def save_midi(path, pitches, intervals, velocities): """ Save extracted notes as a MIDI file Parameters ---------- path: the path to save the MIDI file pitches: np.ndarray of bin_indices intervals: list of (onset_index, offset_index) velocities: list of velocity values """ file = MidiFile() track = MidiTrack() file.tracks.append(track) ticks_per_second = file.ticks_per_beat * 2.0 events = [] for i in range(len(pitches)): events.append(dict(type='on', pitch=pitches[i], time=intervals[i][0], velocity=velocities[i])) events.append(dict(type='off', pitch=pitches[i], time=intervals[i][1], velocity=velocities[i])) events.sort(key=lambda row: row['time']) last_tick = 0 for event in events: current_tick = int(event['time'] * ticks_per_second) velocity = int(event['velocity'] * 127) if velocity > 127: velocity = 127 pitch = int(round(hz_to_midi(event['pitch']))) track.append(Message('note_' + event['type'], note=pitch, velocity=velocity, time=current_tick - last_tick)) last_tick = current_tick
def _intervals_to_annotated_roll(pitch_list, interval_list, matched_index_list, shape): roll = np.zeros(shape) for n, (pitch, (onset, offset)) in enumerate(zip(pitch_list, interval_list)): hit = True if n in matched_index_list else False pitch = int(round(hz_to_midi(pitch) - 21)) onset = int(round(16000 / 512 * onset)) offset = int(round(16000 / 512 * offset)) roll[onset:offset, pitch] = 1 if hit else 4 roll[onset, pitch] = 2 return roll
def save_midi(path, pitches, intervals, velocities): """ Save extracted notes as a MIDI file Parameters ---------- path: the path to save the MIDI file pitches: np.ndarray of bin_indices intervals: list of (onset_index, offset_index) velocities: list of velocity values """ file = pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI() piano_program = pretty_midi.instrument_name_to_program('Acoustic Grand Piano') piano = pretty_midi.Instrument(program=piano_program) # Remove overlapping intervals (end time should be smaller of equal start time of next note on the same pitch) intervals_dict = collections.defaultdict(list) for i in range(len(pitches)): pitch = int(round(hz_to_midi(pitches[i]))) intervals_dict[pitch].append((intervals[i], i)) for pitch in intervals_dict: interval_list = intervals_dict[pitch] interval_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[0][0]) for i in range(len(interval_list) - 1): # assert interval_list[i][1] <= interval_list[i+1][0], f'End time should be smaller of equal start time of next note on the same pitch. It was {interval_list[i][1]}, {interval_list[i+1][0]} for pitch {key}' interval_list[i][0][1] = min(interval_list[i][0][1], interval_list[i+1][0][0]) for pitch in intervals_dict: interval_list = intervals_dict[pitch] for interval,i in interval_list: pitch = int(round(hz_to_midi(pitches[i]))) velocity = int(127*min(velocities[i], 1)) note = pretty_midi.Note(velocity=velocity, pitch=pitch, start=interval[0], end=interval[1]) piano.notes.append(note) file.instruments.append(piano) file.write(path)