def simulate_test_data(self): """ Run the MIRISim simulations """ # simulation config if self.instrument == 'IMA': sim_config = SimConfig.makeSim( name="IMA Simulation", rel_obsdate=0.0, scene="scene.ini", POP='IMA', ConfigPath='IMA_FULL', Dither=False, StartInd=1, NDither=4, DitherPat="ima_recommended_dither.dat", filter="F1130W", readDetect='FULL', ima_mode='FAST', ima_exposures=1, ima_integrations=1, ima_frames=50, disperser='SHORT', detector='SW', mrs_mode='SLOW', mrs_exposures=5, mrs_integrations=4, mrs_frames=10) # scene config background = Background(level='low', gradient=5., pa=15.0, centreFOV=(0., 0.)) SED1 = BBSed(Temp=300., wref=10., flux=1.e8) Gal1 = Galaxy(Cen=(0., 0.), n=1., re=200, q=0.99, pa=0.1) Gal1.set_SED(SED1) targets = [Gal1] scene_config = SceneConfig.makeScene(loglevel=0, background=background, targets=targets) elif self.instrument == 'MRS': sim_config = SimConfig.makeSim( name="MRS Simulation", rel_obsdate=0.0, scene="scene.ini", POP='MRS', ConfigPath='MRS_1SHORT', Dither=False, StartInd=1, NDither=4, DitherPat="mrs_recommended_dither.dat", filter="F1130W", readDetect='FULL', ima_mode='FAST', ima_exposures=1, ima_integrations=1, ima_frames=20, disperser='SHORT', detector='SW', mrs_mode='FAST', mrs_exposures=1, mrs_integrations=1, mrs_frames=50) # scene config background = Background(level='low', gradient=5., pa=15.0, centreFOV=(0., 0.)) SED1 = BBSed(Temp=300., wref=10., flux=5.e6) Gal1 = Galaxy(Cen=(0., 0.), n=1., re=2, q=0.99, pa=0.1) Gal1.set_SED(SED1) targets = [Gal1] scene_config = SceneConfig.makeScene(loglevel=0, background=background, targets=targets) # simulator config if self.noise: simulator_config = SimulatorConfig.makeSimulator( max_fsm=0.050, max_dither=20.0, mrs_ref_channel=1, mrs_ref_band="SHORT", tau_telescope=0.88, tau_eol=0.8, telescope_area=25.032, telescope_pupil_diam=6.6052, take_webbPsf=False, include_refpix=True, include_poisson=True, include_readnoise=True, include_badpix=True, include_dark=True, include_flat=False, include_gain=True, include_nonlinearity=self.linearity, include_drifts=True, include_latency=False, cosmic_ray_mode='NONE') else: simulator_config = SimulatorConfig.makeSimulator( max_fsm=0.050, max_dither=20.0, mrs_ref_channel=1, mrs_ref_band="SHORT", tau_telescope=0.88, tau_eol=0.8, telescope_area=25.032, telescope_pupil_diam=6.6052, take_webbPsf=False, include_refpix=True, include_poisson=False, include_readnoise=False, include_badpix=True, include_dark=True, include_flat=False, include_gain=True, include_nonlinearity=self.linearity, include_drifts=True, include_latency=False, cosmic_ray_mode='NONE') # run the simulation simulation = MiriSimulation(sim_config=sim_config, scene_config=scene_config, simulator_config=simulator_config, loglevel='DEBUG') # we only need the sim file so move it to output_dir and remove everthing else det_image_file = glob.glob( os.path.join(simulation.path_out, 'det_images', '*.fits'))[0] self.ramp_file = os.path.join(self.output_dir, os.path.basename(det_image_file)) shutil.move(det_image_file, self.ramp_file) shutil.rmtree(simulation.path_out)
def lrstso_sim_config(mode='lrs', arr='SLITLESSPRISM', ngrp=None, nint=None, nexp=1, webbpsf=True, scene_file=None, out=True): ''' Function to set up the imaging TSO simulation. Arguments: - mode: the MIRI mode to use (default='lrs') [string] - arr: array configureation (default='SLITLESSPRISM') [string] - ngrp: the number of groups (minimum of 2 required; minimum of 5 is recommended) [integer] - nint: number of integrations [integer] - nexp: number of exposures (default = 1, as recommended for TSOs) [integer] - scene_file: scene filename, as returned by the scene generation function [string] - out: set to True if you want to write the sim configuration out to file (default=True)[boolean] Notes on other simulation parameters, as we are only using this function for imaging simulations: - POP: always 'IMA' - parameters disperser, detector and mrs_* are included in teh list but NOT ACCESSED - ima_mode: always use FAST mode for TSOs ''' if (mode == 'lrs') & (arr == 'SLITLESSPRISM'): op_path = 'IMA' cfg = 'LRS_SLITLESS' filt = 'P750L' else: raise ValueError("This mode is not supported in this function.") if arr not in ['SLITLESSPRISM']: raise ValueError("Array configuration not supported for LRS slitless TSOs.") if os.path.exists(scene_file): print("Found scene file {0}".format(scene_file)) else: raise ValueError('Scene file not found.') if ngrp < 2: raise ValueError("Number of groups must be 2 or larger.") fbase = scene_file.split('_')[0] simname = '{3}_{4}_{0}G{1}I{2}E'.format(ngrp, nint, nexp, fbase, arr) sim_config = SimConfig.makeSim( name = simname, # name given to simulation scene = scene_file, # name of scene file to input rel_obsdate = 1.0, # relative observation date (0 = launch, 1 = end of 5 yrs) POP = op_path, # Component on which to center (Imager or MRS) ConfigPath = cfg, # Configure the Optical path (MRS sub-band) Dither = False, # Don't Dither StartInd = 1, # start index for dither pattern [NOT USED HERE] NDither = 2, # number of dither positions [NOT USED HERE] DitherPat = 'ima_recommended_dither.dat', # dither pattern to use [NOT USED HERE] disperser = 'SHORT', # [NOT USED HERE] detector = 'SW', # [NOT USED HERE] mrs_mode = 'SLOW', # [NOT USED HERE] mrs_exposures = 10, # [NOT USED HERE] mrs_integrations = 3, # [NOT USED HERE] mrs_frames = 5, # [NOT USED HERE] ima_exposures = nexp, # number of exposures ima_integrations = nint, # number of integrations ima_frames = ngrp, # number of groups (for MIRI, # Groups = # Frames) ima_mode = 'FAST', # Imager read mode (default is FAST ~ 2.3 s) filter = filt, # Imager Filter to use readDetect = arr # Portion of detector to read out, ) # write the simulation config out to file, if out was set to True. the output filename is the simname, followed b the number of groups, ints and exp, for easy reference. simout = '{0}_simconfig.ini'.format(simname) if out: sim_config.write(simout) # set up the simulator "under the hood". deafult values can be accepted here. simulator_config = SimulatorConfig.from_default() # set the simulator configuration to use WebbPSF if webbpsf: print('**** Simulation will use the WebbPSF model ****') simulator_config['LRSSim']['take_webbPsf'] = 'T' return simout
# SECOND SIMULATION: ALONG SLIT NOD sim_config_dither = SimConfig.makeSim( name = 'LMC-81_lrsslit_dither', # name given to simulation scene = 'lmc_81_scene.ini', # name of scene file to input rel_obsdate = 1.0, # relative observation date (0 = launch, 1 = end of 5 yrs) POP = 'IMA', # Component on which to center (Imager or MRS) ConfigPath = 'LRS_SLIT', # Configure the Optical path (MRS sub-band) Dither = True, # Nod along the slit StartInd = 1, # start index for dither pattern [NOT USED HERE] NDither = 2, # number of dither positions [NOT USED HERE] DitherPat = 'lrs_recommended_dither.dat', # dither pattern to use [NOT USED HERE] disperser = 'SHORT', # [NOT USED HERE] detector = 'SW', # [NOT USED HERE] mrs_mode = 'SLOW', # [NOT USED HERE] mrs_exposures = 10, # [NOT USED HERE] mrs_integrations = 3, # [NOT USED HERE] mrs_frames = 5, # [NOT USED HERE] ima_exposures = 1, # number of exposures ima_integrations = 1, # number of integrations ima_frames = 15, # number of groups (for MIRI, # Groups = # Frames) ima_mode = 'FAST', # Imager read mode (default is FAST ~ 2.3 s) filter = 'P750L', # Imager Filter to use readDetect = 'FULL' # Portion of detector to read out ) sim_config_dither.write('LMC-81_simulation_slitdither.ini') simulator_config = SimulatorConfig.makeSimulator(take_webbPsf=True)