def manual_select_pairs_to_remove(stackFile): """Manually select interferograms to remove""" print('\n-------------------------------------------------------------') print('Manually select interferograms to remove') print('1) click two dates/points to select one pair of interferogram') print('2) repeat until you select all pairs you would like to remove') print('3) close the figure to continue the program ...') print('-------------------------------------------------------------\n') obj = ifgramStack(stackFile) date12ListAll = obj.date12List pbase = obj.get_perp_baseline_timeseries(dropIfgram=False) dateList = obj.dateList datesNum = mdates.date2num(np.array(ptime.date_list2vector(dateList)[0])) date12ListKept = obj.get_date12_list(dropIfgram=True) date12ListDropped = sorted(list(set(date12ListAll) - set(date12ListKept))) # Display the network fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax = pp.plot_network(ax, date12ListAll, dateList, list(pbase), date12List_drop=date12ListDropped) print('display the network of interferogram of file: ' + stackFile) date_click = [] date12_click = [] def onclick(event): idx = nearest_neighbor(event.xdata, event.ydata, datesNum, pbase) print('click at ' + dateList[idx]) date_click.append(dateList[idx]) if len(date_click) % 2 == 0 and date_click[-2] != date_click[-1]: [mDate, sDate] = sorted(date_click[-2:]) mIdx = dateList.index(mDate) sIdx = dateList.index(sDate) date12 = mDate + '_' + sDate if date12 in date12ListAll: print('select date12: ' + date12) date12_click.append(date12) ax.plot([datesNum[mIdx], datesNum[sIdx]], [pbase[mIdx], pbase[sIdx]], 'r', lw=4) else: print(date12 + ' is not existed in input file') plt.draw() cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick) if not ut.yes_or_no('Proceed to drop the ifgrams/date12?'): date12_click = None return date12_click
def manual_select_pairs_to_remove(stackFile): """Manually select interferograms to remove""" print('\n-------------------------------------------------------------') print('Manually select interferograms to remove') print('1) click two dates/points to select one pair of interferogram') print('2) repeat until you select all pairs you would like to remove') print('3) close the figure to continue the program ...') print('-------------------------------------------------------------\n') obj = ifgramStack(stackFile) date12ListAll = obj.date12List pbase = obj.get_perp_baseline_timeseries(dropIfgram=False) dateList = obj.dateList datesNum = mdates.date2num(np.array(ptime.date_list2vector(dateList)[0])) date12ListKept = obj.get_date12_list(dropIfgram=True) date12ListDropped = sorted(list(set(date12ListAll) - set(date12ListKept))) # Display the network fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax = pp.plot_network(ax, date12ListAll, dateList, list(pbase), date12List_drop=date12ListDropped) print('display the network of interferogram of file: '+stackFile) date_click = [] date12_click = [] def onclick(event): idx = nearest_neighbor(event.xdata, event.ydata, datesNum, pbase) print('click at '+dateList[idx]) date_click.append(dateList[idx]) if len(date_click) % 2 == 0 and date_click[-2] != date_click[-1]: [mDate, sDate] = sorted(date_click[-2:]) mIdx = dateList.index(mDate) sIdx = dateList.index(sDate) date12 = mDate+'_'+sDate if date12 in date12ListAll: print('select date12: '+date12) date12_click.append(date12) ax.plot([datesNum[mIdx], datesNum[sIdx]], [pbase[mIdx], pbase[sIdx]], 'r', lw=4) else: print(date12+' is not existed in input file') plt.draw() cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick) if not ut.yes_or_no('Proceed to drop the ifgrams/date12?'): date12_click = None return date12_click