) ] if len(fnames) > 0: dsPathDict[dsName].remove(fnames[0]) msg += '\n\t{}\t({}, {})'.format(date12, length_list[i], width_list[i]) num_drop += 1 msg += '\n' + '-' * 30 msg += '\nSkip loading the above interferograms ({}).'.format(num_drop) msg += '\nContinue to load the rest interferograms ({}).'.format( len(date12_list) - num_drop) msg += '\n' + '*' * 80 + '\n' print(msg) return dsPathDict
def check_exist_grib_file(gfile_list, print_msg=True): """Check input list of grib files, and return the existing ones with right size.""" gfile_exist = ut.get_file_list(gfile_list) if gfile_exist: file_sizes = [os.path.getsize(i) for i in gfile_exist if os.path.getsize(i) > 10e6] if file_sizes: comm_size = ut.most_common([i for i in file_sizes]) if print_msg: print('common file size: {} bytes'.format(comm_size)) print('number of grib files existed : {}'.format(len(gfile_exist))) gfile_corrupt = [] for gfile in gfile_exist: if os.path.getsize(gfile) < comm_size * 0.9: gfile_corrupt.append(gfile) else: gfile_corrupt = gfile_exist if gfile_corrupt: if print_msg: print('------------------------------------------------------------------------------') print('corrupted grib files detected! Delete them and re-download...') print('number of grib files corrupted : {}'.format(len(gfile_corrupt))) for i in gfile_corrupt: rmCmd = 'rm '+i print(rmCmd) os.system(rmCmd) gfile_exist.remove(i) if print_msg: print('------------------------------------------------------------------------------') return gfile_exist
def check_exist_grib_file(gfile_list, print_msg=True): """Check input list of grib files, and return the existing ones with right size.""" gfile_exist = ut.get_file_list(gfile_list) if gfile_exist: file_sizes = [os.path.getsize(i) for i in gfile_exist] # if os.path.getsize(i) > 10e6] if file_sizes: comm_size = ut.most_common([i for i in file_sizes]) if print_msg: print('common file size: {} bytes'.format(comm_size)) print('number of grib files existed : {}'.format(len(gfile_exist))) gfile_corrupt = [] for gfile in gfile_exist: if os.path.getsize(gfile) < comm_size * 0.9: gfile_corrupt.append(gfile) else: gfile_corrupt = gfile_exist if gfile_corrupt: if print_msg: print('------------------------------------------------------------------------------') print('corrupted grib files detected! Delete them and re-download...') print('number of grib files corrupted : {}'.format(len(gfile_corrupt))) for i in gfile_corrupt: rmCmd = 'rm '+i print(rmCmd) os.system(rmCmd) gfile_exist.remove(i) if print_msg: print('------------------------------------------------------------------------------') return gfile_exist
def safe2date_time(safe_file, tropo_model): """generate date_list and hour from safe_list""" def seconds_UTC(seconds): """generate second list""" if isinstance(seconds, list): secondsOut = [] for second in seconds: secondsOut.append(second) else: print('\nUn-recognized CENTER_LINE_UTC input!') return None return secondsOut date_list = ptime.yyyymmdd( np.loadtxt(safe_file, dtype=bytes, converters={ 0: define_date }).astype(str).tolist()) second_list = seconds_UTC( np.loadtxt(safe_file, dtype=bytes, converters={ 0: define_second }).astype(str).tolist()) # change second into hour hour_list = [ closest_weather_model_hour(float(second), tropo_model) for second in second_list ] hour = ut.most_common(hour_list) return date_list, hour
def download_igs_tec(date_list, tec_dir, tec_sol='jpl'): """Download IGS TEC products for the input list of dates. Parameters: date_list - list of str, in YYYYMMDD tec_dir - str, path to IGS_TEC directory, e.g. ~/data/aux/IGS_TEC tec_sol - str, TEC solution center, e.g. jpl, cod, igs Returns: fnames - list of str, path of the downloaded TEC files """ print("\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("downloading GNSS-based TEC products from NASA's Archive of Space Geodesy Data (CDDIS) ...") print('Link:') num_date = len(date_list) n = len(str(num_date)) print(f'number of TEC files to download: {num_date}') print(f'local TEC file directory: {tec_dir}') # output file names/sizes fnames = [] for date_str in date_list: fnames.append(iono.get_igs_tec_filename(tec_dir, date_str, sol=tec_sol)) # remove all existing files debug_mode = False if debug_mode: for fname in fnames: for x in [fname, fname+'.Z']: if os.path.isfile(x): os.remove(x) fsizes = [os.path.getsize(i) / 1024 if os.path.isfile(i) else 0 for i in fnames] # download: skip existing ones fsizec = ut.most_common(fsizes) if fsizec < 400: # too small, does not seem right --> download them all date_list2dload = list(date_list) else: # download missing ones date_list2dload = [d for d, s in zip(date_list, fsizes) if s < fsizec * 0.9] num_date2dload = len(date_list2dload) if num_date2dload == 0: print(f'ALL files exists with consistent file size (~{fsizec:.0f} KB) --> skip re-downloading.\n') else: for i, date_str in enumerate(date_list2dload): print('-'*20) print('DATE {}/{}: {}'.format(i+1, num_date2dload, date_str)) iono.dload_igs_tec(date_str, tec_dir, sol=tec_sol, print_msg=True) # print file size info, after downloading fsizes = [os.path.getsize(i) / 1024 if os.path.isfile(i) else 0 for i in fnames] for i in range(num_date): print('[{i:0{n}d}/{N}] {f}: {s:.2f} KB'.format(n=n, i=i+1, N=num_date, f=fnames[i], s=fsizes[i])) return fnames
def read_baseline_timeseries(baseline_dir, processor='tops'): """Read bperp time-series from files in baselines directory Parameters: baseline_dir : str, path to the baselines directory processor : str, tops for Sentinel-1/TOPS stripmap for StripMap data Returns: bDict : dict, in the following format: {'20141213': [0.0, 0.0], '20141225': [104.6, 110.1], ... } """ print('read perp baseline time-series from {}'.format(baseline_dir)) # grab all existed baseline files if processor == 'tops': bFiles = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(baseline_dir, '*/*.txt'))) elif processor == 'stripmap': bFiles = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(baseline_dir, '*.txt'))) else: raise ValueError( 'Un-recognized ISCE stack processor: {}'.format(processor)) if len(bFiles) == 0: print('WARNING: no baseline text file found in dir {}'.format( os.path.abspath(baseline_dir))) return None # ignore files with different date1 # when re-run with different reference date date1s = [os.path.basename(i).split('_')[0] for i in bFiles] date1 = ut.most_common(date1s) bFiles = [i for i in bFiles if os.path.basename(i).split('_')[0] == date1] # read files into dict bDict = {} for bFile in bFiles: dates = os.path.basename(bFile).split('.txt')[0].split('_') if processor == 'tops': bDict[dates[1]] = read_tops_baseline(bFile) else: bDict[dates[1]] = read_stripmap_baseline(bFile) bDict[dates[0]] = [0, 0] return bDict
def plot_rms_bar(ax, date_list, rms, cutoff=3., font_size=12, tick_year_num=1, legend_loc='best', disp_legend=True, disp_side_plot=True, disp_thres_text=False, ylabel=r'Residual Phase $\hat \phi_{resid}$ RMS [mm]'): """ Bar plot Phase Residual RMS Parameters: ax : Axes object date_list : list of string in YYYYMMDD format rms : 1D np.array of float for RMS value in mm cutoff : cutoff value of MAD outlier detection tick_year_num : int, number of years per major tick legend_loc : 'upper right' or (0.5, 0.5) Returns: ax : Axes object """ dates, datevector = ptime.date_list2vector(date_list) dates = np.array(dates) try: bar_width = min(ut.most_common(np.diff(dates).tolist(), k=2)) * 3 / 4 except: bar_width = np.min(np.diff(dates).tolist()) * 3 / 4 rms = np.array(rms) # Plot all dates, rms, bar_width.days, color=pp.mplColors[0]) # Plot reference date ref_idx = np.argmin(rms)[ref_idx], rms[ref_idx], bar_width.days, color=pp.mplColors[1], label='Reference date') # Plot exclude dates rms_threshold = ut.median_abs_deviation_threshold(rms, center=0., cutoff=cutoff) ex_idx = rms > rms_threshold if not np.all(ex_idx == False):[ex_idx], rms[ex_idx], bar_width.days, color='darkgray', label='Exclude date') # Plot rms_threshold line (ax, xmin, xmax) = pp.auto_adjust_xaxis_date(ax, datevector, font_size, every_year=tick_year_num) ax.plot(np.array([xmin, xmax]), np.array([rms_threshold, rms_threshold]), '--k', label='Median Abs Dev * {}'.format(cutoff)) # axis format ax = pp.auto_adjust_yaxis(ax, np.append(rms, rms_threshold), font_size, ymin=0.0) ax.set_xlabel('Time [years]', fontsize=font_size) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=font_size) ax.tick_params(which='both', direction='in', labelsize=font_size, bottom=True, top=True, left=True, right=True) # 2nd axes for circles if disp_side_plot: divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) ax2 = divider.append_axes("right", "10%", pad="2%") ax2.plot(np.ones(rms.shape, np.float32) * 0.5, rms, 'o', mfc='none', color=pp.mplColors[0]) ax2.plot(np.ones(rms.shape, np.float32)[ref_idx] * 0.5, rms[ref_idx], 'o', mfc='none', color=pp.mplColors[1]) if not np.all(ex_idx == False): ax2.plot(np.ones(rms.shape, np.float32)[ex_idx] * 0.5, rms[ex_idx], 'o', mfc='none', color='darkgray') ax2.plot(np.array([0, 1]), np.array([rms_threshold, rms_threshold]), '--k') ax2.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()) ax2.set_xlim([0, 1]) ax2.tick_params(which='both', direction='in', labelsize=font_size, bottom=True, top=True, left=True, right=True) ax2.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) ax2.get_yaxis().set_ticklabels([]) if disp_legend: ax.legend(loc=legend_loc, frameon=False, fontsize=font_size) # rms_threshold text if disp_thres_text: ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() yoff = (ymax - ymin) * 0.1 if (rms_threshold - ymin) > 0.5 * (ymax - ymin): yoff *= -1. ax.annotate('Median Abs Dev * {}'.format(cutoff), xy=(xmin + (xmax - xmin) * 0.05, rms_threshold + yoff), color='k', xycoords='data', fontsize=font_size) return ax
def plot_rms_bar(ax, date_list, rms, cutoff=3., font_size=12, tick_year_num=1, legend_loc='best', disp_legend=True, disp_side_plot=True, disp_thres_text=True, ylabel=r'Residual Phase $\hat \phi_{resid}$ RMS [mm]'): """ Bar plot Phase Residual RMS Parameters: ax : Axes object date_list : list of string in YYYYMMDD format rms : 1D np.array of float for RMS value in mm cutoff : cutoff value of MAD outlier detection tick_year_num : int, number of years per major tick legend_loc : 'upper right' or (0.5, 0.5) Returns: ax : Axes object """ dates, datevector = ptime.date_list2vector(date_list) dates = np.array(dates) try: bar_width = min(ut.most_common(np.diff(dates).tolist(), k=2))*3/4 except: bar_width = np.min(np.diff(dates).tolist())*3/4 rms = np.array(rms) # Plot all dates, rms, bar_width.days, color=pp.mplColors[0]) # Plot reference date ref_idx = np.argmin(rms)[ref_idx], rms[ref_idx], bar_width.days, color=pp.mplColors[1], label='Reference date') # Plot exclude dates rms_threshold = ut.median_abs_deviation_threshold(rms, center=0., cutoff=cutoff) ex_idx = rms > rms_threshold if not np.all(ex_idx==False):[ex_idx], rms[ex_idx], bar_width.days, color='darkgray', label='Exclude date') # Plot rms_threshold line (ax, xmin, xmax) = pp.auto_adjust_xaxis_date(ax, datevector, font_size, every_year=tick_year_num) ax.plot(np.array([xmin, xmax]), np.array([rms_threshold, rms_threshold]), '--k', label='RMS threshold') # axis format ax = pp.auto_adjust_yaxis(ax, np.append(rms, rms_threshold), font_size, ymin=0.0) ax.set_xlabel('Time [years]', fontsize=font_size) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=font_size) ax.tick_params(which='both', direction='in', labelsize=font_size, bottom=True, top=True, left=True, right=True) # 2nd axes for circles if disp_side_plot: divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) ax2 = divider.append_axes("right", "10%", pad="2%") ax2.plot(np.ones(rms.shape, np.float32) * 0.5, rms, 'o', mfc='none', color=pp.mplColors[0]) ax2.plot(np.ones(rms.shape, np.float32)[ref_idx] * 0.5, rms[ref_idx], 'o', mfc='none', color=pp.mplColors[1]) if not np.all(ex_idx==False): ax2.plot(np.ones(rms.shape, np.float32)[ex_idx] * 0.5, rms[ex_idx], 'o', mfc='none', color='darkgray') ax2.plot(np.array([0, 1]), np.array([rms_threshold, rms_threshold]), '--k') ax2.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()) ax2.set_xlim([0, 1]) ax2.tick_params(which='both', direction='in', labelsize=font_size, bottom=True, top=True, left=True, right=True) ax2.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) ax2.get_yaxis().set_ticklabels([]) if disp_legend: ax.legend(loc=legend_loc, frameon=False, fontsize=font_size) # rms_threshold text if disp_thres_text: ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() yoff = (ymax - ymin) * 0.1 if (rms_threshold - ymin) > 0.5 * (ymax - ymin): yoff *= -1. ax.annotate('Median Abs Dev * {}'.format(cutoff), xy=(xmin + (xmax-xmin)*0.05, rms_threshold + yoff ), color='k', xycoords='data', fontsize=font_size) return ax