예제 #1
    def solve(self, p):

        model = miosqp.MIOSQP()
        model.setup(p.P, p.q, p.A, p.l, p.u, p.i_idx, p.i_l, p.i_u,
        res_miosqp = model.solve()

        return res_miosqp
    def __init__(self, n_inputs, n_outputs, n_tasks, args):
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        nl, nh = args.n_layers, args.n_hiddens
        self.margin = args.memory_strength
        self.is_cifar = ('cifar10' in args.data_file)
        m = miosqp.MIOSQP()
        self.solver = m
        if self.is_cifar:
            self.net = ResNet18(n_outputs, bias=args.bias)
            self.net = MLP([n_inputs] + [nh] * nl + [n_outputs])

        self.ce = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
        self.n_outputs = n_outputs
        self.normalize = args.normalize
        self.opt = optim.SGD(self.parameters(), args.lr)

        self.n_memories = args.n_memories
        self.n_sampled_memories = args.n_sampled_memories
        self.n_constraints = args.n_constraints
        self.gpu = args.cuda
        self.batch_size = args.batch_size
        self.n_iter = args.n_iter
        self.slack = args.slack
        self.normalize = args.normalize
        self.change_th = args.change_th  # gradient direction change threshold to re-select constraints
        # allocate ring buffer
        self.memory_data = torch.FloatTensor(self.n_memories, n_inputs)
        self.memory_labs = torch.LongTensor(self.n_memories)
        # allocate  selected  memory
        self.sampled_memory_data = None
        self.sampled_memory_labs = None
        self.sampled_memory_taskids = None
        self.sampled_memory_age = None

        self.subselect = args.subselect  # if 1, first select from recent memory and then add to samples memories
        # allocate selected constraints
        self.constraints_data = None
        self.constraints_labs = None
        # old grads to measure changes
        self.old_mem_grads = None
        if args.cuda:
            self.memory_data = self.memory_data.cuda()
            self.memory_labs = self.memory_labs.cuda()

        # allocate temporary synaptic memory
        self.grad_dims = []
        for param in self.parameters():
        # we keep few samples per task and use their gradients

        # if args.cuda:
        #    self.grads = self.grads.cuda()

        # allocate counters
        self.observed_tasks = []
        self.old_task = -1
        self.mem_cnt = 0
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, n_inputs, n_outputs, n_tasks, args):
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        nl, nh = args.n_layers, args.n_hiddens
        self.margin = args.memory_strength
        self.is_cifar = ('cifar10' in args.data_file)
        m = miosqp.MIOSQP()
        self.solver = m
        if self.is_cifar:
            self.net = ResNet18(n_outputs, bias=args.bias)
            self.net = MLP([n_inputs] + [nh] * nl + [n_outputs])
        self.ce = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
        self.n_outputs = n_outputs
        self.opt = optim.SGD(self.parameters(), args.lr)
        self.n_memories = args.n_memories  # number of memories per task
        self.n_sampled_memories = args.n_sampled_memories  # number of sampled memories per task
        self.n_constraints = args.n_constraints
        self.gpu = args.cuda
        self.batch_size = args.batch_size
        self.n_iter = args.n_iter

        # allocate ring buffer
        self.memory_data = torch.FloatTensor(self.n_memories, n_inputs)
        self.memory_labs = torch.LongTensor(self.n_memories)
        self.added_index = self.n_sampled_memories
        # allocate buffer for the current task
        self.sampled_memory_data = None
        self.sampled_memory_labs = None
        # allocate buffer for each task
        self.sampled_task_data = {}
        self.sampled_task_labs = {}
        # allocate selected constraints
        self.constraints_data = None
        self.constraints_labs = None
        self.cluster_distance = 0
        # old grads to measure changes
        self.old_mem_grads = None
        if args.cuda:
            self.memory_data = self.memory_data.cuda()
            self.memory_labs = self.memory_labs.cuda()
        # allocate counters
        self.observed_tasks = []
        self.old_task = -1
        self.mem_cnt = 0
        self.n_task = 0
        self.n_old_task = 0
        self.sample_size_list = []
        self.task_buffer_size = 0
        # for cross distillation
        self.distill = args.distill
        self.teacher = None
        self.T = args.T
        self.alpha = args.alpha
예제 #4
파일: bf.py 프로젝트: convergence-lab/bffs
    def _solve_MIQP(self, k):
        n = self._data_len
        m = self._X.shape[1]
        i_idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, m), k)
        beta = self._X
        P = csc_matrix(2 * np.dot(beta.T, beta))
        q = -2 * np.dot(self._X.T, self._y)
        A = csc_matrix(np.ones((m, m)))
        l = k * np.ones(m)
        u = k * np.ones(m)
        i_l = np.zeros(k, dtype=np.int)
        i_u = np.ones(k, dtype=np.int)
        miosqp_settings = {
            # integer feasibility tolerance
            'eps_int_feas': 1e-03,
            # maximum number of iterations
            'max_iter_bb': 1000,
            # tree exploration rule
            #   [0] depth first
            #   [1] two-phase: depth first until first incumbent and then  best bound
            'tree_explor_rule': 1,
            # branching rule
            #   [0] max fractional part
            'verbose': False,
            'branching_rule': 0,
            'print_interval': 1

        osqp_settings = {
            'eps_abs': 1e-03,
            'eps_rel': 1e-03,
            'eps_prim_inf': 1e-04,
            'verbose': False

        model = miosqp.MIOSQP()
        model.setup(P, q, A, l, u, i_idx, i_l, i_u, miosqp_settings,
        result = model.solve()
        argx = np.argsort(result.x)[::-1][:k]
        return result.upper_glob, result.x, argx
예제 #5
def solve(n_vec, m_vec, p_vec, repeat, dns_level, seed, solver='gurobi'):
    Solve random optimization problems

    print("Solving random problems with solver %s\n" % solver)

    # Define statistics to record
    std_solve_time = np.zeros(len(n_vec))
    avg_solve_time = np.zeros(len(n_vec))
    min_solve_time = np.zeros(len(n_vec))
    max_solve_time = np.zeros(len(n_vec))

    n_prob = len(n_vec)

    # Store also OSQP time
    if solver == 'miosqp':
        # Add OSQP solve times statistics
        avg_osqp_solve_time = np.zeros(len(n_vec))

    # reset random seed

    for i in range(n_prob):

        # Get dimensions
        n = n_vec[i]
        m = m_vec[i]
        p = p_vec[i]

        print("problem n = %i, m = %i, p = %i" % (n, m, p))

        # Define vector of cpu times
        solve_time_temp = np.zeros(repeat)

        # Store also OSQP time
        if solver == 'miosqp':
            osqp_solve_time_temp = np.zeros(repeat)

        for j in tqdm(range(repeat)):
        #  for j in range(repeat):

            # Generate random vector of indeces
            i_idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, n), p, replace=False)

            # Generate random Matrices
            Pt = spa.random(n, n, density=dns_level)
            P = spa.csc_matrix(np.dot(Pt, Pt.T))
            q = sp.randn(n)
            A = spa.random(m, n, density=dns_level)
            u = 2 + sp.rand(m)
            l = -2 + sp.rand(m)

            # Enforce [0, 1] bounds on variables
            i_l = np.zeros(p)
            i_u = np.ones(p)
            #  A, l, u = miosqp.add_bounds(i_idx, 0., 1., A, l, u)

            if solver == 'gurobi':
                # Solve with gurobi
                prob = mpbpy.QuadprogProblem(P, q, A, l, u, i_idx, i_l, i_u)
                res_gurobi = prob.solve(solver=mpbpy.GUROBI,
                                        verbose=False, Threads=1)
                if res_gurobi.status != 'optimal':
                    import ipdb
                solve_time_temp[j] = 1e3 * res_gurobi.cputime

            elif solver == 'miosqp':
                # Define problem settings
                miosqp_settings = {
                                   # integer feasibility tolerance
                                   'eps_int_feas': 1e-03,
                                   # maximum number of iterations
                                   'max_iter_bb': 1000,
                                   # tree exploration rule
                                   #   [0] depth first
                                   #   [1] two-phase: depth first until first incumbent and then  best bound
                                   'tree_explor_rule': 1,
                                   # branching rule
                                   #   [0] max fractional part
                                   'branching_rule': 0,
                                   'verbose': False,
                                   'print_interval': 1}

                osqp_settings = {'eps_abs': 1e-03,
                                 'eps_rel': 1e-03,
                                 'eps_prim_inf': 1e-04,
                                 'verbose': False}

                model = miosqp.MIOSQP()
                model.setup(P, q, A, l, u, i_idx, i_l, i_u,
                res_miosqp = model.solve()

                # DEBUG (check if solutions match)
                #  prob = mpbpy.QuadprogProblem(P, q, A, l, u, i_idx, i_l, i_u)
                #  res_gurobi = prob.solve(solver=mpbpy.GUROBI, verbose=False)
                #  if (np.linalg.norm(res_gurobi.x - res_miosqp.x) /
                #          np.linalg.norm(res_gurobi.x)) > 1e-02:
                #     import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
                #  import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

                if res_miosqp.status != miosqp.MI_SOLVED:
                    import ipdb
                # Solution time 
                solve_time_temp[j] = 1e3 * res_miosqp.run_time

                # Store OSQP time in percentage
                if solver == 'miosqp':
                    osqp_solve_time_temp[j] = \
                        100 * (res_miosqp.osqp_solve_time / res_miosqp.run_time)

        # Get time statistics
        std_solve_time[i] = np.std(solve_time_temp)
        avg_solve_time[i] = np.mean(solve_time_temp)
        max_solve_time[i] = np.max(solve_time_temp)
        min_solve_time[i] = np.min(solve_time_temp)

        # Store also OSQP time
        if solver == 'miosqp':
            avg_osqp_solve_time[i] = np.mean(osqp_solve_time_temp)

    # Create pandas dataframe for the results
    df_dict = {'n': n_vec,
               'm': m_vec,
               'p': p_vec,
               't_min': min_solve_time,
               't_max': max_solve_time,
               't_avg': avg_solve_time,
               't_std': std_solve_time}

    # Store also OSQP time
    if solver == 'miosqp':
        df_dict.update({'t_osqp_avg': avg_osqp_solve_time})

    timings = pd.DataFrame(df_dict)

    return timings
예제 #6
    def compute_mpc_input(self, x0, u_prev, solver='gurobi'):
        Compute MPC input at initial state x0 with specified solver
        qp = self.qp_matrices

        N = qp.N

        # Update objective
        q = 2. * (qp.q_x.dot(x0) + qp.q_u)

        # Update bounds
        SA_tildex0 = qp.SA_tilde.dot(x0)
        qp.u[:6 * N] = SA_tildex0
        # qp.l[:6 * N] = -SA_tildex0

        if solver == 'gurobi':
            # Solve problem
            prob = mpbpy.QuadprogProblem(qp.P, q, qp.A, qp.l, qp.u, qp.i_idx,
                                         qp.i_l, qp.i_u, x0=u_prev)
            res_gurobi = prob.solve(solver=mpbpy.GUROBI, verbose=False,
            u = res_gurobi.x
            obj_val = res_gurobi.obj_val
            solve_time = res_gurobi.cputime

        elif solver == 'miosqp':

            if self.solver is None:
                # Define problem settings
                miosqp_settings = {'eps_int_feas': 1e-02,   # integer feasibility tolerance
                                   'max_iter_bb': 2000,     # maximum number of iterations
                                   'tree_explor_rule': 1,   # tree exploration rule
                                                            #   [0] depth first
                                                            #   [1] two-phase: depth first  until first incumbent and then  best bound
                                   'branching_rule': 0,     # branching rule
                                                            #   [0] max fractional part
                                   'verbose': False,
                                   'print_interval': 1}

                osqp_settings = {'eps_abs': 1e-03,
                                 'eps_rel': 1e-03,
                                 'eps_prim_inf': 1e-04,
                                 #  'rho': 0.001,
                                 #  'rho': 0.1,
                                 'verbose': False}
                self.solver = miosqp.MIOSQP()
                self.solver.setup(qp.P, q, qp.A, qp.l,
                                  qp.u, qp.i_idx, qp.i_l, qp.i_u,
                self.solver.update_vectors(q, qp.l, qp.u)

            res_miosqp = self.solver.solve()

            # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

            # DEBUG Check if gurobi gives same solution
            # N.B. They do not match when the norm of the
            #      difference of the objective functions
            #      is below the tolerance
            # prob = mpbpy.QuadprogProblem(qp.P, q, qp.A, qp.l, qp.u, qp.i_idx)
            # res_gurobi = prob.solve(solver=mpbpy.GUROBI, verbose=False, x0=u_prev)
            # if np.linalg.norm(res_miosqp.x - res_gurobi.x)> 1e-02:
            #     print("Norm of difference of solution = %.4e" % \
            #           np.linalg.norm(res_miosqp.x - res_gurobi.x))
                # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

            if res_miosqp.status != miosqp.MI_SOLVED:
                import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
            u = res_miosqp.x
            obj_val = res_miosqp.upper_glob
            solve_time = res_miosqp.run_time
            osqp_solve_time = 100 * res_miosqp.osqp_solve_time / res_miosqp.run_time

        # Get first input
        u0 = u[:6]

        if solver == 'miosqp':
            return u0, obj_val, solve_time, u, \
                    osqp_solve_time, \
            return u0, obj_val, solve_time, u, 0, 0
예제 #7
        def __call__(self, cardinality=None, threshold=None):
            if cardinality is threshold is None:
                raise ValueError("Set either cardinality or threshold.")
            if not self.initialized:
            # The number of restraints are the upper and lower boundaries on
            # each variable plus one for the sum(w_i) <= 1, plus nconformers to
            # set a threshold constraint plus 1 for a cardinality constraint
            # We set first the weights upper and lower bounds, then the sum
            # constraint, then the binary variables upper and lower boundary
            # and then the coupling restraints followed by the threshold
            # contraints and finally a cardinality constraint.
            # A_row effectively contains the constraint indices
            # A_col holds which variables are involved in the constraint
            A_data = [1] * (2 * self.nconformers)
            A_row = list(range(
                self.nconformers)) + [self.nconformers] * self.nconformers
            A_col = list(range(self.nconformers)) * 2
            nconstraints = self.nconformers + 1

            i_l = np.zeros(self.nconformers, np.int32)
            i_u = np.ones(self.nconformers, np.int32)
            i_idx = np.arange(self.nconformers,
                              2 * self.nconformers,

            # Introduce an implicit cardinality constraint
            # 0 <= zi - wi <= 1
            A_data += [-1] * self.nconformers + [1] * self.nconformers
            # The wi and zi indices
            start_row = self.nconformers + 1
            A_row += list(range(start_row, start_row + self.nconformers)) * 2
            A_col += list(range(2 * self.nconformers))
            nconstraints += self.nconformers
            if threshold is not None:
                # Introduce threshold constraint
                # 0 <= wi - t * zi <= 1
                A_data += [1] * self.nconformers + [-threshold
                                                    ] * self.nconformers
                start_row += self.nconformers
                A_row += list(range(start_row,
                                    start_row + self.nconformers)) * 2
                A_col += list(range(2 * self.nconformers))
                nconstraints += self.nconformers
            if cardinality is not None:
                # Introduce explicit cardinality constraint
                # 0 <= sum(zi) <= cardinality
                A_data += [1] * self.nconformers
                A_row += [nconstraints] * self.nconformers
                A_col += list(range(self.nconformers, self.nconformers * 2))
                nconstraints += 1
            l = np.zeros(nconstraints)
            u = np.ones(nconstraints)
            if cardinality is not None:
                u[-1] = cardinality
            A = sparse.csc_matrix((A_data, (A_row, A_col)))

            miqp = miosqp.MIOSQP()
            miqp.setup(self.P, self.q, A, l, u, i_idx, i_l, i_u,
                       self.MIOSQP_SETTINGS, self.OSQP_SETTINGS)
            result = miqp.solve()
            self.weights = np.asarray(result.x[:self.nconformers])
            self.obj_value = 2 * result.upper_glob + np.inner(
                self.target, self.target)
    def optimization(self, dynamic_map, target_lane_index, Xp, params, x_tf):
        # x_tf: the final longitudinal position of target front vehicle
        '''cost function    '''

        if target_lane_index == -1:

            target_lane = dynamic_map.jmap.reference_path

            target_lane = dynamic_map.mmap.lanes[int(target_lane_index)]

        # y_des is the centre of the target lane, x_tf is final longitudinal position of target front vehicle

        y_des = target_lane.map_lane.central_path_points[0].position.y

        obj_fun = CostFunction(params, self.var_num, y_des, x_tf)

        qp_P = obj_fun.P
        qp_q = obj_fun.q
        ''' Optimization Loop 

        flag = 1
        count = 1

        max_iter = params.max_iter
        Np = params.Np
        nx = params.nx

        while flag:

            print('================== iter={} ===================='.format(

            if count > max_iter:

                print('Maximum iteration number!')


            # Model Linearization
            ## based on the solution solved at previous step

            Ae, be = self.model_linearization(Xp, params)

            qp_A, qp_l, qp_u, i_idx, i_l, i_u = self.get_constraint_matrix(
                Ae, be, params, dynamic_map, target_lane_index)

            # P and A are both in the scipy sparse CSC format.

            qp_P = spa.csc_matrix(qp_P)

            qp_A = spa.csc_matrix(qp_A)

            # Solver settings

            miosqp_settings = {
                'eps_int_feas': 1e-03,
                'max_iter_bb': 1000,
                'tree_explor_rule': 1,
                'branching_rule': 0,
                'verbose': False,
                'print_interval': 1

            osqp_settings = {
                'eps_abs': 1e-03,
                'eps_rel': 1e-03,
                'eps_prim_inf': 1e-04,
                'verbose': False

            mysolver = miosqp.MIOSQP()

            mysolver.setup(qp_P, qp_q, qp_A, qp_l, qp_u, i_idx, i_l, i_u,
                           miosqp_settings, osqp_settings)

            # Set initial solution
            # The initial guess can speedup the branch-and-bound algorithm significantly.
            # To set an initial feasible solution x0 we can run:m.set_x0(x0)

            solution_init = np.empty(self.var_num)


            # Solve the problem

            res_miosqp = mysolver.solve()

            # Solution

            X = res_miosqp.x
            ''' Iteration '''

            if count == 1:

                Xp = X
                count = count + 1

            if count > 1:

                x_differ = np.zeros((Np + 1, 1))
                y_differ = np.zeros((Np + 1, 1))

                for i in range(Np + 1):

                    x_differ[i] = X[i * nx + 0] - Xp[i * nx + 0]
                    y_differ[i] = X[i * nx + 1] - Xp[i * nx + 1]
                ''' stop condition'''

                if max([abs(fi) for fi in x_differ]) <= 0.05 and max(
                    [abs(fj) for fj in y_differ]) <= 0.05:

                    flag = 0


                    Xp = X

        return X